Topic: Chat on religions vs Being religious
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Mon 07/28/08 10:05 AM

Well I am growing some wings and my skin is getting a bit rough like a reptile.

I figure in a few more years I will be a full grown dragon!laugh

john your already a full grown dragon in your mind, thats as far as it will go - laugh

all will be explained when i finish and publish my book. be patient. flowerforyou

Yeh everybody is writing a book. So am I. So is Abra. Join the club of wanna-be authors of books that will alter the fabric of our known reality.drinker

no photo
Mon 07/28/08 10:08 AM

Well I am growing some wings and my skin is getting a bit rough like a reptile.

I figure in a few more years I will be a full grown dragon!laugh

john your already a full grown dragon in your mind, thats as far as it will go - laugh

all will be explained when i finish and publish my book. be patient. flowerforyou

Yeh everybody is writing a book. So am I. So is Abra. Join the club of wanna-be authors of books that will alter the fabric of our known reality.drinker

I think that is awesome! I want them all signed when published and sent to me first class!laugh

and I do hope everyone sells at least a million copies at the process:smile:

no photo
Mon 07/28/08 10:13 AM
My book is about Tarot Card Reading and it comes complete with an 80 card Tarot deck that will rock the Tarot Card collectors world!


tribo's photo
Mon 07/28/08 10:16 AM
Edited by tribo on Mon 07/28/08 10:21 AM

Well I am growing some wings and my skin is getting a bit rough like a reptile.

I figure in a few more years I will be a full grown dragon!laugh

john your already a full grown dragon in your mind, thats as far as it will go - laugh

all will be explained when i finish and publish my book. be patient. flowerforyou

Yeh everybody is writing a book. So am I. So is Abra. Join the club of wanna-be authors of books that will alter the fabric of our known reality.drinker

maybe it's the beginning as you say of a new era of knowledge and wisdom to come.I cannot prove my beliefs just put them forward based on my research and thought, but it may well be an eye opener as to a completely different view as to who we are and how it all started and where were going or can go in the end.

i hope you and abra's do the same, it will be most enlightning.

no photo
Mon 07/28/08 10:18 AM

My book is about Tarot Card Reading and it comes complete with an 80 card Tarot deck that will rock the Tarot Card collectors world!


Can't wait to buy it! I am really interested in the artwork as it must be fascinating.

tribo's photo
Mon 07/28/08 10:23 AM
tarot cards, schmarot cards, yada,yada,yada, i though t you were writing something earth shattering? oh well - :cry:

no photo
Mon 07/28/08 10:28 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 07/28/08 10:30 AM

tarot cards, schmarot cards, yada,yada,yada, i though t you were writing something earth shattering? oh well - :cry:

Let people find their own way through the matrix. Your and Abra's books will be enough for that. My opinions are insignificant and irrelevant.

Our tarot deck is all about the art. This deck will rock the Tarot Collectors world. Images are the unspoken language of the human subconscious. The art is our passion, not solving the mysteries of the universe. I will leave that to you Tribo.drinker


tribo's photo
Mon 07/28/08 10:31 AM
Edited by tribo on Mon 07/28/08 10:32 AM

tarot cards, schmarot cards, yada,yada,yada, i though t you were writing something earth shattering? oh well - :cry:

Let people find their own way through the matrix. Your and Abra's books will be enough for that. My opinions are insignificant and irrelevant.

Our tarot deck is all about the art. This deck will rock the Tarot Collectors world. Images are the unspoken language of the human subconscious. The art is our passion, no solving the mysteries of the universe. I will leave that to you Tribo.drinker


thx JB, but i'm really in agreement with the art statement, and music as well - my second love in life - as long as no words are attached to it.I'm an artist also, pen and ink mostly but not for quite a while now. so i wish you nothing but sucess in your pursuits. flowers

Eljay's photo
Mon 07/28/08 10:48 AM

God planned it that way.. simply because He gave man a FREE WILL to Come to Him FAITH..and WHEN man DOES, the mystery and hidden things in God's Word will THEN be revealed to him.

