Topic: Mingle AA
RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 09/03/10 07:15 PM
I just love it when my friend, Jim says, "I have two good brain cells left and one of them is packing a bag. "It cracks me up every time.laugh

no photo
Sun 09/05/10 09:33 AM

A thread of substance! Love it!!!

Nice to see the sharing and support on here.....One day at a Time!happy

Its wonderful isn't it. I love it, too. I just got from a meeting. I got to give the topic because I was the chairperson. I never have to worry about anyone taking my chair because all of us there hate being responsible. laugh We avoid responsibility like it was a plague or something. My topic was, "I am still." I got it from reading, "A Vision For You." We are suppose to ask in our morning meditation what we can do for the alcoholic who is still sick. See, I always took that to mean somebody other than myself.laugh When it got to my friend he asked us the group what the topic was. I couldn't help but think to myself, "Good point, Jim".laugh Then after the meeting my friend wanted a court paper because his therapist wanted him to get them signed. I told him that he could come to the meeting to get one. He said that he didn't want to because he thinks we are all a bunch of hypocrites.laugh I thought I would bring him to the meeting so he could use that as a topic.laugh Topic, we don't need no freaking topic. We all are a bunch of mad libbers.laugh

I went to a few meetings to support a friend, and I was intrigued by the whole 12-step program. Not to mention the camadarie amongst all!

Kudos to Bill W!happy

no photo
Sun 09/05/10 09:42 AM

A thread of substance! Love it!!!

Nice to see the sharing and support on here.....One day at a Time!happy

Its wonderful isn't it. I love it, too. I just got from a meeting. I got to give the topic because I was the chairperson. I never have to worry about anyone taking my chair because all of us there hate being responsible. laugh We avoid responsibility like it was a plague or something. My topic was, "I am still." I got it from reading, "A Vision For You." We are suppose to ask in our morning meditation what we can do for the alcoholic who is still sick. See, I always took that to mean somebody other than myself.laugh When it got to my friend he asked us the group what the topic was. I couldn't help but think to myself, "Good point, Jim".laugh Then after the meeting my friend wanted a court paper because his therapist wanted him to get them signed. I told him that he could come to the meeting to get one. He said that he didn't want to because he thinks we are all a bunch of hypocrites.laugh I thought I would bring him to the meeting so he could use that as a topic.laugh Topic, we don't need no freaking topic. We all are a bunch of mad libbers.laugh

I went to a few meetings to support a friend, and I was intrigued by the whole 12-step program. Not to mention the camadarie amongst all!

Kudos to Bill W!happy

and Doctor Bob...

no photo
Sun 09/05/10 10:00 AM

A thread of substance! Love it!!!

Nice to see the sharing and support on here.....One day at a Time!happy

Its wonderful isn't it. I love it, too. I just got from a meeting. I got to give the topic because I was the chairperson. I never have to worry about anyone taking my chair because all of us there hate being responsible. laugh We avoid responsibility like it was a plague or something. My topic was, "I am still." I got it from reading, "A Vision For You." We are suppose to ask in our morning meditation what we can do for the alcoholic who is still sick. See, I always took that to mean somebody other than myself.laugh When it got to my friend he asked us the group what the topic was. I couldn't help but think to myself, "Good point, Jim".laugh Then after the meeting my friend wanted a court paper because his therapist wanted him to get them signed. I told him that he could come to the meeting to get one. He said that he didn't want to because he thinks we are all a bunch of hypocrites.laugh I thought I would bring him to the meeting so he could use that as a topic.laugh Topic, we don't need no freaking topic. We all are a bunch of mad libbers.laugh

I went to a few meetings to support a friend, and I was intrigued by the whole 12-step program. Not to mention the camadarie amongst all!

Kudos to Bill W!happy

and Doctor Bob...

Ahhh...learned something new! I just Googled him. I wasn't aware he collaborated with Bill W on the AA program. aka "Prince of Twelfth Steppers"! KUDOS to them both.........we need more people like them.

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 09/07/10 06:50 PM
Edited by RainbowTrout on Tue 09/07/10 06:51 PM
At tonight's meeting after giving the topic I let Jim go first so he could remember what the topic was. Then it came to Ryan. Sure enough the same response, "What's the topic". laugh I am thinking about coming in late next meeting so somebody can chair. Maybe they can remember what the topic is then since they can give it.laugh Today's reading in the Daily Reflections was about cleaning up our side of the street and not worrying about the other side of the street. It is the chapter right before the promises on page 83 that I also read from which seem to go with the reading in the Daily Reflections. I thought maybe if I gave more than one topic it might help but I always give the opportunity to talk about alcoholism for those that don't like the topic the chair is stuck with since nobody else wanted to bring a topic up. I most always feel better after I have had my weekly fix of a meeting.:smile:

RainbowTrout's photo
Thu 09/09/10 06:34 PM
I went to a meeting, tonight. I got a lot of feedback. My head is back on straight now. I feel better.:smile:

FETTS61's photo
Sat 09/11/10 08:38 AM
Just had 24 yrs sober yesterday, I thank God, and my support group for every minute of it and I also thank God for getting me here in 1 piecebigsmile :angel:

michiganman3's photo
Sat 09/11/10 02:18 PM

Just had 24 yrs sober yesterday, I thank God, and my support group for every minute of it and I also thank God for getting me here in 1 piecebigsmile :angel:

Happy Birthday Dude !!

I celebrate 29 today.

:banana: :banana: :banana:

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 09/23/10 02:49 AM
Wasn't just Bil W.,but Dr.Bob,Ebby T.,and thanks to Carl Jung,and many others through the Years!:smile:

They saved my Behind 37 years ago!

