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Topic: What is the "mark of the beast"?
tribo's photo
Sun 10/05/08 07:25 AM
Some concider god to be just an entity like the cosmic force or as i call it the creative force which does nothing but bring creative material into being, it does not inter-react with whats created, abra call it the quantum feild, JB calls it the prime source, what ever one calls it it is a non emotional entity or force that does not directly intercede with what is created. That is what i meant by a non-caring god. For me any god/goddess that has emotions or is emotionally involved with it's creation is a man made god.That's how "religion" got started in my opinion. Man's recognition that others could be manipulated out of fears or other emotions that would bring people under control with threats of destruction etc..

Krimsa's photo
Sun 10/05/08 07:35 AM

Some concider god to be just an entity like the cosmic force or as i call it the creative force which does nothing but bring creative material into being, it does not inter-react with whats created, abra call it the quantum feild, JB calls it the prime source, what ever one calls it it is a non emotional entity or force that does not directly intercede with what is created. That is what i meant by a non-caring god. For me any god/goddess that has emotions or is emotionally involved with it's creation is a man made god.That's how "religion" got started in my opinion. Man's recognition that others could be manipulated out of fears or other emotions that would bring people under control with threats of destruction etc..

I would consider the concept of the Christian god to be a man made invention. I dont say that to get up anyone's hackles. I am basing this opinion on what I have read and witnessed in some of its followers behaviors. Of course others will read the bible and see something totally different. Thats just the way it is. I would agree with you and Abra in that respect. That is of course not limited to the Christian mythological conceptualization of a godhead but ANY deity that is somehow viewed in an anthropomorphic sense. To me, that concept just becomes silly as do the arguments surrounding it. The only distinction I have made within the Wiccan framework is that it's "laws" and views on morality from a human standpoint seem much more genuine and reasonable to me. But that is my personal interpretation of course. Nothing more, nothing less.

tribo's photo
Sun 10/05/08 07:48 AM
What appeals to me is the nature religions, those that respect nature and see it as the economy of all there lives, such as the native amreicans, there is much still to gleaned from those who have learned how to use nature to their benefit without destroying nature itself but living in harmony with it and having pure respect for it. after all it is our life source while in these bodies. flowerforyou

Krimsa's photo
Sun 10/05/08 07:54 AM

What appeals to me is the nature religions, those that respect nature and see it as the economy of all there lives, such as the native amreicans, there is much still to gleaned from those who have learned how to use nature to their benefit without destroying nature itself but living in harmony with it and having pure respect for it. after all it is our life source while in these bodies. flowerforyou

Absolutely. I could not agree with this position you are taking more. If for no other reason, these nature based religions are good for the environment and we are definitely having issues and problems with this now. I saw a show a couple nights ago about the melting of the polar ice caps and how that is effecting the polar bears (and other cold climate animals). The entire Eco-system. It definitely brings it home when you see what is happening caught on film. Shudder.

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:15 AM

I was picked for a jury and it was the last time the lawyers were going to talk to us before the final pick. They came to me and said this, "If you are on the jury of a man that was selling drugs to kids in the Los Angeles area, what do you think should happen to him." I thought for a moment and replied, "Shoot him between the eyes with a 45." They replied dismissed.

Look on the bright side, if you were to take his life you'd have been forgiven, no harm no foul!

Now, Moses (allegedly) got the 10 commandments from God (with no witnesses - how did that work exactly, did God say "Moses take a stone tablet and chisel, there's a few things I want you to take down"?). How come there's been no such communication since? Why was all the contact with God back then? He (allegedly) sends his only son to earth and that's it, you're all on your own after that? What kind of father (who is all seeing and all knowing) sends his son to be murdered and put on display by the Romans?!

No God did the stone tablets himself. And just because you don't listen doesn't mean God is not speaking...He does with me all the time...some times very subtle and sometimes he smacks me right upside my head. I always say to people God is always speaking to us....But you have to "Listen" that is the ticket.

