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Topic: Why is it?
BrandonJItaliano's photo
Sat 11/22/08 01:17 AM
Why is it that the christian bible holds more merit than any other book? There is no physical proof to who/what actually wrote it, So ive always wondered why it is looked at as having so much more worth than any other piece of philosophical literature?

No offense meant for anyone, just curious

no photo
Sat 11/22/08 04:23 AM

Why is it that the christian bible holds more merit than any other book? There is no physical proof to who/what actually wrote it, So ive always wondered why it is looked at as having so much more worth than any other piece of philosophical literature?

No offense meant for anyone, just curious

It only holds merit for those who believe in it.

I don't believe, therefore it doesn't holds any merit for me.

catwoman96's photo
Sat 11/22/08 04:26 AM
i like harry potterohwell ohwell

no photo
Sat 11/22/08 09:28 AM
The Christian Bible holds more merit because America being a Christian country holds more power

but don't worry .. soon as the Aliens take over so will the Book of Scientology

no photo
Sat 11/22/08 03:47 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Sat 11/22/08 04:44 PM
From beginnng to end ,

the Bible tells us of a


Christ Jesus....

the One Who Saves

No other book but the Bible mentions

a Saviour.


WHEN Jesus does come and dwell
man's heart(by invitation from the heart) ...

man is forever reconnected back with God.....

and man is made whole once more ....
(cause his spirit is born again)

and also now, man is given life ETERNAL...

once more....

the way God Made Man to be.....

in the Beginning...

before sin entered in .

(Sin entering in, caused Separation between man and God).

The Bible tells of this Redeemer....

Who closes the gap of separation between man and God..

allowing man to once more now

come BOLDLY now

into God's Presence

(because of what Jesus did on that cross)...


have Fellowship with God once more.

The old testament offers types and shadows of the Saviour (JESUS )
Who Is to Come.

(For example ,Joseph in the old testament ,
is a type of Christ ,
showing an example of the One Who is to come).

The New Testament however, no longer just offers types and shadows of Who Christ is....


FULLY tells us OF The One Come to Save(Jesus Christ).....

the One Whom God Sent....

to Make a WAY for Us

To Come Back into Fellowship

with God the Father....Once More...

Just like it was

For Man and God ....

BEFORE the Fall.


Ruth34611's photo
Sat 11/22/08 03:52 PM
Because Christians make up the largest percent of the population in America and Western Europe? I'm guessing. I don't really know what the population of Christians is in Western Europe.

no photo
Sat 11/22/08 04:53 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Sat 11/22/08 05:08 PM
Ruth.....1000's upon 1000's have acccepted the Lord Jesus Christ into their hearts n Europe, India, fact Everywhere......

plus there are many , who because of persecution, are silent about accepting Jesus into their hearts.


Ruth34611's photo
Sat 11/22/08 05:11 PM

Ruth.....1000's upon 1000's have acccepted the Lord Jesus Christ into their hearts n Europe, India, fact Everywhere......

plus there are many , who because of persecution, are silent about accepting Jesus into their hearts.


Yes I know this. Not sure what your point is. I said I wasn't sure what percentage of the population Christians make up in western Europe.

no photo
Sat 11/22/08 05:20 PM
Ruth, sorry if I sounded like I came acros the wrong way.

Not my intention, Ruth.flowerforyou:heart:flowerforyou

But as far as percentage, I don't know if anyone knows for sure.:heart:

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 11/22/08 05:39 PM

Ruth, sorry if I sounded like I came acros the wrong way.

Not my intention, Ruth.flowerforyou:heart:flowerforyou

But as far as percentage, I don't know if anyone knows for sure.:heart:

No, you didn't come off wrong. I just didn't understand what you were trying to say. I think you just misunderstood my post. No worries. Blessings. flowerforyou

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 11/22/08 09:12 PM

Why is it that the christian bible holds more merit than any other book?

Just look at history. It's pretty simple.

The Christians murdered everyone who refused to accept it.

In the early going Christians murdered each other. They didn't agree on what Jesus was all about.

Some of the very earliest Christians (after Jesus died but before the gospels were written) believed that the Jews murdered Jesus for blaspheme.

