Topic: Chat on religions vs Being religious
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Sun 07/27/08 07:59 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 07/27/08 08:02 PM

it's not something thats a long way off or something thats going to happen though it might, it is something that has happened a loooooooooong time ago - laugh

Where travel through time vortexes is concerned, if it ever is going to happen, then it already has happened and is happening now, for to the "time traveler" there is no time at all, and time simply becomes a coordinate to locate a particular event in the matrix.

The "time traveler" operates outside of space time and locates an event with coordinates of space time. These coordinates are not dates or times as you see on your clock and calendar. They are locations in space-time in regard to events.


tribo's photo
Sun 07/27/08 08:05 PM
Edited by tribo on Sun 07/27/08 08:18 PM
on the right track - the parrallel universe closet to us/ right beside us is almost the opposite or negative of this one. meaning that where there is void and darkness here there is light and substance there. what is light here is darkness there, and those dark places there are the entrances to places here.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 07/27/08 08:09 PM
I saw an interview with 2 scientist in late 2002 or early 2003 and they said we already had the technology for light travel.

That the govt. was planning by 2004 to experiment moving a object at the speed of light and they believed by late 2005 or 6 they would transport a human at the speed of light.

Would you volunteer to be the test subject?:smile: Miles

Eljay's photo
Sun 07/27/08 08:09 PM

Eljay wrote:

Well - the main difference between the two, is for someone to accept numerology and Astrology as absolute truth - reincarnation must be believed - which is contradictory to Christian belief that it is appointed for man to live once.

Here again you have reached the boundaries of what you are permitted to consider because of your belief in a myth.

And yet the way I see it, there is much more evidence that numerology and Astrology is true and less evidence that Christianity is true.

(on this planet that is) However, numerology and Astrology still have discernable truths that are exclusive from accepting reincarnation. Therefore - those who feel reincarnation is a myth - often dismiss anything that has to do with numerology and astrology. Just as those who do not believe in Creation dismiss all of scripture.

I believe that even scripture has some truths and I do not dismiss all of it. I consider all information.

If you do not consider all information how can you decide which information has more validity?

If you cling to one belief alone and dismiss any information contrary to that, then you do not sincerely seek truth, for you have closed the door on knowledge and you cease to do your own thinking.

And yet you make statements like the following:

My belief in God has nothing to do with my disbelief in Darwinian evolution and the subsequent adjustments made to it (see macro and micro evolution) in the attempt to legitimize this myth.

You belief God could not possibly have anything to do with the Bible either if you truly evaluate information properly. Belief in the Bible is pure faith that has NOTHING to back it up. So how do you justify your belief in the Bible?

Darwinian evolution has its flaws but so does the Bible.


I don't know what you mean by "nothing to back it up". What I have is nothing to disprove it. It makes sense to me.

I'm not sure what your perception of my examination of other belief systems are - but my sense is that you think I haven't. I'm quite aware of numerous belief systems - from New Age, occult, Buddism, Catholicism, Protestant, Scientology, Reincarnation, Channeling, Psychic phenomina, Christian Science, and a number of Cults. I just happen to find more flaws with them than I do with the bible. Each of them has a certain amount of "truth" available to be gleened - else they would not have survived for so long - but there comes a point in the study of each where there just isn't a value to it. A point where it doesn't hold up to it's own sense of logic. When I come to this conclusion about Christianity (I.E. the bible) - which I've yet to - I will abandon that as well and move on to the next thing. And I don't reserve my examiniation of religious systems to Christianity exclusively. When I have the time - I examine them all. I read everyone's posts here and consider what they say, and examine their references for myself.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 07/27/08 08:10 PM
my proof to u is my faith. because you know and i know that nothing will change your mind unless you actually experiece a supernatural miracle for yourself.. then you may give it consideration shalom..miles

It would take much more than a supernatural miracle for me to believe in the biblical picture of God Miles.

A supernatural miracle in and of itself doesn't point to any particular religion or mythologies. The only thing that could possibly point me to the biblical picture of God would be for a supernatural being to actually materialize in front of me and claim to be the God of the Bible. Even then I would say, "You've got to be joking".

Seriously I would Miles.

The whole thing about a fallen angel, demons, the need for blood sacrifices, and salvation to get into a perfect heaven is so unreasonable to me that even if it was proven to me beyond any shadow of a doubt that it was true I would still shake my head in disbelief. Not in disbelief that it is true, but in disbelief that God could have actually turned out to be like that.