God sent his only son with one purpose and that was to die for our sins. When Christ was at the right hand of God and this was the plan...and it never wavered and everything that God knew was going to happen with Christ did. When Christ is on the cross and says Father Father why have you forsaken me....God was looking away from His Most perfect Son because God could not look upon all the sin of man. Now what do you think God would have done with the rebellious people had his son not died and taken all the sin upon himself? This is why it is so great for us....because Christ is there to take not only our sin but our burdens...that is why he died. And I know for me that giving all to him was, and is a no brainer for me. My life is wonderful and I want for nothing and do the work, that he leads me to do. This is life......for me.....and it's beautiful. When I almost lost my husband a few years ago....not once never did I blame or get mad at God. People always want to blame God but how many of those same people wake each morning and thank Him for all that he does in their lives. I do.

splendidlife's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:16 AM

Some concider god to be just an entity like the cosmic force or as i call it the creative force which does nothing but bring creative material into being, it does not inter-react with whats created, abra call it the quantum feild, JB calls it the prime source, what ever one calls it it is a non emotional entity or force that does not directly intercede with what is created. That is what i meant by a non-caring god. For me any god/goddess that has emotions or is emotionally involved with it's creation is a man made god.That's how "religion" got started in my opinion. Man's recognition that others could be manipulated out of fears or other emotions that would bring people under control with threats of destruction etc..

I wonder if, in the very beginning stages of a new religion, the immediate agenda is to bring people under control... or if that develops over time.

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:18 AM

Seems like a raw deal for the people that you f*cked over in your life and then, at the last moment repent, and hey! Everything's ok! Get out of jail free!

sometimes yes....but this is why we are not the judge talldub........I will give another example why I am so glad I am not......"God" is the only one with good reason.

I was picked for a jury and it was the last time the lawyers were going to talk to us before the final pick. They came to me and said this, "If you are on the jury of a man that was selling drugs to kids in the Los Angeles area, what do you think should happen to him." I thought for a moment and replied, "Shoot him between the eyes with a 45." They replied dismissed.

See why we are not the judge.....I would of taken the bastards life in an instant...because I knew of his crimes from our area. But if I would of done that....would I of been any better....and who is to say that he doesn't go to prison where he is truly saved.....see what I mean.

noway So you are from the OT school and would stone perceived "sinners"? Why dont we just skip trial and proceed directly to stoning? You had to be weeded off by the defense because of these wacko views. laugh

Again lil lady you misunderstand......I said I don't want to be judge and with good reason. I would not stone anyone because I am no ones judge....So you think it's ok to come to America with massive quantities of drugs and sell it to school kids huh? Like I said I was being honest when asked the question......I think it should not be tollerated for a second...but I also said that I am not their judge and with good reason.

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:20 AM

Feral the center of the earth is not in fact the location of "hell". The earth has three basic elements (Im explaining this in the most simplistic of terms) You have a crust, a mantle and a core. The core does not consist of a fiery inferno ruled over by a little panlike horned critter with a pitchfork. There is an inner core and an outer core. The outer core is liquid and the inner core is a solid. There is no hell in either layer. You have nothing to worry about. happy

read what I wrote......and please show show me anywhere I made mention of panlike horned critters with a pitchfork.......because once again....I have never not even once said that.

no photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:20 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Sun 10/05/08 08:22 AM


Krimsa's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:26 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sun 10/05/08 08:35 AM

Seems like a raw deal for the people that you f*cked over in your life and then, at the last moment repent, and hey! Everything's ok! Get out of jail free!

sometimes yes....but this is why we are not the judge talldub........I will give another example why I am so glad I am not......"God" is the only one with good reason.

I was picked for a jury and it was the last time the lawyers were going to talk to us before the final pick. They came to me and said this, "If you are on the jury of a man that was selling drugs to kids in the Los Angeles area, what do you think should happen to him." I thought for a moment and replied, "Shoot him between the eyes with a 45." They replied dismissed.

