Topic: Chat on religions vs Being religious
Abracadabra's photo
Tue 07/29/08 10:16 AM

I fully understand where you are coming from. Trust me, I do.

I fully understand that you have nothing but the very best of intentions.

I understand all of that.

I also have the very best of intentions for you. I'm not trying to destroy your beliefs. I don't want to denounce your belief in Jesus, and the biblical story. Unfortunately that's just collateral damage in my message to humanity as a whole.

There's nothing wrong with what you believe. I'm sure that God is tickled pink that you have so much faith in him. I have no doubt at all that when you leave this earthy life you will be taken straight to Seventh Heaven on the Angel Express with no questions asked.

I truly believe that MorningSong. There is no doubt in my mind. You are truly 'saved'. I don't question that in the least.

I'm coming at religions from a totally different perspective than you are. I'm looking at them from a philosophical point of view, as well as a rational point of view. I hold to the tenant that if there is a creator it must be a reasonable entity. I look at religions, and deny the ones that I feel are unreasonable.

I offer logical arguments of why I feel they are unreasonable. I offer reasons of why I feel they are harmful to humanity as a whole. I try to point out their absurdities and self-contradictions in the hopes that others can also see why they are untenable. My purpose is to contribute to the advancement of humanity as a whole. To help bring mankind out of the caves of superstition and move forward into a life that is based truly on reason and true wisdom, and not on the ancient superstitious that blood can wash away sins.

I believe in REASON, MorningSong. I believe that God is REASONABLE.

I don't believe that God is unreasonable. And I believe that the superstitious stories in the Bible are unreasonable. Therefore I could never believe that the Bible is the word of God. It flies in the face of God being reasonable.

So for you to be harping on trying to save Abra's soul is totally meaningless to me. If I need to believe that the Bible is true in order to save my soul I can guarantee you that my soul is forever damned because I'm never going to believe that the Bible is the word of God. It contradicts the very nature of what God is supposed to be. In order to the Bible to be true, God would need to be totally unreasonable.

I'm not seeking 'religion' MorningSong. Neither am I seeking God. I am totally at peace with my creator. I am totally prepared to meet my creator at any moment. I have no bone to pick with my creator. I know that I am not an evil person. Therefore if my creator has a bone to pick with me it wont be because I'm evil. It could only be because I didn't believe that some ancient mythology was actually his word. And if that's the case I'll gladly discuss that with him when the time comes.

After all, if God truly is all-knowing, he'll know that the reason I couldn't believe the Bible is because from my point of view it is totally unreasonable and I didn't want to believe that he is unreasonable.

Do you honestly think that my creator is going to be peeved at me for not wanting to believe that he is unreasonable?

That would be my only sin MorningSong. The sin of not wanting to believe that God is unreasonable.

I'm not going to support what I believe to be an unreasonable superstitious judgmental doctrine just in the hopes that by supporting that madness I might be able to save my own personal soul.

I'm not going there MorningSong.

As far as I'm concerned I'm already in complete harmony with my creator. I'm already 'saved' if any saving even needs to be done. I'm not an immoral person. It can't come down to being important to believing in ancient superstitions in order to be 'saved'. If being a good moral person isn't good enough then there's a major flaw in the program.

And that would be unreasonable. Believing that a specific doctrine is the word of God cannot be important to our fate. That simply isn't reasonable. Especially when that belief MUST BE BASED on PURE FAITH, even in the face of it being TOTALLY UNREASONABLE.

In other words, you must have PURE FAITH, that God is TOTALLY UNREASONABLE.

Why would I want to do that? Just because you think it will save your soul?

That doesn't work for me MorningSong.

If being a good person isn't enough, then so be it. I will have failed an unreasonable God. So be it. That's all I can say about that. flowerforyou

davidben1's photo
Tue 07/29/08 12:34 PM
did the believers not think there was a NEED for others that did not believe, to practice and learn not to condem, lol....

what happens when the believers see that the "wicked" or unbelievers only DOUBT themselves and their imaginations because of what the believers say and preach, and that they, are as already perfected, the law having already been lived thru and believed in lives past, and are sent now as angels, as all humans be angels disguised in human flesh, to perfect the believers, lol..........