Seriously Miles, that would be the worst nightmare that I could possible have. And not because I think that in that scenario I would be cast into the pits of hell. On the contrary, even if it turned out to be true I don't believe that God would cast me into hell. He's supposed to be all-wise, all-loving, all-merciful, all-compassionate. He could not possible cast me into hell and be those things. That very act would deny those traits. He would have no choice but to embrace me into his heaven simply because he is supposedly all of those things!

But that's not the point. Even whilst I was going off to heaven it would STILL be a nightmare. The simple fact of knowing that so many souls had been created that didn't make it into heaven would bother the hell out of me. Just KNOWING that they exist would make me sick to my stomach. I could never enjoy living in a perfect heaven knowing that there are souls suffering in hell. I don't care if they supposedly 'deserve' it. I personally don't see how that could possibly deserve it. I don't are how evil they are. They still don't deserve it.

It would be much more merciful to just un-create them. Erase them. Make them cease to exist if they are all that evil. A mercy deletion. If God is supposedly all-merciful he would absolutely need to have mercy on even the most evil spirits you can possibly imagine. Just put them out of their misery. Why allow them to suffer for eternity? That is not merciful.

This is the problem with the religion Miles. It wants to claim that God is all-merciful, but then it has this same God condemning people to eternal damnation. Those two concepts are mutually inconsistent. They cannot coexist. You can't claim that God is all-merciful, and then have it doing unmerciful things.

This is why I say that this folklore cannot possibly be true Miles. It demands self-contradiction. It demands that God be both, all-merciful and simultaneously completely merciless.

It wants to have it's cake and eat it too.

There is no way that you could ever convince me that an all-merciful God could justify allowing a soul that it created to fall into harms way for all of eternity. The idea that the soul itself is responsible for it's own fate is hogwash. It doesn't ring true for me. It carries absolutely no weight whatsoever, and the reason is very simple. But not easy to explain in words.

I'll try,...

You have an all-powerful being. Call it being "A".

This all-powerful being creates a lesser being, call that being "B".

The all-powerful being makes rules and decides how it wants things to be.

The lesser being that it created doesn't agree. The lesser being say, "No, I don't like your choices. I don't want to play the games that you like to play. I want to play my own games."

Does being "A" have a moral right to punish being "B" for not agreeing with it's choices?

I say no. It doesn't not.

Well, who am I to say?

Easy. Let me be being "A" for a moment.

I'm God. I'm the one who created being "B".

Being "B" doesn't like my lifestyle and disagrees with me. It may not even like me at all.

What are my choices? Who am I responsible to?

Well, from a position of authority I'm only responsible to myself because being "B" is a wimp. I can do anything I choose to it, and there's nothing it can do about it.

However, I STILL have to live with my SELF!!!!!!

If I bully being "B" and I'm mean to being "B" then I would not be happy with myself. I could not punishing the little guy for not liking me and for disagreeing with all my rules and regulations.

Seriously I couldn't. I don't care how mean being "B" is. That's totally irrelevant.


I created the little guy! That's the ONLY THING that's meaningful to ME.

I would have only have two choices.

I could simply un-create it. (kill it in the most painless merciful way I possibly could) Just make it disappear by waving a magic wand over it. After all, I'm God, and so anything is possible for me.

Or I could set it up on a planet and let it live like it wants to, even though I disagree with it. After all, I have over 70 thousand million million million stars just in this little tiny observable part of my universe, why not give it a planet to play on? That would be like a multi-billionaire giving someone a penny and saying, "Keep the change".

In short, there would be absolutely no good reason to punish it, or even allow it to fall into harms way, for not agreeing with me or not liking me. For me to do that I would need to be a BULLY!

At the very worst, if I really thought it was disgustingly evil to the point where it even made me sick, I might opt for the un-create deal and just put it out of its own misery.

But the bottom line is that to set it up in a place where it would be tortured for eternity would serve NO GOOD PURPOSE. What good would that do me?

I'm mean, you may not realize this but I have emotions. :smile:

I would feel terrible if I allowed someone that I created to spend eternity in misery.

I mean TERRIBLE!!!

So how could a supposedly all-loving, all-merciful God do such a thing?

He couldn't. He would need to be less compassionate and less merciful than me!

Therefore either the biblical stories are completely fabricated myths OR God is not all-loving and all-merciful and there are actually mortal men who are more compassionate and merciful than God.

Take your choice.

But you can't have your cake and eat it too!

It's one OR the other. You can't have it both ways!

Either the stories are false, or there are mortal men who are more compassionate and more merciful than God.

That's the bottom line.