See why we are not the judge.....I would of taken the bastards life in an instant...because I knew of his crimes from our area. But if I would of done that....would I of been any better....and who is to say that he doesn't go to prison where he is truly saved.....see what I mean.

noway So you are from the OT school and would stone perceived "sinners"? Why dont we just skip trial and proceed directly to stoning? You had to be weeded off by the defense because of these wacko views. laugh

Again lil lady you misunderstand......I said I don't want to be judge and with good reason. I would not stone anyone because I am no ones judge....So you think it's ok to come to America with massive quantities of drugs and sell it to school kids huh? Like I said I was being honest when asked the question......I think it should not be tollerated for a second...but I also said that I am not their judge and with good reason.

Yes obviously you are not a judge. You have not attended law school and passed the bar, nor served as a practicing attorney that I am aware of. I am telling you the reason the defense dismissed your ass was because of that crazy statement you made. If you were merely looking to get out of performing your civic duty to the community you live in, mission accomplished.

However I dont think that was your goal. You feel that since this man is accused of selling drugs, he is automatically guilty of selling drugs and therefore a sinner in your view. Never mind a trial and all that wasting of time. Forget about any potential evidence the defense might have to the contrary or any pre existing mitigating circumstances. Thats all crap. Just put a bullet in his head so we can all be done with this and home by dinner.

I find this position extremely worrisome. What if your child was accused of a crime feral?

Lily0923's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:27 AM

My God accepts and loves all.....but you must live with the consequences of your choices sweets....choose to worship a Goddess....your choice......God is Love but he is also a jealous God......Worship "NO" other gods......so don't blame God for what is clearly your choice.

Well if this is your view of parenting, I can see why you are the way you are.

When your children disobey you, do you immediatly kick them out of the house, or do you explain to them what they did wrong? If they say they are sorry do you let them back in, but the next time they screw up kick them right back out again?

Do you tell your children when they get married to not call their in-laws mom and dad, and if they do, do you no longer claim them?

Seems to me the way you descibe "your" God is that of a spoiled child with narcissitic and bi-polar tendencies. I'd leave that house too, how unhealthy is that?

The Goddess punishes for wrong doings in the form of Karma and 3 fold, the energy you put out is the energy you receive 3 times. She is loving, but stern too.

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:27 AM


always MS always....How are you sweet lady

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:30 AM

What appeals to me is the nature religions, those that respect nature and see it as the economy of all there lives, such as the native amreicans, there is much still to gleaned from those who have learned how to use nature to their benefit without destroying nature itself but living in harmony with it and having pure respect for it. after all it is our life source while in these bodies. flowerforyou

How could this not go hand in hand with God....He created it all....I also am part Indian and as such and even just as the kind of human being I am. I have major respect for nature, for the creatures that are on this planet. I save them, I do major conservation work with many animals. There to me is a big difference with saying you respect the natural wonder of this world and then not doing anything to make sure it is there for countless generations after ourselves...

Krimsa's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:32 AM

Feral the center of the earth is not in fact the location of "hell". The earth has three basic elements (Im explaining this in the most simplistic of terms) You have a crust, a mantle and a core. The core does not consist of a fiery inferno ruled over by a little panlike horned critter with a pitchfork. There is an inner core and an outer core. The outer core is liquid and the inner core is a solid. There is no hell in either layer. You have nothing to worry about. happy

read what I wrote......and please show show me anywhere I made mention of panlike horned critters with a pitchfork.......because once again....I have never not even once said that.

I was referring to your copy and pasted material about hell being situated in the earth's center. Well seeing as that physical representation of the devil is stolen from the Pagan horned god....laugh

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:32 AM

Some concider god to be just an entity like the cosmic force or as i call it the creative force which does nothing but bring creative material into being, it does not inter-react with whats created, abra call it the quantum feild, JB calls it the prime source, what ever one calls it it is a non emotional entity or force that does not directly intercede with what is created. That is what i meant by a non-caring god. For me any god/goddess that has emotions or is emotionally involved with it's creation is a man made god.That's how "religion" got started in my opinion. Man's recognition that others could be manipulated out of fears or other emotions that would bring people under control with threats of destruction etc..