This, Morningsong, and your entire post is your very personal belief. It is not held by others, nor is it truth for anyone but you. But you certainly have a right to express your belief.flowerforyou



You have no idea if her view is held by anyone else or not. This is YOUR belief - I don't see that in your post. You would have been closer to the truth if you'd merely stated that you don't believe it - rather than assuming you speak for anyone else.

Eljay's photo
Mon 07/28/08 11:03 AM

Though I have read a great number of your psts - you have posted over 6200 times, and I must confess - I have not read them all. Which leads me to the point that this is the first time I've seen that your belief is in reincarnation. Though I have known that you - well - sort of claim pantheism, I've never quite thought that you grasped it in it's entirety. It's not that I didn't think you would hold to Reincarnation as a truth, you've just never really expounded on it as you did on a recent post.

So this is the major fork in the road where we part ways. I'm not really motivated to go into the reasons I abandoned this concept - it wouldn't do much to add to our converstations. Suffice it enough to say that I spent a great many hours of my youth (whilst I was doing numerology charts) studying this concept - I most likely see it in the same illogical light that you do the scriptures. That being said - I would say that we are both pretty clear on what the other believes, we just remain unsure of the pertitent justifiacation we each hold.

As to the question concerning "who wrote the bible" - surely by now you know that I too - tend to view things logically, and I remain with the understanding that an onmiscient God is perfectly capable of determining who should have the ability to write down the words He wishes recorded, and not only that - but to get it right.
To state that "infallible man" wasn't capable of correctly recording the intentions of an omniscient God is a contradiction in the definition of omniscient - wouldn't you agree?

If you were to give this proof to your class - how would you express your idea of this logical fallacy, given that you've extablished as one of the parameters of God - that he is omniscient?

no photo
Mon 07/28/08 11:05 AM

God planned it that way.. simply because He gave man a FREE WILL to Come to Him FAITH..and WHEN man DOES, the mystery and hidden things in God's Word will THEN be revealed to him.

This, Morningsong, and your entire post is your very personal belief. It is not held by others, nor is it truth for anyone but you. But you certainly have a right to express your belief.flowerforyou



You have no idea if her view is held by anyone else or not. This is YOUR belief - I don't see that in your post. You would have been closer to the truth if you'd merely stated that you don't believe it - rather than assuming you speak for anyone else.

You are right. There may be others who share similar beliefs. I do think though that each person is an individual and that their beliefs are personal and very individual too themselves. I don't think any two are identical.


Abracadabra's photo
Mon 07/28/08 12:43 PM
MorningSong wrote:

There are certain hidden mysteries in God's Word ,that will not make sense, and remain hidden to man...and cannot be revealed to man, until man's spirtual eyes are opened.....but until then, the Word of God will appear as contradiction and foolishness to man, whose eyes are not yet opened.

It has already been proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that what you claim here can't possibly be true.

The proof is very simple.

Everyone who believes in the Bible doesn't agree on what it says.

Period. That's proof right there that what you claim here is totally untrue.

The mere fact that the Jew, Protestants, and Catholics all have different takes on what the book means is proof positive that no one understands the book.

Why should I believe a Christian over a Jew?

Why should I believe that Jesus is God when other people who clearly read and believe in the Old Testament do not believe that Jesus is God.

You're proclamation here is totally unsupported by the religious people of the world. They only way that it could possibly have any truth in it at all is if all clergy agreed on what the Bible has to say.

Cleary they don't.

Clearly they need to have their eyes opened to the fact that the mythology they are purporting to be the word of God is in fact false, and is not the word of any God.

Your claim here has been unequivocally proven by religious people themselves to be totally false and without any merit at all.

They can't even agree with each other on precisely what the book means. The only thing that they are in agreement with is that some guy got nailed to a pole and if you believe he was God you're supposed to win a prize.