OR,... God is not all powerful and there are limitations in what he can actually do. Again, take your choices here. But you can't keep all of these things. They are not co-compatible. You can't have the cake and eat it too. You've got to forfeit something.

Either the whole mythology is false.

Or it's wrong about God being all-powerful and all-merciful.

Either way, it's a flawed doctrine. flowerforyou

Eljay's photo
Sun 07/27/08 08:16 PM

Well, I work for a union that mandates that a break be taken after three hours of work. I'm never "exhausted" or in need of this "rest" - I just take it. So for you to assume that I take this break because of these reasons is to READ this into your interpretation. You see rest as a result of being exhausted. To me - it is also an indisation of simply having completed something - and not exclusively a result of physical exertion.

geez "Eljay" the analogies you use are somewhat askew off the mark.. I'm going by what the bible said not by your union rules ..and in the bible it states that God "rested" .. having to rest means that time has taken it's toll on God

No one has the free choice to not starve if there is no food available - so I guess that would include babies now - wouldn't it.

hummmm being evasive again..the question was about if no food was available also for the sake of argument let's say the food was available but doesn't contain the nutrients to sustain life again do the person have the 'Free Choice" not to starve

Of course the child could thrash around and pull out the I.V. But here - you are forcing the will of someone stronger and able to control the actions of the child. If I held a gun to your head and strongly requested you to do whatever - I would say that "I'm changing the rules" to your freedom of choice, eH. You could always chose to be shot. So - coming up with the exception does not prove the rule.

sorry but the I.V. is duct taped to the baby so that it can't be thrashed out ..and your gun analogy is actually you proving my point ...that life is about happenstances that occurs and you have 'No Choice" but to choose from options to deal with each given situation in which you have little or no control over

Okay Funches - I'm lost. Can you tell me what the point is you're trying to establish? Is there or isn't there "free will"? When faced with options - do we have the freedom to chose?

no photo
Sun 07/27/08 08:17 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 07/27/08 08:25 PM

on the right track - the parrallel universe closet to us/ right beside us if almost the opposite or negative of this one. meaning that where there is void and darkness here there is light and substance there. what is light here is darkness there and those dark places there are the entrances to places here.

Would you believe me if I told you that I have a picture of either a UFO or some kind of vortex in the sky?

I could send you to a page on my site where I posted it.

I had been taking digital pictures of a dark orange sky trying to catch a rainbow. When I took the pictures I did not see the object in the lens.

I saw it while reviewing the pictures. It appeared very small in some of the shots, but in one of them it was very large and looked like the moon or the sun shining through the clouds. But upon looking at the sky, there was no such object.

I since read a description of a large circular orange thing in the sky over a ranch in a book called "The Hunt for the Skin Walker." The description was very much like what I took a picture of.

Here is a link to a page that contains that picture.

It is the second picture on the page. Called "Rainbow with Orb."

The other shots, still in original format, show the orb but it is very small and in the distant sky. It seemed to move around the sky. I never did see it with my eyes, it only showed up on the camera and in the sky.


tribo's photo
Sun 07/27/08 08:21 PM

I saw an interview with 2 scientist in late 2002 or early 2003 and they said we already had the technology for light travel.

That the govt. was planning by 2004 to experiment moving a object at the speed of light and they believed by late 2005 or 6 they would transport a human at the speed of light.

Would you volunteer to be the test subject?:smile: Miles

no and heres why - i believe it can take place in moments meaning the travel of ones self trillions of miles, that would still take way to long by any present technology that has been gleaned by the government and as how they may of obtained that info to do so and be able to do so. Why would i want to travel so slow?

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 07/27/08 08:26 PM

Eljay wrote:

I don't know what you mean by "nothing to back it up". What I have is nothing to disprove it. It makes sense to me.

See my last post to Miles.

The bible does not make sense Eljay.

It claims that God is all-wise, all-loving, all-merciful, all-knowing, and all-perfect.

But then it contradicts itself by describing a God that has none of those traits.

If it had started out with a God that had limitations and maybe isn't all merciful, and all-wise then it could get away with claiming that it's God is like that.

But it's a doctrine that demands everything.

It just doesn't work that way.

It can't claim that God is all-merciful, and then have that God doing things that are no merciful.

It's self-inconsistent. It's disproves itself Eljay by it's own contradictions. According to the Bible I'm compassionately superior to God because I would never allow anyone to go to hell, but its God does allow people to go to hell. flowerforyou

Therefore it can't be true. I cannot be the compassionate superior to God, yet according to the bible I am.

tribo's photo
Sun 07/27/08 08:33 PM

on the right track - the parrallel universe closet to us/ right beside us if almost the opposite or negative of this one. meaning that where there is void and darkness here there is light and substance there. what is light here is darkness there and those dark places there are the entrances to places here.

