Topic: PROP 8
no photo
Wed 11/05/08 09:57 AM

They can do what they want but keep that stuff in the closit dont be all out expressing your gayness everywhere.

You're contradicting yourself. You say they can do what they want, but they should keep it in the closet.
yessss? Can we read between the lines? Or is it to early for that yet?

So, what you really mean is that you don't want them to do what you don't want to see. Not that you're fine with them doing what they want.
huh what ever floats your boatasleep

That makese no sense as a response. But, ok!

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 10:17 AM
im sorry u confused me? so they can kiss as long as its in the bedroom????

Sorry hun, I am as "straight" as they come (no puns intended here folks, lol), and I don't like to watch two men kiss, OR two women kiss. It isnt that they make me feel anything, its exactly the opposite. It does nothing for me to see either side of it.

as far as I am concerned, it is good to see two people kissing, no matter what their genders are, as it shows love and respsect for one another.

i think men usually have more of a problem with this subject cuz they r uncomfortable with 2 men kissing... but my argument to them is "so if 2 women were kissing it would be alright?!" and of course every straight mans answer "well yea duh! of course!" y is that?! y would u want to put a double standard on urself when u say that?

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 11:26 AM
personally I dont like seeing any public displays of affection, somethings should just stay private, like in dirty movies or in public restrooms...:angel:

adirtygirl's photo
Wed 11/05/08 11:53 AM
Edited by adirtygirl on Wed 11/05/08 11:56 AM
who has the right to say who you can love and marry

That is a good question, and their is only one answer:


By definition, marriage is a contract between two people under god (whomever god may be). A civil union is not a marriage. It is a contract between two people under government. Two very seperate issues that have been mixed in together until noone remembers that they are not the same.

Well I will tell you........

Just because it says it under God, does that make it right or wrong? I could tell millions of people over hundreds of years that I am a millionaire goddess and It could be written in books so does that make it real, right or wrong....

By definition "LOVE" means strong affection, beloved person...It says nothing about who you can love ...Why should you give a damn who anybody marries as long as it does not include YOU.... Instead of always going by what is written why dont people go by what is and that is there are same sex relationships and if they want to marry, give birth, play lotto then more power to them....

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:03 PM

Just because it says it under God, does that make it right or wrong? I could tell millions of people over hundreds of years that I am a millionaire goddess and It could be written in books so does that make it real, right or wrong....

By definition "LOVE" means strong affection, beloved person...It says nothing about who you can love ...Why should you give a damn who anybody marries as long as it does not include YOU.... Instead of always going by what is written why dont people go by what is and that is there are same sex relationships and if they want to marry, give birth, play lotto then more power to them....

(((hugs))) im soo happy another mother is open minded to this subect!!! some r scared about the future it holds for our children... but i feel i want my daughter to love whoever she wants! be it man or woman and not have socity judge her!

adirtygirl's photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:07 PM
my daughter is 13 and she is in the girl stage...She came to me and told me she kissed a girl...Sure i am not going to jump up and down but i told her that I went through the same stage as she did and that it might be a phase or might not...regardless i would love her no matter what...

My son says he wants to marry me when he gets older..Who is going to battle me on that one I dare ya:wink:

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:10 PM

my daughter is 13 and she is in the girl stage...She came to me and told me she kissed a girl...Sure i am not going to jump up and down but i told her that I went through the same stage as she did and that it might be a phase or might not...regardless i would love her no matter what...

My son says he wants to marry me when he gets older..Who is going to battle me on that one I dare ya:wink:

ha ha ha ha not ganna battle u just thought it was funny ha ha ha

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:16 PM

my daughter is 13 and she is in the girl stage...She came to me and told me she kissed a girl...Sure i am not going to jump up and down but i told her that I went through the same stage as she did and that it might be a phase or might not...regardless i would love her no matter what...

My son says he wants to marry me when he gets older..Who is going to battle me on that one I dare ya:wink:

More people definitely need to be open with their kids about what's going on without them. I'm glad to hear you're doing that!

adirtygirl's photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:21 PM

my daughter is 13 and she is in the girl stage...She came to me and told me she kissed a girl...Sure i am not going to jump up and down but i told her that I went through the same stage as she did and that it might be a phase or might not...regardless i would love her no matter what...

My son says he wants to marry me when he gets older..Who is going to battle me on that one I dare ya:wink:

More people definitely need to be open with their kids about what's going on without them. I'm glad to hear you're doing that!

I can't and should not shelter my kids from what the world is..Face it..There are drug users, rapists, killers, By the way they are a hell of alot more danger to my kids and myself then a gay couple or a group of them...They need to know what is out there so they can prepare themselves...This is real life people...Its not going away

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:26 PM

my daughter is 13 and she is in the girl stage...She came to me and told me she kissed a girl...Sure i am not going to jump up and down but i told her that I went through the same stage as she did and that it might be a phase or might not...regardless i would love her no matter what...