But even non-believers can see that the book is saying that much. But even the Jews don't believe in that part of it.

So your supposition here is without merit. flowerforyou

Rapunzel's photo
Mon 07/28/08 12:46 PM
:heart: flowerforyou :heart: Much Love, & Light & big hugs to All :heart: flowerforyou :heart:

no photo
Mon 07/28/08 01:09 PM
Thanks for stopping in Rapunzel.

How long is your hair Rapunzel? It goes out of your picture. Have you let down your hair for that handsome prince to climb up yet?


Abracadabra's photo
Mon 07/28/08 01:31 PM
It's not that I didn't think you would hold to Reincarnation as a truth, you've just never really expounded on it as you did on a recent post.

I don't hold to anything as truth Eljay. Ultimately I have no choice but to be agnostic. The only truth that I can know with certainty is that I don't know anything.

I simply offer that reincarnation is plausible. I see no reason why it can't be true. And it actually makes sense on so many levels. So I see no reason to reject it as a possibility.

On the contrary, the idea that a God would judge spirits for all of eternity based on what they might have done during a fleeting human existence seems totally unwarranted to me.

Have you ever seen the movie "The Shawshank Redemption"? There is a scene in that movie when Morgan Freeman sits down to be interviewed by the parole board. They start asking him questions and he goes into a speech about how that young boy who did all the terrible stupid things that caused him to end up being sentenced to prison no longer exists!

In that scene Morgan Freeman was saying that he is a changed man. The young foolish boy he once was is no longer alive. He's dead. He's saying that he totally regrets what he had done in the past and can't even believe he was that foolish at one time himself.

Well, just think about that for a moment. Here is a story of a man who has had a change of heart over a mere few decades (and you can rest assured that this is indeed the case for many real human beings).

Why should he continue to be punished for the action of a boy that he himself no longer agrees with? As he said, that boy died.

Well, that's precisely what you are demanding God to do to people. You are demanding that God punishes spirits for all of eternity based solely on what they did during a brief incarnation as a human being on planet earth.

To me that's not even a tenable idea. It's nothing short of utterly ludicrous.

If people can have a change of heart over the course of a lifetime, then why can't they have a change of heart after they die.

There's supposedly no escape from hell. That's the whole idea. You DON'T GET A SECOND CHANCE! That's the threat!!!

Be good now, or pay for it for all of eternity. That's the 'controlling mindset' of the religion. It's a brainwashing technique to put the fear of God into individual so they shape up NOW.

If you're going to designer a religion to keep people in line, you can't have them thinking that they can do bad things in this life and then repent in the next. It has to be a final judgments. No second chances. That's because humans made it up and they want you to submit to their authority NOW, not after your dead.

An eternal timeless God would have no need for such a desperate mortal scheme.

I don't hold that anything is true Eljay. I'm not trying to sell you on reincarnation. I don't know whether pantheism is true or not. All I can say is that it makes more sense to me than the biblical picture.

In truth, I'm starting to believe more along the lines of what Jeanniebean believes (well maybe not in the aliens so much), but I'm talking about how she sees each of us as the creator. She also believes in reincarnation.

I always had a problem with the idea that we are judged on a single lifetime and then go of to live for eternity in some heaven. That's a truly simplistic story. What would we do in heaven? Eternity is a long time to be worshiping a godhead and doing only its will. If you truly stop and think about that situation you might want to seriously start wondering if it truly represent utopia.

I'm in LOVE with the physical world. Yes, it's true! I love to play the piano, and violin, and pet my cat, and take my motorcycle for a ride. I love to smell the roses and feel the wind on my face. These are all physical things Eljay. I love the physical world. If I went to heaven and God asked me what I would like to do, I'd ask to be reincarnated into a physical world again. laugh

Only hopefully a world where the serpents don't bite. bigsmile

That would be heaven. A physical world with no mosquitoes.