This shouldn't come as a surprise since the God of Abraham told the Jews to murder heathens and blasphemists. Jesus denounced the stoning of sinners (which the God of Abraham had commanded the Jews to do). Jesus also denounced revenge (again this is something the God of Abraham had commanded the Jews to do via an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth), but Jesus taught forgiveness by turning the other cheek.

If the Jews had murdered Jesus it would have made perfect sense since the God of Abraham commanded them to murder anyone who claimed to be God or who preached things different from what he had commanded. And Jesus was certainly preaching things against what the God of Abraham had commanded the Jews to do.

The earlist Christians views Jesus more like a Buddha than a God. They didn't see him as being the Son of the God of Abraham. They just saw him as being a prophet in his own right. Not a promised messiah who came to die for the sins of man.

That didn't come into play until AFTER the gospels were actually written.

The people who wrote the gospels then demanded by threat of death that anyone who dared to reject their "Holy Bible" will be executed!

And they did murder everyone and anyone who dared to speak out against their "Hold Bible".

In fact as history marched forward there were many bloody crusades against anyone who would not accept the "Holy Bible" as the word of God.

The Pope himself ordered armies to mass murder the Cathers. Cathers were Christians who believed that Jesus was God, but who also believed that the Old Testament had been written by Satan.

The Cathers also did not believe that Jesus had ever taken the form of a genuine flesh and blood man, but was rather a parable of the SPIRIT of God. The Cathers didn't believe that the spirit of God would ever lower himself to taking the human form.

The Catholic Church didn't like this view and the Pope ordered armies to mass murder the Cathers and they did!

As time move on the Christians started burning witches and pagans at the stake. If you dared to renounce their Bible or worship anything other than their Christ you would find yourself on a spit being roasted alive.

Yes, these Christians know how to sell their BOOK! Just murder anyone who dares to reject it! Even if they are other Christians! Who who cares about the smoldering witches?

Look at what the Christians did in America. They came in and ran the heathen indians off their land. They converted many of the survivors to Christianity.

They brought over black men and women from Africa and enslaved them. They had them out picking cotton in their fields whilst they went into their little white churches and worshiped their Jesus.

After they finally freed the slaves via a civil war they converted most of the survivors to Christianity.

And you ask why the book has merit?

It has no merit.

It's the result of two millennia of murdering, threatening and enslaving.

Christians are like the serial killers that got away with murder.

There's no merit to their book.

It's the blood soaked book of ruthless murders. :angry:

It's the sickest book ever written by mankind. sick

Yes, this is my own personal opinion. But the history lesson stands on its own merit. flowerforyou

DDejon's photo
Sat 11/22/08 09:37 PM
I dissagree. Lets get right to the meat of this; did Jesus rise from the dead or didnt he?

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 11/22/08 10:24 PM

I dissagree. Lets get right to the meat of this; did Jesus rise from the dead or didnt he?

Nobody knows.

That's a matter of pure faith.

The earliest Christians thought he was just a mortal man like Buddha and the Jews just murdered him.

It wasn't until the gospels were written that we see rumors about him having risen from the dead.

The Cathers believe he was pure parable and never actually lived at all. They believed in the parable, but not the man. They didn't believe that God would lower himself to becoming incarnated in human form.

The Catholics mass murdered the Cathers for their belief.

I personally don't believe that Jesus died for anyone's sins. Nor do I believe that he rose from the dead.

I also don't believe that he was concieved by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin woman.

I believe all of those things to be made up myths.

It's crystal clear to me that Jesus could not possibly have been the son of the God of Abraham.

Jesus disagreed with the God of Abrham on at least two MAJOR issues. One was stoning sinners to death, and the other was being forgiving instead of seeking revenge.

Also, the God of Abraham would have had to have been a complete idiot to have commanded people to stone blasphemers to death, and then turn around and send his Son to them in human form to denounce his previous commandments.

Clearly anyone who killed Jesus would be doing PRECISELY what the God of Abraham had COMMANDED them to do!

The God of Abraham would have no one to blame but himself for his own stupidity.

You don't command people to murder blasphemers, and then send your son to them in mortal form to preach against your previous commands.

That would have been an utterly stupid thing for God to have done.

But God isn't supposed to be stupid.

Therefore the story can't be of God.

It necessarily must be a faulty manmade myth that shoots itself in its own foot.

The creator of this universe can't possibly be as stupid as the Bible demands that he must be.