indeed, when the beleivers see they were the ones that prayed for their lord god to come to avenge their enemies, and that they have many, even as many that say they don't believe, and that all they have believed, as the mouth show by profession what is written on the heart, they have not kept for their own hearts, and even insist ones that are NOT purposed to believe should, and even wish they should be abolished to hells fires, the story of ninevah be recreated as once told, and the weight of the only sin, to believe, not do, and then NOT confess, bring them to the earth, and weeping as the "books of life" of EACH mind be opened is heard, in streets and yards and town and cities, and the HEART of EACH, see itself, without FEAR, and ALL confess readily they have failed, and judgement is recieved and even wished for, and those that believed SEE they did not even believe the very simplest of words, having purposed in their hearts they would be heros for god, but even as peter wished to be a hero, and truly believed as he was inpsired to, failed miserably, as PURPOSED, so shall all that say they believe see they are, and KNOW god is fair, and just, just as spoken, and believers and professors see their failure to the greatest degree, and know the TRUE LOVE, and ALL names OF ALL BELIEVERS that cannot exist EXCEPT they be in the book of life, shall be moved into the "lambs book of life", and the loving lambs created by the book of life and lambs book of life being joined, the two tress of the garden now as one, and the knowledge of the lamb that swore none would be lost, and that he was not willing ANY should persih when all was fulfiiied, come forth, and all know that words from infintie truth ans wisdom as god never pass away, and each word create what it has spoken, and indeed, all shall gather as one, the unbelievers and believers, now as one, and gather in silence, in PEACE, on knee, in the yards and streets, in all the lands and countries, ALL KNOWING WHO THEY ARE, and from WHERE THEY CAME, and to WHERE THEY GO, and stand with NO FEAR as the comet screaches to earth, ALL knowing sudden impact is emminnint, and when the attempts to overt having been completed, now EACH having faith in god, which is knowing WITHOUT ANY DOUBT, that no human could have ever achieved, ALL STAND READY, without FEAR, and as the world was first created just as scientist said, by an impact of two, so shall again an impact of two come to pass, to create a new earth and new cycle of time of learning, and ALL are disperced to each their own place, of new learning and happiness, having all wisdom to be TAUGHT new things, and living as kings, and lords each one, having queens for all, with lands with cattle on a thousand hills, and princes as each has wished, giving perfected birth without fear and pain, to perfected creations, and ALL LOVE and WISDOM as gods resides, and the learning of gods each has inherited, to prepare each for their own world, and own shall it be.

any perception of wicked or evil deeds done by any human be because one that does not believe, has been told he should, and any that do believe, do not do as they say, as purposed, and to not confess, until SEEING is time, and a holy spirit of fear has caused all, and purposed all that has ever been done, and when the wisdom that is had from ALL DEEDS and ALL HISTORY is seen, by each "books of life" the mind opened, and each tree of life, the heart, joined without any FEAR, none shall not even say thank you, as these words cannot be uttered when bliss is had........

the bliss of no fear and no lack of understanding NONE could have known EXCEPT FOR ALL THAT HAS HAPPENED, and the good that come is SO BEYOND HUMAN COMPREHENSION, that each would be the FIRST TO BEG to relive 10 lives of total misery and torment to have............

it was the only way to bring any being thru many lives and many layers to understanding of what can never be told, until enough experience has created enough points of reference to be explained, for none can see YET that the knowledge of all past lives is NOT past away, but indeed hidden within the books of the life the minds of all when they are opened..........

no photo
Tue 07/29/08 10:12 PM
Edited by voileazur on Tue 07/29/08 10:15 PM

Ok...back to the topic of sharing on the history of religions.....
before sharing on the history of christianity,
thought I'd start with the history of Judiasm first.


Early History of Judaism

Circa 2000 BCE, the G-d of the ancient Israelites established a divine covenant with Abraham, making him the patriarch of many nations. From his name, the term Abramic Religions is derived; these are the three religions which trace their roots back to Abraham: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The book of Genesis describes the events surrounding the lives of the four patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. Moses was the next leader. He led his people out of captivity in Egypt, and received the Law from G-d. After decades of wandering through wilderness, Joshua led the tribes into the promised land, driving out the Canaanites through a series of military battles.

The original tribal organization was converted into a Kingdom by Samuel; its first king was Saul. The second king, David, established Jerusalem as the religious and political center. The third king, Solomon built the first temple there.

Division into the Northern kingdom of Israel and the Southern kingdom of Judah occurred shortly after the death of Solomon in 922 BCE. Israel fell to Assyria in 722 BCE; Judah fell to the Babylonians in 587 BCE. The temple was destroyed. Some Jews returned from captivity under the Babylonians and started to restore the temple in 536 BCE. Alexander the Great invaded the area in 332 BCE. From circa 300 to 63 BCE, Greek became the language of commerce, and Greek culture had a major influence on Judaism. In 63 BCE, the Roman Empire took control of Palestine.

Three religious sects had formed by the 1st century AD: the Sadducees, Pharisees and Essenes. Many anticipated the arrival of a Messiah who would drive the Roman invaders out and restore independence. Christianity was established initially as a Jewish sect, centered in Jerusalem. Paul broke with this tradition and spread the religion to the Gentiles (non-Jews). Many mini-revolts led to the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple in 70 CE. The Jewish Christians were wiped out or scattered at this time. The movement started by Paul flourished and quickly evolved into a separate religion. Jews were scattered throughout the known world. Their religion was no longer centered in Jerusalem; Jews were prohibited from setting foot there. Judaism became decentralized and stopped seeking converts. The local synagogue became the new center of Jewish life, and authority shifted from the centralized priesthood to local scholars and teachers, giving rise to Rabbinic Judaism.

