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Topic: PROP 8
classickiss's photo
Wed 11/12/08 08:07 AM

I was sad to see CA legalize discrimination.

Remember everyone, it wasn't real long ago that interracial marriages were illegal all over the U.S.

To me this is no different.

You get a license to fish. Does that make fishing a religious event? Nope...anyway, I am really sad about this.

it's not about legal or illegal...it's about the behavior being right or wrong...I see it as wrong...so why would I want something to be legal...that I feel is wrong...

who says the behavior is right or wrong..Maybe some of the things you do sexually are WRONG but do I have the right to tell you that... Thats what you have a problem with The whole sex thing...Who cares they are not in your bed..

I agree !!...I don't care what they do in bedroom...but...If most people see it as not normal...then why make it legal ?...I just can'r see sanctioning that behavior...what next...teach it in school ?...lets wait another 30 years...then I'll be gone and you can do whatever your little heart desires...a deal ?

Why make it illegal just because some people don't find it to be normal?

most people...

While there are many people who think the way you do.. unfortunately enough to pass that ban in California, you shouldn't speak for everyone. The area I live in is much, much different. I know way more people who are open minded and don't judge people based on their sexual orientation. That's why it's amazing to me that people are still thinking the way you do.

it's called being grounded in my beliefs..and...principles...I was born and raised in a strict Catholic upbringing...I just can't change the way I was brought up...

Think for yourself though.Besides look at the priests boinking altar boys.

oooo nice one!!! *claps hands*

Foliel's photo
Wed 11/12/08 09:14 AM
I can understand people having principles but that doesn't mean that gay people should be treated as 2nd class citizens with only partial righst that straight people have. We are still people that pay bills, taxes, join the military (don't ask, don't tell) and are willing to die for our country. Apparently that isn't enough to deserve the right to get married in our country and be as miserable as everyone else.

Marriage should be a union of souls, entered into because the 2 people love each other enough to make a commitment. People will say "a civil union should be enough" I say If the country is going to give them the rights of marriage why not just allow them to marry, as MA and CT now do. Banning gay marriage is basically approving the 2nd class treatment of gay people. Since when do americans approve of 2nd class treatment?

snarkytwain's photo
Wed 11/12/08 10:09 AM

I can understand people having principles but that doesn't mean that gay people should be treated as 2nd class citizens with only partial righst that straight people have. We are still people that pay bills, taxes, join the military (don't ask, don't tell) and are willing to die for our country. Apparently that isn't enough to deserve the right to get married in our country and be as miserable as everyone else.

Marriage should be a union of souls, entered into because the 2 people love each other enough to make a commitment. People will say "a civil union should be enough" I say If the country is going to give them the rights of marriage why not just allow them to marry, as MA and CT now do. Banning gay marriage is basically approving the 2nd class treatment of gay people. Since when do americans approve of 2nd class treatment?

flowerforyou Wonderful! And totally agreed. If we're all equil, we're all equil! All of us. That is all.

no photo
Wed 11/12/08 10:20 AM

I can understand people having principles but that doesn't mean that gay people should be treated as 2nd class citizens with only partial righst that straight people have. We are still people that pay bills, taxes, join the military (don't ask, don't tell) and are willing to die for our country. Apparently that isn't enough to deserve the right to get married in our country and be as miserable as everyone else.

Marriage should be a union of souls, entered into because the 2 people love each other enough to make a commitment. People will say "a civil union should be enough" I say If the country is going to give them the rights of marriage why not just allow them to marry, as MA and CT now do. Banning gay marriage is basically approving the 2nd class treatment of gay people. Since when do americans approve of 2nd class treatment?

flowerforyou flowerforyou

WarElephant's photo
Wed 11/12/08 10:43 AM
I live in Florida, and we also passed a marriage amendment here. I think the margin was like 30%, it wasn't even close. I voted yes on principle.

From a constitutional perspective, the gay community in this country has absolutely no precedence for framing this as a civil rights issue, though they can make a legal claim (i.e. civil unions). I've heard some gay people compare this to the African American struggle in this country. If I were African American I would be offended by such a suggestion--the right to vote (or even more so, to be recognized as an individual) and the ability to get married are completely unrelated.

Case in point: getting married is not a right, has never been a right, and will never be understood as a "right." Marriage developed as a consequence of cultures and religions, mostly for the sake of children. To argue that marriage is a civil right means that that rights comes from government, and the fact is it doesn't.

They should really spend their time and energy trying to pursue civil unions. They get the legal benefits; but they do not get, nor should they get, the language.

adj4u's photo
Wed 11/12/08 10:47 AM
democracy is the wants of the majority trampling the rights of the minority

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/12/08 11:02 AM

I can understand people having principles but that doesn't mean that gay people should be treated as 2nd class citizens with only partial righst that straight people have. We are still people that pay bills, taxes, join the military (don't ask, don't tell) and are willing to die for our country. Apparently that isn't enough to deserve the right to get married in our country and be as miserable as everyone else.

Marriage should be a union of souls, entered into because the 2 people love each other enough to make a commitment. People will say "a civil union should be enough" I say If the country is going to give them the rights of marriage why not just allow them to marry, as MA and CT now do. Banning gay marriage is basically approving the 2nd class treatment of gay people. Since when do americans approve of 2nd class treatment?


snarkytwain's photo
Wed 11/12/08 12:13 PM
Edited by snarkytwain on Wed 11/12/08 12:33 PM

democracy is the wants of the majority trampling the rights of the minority

No system of government is perfect, but everyone needs some kind of structure or everything falls apart. Which do you support then?



Maybe this should be a new thread...

ETA the actual topic...

Case in point: getting married is not a right, has never been a right, and will never be understood as a "right." Marriage developed as a consequence of cultures and religions, mostly for the sake of children. To argue that marriage is a civil right means that that rights comes from government, and the fact is it doesn't.

Granted. That said, however, it should be a basic human right to be allowed to love, and marriage gives that love a legal backing. The backing of the government of the country in which you live, grow children, work, and care deeply for. That backing means a lot. It gives validation. It gives worth.

Foliel's photo
Thu 11/13/08 09:05 AM
I'd ike to take a moment to point out that civil unions or domestic partnerships only grant SOME of the legal benefits of marrige, not all. A civil union is not the same thing as marriage until the government and businesses treat it as such. civil union grants you a marriage like arraingement but it's up to the state you live in as to what benefits you receive from the union. With marriage the benefits are just there.

somedays I have to agree with my roommate....they should abolish all marriage then no one will have to worry about who marries who.

no photo
Thu 11/13/08 09:39 AM
If those dam straight people quit having those gay babies problems would be solve. How about a moratorium on conception.

Winx's photo
Thu 11/13/08 09:40 AM

If those dam straight people quit having those gay babies problems would be solve. How about a moratorium on conception.

Damn those straight people.grumble

classickiss's photo
Thu 11/13/08 09:40 AM

I'd ike to take a moment to point out that civil unions or domestic partnerships only grant SOME of the legal benefits of marrige, not all. A civil union is not the same thing as marriage until the government and businesses treat it as such. civil union grants you a marriage like arraingement but it's up to the state you live in as to what benefits you receive from the union. With marriage the benefits are just there.

somedays I have to agree with my roommate....they should abolish all marriage then no one will have to worry about who marries who.

interestin point

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