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 09/23/10 02:50 AM
Great,Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:banana: :smile:

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 09/23/10 02:51 AM
Congratulations my Friend!:banana: :smile:

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 09/23/10 02:55 AM
A Friend from AZ sends me this and others nearly every Day!
Right now he is battling with Cancer again,so keep him in your Thoughts!
For Today --

It is a spiritual axiom that every time we are disturbed, no matter
what the cause, there is something wrong with us.

-- Twelve Steps And Twelve Traditions, page 90


Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God’s world by mistake.

-- Doctor, Alcoholic, Addict, Alcoholics Anonymous, page 449 (3rd Ed.)
-- Acceptance Was The Answer, Alcoholics Anonymous, page 417(4th Ed.)


I have simply stopped arguing with reality. How do I know the wind
should blow? It's blowing. How do I know this is the highest order?
It's happening. Arguing with 'what is' is like teaching a cat to bark.
It's not very fulfilling. I am my friend and no longer confused. The
way I know that reality is good is that when I argue the point I
experience tension, fear and frustration, I lose—not sometimes,
but 100% of the time. It just doesn't feel natural inside: no balance,
no connection. I want reality to change? Hopeless. Let me change
my thinking. Some of us mentally argue with 'what is.' Others of us
attempt to control and change 'what is,' and then tell ourselves and
others that we actually had something to do with any apparent
change that took place. This leaves no connection or room for God
in my life. In the peaceful experience of no opposition to God, I
remain aware of my nature: clear, vibrant, a friend, a listener.

-- Byron Katie

RainbowTrout's photo
Thu 09/23/10 05:17 AM
Nice to come On line and read what you posted, Conrad.:smile:

"Whenever anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of A.A. always to be there. And for that: I am Responsible."

Been going through this phase of, "Am I my sponsor's keeper?" But I am glad I had keepers who helped me. Felt real bad that he had a minor stroke on the day I missed the meeting last week. It getting hard for him to drive now especially at night. Sometimes I have to remember that sponsors are people like me who are just one drink away from a drunk.

RainbowTrout's photo
Thu 09/23/10 06:47 PM
My sponsor ratted on me.laugh I thought I would be nice and go pick him to take him to a meeting. He was smiling from ear to ear. He told me that he needed a meeting bad because his house had been full of women all day to take care of his wife. He said that it was driving him crazy. I told him, "You poor thing. How did you survive." My mother told me that when my wife died and I was so worried about how I could go on living. He said it wasn't easy. Neither of us knew it was a speaker meeting. Last half of the speaker meeting. He told the group about me. He said that he never calls and just shows up on my doorstep. Vengeance is mine; Surely I repay.laugh rofl :smile: :tongue:

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 09/28/10 06:59 PM
We had a good meeting, tonight. Had a new member to share with. Our topic was part of the preamble. "Some of us have tried to hold on to our old ideas and the result was nil until we let go absolutely". Until I got out of the denial stage it really didn't mean anything to me. Was amazing how much easier the restoration was to sanity was once I admitted I had a problem. It was then that I was willing to go to any length to get it.:smile:

no photo
Tue 09/28/10 08:01 PM
I stopped using drugs 10 years ago and NEVER went back. Cold Turkey. I still drink though sometimes. And perhaps smoke.

RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 10/01/10 07:37 PM

I stopped using drugs 10 years ago and NEVER went back. Cold Turkey. I still drink though sometimes. And perhaps smoke.

I quit drinking and drugging but still smoke. My sponsor's wife was wheeled up to the table tonight because my sponsor thought she should chair the meeting. It was a wonderful meeting. My sponsor said he didn't know I came by yesterday to pick him up for the meeting. I rang the doorbell and knocked on the door but he had the music up and was into the football game. He told me that I should have banged harder on the door tonight at the meeting.

no photo
Wed 10/20/10 01:38 PM
Hi to you all.Drove 20 minutes to an 8.30pm A.A. Big Book meeting to discover they no longer hold that meeting,so sipped my takeaway coffee on the dark village street in rural Ireland thinking how lucky I've been to be mentaly able to make another good life saving decission (spelling comes way down the list in my sober- dry life)and get back in my ELF and return back to my newly moved to abode and well here were are at our own typed A.A. meeting,whatever works to keep me sober or that dreaded word-DRY.
Great site,one day,hour or minute @ a time.

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 10/20/10 05:06 PM

Hi to you all.Drove 20 minutes to an 8.30pm A.A. Big Book meeting to discover they no longer hold that meeting,so sipped my takeaway coffee on the dark village street in rural Ireland thinking how lucky I've been to be mentaly able to make another good life saving decission (spelling comes way down the list in my sober- dry life)and get back in my ELF and return back to my newly moved to abode and well here were are at our own typed A.A. meeting,whatever works to keep me sober or that dreaded word-DRY.
Great site,one day,hour or minute @ a time.

Yeah. Sorry you made a dry run. There a contradiction for you. I glad you are contributing to sobriety,


no photo
Thu 10/21/10 06:08 AM
Hi Roy & all.

Here's what I think of your word contradiction Royexplode

CON--Is A.A. the con of a lifetime for me?--------No
TRAD--Do I truely believe A.As traditions?--------Yes
Adiction--Am I an adict of Alcohal?---------------Yes

pitchfork The Dry part is like been on a building site hungover on a cold winters morning and it happens,your Eastwing (hammer)comes down on your fingers (booze related)and me the alkie say's f--k this and off to the pub,tavern,bar,lounge to do the poor me ****.

I guess if I did the steps as they should be done then my Eastwing would be my working tool and not my excuse tool.glasses

Everybody,have a lovely day and night.