But it should have lots of grand pianos and quaint little violin shops! And yes even a motorcycle with a cello rack on the back. Ok, maybe a guitar on the sissy bar and a sexy woman on the back. laugh

Hell yeah, sex would be cool too! drinker

Sure beats standing around in unstained white robes singing, "The Old Rugged Cross".

no photo
Mon 07/28/08 01:38 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 07/28/08 01:38 PM
That would be heaven. A physical world with no mosquitoes.

They say that Hawaii has no mosquitoes. In fact, it has no bugs at all. Or snakes. Yep that's what I heard. It's heaven alright. So when are we going?


Rapunzel's photo
Mon 07/28/08 01:44 PM
Edited by Rapunzel on Mon 07/28/08 01:44 PM

Thanks for stopping in Rapunzel.

How long is your hair Rapunzel? It goes out of your picture. Have you let down your hair for that handsome prince to climb up yet?


Ohhh...flowerforyou <<< Jeannie >>>>flowerforyou

blushing You are so sweet, & thoughtful, my Sister blushing

happy I am so grateful & fortunate to start to get to know you happy

:heart: I just love it when we lay down the arms :heart:
in the gender & religion wars drinker
overlooking the things that divide us flowerforyou
and find similarities that we all share ...:heart:

we really should have a party sharing love & common bonds

My hair? It is about two & half feet long now...
it goes past my waist and i hardly trim it anymore..
I don't color it anymore and haven't in years...
so i have silver streaks through it...
and even though my hair looks black,
it is really mostly dark reddish auburn..

love :tongue: smooched And my handsome Prince? smooched :tongue: love

blushingblushing blushing .ahhhhhhhh!!!! blushing blushing blushing

God only knows who he is... smokin drinker smokin

I have a few men in mind actually :wink: laugh :wink:

Heck i don't know what to do, noway
so i just have a few extra irons in the fire...laugh
the more the merrier...bigsmile

but i do really only want just one drinker
I want to find the ONE special guy just for me... smokin
I'm hoping the right one will surface flowerforyou
& let me know he is the one for me...drinker
and for the feelings to be mutual...:heart:
and then he'll come up blushing :tongue: love
riding his huge palomino laugh
or his bad to the bone < four by four > :wink:
to whisk me away ....laugh to his country home...flowerforyou

drinker if wishes were horses :wink: all men & ladies would ride...drinker

flowerforyou we have to dream big and in technicolor, don't you think?flowerforyou


:heart: our deepest & most passionate dreams may never come true:heart:

flowerforyou and what about you Dear Jeannie...? flowerforyou

drinker What stirs you to the depths of your soul? drinker

:heart: I hope you find whatever & whoever it is you are looking for :heart:

no photo
Mon 07/28/08 01:49 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 07/28/08 01:50 PM

Well I'm trying to figure out how James (Abra) and me can sneak off to Heaven ---Hawaii-- (heaven is a place with no bugs or snakes according to him.)-- hense Hawaii is my guess.


tribo's photo
Mon 07/28/08 02:09 PM
why "sneak" ? - just gooooooooooooooooooooo

Rapunzel's photo
Mon 07/28/08 02:10 PM
Edited by Rapunzel on Mon 07/28/08 02:11 PM


Well I'm trying to figure out how James (Abra) and me can sneak off to Heaven ---Hawaii-- (heaven is a place with no bugs or snakes according to him.)-- hense Hawaii is my guess.


blushing Ohhh happy I would love so much to see that happen for both of you blushing

drinker James is really a fine man and so tall & very handsome too drinker

He is very wise & kind, intelligent, loving & very sensitive , just like you in so many ways...
Oh, i am so glad you came along when you did flowerforyou
you do both seem to have a very close spiritual connection drinker

I'm not sure if Hawaii is without bugs or snakes, ohwell
it is very tropical there & those giant flying palmettos frown
& subterranean cockroaches sick leave sooooo much to be desired...laugh

although my daughter was in Maui & Kaua'i & loved it there :heart:

but i am sure you will find a place perfect for you both to go drinker

here are some links i found...flowerforyou