I would consider the concept of the Christian god to be a man made invention. I dont say that to get up anyone's hackles. I am basing this opinion on what I have read and witnessed in some of its followers behaviors. Of course others will read the bible and see something totally different. Thats just the way it is. I would agree with you and Abra in that respect. That is of course not limited to the Christian mythological conceptualization of a godhead but ANY deity that is somehow viewed in an anthropomorphic sense. To me, that concept just becomes silly as do the arguments surrounding it. The only distinction I have made within the Wiccan framework is that it's "laws" and views on morality from a human standpoint seem much more genuine and reasonable to me. But that is my personal interpretation of course. Nothing more, nothing less.

of course you do......

Lily0923's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:32 AM
One night I had a wondrous dream
I dreamed I was walking along the beach
with the Goddess. And on the shore
were Her footprints and nothing more.
Then suddenly prints I did see,
I asked the Goddess, "What kind are these?
These aren't my knees, these aren't my hands,
these aren't my footprints in the sand!
"My child," She said in somber tones,
"For miles I carried you alone.
I challenged you to walk in faith,
but you refused and made me wait."
"You would not learn, you would not grow,
The walk of faith, you would not know,
So I got tired, I got fed up,
And there I dropped you on your butt.
"Because in life, there comes a time
When one must fight, and one must climb,
When one must rise and take a stand,
Or leave their butt prints in the sand."

Krimsa's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:34 AM

Some concider god to be just an entity like the cosmic force or as i call it the creative force which does nothing but bring creative material into being, it does not inter-react with whats created, abra call it the quantum feild, JB calls it the prime source, what ever one calls it it is a non emotional entity or force that does not directly intercede with what is created. That is what i meant by a non-caring god. For me any god/goddess that has emotions or is emotionally involved with it's creation is a man made god.That's how "religion" got started in my opinion. Man's recognition that others could be manipulated out of fears or other emotions that would bring people under control with threats of destruction etc..

I would consider the concept of the Christian god to be a man made invention. I dont say that to get up anyone's hackles. I am basing this opinion on what I have read and witnessed in some of its followers behaviors. Of course others will read the bible and see something totally different. Thats just the way it is. I would agree with you and Abra in that respect. That is of course not limited to the Christian mythological conceptualization of a godhead but ANY deity that is somehow viewed in an anthropomorphic sense. To me, that concept just becomes silly as do the arguments surrounding it. The only distinction I have made within the Wiccan framework is that it's "laws" and views on morality from a human standpoint seem much more genuine and reasonable to me. But that is my personal interpretation of course. Nothing more, nothing less.

of course you do......

Of course I do what? What does that mean? laugh

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:38 AM

Some concider god to be just an entity like the cosmic force or as i call it the creative force which does nothing but bring creative material into being, it does not inter-react with whats created, abra call it the quantum feild, JB calls it the prime source, what ever one calls it it is a non emotional entity or force that does not directly intercede with what is created. That is what i meant by a non-caring god. For me any god/goddess that has emotions or is emotionally involved with it's creation is a man made god.That's how "religion" got started in my opinion. Man's recognition that others could be manipulated out of fears or other emotions that would bring people under control with threats of destruction etc..

I wonder if, in the very beginning stages of a new religion, the immediate agenda is to bring people under control... or if that develops over time.

What is it with you people and this control thing.....God nor Jesus control me....not man....I am his "willing" servant...big big difference....and I am not scared, nor controlled not anything you people think.....so stop saying it.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:47 AM
Stop proving it and we will stop saying it. laugh

no photo
Sun 10/05/08 08:48 AM

May ALL Christians
Be the Kind of Christian
When Our Feet Hit the Floor
Each and Every Morning
The Devil Screams
and Flees !!

May Our Christian Walk and Our Christian Talk
Be a Pure Reflection of Christ...

The World Is Watching
For Some
We May Be the Only Bible
the World
Ever "Reads"....

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