Topic: Why is it?
martymark's photo
Wed 11/26/08 01:00 PM
drinker drinker drinker

If you choose Christian it automatically says "other" presumably because there are many denominations of Christianity. If you were not Christian, then you would have chosen accordingly. Unless you are simply masquerading as a Christian and picking fights. Besides I never started an argument with you. It was you who quoted me. Do you expect me not to respond to you sir? huh
tears tears tears tears tears tears tears tears tears tears tears tears you're funny, I wonder where you got you idea from that other means a particular denomination. I can appreciate greatly that you think for yourself, so can we just agree that we might have different veiws on the subject and quit this little tantrum?

Krimsa's photo
Wed 11/26/08 01:02 PM
Well explain what else it means and if you are not a Christian, why are you being deceptive? Surely you could have found a designation that would be more suitable or choose "no religion". huh

martymark's photo
Wed 11/26/08 02:00 PM

Well explain what else it means and if you are not a Christian, why are you being deceptive? Surely you could have found a designation that would be more suitable or choose "no religion". huh
I believe that the actual teachings of Jesus of Nazareth are amoung the most brilliant in the history of mankind in dealing with the psychology of social interaction. To truely understand what Jesus was trying to teach us we must be able to put aside our old ideas of what is "right" and "wrong". Other wise we will forever endebted to the "sellers of redemtion", or those that would have us believe that we must conform to a particular way of conformity to ensure a good "after-life". The term "christian denotes to be "christlike". I for one don't really want to be like christ. He was ridiculed by most everyone with a little or even alot of power, and was eventually crucified for trying to get people to care more about each other than they did about having a good time partying and such. I would choose to call myself, myself. Beyond that, I have no want of being part of a dogmatic type of "religion". As far as my personal relationship with my higher power, it serves no purpose to make it pubilc. I chose "christian other" as my description because it is the closest by definition to my belief system, with heavy emphisis on other. I do take part in some Jewish/christian type teaching areanas only because that is where most teaching from the record of christ's life takes place. And because these types of people seem to be the more able to "function normally", live without anti-social behavior affecting there ability to thrive in todays world. The muslim religion has many truth's in it as well as the christian religion, as do many others. The one thing I try to remember when dealing with anyone about anything is that I am not perfect and neither is anyone else. I don't want to get into a battle of theology on this site. I only joined to try and have some fun. I once heard a sermon about "joy". By the way it was at a "christian" service. The jest of the message was, we should do all we can not to be a "joy stealer". That was about two or three decades ago. Those words are still etched in my mind. Must be a reason for that, maybe it has something to do with the evolutionary process. You would have to know how I used to live, compared to how I live now to understand that. Believe me, it has been quite a process changing from then to now. But I put away my silly childish toys of self gratification, and started a journey into a new way of looking at life and all that it has to offer. One of the things I discovered along the way was self.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 11/26/08 02:44 PM
and was eventually crucified for trying to get people to care more about each other than they did about having a good time partying and such

Care to elaborate on this a bit more? Who are you referring to here and what kind of "partying" was taking place in your mind exactly?

martymark's photo
Wed 11/26/08 02:51 PM
Edited by martymark on Wed 11/26/08 02:59 PM

and was eventually crucified for trying to get people to care more about each other than they did about having a good time partying and such

Care to elaborate on this a bit more? Who are you referring to here and what kind of "partying" was taking place in your mind exactly?
the people cried out for the release of Barabus,-not sure of spelling, over Christ. The only explanation for this is the fact that Barabus was one to buy lots of boose and hookers for the party scene. I am not dish'in sex or drinking, only that we should keep things in perspective. The people preffered to get drunk/stoned(on various types of drugs) and have lots of sex, rather than take care of the down trodden. Many of the down trodden, much like in todays world, were the result of things like over indulgence due to being enslaved into the sex trades and too much strong drink.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 11/26/08 03:16 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 11/26/08 03:24 PM
I am not familaur with "Barabus" and I did a search and nothing biblical came up so maybe I have the spelling off.