Would you believe me if I told you that I have a picture of either a UFO or some kind of vortex in the sky?

I could send you to a page on my site where I posted it.

I had been taking digital pictures of a dark orange sky trying to catch a rainbow. When I took the pictures I did not see the object in the lens.

I saw it while reviewing the pictures. It appeared very small in some of the shots, but in one of them it was very large and looked like the moon or the sun shining through the clouds. But upon looking at the sky, there was no such object.

I since read a description of a large circular orange thing in the sky over a ranch in a book called "The Hunt for the Skin Walker." The description was very much like what I took a picture of.

Here is a link to a page that contains that picture.

It is the second picture on the page. Called "Rainbow with Orb."

The other shots, still in original format, show the orb but it is very small and in the distant sky. It seemed to move around the sky. I never did see it with my eyes, it only showed up on the camera and in the sky.


hmm intersting shots but not what i'm talking of.

Eljay's photo
Sun 07/27/08 08:35 PM


A zillion posts in a row
and not one of them can show
coherence to the landscape
of a scholarly plateau

Zeus's thread is riddled
with idle conversations
and silly pious poetry
that exceeds his expectations

Miles is seeking Yahweh
Rapunzel's seeking Chivalry
And Zeus is only hoping
to see comments that are drivel-free

JB says that truth's elusive
Eljay says it's all conclusive
Tribo wants a whole new game
whilst Abra's still reclusive

Smiless' just reads in silence
other's do the same
they fear that if they post their thoughts
they'll be charged to be insane

Everyone is treading light
they're eating popcorn as they read
Who's beliefs will turn out right?
And who's beliefs will bleed?


I do so admire your creativity!

no photo
Sun 07/27/08 08:38 PM
hmm intersting shots but not what i'm talking of.

Well excuse me Tribo, I'll rush right out with my camera and find a shot of what you are talking about if I had any idea what you were talking about. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh


no photo
Sun 07/27/08 08:43 PM

I saw an interview with 2 scientist in late 2002 or early 2003 and they said we already had the technology for light travel.

That the govt. was planning by 2004 to experiment moving a object at the speed of light and they believed by late 2005 or 6 they would transport a human at the speed of light.

Would you volunteer to be the test subject?:smile: Miles

no and heres why - i believe it can take place in moments meaning the travel of ones self trillions of miles, that would still take way to long by any present technology that has been gleaned by the government and as how they may of obtained that info to do so and be able to do so. Why would i want to travel so slow?

I have heard that the "Star Gate" is not just a show, that it is a reality.


tribo's photo
Sun 07/27/08 08:47 PM

hmm intersting shots but not what i'm talking of.

Well excuse me Tribo, I'll rush right out with my camera and find a shot of what you are talking about if I had any idea what you were talking about. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh


go to the desert donot eat dessert before hand turn your camera 12 degrees north by northeast at 20 degrees up from horizon - stand there till you see the thing i'm talking of and shoot it post it when your done.

NOT!!!!!!! - laugh

tribo's photo
Sun 07/27/08 08:49 PM

I saw an interview with 2 scientist in late 2002 or early 2003 and they said we already had the technology for light travel.

That the govt. was planning by 2004 to experiment moving a object at the speed of light and they believed by late 2005 or 6 they would transport a human at the speed of light.

Would you volunteer to be the test subject?:smile: Miles

no and heres why - i believe it can take place in moments meaning the travel of ones self trillions of miles, that would still take way to long by any present technology that has been gleaned by the government and as how they may of obtained that info to do so and be able to do so. Why would i want to travel so slow?

I have heard that the "Star Gate" is not just a show, that it is a reality.


it or something similiar might be who knows with the gov. but what i'm speaking of is nothing to do with mans contraptions, nor would i trust it.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 07/27/08 08:49 PM
Abra we both have been around these threads for awhile.

I am suprised that you related so much of the dogma you are speaking of to what i believe.

To start with Yahweh did not have a reason to create a human untill the Fall of Satan.

here was an Angel spirit being who has been and spoken face to face with Yahweh and he believes but he believes he can over power him.

Basically does not believe he is allpowerfull even though through all this we can see in Job for one that Satan has to have permission to get Yahweh to take his protection away that Satan thinks he can destroy this creations faith in Yahweh.

It is a testing ground here on earth for us.