My son says he wants to marry me when he gets older..Who is going to battle me on that one I dare ya:wink:

More people definitely need to be open with their kids about what's going on without them. I'm glad to hear you're doing that!

I can't and should not shelter my kids from what the world is..Face it..There are drug users, rapists, killers, By the way they are a hell of alot more danger to my kids and myself then a gay couple or a group of them...They need to know what is out there so they can prepare themselves...This is real life people...Its not going away

I understand that not everyone agrees with all ways of life. But, what bothers me the most are the people who don't want their children to see what the parents don't find normal. It just teaches them to be close minded toward what they don't understand. You have a great way of thinking. Hopefully many more parents will continue along those lines.

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:29 PM

my daughter is 13 and she is in the girl stage...She came to me and told me she kissed a girl...Sure i am not going to jump up and down but i told her that I went through the same stage as she did and that it might be a phase or might not...regardless i would love her no matter what...

My son says he wants to marry me when he gets older..Who is going to battle me on that one I dare ya:wink:

More people definitely need to be open with their kids about what's going on without them. I'm glad to hear you're doing that!

I can't and should not shelter my kids from what the world is..Face it..There are drug users, rapists, killers, By the way they are a hell of alot more danger to my kids and myself then a gay couple or a group of them...They need to know what is out there so they can prepare themselves...This is real life people...Its not going away

so very true

adirtygirl's photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:30 PM
is it me or are we the only 3 passionate ones here today????

Lynann's photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:30 PM
I was sad to see CA legalize discrimination.

Remember everyone, it wasn't real long ago that interracial marriages were illegal all over the U.S.

To me this is no different.

You get a license to fish. Does that make fishing a religious event? Nope...anyway, I am really sad about this.

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:32 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Wed 11/05/08 12:33 PM
I agree completely, Marriage is two things.

1) a legal contract that grants certain rights to your partner and vice versa.

2) a religious pact / ceremony.


So everyone in the nation is under the laws of the nation without regard to sexual orientation. Ok well then #1 is settled.

So we do not tell people here in this country what religion or spiritual practices they have to respect, or even if they should participate in any of them.

Well that handles #2

So there is no logical ground to stand on with regard to defining marriage.

I hope that the people in charge will realize this simple truth and then reverse this trend of letting a single religion speak for all of them as well as for all spiritual ceremonies.

The law certainly should not discriminate by sexual orientation, that should be basic.

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:32 PM

is it me or are we the only 3 passionate ones here today????

well this one is goin to lunch now! ha ha ha ill jump back in when i get back

Giocamo's photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:32 PM

I was sad to see CA legalize discrimination.

Remember everyone, it wasn't real long ago that interracial marriages were illegal all over the U.S.

To me this is no different.

You get a license to fish. Does that make fishing a religious event? Nope...anyway, I am really sad about this.

it's not about legal or's about the behavior being right or wrong...I see it as why would I want something to be legal...that I feel is wrong...

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:34 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Wed 11/05/08 12:34 PM
NO. The government cannot get into morality of right and wrong in a victimless situation.


Next you would have them tell you if its morale to wear polyester because the bible says so . . . . idiotic.

adirtygirl's photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:35 PM

I was sad to see CA legalize discrimination.

Remember everyone, it wasn't real long ago that interracial marriages were illegal all over the U.S.

To me this is no different.

You get a license to fish. Does that make fishing a religious event? Nope...anyway, I am really sad about this.

it's not about legal or's about the behavior being right or wrong...I see it as why would I want something to be legal...that I feel is wrong...

who says the behavior is right or wrong..Maybe some of the things you do sexually are WRONG but do I have the right to tell you that... Thats what you have a problem with The whole sex thing...Who cares they are not in your bed..

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:36 PM

NO. The government cannot get into morality of right and wrong in a victimless situation.


Next you would have them tell you if its morale to wear polyester because the bible says so . . . . idiotic.

*claps hands* nice =)

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:38 PM

I was sad to see CA legalize discrimination.

Remember everyone, it wasn't real long ago that interracial marriages were illegal all over the U.S.

To me this is no different.

You get a license to fish. Does that make fishing a religious event? Nope...anyway, I am really sad about this.

it's not about legal or's about the behavior being right or wrong...I see it as why would I want something to be legal...that I feel is wrong...

See, that's the problem. Just because YOU see something as wrong doesn't mean it's wrong for everyone. No one is forcing you to marry a man. No one is forcing you to go to a gay person's wedding.