Anyway, you seem to be implying that this Barabus fella was indeed a Pagan. In fact all of these people would have been as Christianity was new on the scene and would require the conversion high gear.

Im not totally convinced that what Jesus was expressing was anything new. In fact it most assuredly was not.

I also dont see the harm in a religious source that uses spiritual energy to help elevate peace, promote tolerance, avoidance of harm to others, the Earth, the animal kingdom, and the Goddess and God within.

Thats just me though, Im passive I guess. flowerforyou

SkyHook5652's photo
Wed 11/26/08 03:41 PM

I am not familaur with "Barabus" and I did a search and nothing biblical came up so maybe I have the spelling off.

Anyway, you seem to be implying that this Barabus fella was indeed a Pagan. In fact all of these people would have been as Christianity was new on the scene and would require the conversion high gear.

Im not totally convinced that what Jesus was expressing was anything new. In fact it most assuredly was not.

I also dont see the harm in a religious source that uses spiritual energy to help elevate peace, promote tolerance, avoidance of harm to others, the Earth, the animal kingdom, and the Goddess and God within.

Thats just me though, Im passive I guess. flowerforyou

It's "Barabbus" with double 'b'. He was released by Pilate in the infamous "hand washing" incident - Matthew 27:15-26

martymark's photo
Wed 11/26/08 03:41 PM
Edited by martymark on Wed 11/26/08 04:07 PM

I am not familaur with "Barabus" and I did a search and nothing biblical came up so maybe I have the spelling off.

Anyway, you seem to be implying that this Barabus fella was indeed a Pagan. In fact all of these people would have been as Christianity was new on the scene and would require the conversion high gear.

Im not totally convinced that what Jesus was expressing was new on the scene. In fact it most assuredly was not.

I also dont see the harm in a religious source that uses spiritual energy to help elevate peace, promote tolerance, avoidance of harm to others, the Earth, the animal kingdom, and the Goddess and God within.

Thats just me though, Im passive I guess. flowerforyou
They way I understand the story, this Barabus dude was a convicted killer amoung other things. When Pilot(I think) put it to a vote of the people which person to release and which to crucify because of some tradition, the people chose to release Barabus. It does state the the body (human) is the temple of God in many different sects or religions. I don't think that means we can be like God or whatever your higher power is, I think it means we should try to keep our faith to the best of our ability. I'm still trying to figure out this whole idea that the U.S. should be the savior of Isreal. Isn't that some kind of a thing that it based of religion. And don't we have, or are supposed to have, a separation of "church and state". Why do so many people continue to kill in the name of God. What is this thing about virgins in heaven if you kill yourself in the name of god. Where do people come up with this crap. If we are all judged by a loving caring God in the end, what or how will people justify being hateful or worse killing thousands or millions in the name of the thing that is to prohibit this type of behavior. Sorry, I'm just kind of rambling a bit, but enough is enough. Can't we all the people in the world just get along and not abuse each other. What in the world will it take to get people to quit abusing others and this planet we live on. Do we have to run out of clean water and air so that most of the people die before anyone realize's there may be a problem with over indulgence. My god people, not you guys on this sight, get a f_ _ _ing grip! Not only is getting a grip cheaper than sex with another person, you won't catch any thing if you don't use protection, and you can do it almost anywhere, and you don't have to spend a lot of energy and time getting to own a bunch of crap just to impress someone into jumping into the sack with you! After all money ain't for nothi'n if your chicks (and roosters, it just didn't fit to the music) are free! God bless, I guess I might start my own "church", I'll call it "The Other Way"!

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 11/26/08 04:06 PM
the people cried out for the release of Barabus,-not sure of spelling, over Christ.

That's truly a moot point.

If there is any truth to the biblical story then it was God's WILL that his little baby boy be nailed to a pole.

The whole idea is supposed to be that the God of Abraham conceive His son through the Virgin Mary for the express purpose of being God's sacrificial lamb for the sins of man.

If there is any truth to this then it was God's WILL that his little baby boy be nailed to a pole.

Anything short of that would have interferred with God's plan to make a sacrifical lamb out of His son.

In fact, this is where the story breaks down on so many levels.

Mankind had nothing to do with nailing Jesus to a pole if this was in fact God's WILL all along.

It was the Biblical God's LUST for blood sacrifices that was the reason Jesus had to be nailed to a pole. Clearly this was something that the Biblical God craves on some sadistic level. devil

The whole story is the most assinine story ever made up by mankind.

Here's a God who had supposedly commended men not to kill, and he's basically saying, "Here! Take my son and nail him to a pole so I can forgive you of your sins!"

What an assinine story!

If you heard this story today out of the blue for the very first time you'd never believe it. You'd think it was the most absurd thing you ever heard in your life.

A God who can't forgive unless you're willing to butcher his son on a pole.

It's truly sick is what it is. sick

It's horrid picture of a God.

What kind of a sick demented God would do such a perverted thing by design?

If this is what our creator is truly like then it's no wonder we're so fcked up.

If we were created in the image of such a sick demented God it's no wonder we're pathetic.

The whole biblical picture is one of a truly sick demented God who always solves problems via violence and bloodshed.

Where's the fatherly image?

Where's the wisdom?

This is supposed to be an intelligent God?

Please. ohwell

martymark's photo
Wed 11/26/08 04:13 PM
Edited by martymark on Wed 11/26/08 04:14 PM
Abra, I think the message Christ tried to share with the world was that the way people were using the name of God to justify their bad deeds was wrong. So, they killed him for it. Guess I shut up now before the men with nails show up!

Krimsa's photo
Wed 11/26/08 04:37 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 11/26/08 04:47 PM
I looked up the character of Barabbus (thanks Skyhook) and I must confess, I like him a lot more than Christ. He's real and gritty and a hardened criminal. There is a certain level of honesty in his persona. He also led a pretty interesting life after he was pardoned. Much more engaging in my opinion.

martymark's photo
Wed 11/26/08 04:40 PM

I looked up the character of Barabbus (thanks Skyhook) and I must confess, I like him a lot more than Christ. He's real and gritty and a hardened criminal. There is a certain level of honesty in his character. He also led a pretty interesting life after he was pardoned. Much more engaging in my opinion.
So I guess you would aprove of Jesus's choice of female companionship, she was a hooker.

Jess642's photo
Wed 11/26/08 04:42 PM

I looked up the character of Barabbus (thanks Skyhook) and I must confess, I like him a lot more than Christ. He's real and gritty and a hardened criminal. There is a certain level of honesty in his character. He also led a pretty interesting life after he was pardoned. Much more engaging in my opinion.
So I guess you would aprove of Jesus's choice of female companionship, she was a hooker.

Good lawd!

So flippin what?

MAN has iconised jesus, who was some hippy dude born light years before his time, and his woman was a smart business woman who sold one of the highest commodities of the time...

Seems the ole hippy dude was much more tolerant ......than most.:wink: tongue2

Krimsa's photo
Wed 11/26/08 04:50 PM
You mean Mary Magdalene? Yes, I approve of Jesus's choice in ladies. I have no problem with her whatsoever. My suspicion is he had children by her also. There is probably descendants of Jesus running around everywhere even today. They might even be working in positions like fast food and the Department of Motor Vehicles yet they would not know they are related to Christ.

martymark's photo
Wed 11/26/08 05:00 PM

You mean Mary Magdalene? Yes, I approve of Jesus's choice in ladies. I have no problem with her whatsoever. My suspicion is he had children by her also. There is probably descendants of Jesus running around everywhere even today. They might even be working in positions like fast food and the Department of Motor Vehicles yet they would not know they are related to Christ.
yep, I think I might have had a run in with one of those guys. He had a badge and a gun, he wasen't very nice to me. kinda like he had an ax to grind if ya know what I mean. It wound up that he got so gung-ho about cleaning up the world that he got himself shot to death in the line of duty while busting down some pot dealers front door. Now us tax payers will support his wife and kids for the rest of their lives because he was a self rightous a-_ _ _ _!