The angels had free will yet 1/3 decided Hele/satan was or will be more powerfull than who created him in the 1st place.

Now that sounds crazy to far as Helel goes.

Going to hell.. Made up fantacy I agree. Nowhere can anyone find anyone suffering at any time in hell. Thier are metafors but not any evidence of it.

This was in the Egyptian culture this is why we see say the valley of the kings. They did not want to be tormented.

Dante's inferno i am sure you are familiar with is where this heresy came from.

As with so many people they want power over the people.

I am a servant of the most high either believe this or burn in hell forever and ever.

This has continued to this day as tradition.

traditition in religion is one of the hardest thing to overcome. like most people know christmas and easter are pagan yet they hold them higher than Yahweh's days he promices to bless his people with.

The bible over and over speaks of death is like sleep.In both thier is know knowledge of time.

Even scientific studies in the 80's concluded that at a certain point when a person takes thier last breath and when a point of just entering sleep. The brain releases the exact same chemical.

I find that quite interesting that this happens considering that the bible relates death as sleep.

For these religions to say that you go to heaven or hell at death actually denies the promiced messiah.

The messiah is called the 1st born of the dead.

He did not rise to heaven for 3 days.

This would mean the thief on the stake that he told you will be with me in the kingdom o0f heaven.

This would mean that Yahshua was not the 1st born of the dead. The thief got thier 1st.

If you understand that in the grave is no knowledge of anything then when the dead rise at either Yahshua's return or at the great white throne judgement that the last thing you remembered is when you went to sleep.

Know different than when everyone of us wake in the morning.

You speak of the torture. The scriptures speak of them being thrown in a lake of fire. They will not live long. we are not immortal. immoratality is a gift.

yahshua said do not fear him who can destroy the body but fear him who can destroy body and soul. Total destruction as will happen at the Great white throne judgement.

this judgement so many do not want to believe. They do not want to believe what it says because it flies in thier face of tradition again.

It says the books are opened and you are judged by your WORKS.

That has turned into a bad word. We can not be saved by works.

That is a major theme.

This is true to those who believe. It is not true to those who truely do not believe.

yahweh is fair.. That is why either in the 1st ressurrection or the 2nd all the dead are raised at the same time. Fair to all.

What about those who you knew who were destroyed. It is just like you said you would prefer.

The tears will be wiped from our eyes and all memory of those who were evil will be wiped from your mind. As if they never existed. Only spirit beings like satan and angels who fell will be thrown i9into the lake of fire for eternity then

Does a spirit being feel pain?

I am sure i missed some of your reasons for the falacies of religion and i perfectly understand why.

Yahweh is not like the ministers of the world want you to think.

They want your allegince and hold them in high regard which is power an ego trip and then thier are so many who claim u need to send them your money for you to get blessed.

These are the real people who are going to have a lot to answer for.

they speak of how terrible it was for Yahshua when he was beaten with many stripes.

It does not really speak what comepletely happens to them.

But it speaks of them being beaten with many stripes just like the savior they claimed to represent.

A little poetic just thir I believe.

Blessings from Yahweh to You...Miles

no photo
Sun 07/27/08 08:52 PM
it or something similiar might be who knows with the gov. but what i'm speaking of is nothing to do with mans contraptions, nor would i trust it.

Neither would I! laugh laugh laugh

But I have done split second OBE's. I know how fast that can happen, but the problem with that is finding a body when you get to the location. LOL


tribo's photo
Sun 07/27/08 08:59 PM

it or something similiar might be who knows with the gov. but what i'm speaking of is nothing to do with mans contraptions, nor would i trust it.

Neither would I! laugh laugh laugh

But I have done split second OBE's. I know how fast that can happen, but the problem with that is finding a body when you get to the location. LOL


that is because you are trying to seperate yourself instead of staying in the shell you have, your on the right track but there is much more to know yet. ok im finished no more talk of this sorry.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 07/27/08 09:04 PM
on the ski fi channel thats on now., That guy is going to take one person back with him to Ka Pax at the speed of lightlaugh

no photo
Sun 07/27/08 09:05 PM

it or something similiar might be who knows with the gov. but what i'm speaking of is nothing to do with mans contraptions, nor would i trust it.

Neither would I! laugh laugh laugh

But I have done split second OBE's. I know how fast that can happen, but the problem with that is finding a body when you get to the location. LOL


that is because you are trying to seperate yourself instead of staying in the shell you have, your on the right track but there is much more to know yet. ok im finished no more talk of this sorry.

Okay whatever. huh yawn :wink: