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Topic: What is the "mark of the beast"?
arkdanimal's photo
Sun 09/28/08 12:59 AM
Edited by arkdanimal on Sun 09/28/08 01:17 AM

He was warning all of us NOT to take the mark of the beast.
His predictions involved using a speacial light that will be used to see the mark that will be given out.
Under the first layer of skin and the light could read it through it.
Then he mentioned a card like a credit card but on it would be a chip.
And on that chip would be all your living personal
everything, about your life and the number on it, your number.
He went on to say that there will come a time that if you don't take the mark.
You will not be able to buy anything, food water,,anything..
He also said that the S.S. office address, had the number's 666 in it address,(and it does).
All of this imfo,,in the early 70's..
A bit freaky....noway
I've heard these types of scare tactics from other authors. It's probably not there fault, they are just writing what they had been taught by others who have misinterpreted the scriptures. "Father forgive them for they know not what they do" If you will pray for the gift of discernment and learn about language the Lord wil give you the ability to know what is true and what is not. I would urge caution when you began receiving this gift. Some people become extremely offended if they are caught in a lie. Remember also the Jesus told us to be in the world but not of the world. Faith without works avails nothing. The very act of devotionals on a regular basis is works. Seek God's direction not mine or any one else's in you devotional times. The Lord will lead you on a journey that can not fail!One more thing that may help. In the kingdom of heaven material things have absolutly no value. In order for The Garden of Eden to have been destroyed, Value had to be given to things. The only reason "thing's" other than life has value is because we think they do. "In the Forehead" Trade is accomplised by passing "money" on the palms of hands. It reads it the bible "In the forehead" and "On the Palm", some translations have that backwards. The key to the whole thing is not to be dishonest to obtain things of the soil, earth, riches, etc! Seek and ye shall find. hope I have helped!

no photo
Sun 09/28/08 01:18 AM
To read another persons views is but to see.

To exchange in thoughts as here. Is but to see.

To ACT is to believe, to see is GOD'S way.

And GOD guides my mind, body and soul.

I hope you find Peace in your search.:heart:

arkdanimal's photo
Sun 09/28/08 01:20 AM
Just trying to teach the Gospel/truth! Love ya man!

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 09/28/08 05:12 AM
Ezra 2:13-14
13 the people of Adonikam, six hundred and sixty-six;

Learn what this really says. But be ready for what you find out...Blessings...Miles

arkdanimal's photo
Sun 09/28/08 06:59 AM

Ezra 2:13-14
13 the people of Adonikam, six hundred and sixty-six;

Learn what this really says. But be ready for what you find out...Blessings...Miles
Who was it that wrote the book of Ezra again? Was it Christ, or someone else? I do know what the bible says, forward, backward, analogically, and the way it is really expressed in Hebrew rather than the english versions after King James and his court translated it. That is how I came to this conclusion. It took four years of study while I was pretty much bed ridden. The number 666 is indentifying the three earth ages of mans existance on this planet. Please don't take my word for it. Devote about 11500 hours to the studiy of this one subject and paint your own big picture of truth. Then know matter how hard people ramble off bits and pieces of the bible to try to disway you from the narrow road to heaven, they will not succed! love ya man

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 09/28/08 07:10 AM

If you know the bible fowards and backwards then you should know where it is prophecied that a New Religion would come about that many would flock to tha is said" to have a covenant of Death'and the 2 witness bring them down through thier lies.

666 goes way way deep. I personal believe I know who the beast and satan who gives him power and how it will work..

Ezra i am not sure what you are talking about who wrote it, what does that matter.

Surely you are not trying to say the OT is old and done away? Blessings...Miles

arkdanimal's photo
Sun 09/28/08 07:18 AM
Men wrote the entire Bible. For the amount of time that Christ spent teaching. He said very little. And rarely if ever were people able to sway him off subject. I am courious why so many wish harm to the messenger though. I remember an old saying "God gave us two ears and one mouth, we should use them accordingly"

arkdanimal's photo
Sun 09/28/08 07:22 AM


If you know the bible fowards and backwards then you should know where it is prophecied that a New Religion would come about that many would flock to tha is said" to have a covenant of Death'and the 2 witness bring them down through thier lies.

666 goes way way deep. I personal believe I know who the beast and satan who gives him power and how it will work..

Ezra i am not sure what you are talking about who wrote it, what does that matter.

Surely you are not trying to say the OT is old and done away? Blessings...Miles
Not at all, The old covenant was done away with when Christ died on the cross for us. We no longer have to pay anything for salvation, It is a gift, totally free for the asking, we do not have to ask any other human being for forgiviness of our sins or slaughter anything!

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 09/28/08 07:25 AM
Who are you talking about as far as

I am courious why so many wish harm to the messenger though

arkdanimal's photo
Sun 09/28/08 07:33 AM
Edited by arkdanimal on Sun 09/28/08 07:33 AM

Who are you talking about as far as

I am courious why so many wish harm to the messenger though
generally speaking of the masses like the one's who would have wanted to party with Barabus rather than Save the life of Christ. try this, We all know Jesus saves, try Save Jesus! it's just an exercise in thought, but will open your mind to a new way of study, God bless you!

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 09/28/08 07:44 AM

Who are you talking about as far as

I am courious why so many wish harm to the messenger though
generally speaking of the masses like the one's who would have wanted to party with Barabus rather than Save the life of Christ. try this, We all know Jesus saves, try Save Jesus! it's just an exercise in thought, but will open your mind to a new way of study, God bless you!

barnabas was the companion of Paul after the lot did not go to him but mathias.

Mathias was never heard of again but barnabas was. May of been Pauls scribe.

Barnabus was not unruly as he would never of been 1 of the 2 to be considered an Apostleas Titus and Timothy say.

or are you talking about Barabbas ( son of the father) another messiah.