Jesus cannot possible have been the Son of the God of Abraham.

It's that simple. flowerforyou

DDejon's photo
Sat 11/22/08 10:54 PM
That was a nonanswer; and a cowardly one at that. If you are going to attack with venomous virulent rhetoric then I demand an answer. Did Jesus rise from the dead?

DDejon's photo
Sat 11/22/08 10:57 PM
Edited by DDejon on Sat 11/22/08 11:01 PM
By the way I question your supposed facts, your retelling and simplification of history, your motives and your conclustions. Anyone who listens to you about a subject so deep as this will get the same thing you have; nothingness.

SkyHook5652's photo
Sun 11/23/08 01:35 AM
I dissagree. Lets get right to the meat of this; did Jesus rise from the dead or didnt he?
If you're looking for facts, you won't find them. If you're looking for opinion: No.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 11/23/08 05:57 AM

That was a nonanswer; and a cowardly one at that. If you are going to attack with venomous virulent rhetoric then I demand an answer. Did Jesus rise from the dead?

My answer is no.

Pure and simple.

My seemingly 'venomous rhetoric' as you call it, just happens to be the truth.

The bible is a self-contradicting story that is clearly a myth written by men.

That may sound 'venomous' to you because you don't want to hear it.

But let's face the facts.

Fact 1. Jesus did not agree with the what the God of Abraham had commanded people to do.

Fact 2. The God of Abraham did indeed command people to murder heathens and blasphemists.

So in order for the story to be true, the Biblical God would need to have been an idiot to send his son incarnated as a mortal man to try to change his instructions.

That would have been utterly stupid.

That's not venomous. That's a fact.

You just think it's venomous because you don't want to hear it. But it's the truth.

I could go on and on about why the Bible can't possibly be true.

The very idea of a God sending his own son as a sacrificial lamb to appease his own need for blood sacrifices before he can forgive sins is a ludicous idea to begin with.

The Biblical story of God can't possibly be true.

Period. Amen.

No venom required. The story shoots itself in the foot.

The murderous history of the worshipers of this book speaks for itself.

Nothing I've said is anything other than blatant truth.

The story is a contradiction of its own premises. The worshipers of the book are historically recorded ruthless murderers.

Where have I said anything that isn't true? flowerforyou

You ask of Jesus rose from the dead.

The truth is that no one can know. It's entirely a faith-based ideal.

Why would you want to put your faith in a story that says that YOU have fallen from grace from your creator and Jesus had to die for YOUR sins?

Why would you want to believe such a horrid negative picture as that on pure faith?

Can you answer me that one?

Why are you so anxious to believe that you have failed your creator and that he had to send his son to pay for your failings?

Why would you want to believe such a dismal picture on pure faith?

Why? huh

Why do you want to believe that on pure faith?

Are you an emotional masochist or something? huh

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 11/23/08 06:02 AM
No one can prove or disprove the Resurrection. Why do you ask this question? If you believe it than that is fine. What does it have to do with this subject?

DDejon's photo
Sun 11/23/08 11:22 AM
Edited by DDejon on Sun 11/23/08 11:29 AM
You people are tripping. The death and ressurection of Jesus is the most well documented event in history starring the most important person in all of history. There have been almost 2000 years to prove he did not walk out of the grave, no proof has been forthcoming, and based on the fact that many people claiming to be eyewitnesses to a risen Jesus went to horrible deaths clinging to eyewitness firstperson accounts of a risen Jesus the burden of proof is, has been, and will remain on you to show me that he did not rise from the grave. You people think you are so smart, but I dont think so.

no photo
Sun 11/23/08 11:35 AM

You people are tripping. The death and ressurection of Jesus is the most well documented event in history starring the most important person in all of history. There have been almost 2000 years to prove he did not walk out of the grave, no proof has been forthcoming, and based on the fact that many people claiming to be eyewitnesses to a risen Jesus went to horrible deaths clinging to eyewitness firstperson accounts of a risen Jesus the burden of proof is, has been, and will remain on you to show me that he did not rise from the grave. You people think you are so smart, but I dont think so.

I'm sure you have questioned the eyewitnesses yourself then?
Otherwise it's a no no.
Because in 2000 years anyone could have written anything he liked about it.
doesn't mean it's true though.

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