Topic: Throw down - part 2
wouldee's photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:44 PM

I mean, no.

I mean, yes.

I mean....frustrated frustrated frustrated

now knock that off...:wink: laugh


Krimsa's photo
Sat 08/16/08 02:46 PM
Alright, no problem. I was just giving you a hard time. Peace. shades

no photo
Sun 08/17/08 04:49 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Sun 08/17/08 04:57 AM

You guys seem to be talking apples and oranges.

There is no element of the Christian lifestyle that can't be pursued by others. That's true of any lifestyle.

Not at all, this was precisely what I was after spider, THANK YOU!

Which shows me that any god that would require you to believe something irrational, rather then ask that you live your life by simple honorable guiding principles would be a silly being indeed.

That is why I feel indoctrinated religion is nothing more then static that will not help you see the truth . . . which is follow simple rules and your life and the lives of those around you will be richer for it.

Belief is not required. At the end of the day it is what you DO, not what you think, believe, see, feel, or think you see, or think you felt that makes the greatest difference.

Our senses, our emotions they are fallible! Belief comes from within, unfortunately it does not come from some infallible 3rd party . . . The senses and emotions are connected to this belief, if one is fallible why would you place so much trust in the other that is linked to it?

That to me is the ultimate hubris.

The only way to live for me is to speak nothing of belief, my actions will speak it for me.

"The shortest and surest way to live with honor in the world, is to be in reality what we would appear to be; and if we observe, we shall find, that all human virtues increase and strengthen themselves by the practice of them."


tribo's photo
Sun 08/17/08 10:13 AM
The Bible authors left out some of the good parts. I will fill them in for you Tribo.

oh really hmm?

And low and behold,[ that's not "low" and behold - thats "LO" and behold]-

Adam saw that the birds were mating and raising chicks

Tribo - biker chicks?

and that the deer frolicked and chased and mounted one another

where did they mount one another on the walls?

and the bears in the forest did much more than just poop in the woods, and he saw that they knew each other in intimate ways and had offspring.

And he called the one who bore the offspring "Mother."


mother or Motha

And it came to pass that Adam spake unto the Lord and said, "Lord why doth every other creature get booty calls and I do not?"

And the lord said, "They are procreating their species as you must do. Have you not noticed the woman I created from your rib?"

And Adam said,
"Oh! I thought she was just here to fetch my fruit from the trees and tend the garden."

And so Adam went unto Eve and he said he wanted more than just the fruit from the tree, and he told her that the Lord had ordered him to procreate.

And she asked him what that was and he told her that he was not sure.


hmm? so your saying then that man was smarter than women since she did not know what procreation meant - hmmm? ok, i'll buy that

Then Satan entered into the garden and he showed them both what they were to do. Adam watched Satan as he came to know Eve in the way that the bears had known each other. Then Satan said, "Eve will be the mother to my children."


adam watched satan as he "came"??? hmm a bisexual freak huh? that explains things.

And Adam realized they had sinned and that Eve was supposed to be the mother of his children, not Satan's. So he too came to know Eve and he thought, now Eve will be the mother to my children.


ahh the old share and share alike routine, you old hippy chick, free love proponent. Were you a bra burning/flower child also - laugh

But Eve had twins and one was the son of Satan, and one was the son of Adam.


well satan did say she would "know" both good and evil - sounds like satan made that come to pass.

And the Lord was not pleased at all and threw them all out of the garden, because the Lord did not know which son was of Adam and which son was of Satan because they did not have DNA paternity tests back then.


wouldee's photo
Sun 08/17/08 10:20 AM

You guys seem to be talking apples and oranges.

There is no element of the Christian lifestyle that can't be pursued by others. That's true of any lifestyle.

Not at all, this was precisely what I was after spider, THANK YOU!

Which shows me that any god that would require you to believe something irrational, rather then ask that you live your life by simple honorable guiding principles would be a silly being indeed.

That is why I feel indoctrinated religion is nothing more then static that will not help you see the truth . . . which is follow simple rules and your life and the lives of those around you will be richer for it.

Belief is not required. At the end of the day it is what you DO, not what you think, believe, see, feel, or think you see, or think you felt that makes the greatest difference.

Our senses, our emotions they are fallible! Belief comes from within, unfortunately it does not come from some infallible 3rd party . . . The senses and emotions are connected to this belief, if one is fallible why would you place so much trust in the other that is linked to it?

That to me is the ultimate hubris.

The only way to live for me is to speak nothing of belief, my actions will speak it for me.

"The shortest and surest way to live with honor in the world, is to be in reality what we would appear to be; and if we observe, we shall find, that all human virtues increase and strengthen themselves by the practice of them."


well, by all means, bushi, if Socrates said it, then it MUST be true.

His belief was in his heart, and yours climbed in there with him to gloat over it and pull it out as your own?

hubris is as hubris does.

Thank you for defining hubris for us.

i don't think we could have done it without you teaching this principal neglect with your able doings.


I have learned much of you.



Krimsa's photo
Sun 08/17/08 10:30 AM
Seriously, who is going to take a swing at Tribo's mother question? Where would the concept of mother even have come from? Anyone?

tribo's photo
Sun 08/17/08 11:14 AM

Seriously, who is going to take a swing at Tribo's mother question? Where would the concept of mother even have come from? Anyone?

seems like spider is gone for now and eljay must have just come on for a while -sigh, oh wel somebody will tackle it eventually i suppose, all i'm looking for is a logical and biblical answer.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 08/17/08 11:17 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Sun 08/17/08 11:21 AM
Well its not as if they are the only folks here who could possibly answer....Redy maybe? She hasn't been on in a few days I dont think. No new posts. I know what you mean though. You would prefer a fundamentalist take it on.

tribo's photo
Sun 08/17/08 11:21 AM
Edited by tribo on Sun 08/17/08 11:31 AM

Seriously, who is going to take a swing at Tribo's mother question? Where would the concept of mother even have come from? Anyone?

seems like spider is gone for now and eljay must have just come on for a while -sigh, oh wel somebody will tackle it eventually i suppose, all i'm looking for is a logical and biblical answer.

hers another one i dont get either

supposedly the FLOOD covered all the earth by 15 cubits of water in genisis 7-19 and 20 - thats only 22.5 ft of water at 18" per cubit - so my question is were the tallest mountains then only less than 22.5 ft high? if so which i dont buy, then mount arrarat which is the mountain the ark supposedly came to rest upon of this height or less?

compared to the dimensions of the ark it would be like resting on a hill not a mountain correct? Of course i suspect you will try to say mt arrarat has grown over time, but listen carefully what is being stated is that "NO" mountains >>any where on the pangian continent<< were any higher than 22.5 ft - ?? again - WTF???

By the way Mt arrarats height today is 16,916 ft tall with other mts. close by of somewhat the same height.

no photo
Sun 08/17/08 11:35 AM

Seriously, who is going to take a swing at Tribo's mother question? Where would the concept of mother even have come from? Anyone?

seems like spider is gone for now and eljay must have just come on for a while -sigh, oh wel somebody will tackle it eventually i suppose, all i'm looking for is a logical and biblical answer.

If I answer your question, will you become a Christian? I believe you won't, it wouldn't change your mind in the least. I believe you will continue to look for more "inconsistancies" in the Bible, so there is no reason for me to answer your question.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 08/17/08 11:36 AM

Seriously, who is going to take a swing at Tribo's mother question? Where would the concept of mother even have come from? Anyone?

seems like spider is gone for now and eljay must have just come on for a while -sigh, oh wel somebody will tackle it eventually i suppose, all i'm looking for is a logical and biblical answer.

If I answer your question, will you become a Christian? I believe you won't, it wouldn't change your mind in the least. I believe you will continue to look for more "inconsistancies" in the Bible, so there is no reason for me to answer your question.

Eh bata bata bata eh bata ebta, okay, cop out fine. Next!

no photo
Sun 08/17/08 11:37 AM

Seriously, who is going to take a swing at Tribo's mother question? Where would the concept of mother even have come from? Anyone?

seems like spider is gone for now and eljay must have just come on for a while -sigh, oh wel somebody will tackle it eventually i suppose, all i'm looking for is a logical and biblical answer.

If I answer your question, will you become a Christian? I believe you won't, it wouldn't change your mind in the least. I believe you will continue to look for more "inconsistancies" in the Bible, so there is no reason for me to answer your question.

Then you agree that the Bible is inconsistent?


tribo's photo
Sun 08/17/08 11:54 AM

Seriously, who is going to take a swing at Tribo's mother question? Where would the concept of mother even have come from? Anyone?

seems like spider is gone for now and eljay must have just come on for a while -sigh, oh wel somebody will tackle it eventually i suppose, all i'm looking for is a logical and biblical answer.

If I answer your question, will you become a Christian? I believe you won't, it wouldn't change your mind in the least. I believe you will continue to look for more "inconsistencies" in the Bible, so there is no reason for me to answer your question.

well of course not spidey, i never agreed to this being a thread to win me to your beliefs - this started as your intent to "explain" all of what you perceived as our misunderstanding of the books contents. I did not start the challenge you did. i don't know what makes you think abra or me or JB, or K, or REDY, would change are minds as to what we believe - was that really your intent? To try to persuade us to become C's? Sorry if i disappointed you spider, that will never happen.

but still it would be nice of you since it is your thread to finish what you started - if you don't have biblical answers to my questions then please just say so, no harm done - i don't have all the answers to anything either, we are both just humans after all. If you can answer my questions with scripture vs. scripture instead of conjecture or outside sources please do, thnx.

Otherwise, i will have to agree with JB, that your saying that the book is inconsistent with itself and Abra's point is proven - him which you started this thread to debate with at the beginning. hmmm???

Krimsa's photo
Sun 08/17/08 12:16 PM
Thats a little easier than I would have gone on him tribo but you know that. happy

Redykeulous's photo
Sun 08/17/08 12:36 PM

That's how Feral claims it. When others give up and refuse to continue wasting time by finding scientific information that takes time to read and understand, it's declared incorrect and more information is required.

Well, you folks have done it you out informationed them.

Tribo, Krimsa, Bushi (excellent last post, by the way). And any one else still here. This is definately a win, and the discussion should be ended now, since you are the only ones left asking questions......

I'm outta here, folks, school begins this coming week, and I'll be slinking along in the grass laying in wait for the most prized possesion of all - the qualifying GPA that will keep me on the Dean's list. Hey, I get a free meal out of it every semester, I'm on it, and a discount on my text books. The financially challenged should not be turning down freebees. :wink:

Keep it real and I'll be watching, maybe commenting now and then, until my next break.

drinks I have found, there is a limit to how many free drinks I can accept - unless of course there is a free ride home. Cheers!

flowers to everyone - YES everyone!

tribo's photo
Sun 08/17/08 01:00 PM


That's how Feral claims it. When others give up and refuse to continue wasting time by finding scientific information that takes time to read and understand, it's declared incorrect and more information is required.

Well, you folks have done it you out informationed them.

Tribo, Krimsa, Bushi (excellent last post, by the way). And any one else still here. This is definately a win, and the discussion should be ended now, since you are the only ones left asking questions......

I'm outta here, folks, school begins this coming week, and I'll be slinking along in the grass laying in wait for the most prized possesion of all - the qualifying GPA that will keep me on the Dean's list. Hey, I get a free meal out of it every semester, I'm on it, and a discount on my text books. The financially challenged should not be turning down freebees. :wink:

Keep it real and I'll be watching, maybe commenting now and then, until my next break.

drinks I have found, there is a limit to how many free drinks I can accept - unless of course there is a free ride home. Cheers!

flowers to everyone - YES everyone!

sorry Redy, i dont concider it a "win" nor am i looking to "win" i'm seriously looking for answers or responses to my questions which i feel some will at least attemt to do - like eljay - but as i state it must be scripture answering scripture not maybes or other outside conclusions. there is a point to my questions, soo i will continue if i have your permission - laugh

Krimsa's photo
Sun 08/17/08 01:08 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Sun 08/17/08 01:10 PM
I wouldn’t ask Eljay but I am basing that on his responses (or lack there of) to both Leviticus and Sodom and Gomorrah. Then he threw a tantrum. Scroll up on this thread to read for yourself.

tribo's photo
Sun 08/17/08 01:14 PM

I wouldn’t ask Eljay but I am basing that on his responses (or lack there of) to both Leviticus and Sodom and Gomorrah. Then he threw a tantrum. Scroll up on this thread to read for yourself.

i read it K, i know what your saying - but i will give him the opprtunity to if he desires to. or anyone else except wouldee.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 08/17/08 01:23 PM
Okay :tongue:

Redykeulous's photo
Sun 08/17/08 01:32 PM

In your search for answers, are you expecting something in the nature of empirical evidence? Or are you seeking to, provide, answers to those who can not provide the evidence you seek?

I work from the perspective of question 2. It's not because I want to destroy faith in an OTHER worldly being or creator, but to prove that faith is a personal thing, and what is true to an individual will be believed and through that belief will propegate the dogma that one will adhere to.

Be careful my friends, that when you find your truths, you do not cling too tightly to the dogmas you create. Flexibility in that area is all that will keep you from viewing your 'personal' beliefs as 'fundamental truths'.

You may question all you want, but the only honest, open minded and sincere answers you are likely to get from a fundamentalist view will be accidental; so watch for it, hidden in their writing, just as have been doing. Don't discount it, it is their honesty that you see between the lines. It is their sincerity that you see in their brush offs and their incomplete responces. It is their open mindedness that you witness, when hear the tendancy to the irrational.

Keep questioning, but learn to accept the answers you are given for what they are.

I have so much enjoyed your posts and those of so many others here. Sometimes what I'm trying to learn has little to do with what I've written. And you've all taught me so much, I just want to keep learning.