Thier is no saving Yahshua. all we can do is be obedient children to his father

arkdanimal's photo
Sun 09/28/08 07:46 AM
By the way, I do not know it all! And I never will while I occupy this human body! I have however had what we call near death experiance's thre time's. One of the things I remeber about the other side is that I possesed all knowledge. I could not however bring it back with me. I also remember during the last one which occured in 1985 that is was my choice to come back. There were many on the other side that I knew, they were trying to talk me out of coming back for the sake that I had made it. But I felt as though I wanted to come back again. Not so sure I will feel that way the next time!

arkdanimal's photo
Sun 09/28/08 07:48 AM

Who are you talking about as far as

I am courious why so many wish harm to the messenger though
generally speaking of the masses like the one's who would have wanted to party with Barabus rather than Save the life of Christ. try this, We all know Jesus saves, try Save Jesus! it's just an exercise in thought, but will open your mind to a new way of study, God bless you!

barnabas was the companion of Paul after the lot did not go to him but mathias.

Mathias was never heard of again but barnabas was. May of been Pauls scribe.

Barnabus was not unruly as he would never of been 1 of the 2 to be considered an Apostleas Titus and Timothy say.

or are you talking about Barabbas ( son of the father) another messiah.

Thier is no saving Yahshua. all we can do is be obedient children to his father
I am speaking of "Barabus" . the one which the masses chose for release rather than Christ.

no photo
Sun 09/28/08 07:51 AM

By the way, I do not know it all! And I never will while I occupy this human body! I have however had what we call near death experiance's thre time's. One of the things I remeber about the other side is that I possesed all knowledge. I could not however bring it back with me. I also remember during the last one which occured in 1985 that is was my choice to come back. There were many on the other side that I knew, they were trying to talk me out of coming back for the sake that I had made it. But I felt as though I wanted to come back again. Not so sure I will feel that way the next time!
So many have passed and came back with such an indifference in seeing.
Let me ask you something.
Have you ever known a christian or read about a christian who had passed like you did, and came back.
To SAY, they saw Satan or devils and monsters of the like?

SkyHook5652's photo
Sun 09/28/08 07:52 AM
Edited by SkyHook5652 on Sun 09/28/08 08:00 AM

By the way, I do not know it all! And I never will while I occupy this human body! I have however had what we call near death experiance's thre time's. One of the things I remeber about the other side is that I possesed all knowledge. I could not however bring it back with me. I also remember during the last one which occured in 1985 that is was my choice to come back. There were many on the other side that I knew, they were trying to talk me out of coming back for the sake that I had made it. But I felt as though I wanted to come back again. Not so sure I will feel that way the next time!
I'm just curious about your NDEs. During any of them, did you have any perception of the "material world", such as seeing or hearing the people or things in the vacinity of where your body was located?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 09/28/08 07:54 AM
No one knows it all. I am just asking questions really so far. your NDA'a i am not even going to touch the subject. It is personal and i hope i do not get personal.

I do though believe in we are told to "reason the scriptures".

I would like to know more about your 666 study and what you came to. I just gave you my starting point in Ezra as it does say it is a number of a man. Thier is way more to that scripture than what it seems.

Shalom of Blessings..Miles

tribo's photo
Sun 09/28/08 07:57 AM

You'll find your answer to the "mark of the beast" in the old testament, not the NT. good luck in your search.
To truely understand the message of the Bible we must study the whole thing. It is not to be taken lightly. It takes the ability to look at the whole situation in any circumstance to have undefiled knowledge. Once you achieve that you are said to have understanding. Then through the action of using the understanding you develope wisdom. Or at least thats the way it is expressed in the Old Testiment, as well as by the eldors of all of the Native American Tribes I have visited with on this subject.

you are not incorrect my friend, that is a first people way, but what is learned in the N.T. will lead you to the truth to be found in the old Testament, which, if you have found the truth there - will show you you have only gleened one small facet of the truth you seek, as you state you have found knowledge, but wisdom eludes you as of yet.

Nu-wa-do-hi-ya-du [peace]

no photo
Sun 09/28/08 07:59 AM
Have you ever considered that we ALL will experience only THAT in which we believe in,
'to see'?

Yet who's to say that GOD did not at our making
give within us all this projection to each witness at our own passing?

arkdanimal's photo
Sun 09/28/08 08:05 AM

By the way, I do not know it all! And I never will while I occupy this human body! I have however had what we call near death experiance's thre time's. One of the things I remeber about the other side is that I possesed all knowledge. I could not however bring it back with me. I also remember during the last one which occured in 1985 that is was my choice to come back. There were many on the other side that I knew, they were trying to talk me out of coming back for the sake that I had made it. But I felt as though I wanted to come back again. Not so sure I will feel that way the next time!
I'm just curious about your NDE experiences. During any of them, did you have any perception of the "material world", such as seeing or hearing the people or things in the vacinity of where your body was located?
Yes, there were people around me that were not passed, and people who had passed, I could only communicate with the people who had passed like we are communicating, but for some reason I seem to remmeber being able to communicate some how wiht a select few of those who had not passed. There wer no bright lights or any thing. It was instant. Both the passing and the returning. One of the things that puzzle me is the not being able to remember much. For some reason I brought back a thought about a Reference point of some kind. The only significance I have related to that is possibly the begining of evil in the human race and what caused it???? and here we are now!

arkdanimal's photo
Sun 09/28/08 08:07 AM

Have you ever considered that we ALL will experience only THAT in which we believe in,
'to see'?

Yet who's to say that GOD did not at our making
give within us all this projection to each witness at our own passing?
Yes I have considered it! but when I pinch myself it hurts!

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