martymark's photo
Wed 11/26/08 05:06 PM

I looked up the character of Barabbus (thanks Skyhook) and I must confess, I like him a lot more than Christ. He's real and gritty and a hardened criminal. There is a certain level of honesty in his character. He also led a pretty interesting life after he was pardoned. Much more engaging in my opinion.
So I guess you would aprove of Jesus's choice of female companionship, she was a hooker.

Good lawd!

So flippin what?

MAN has iconised jesus, who was some hippy dude born light years before his time, and his woman was a smart business woman who sold one of the highest commodities of the time...

Seems the ole hippy dude was much more tolerant ......than most.:wink: tongue2
I think he made the only obvious choice that went along with his teachings, someone who was honest, she did not lie about what she was doing with her clothe's. They were just a marketing tool. I can't remember where I heard this but is makes sense. And one day after Eve found that Adam liked the p_ _ _y so much that he would do most anything for it, she said, "Oh Adam, go get me some apples and I'll move the fig leaf".

Krimsa's photo
Wed 11/26/08 05:13 PM
Not only is getting a grip cheaper than sex with another person, you won't catch any thing if you don't use protection, and you can do it almost anywhere, and you don't have to spend a lot of energy and time getting to own a bunch of crap just to impress someone into jumping into the sack with you! After all money ain't for nothi'n if your chicks (and roosters, it just didn't fit to the music) are free! God bless, I guess I might start my own "church", I'll call it "The Other Way"

It sounds to me like you sir are not unfamiliar with the Mary Magdalens of the world. Prostitution was extremely common in this time period. So much so that the Romans actually had a specific currency that they used for it. Some women did it on the side, others did it full time. It would have not been unusual or startling.

martymark's photo
Wed 11/26/08 05:26 PM
Yes I am very familier with the profession. It is actually probobly one of the most honest professions there is. My ex at one time was a prostitute. After she decided to "go straight" was when we met. I could have saved a fortune, if I had just rented her services instead of buying the company. In fact there is even a song written about it. The name of the song is "Wish I had a dime" buy a guy named Scott Ellison, it's a bluesy tune. The main lyrics are, "I wish I had a dime for every dollar I spent on you. I be buyin two women, and paying them to be true". I would tell you more but why. maybe You can find it on the net I don't know, but it fits pretty good the story of a lot of relationships.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 11/26/08 05:32 PM
I know the tune. No need to look it up. So why ask me if I would "approve" of his taste in women? What kind of a comment is that? Besides, Mary Magdalene is somewhat of an enigmatic character. Because the bible tends to go into very little detail as it concerns women in general. Very often totally forgetting their names (as in the case of Cain's wife) or else turning them into pillars of salt as with Lot's woman. grumble

No one really knows for certain who or what Mary Magdalene was. There is some indication she was a Priestess prior to her conversion. Clearly there was some very deep felt emotional bond between those two. It would be hard to imagine that it was not physical.

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 11/26/08 09:52 PM

the people cried out for the release of Barabus,-not sure of spelling, over Christ. The only explanation for this is the fact that Barabus was one to buy lots of boose and hookers for the party scene. I am not dish'in sex or drinking, only that we should keep things in perspective. The people preffered to get drunk/stoned(on various types of drugs) and have lots of sex, rather than take care of the down trodden. Many of the down trodden, much like in todays world, were the result of things like over indulgence due to being enslaved into the sex trades and too much strong drink.

seriously, dude. Where in the world did you come up with the notion that they wanted to free Barabus because he would buy booze and hookers? I am very familiar with this story and this is NOWHERE in the Bible.