The period from the destruction of the temple onward give rise to heavy persecution by Christians throughout Europe and Russia. The latter held the Jews continuously responsible for the execution of Jesus. In the 1930s and 1940s, Adolf Hitler and the German Nazi party drew on centuries of anti-Semitism (and upon their own psychotic beliefs in racial purity) when they organized the Holocaust, the attempted extermination of all Jews in Europe. About 6 million were killed in one of the world's greatest examples of religious and racial intolerance.

A Zionist movement was a response to persecution. Their initial goal was create a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The state of Israel was formed on 1948-MAY-18. There are currently about 18 million Jews throughout the world; about 7 million live in North America.

Jewish Texts

The Tanakh corresponds to the Jewish Scriptures (Old Testament) in the Christian bible. It is composed of three groups of books:

. the Torah Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
. the Nevi'im, the Prophetic books of Isaiah, Amos, etc.
. the Ketuvim, the "Writings" including Kings, Chronicles, etc.

The Talmud contains stories, laws, medical knowledge, debates about moral choices, etc. It is composed of material which mainly comes from two sources:

. the Mishnah, 6 chapters containing a series of laws from the Hebrew Scriptures, arranged about 200 CE.
. the Gemera (one Babylonian and one Palestinian) which is an assembly of comments from hundreds of Rabbis from 200 - 500 CE, along with a passage from the Mishnah.

Jewish Beliefs

They include:
. G-d is the creator and absolute ruler of the universe
. Jewish belief is unlike the Christian concept of original sin (the belief that all people have inherited Adam and Eve's sin when they disobeyed G-d's instructions in the Garden of Eden). Judaism affirms the inherent goodness of the world and its people as creations of G-d. Believers are able to sanctify their lives and draw closer to G-d by fulfilling mitzvot (divine commandments). No saviour is needed as an intermediary.

. The Jews are G-d's chosen people
. The Ten commandments, as delineated in Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuterotomy 5:6-21, form the core of Jewish life
. The need to follow the many dietary and other laws of the Torah
. Boys reach the status of Bar Mitzvah (literally son of the commandment) on their 13th birthday; girls reach Bat Mitzvah (daughter of the commandment) on their 12th birthday. This means that they are recognized as adults and are personally responsible to follow the Jewish commandments and laws; they are allowed to lead a religious service; they are counted in a "minyan" (a quota necessary to perform certain parts of religious services); they can sign contracts; they can testify in religious courts; theoretically, they can marry, although the Talmud recommends 18 to 24 as the proper age for marriage.

Jewish Practices

They include:
. Observation of the Sabbath (day of rest), starting at sundown on Friday evening.
. Strict religious discipline governs almost all areas of life
. Regular attendance at Synagogue
. Celebration of the annual festivals including:
The Passover, which is held each Spring to recall their deliverance out of slavery in Egypt. A ritual Seder meal is eaten in each observing Jewish home at this time. Some Passover dates are: 1998 - 11th April, 1999 - 1st April, 2000 - 20th April ,
The 10 days from Rosh Hashanah (New Year) to Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) which are days of fasting and penitence. Some Rosh Hashanah dates are 1998 - 21 September, 1999 - 11th September, 2000 - 30tth Spetember
. Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah ceremonies are commonly held to recognize the coming-of-age of a Jewish youth. Shortly after their birthday, (13th for a male; 12th for a female), they recite a blessing during a Saturday Shabbat service. In most cases, they might handle additional functions, like reading the assigned text from the Torah, or leading the congregation in prayer. etc.. They often make a speech which, by tradition, starts with "Today I am a man." The youth's father often recites a blessing in appreciation for no longer being burdened with the responsibility of his child's sins. Within Orthodox and Chasidic practice, women are not allowed to take leadership roles in religious services. For them, a Bat Mitzvah celebration is basically a party.
. The local synagogue is governed by the congregation and led by a rabbi who has been chosen by the congregation. The Chief Rabbis in France and Great Britain have authority only by the agreement of those who accept it. Two Chief Rabbis in Israel have civil authority in areas of family law.

Jewish Sects

There are five main forms of Judaism in the world today:
. Conservative* Judaism: This began in the mid-nineteenth century as a reaction against the Reform movement. It is a main-line movement midway between Reform and Orthodox.
. Humanistic Judaism: This is a small group, mainly composed of atheists and agnostics, who regard mankind as the measure of all things.
. Orthodox* Judaism: This the oldest and most conservative form of Judaism. They attempt to observe their religion as close to its original forms as possible. They look upon every word in their sacred texts as being divinely inspired.
. Reconstructist Judaism: This is a new liberal movement started by Mordecai Kaplan as an attempt to unify and revitalize the religion. They reject the concept that Jews are a uniquely favored and chosen people. They have no connection at all with Christian Reconstructionism, which is an ultra-conservative form of Christianity.
. Reform* Judaism: They are a liberal group, who follow the ethical laws of Judaism, but leave up to the individual the decision whether to follow or ignore the dietary and other traditional laws. They use modern forms of worship.
* These are the largest forms of Judaism

Holy Days in Judaism

1. 1st of Tishri, Rosh Hashanah; "Head of the Year", The Jewish New Year, and the anniversary of the completion of creation.
2. 10th of Tishri ,Yom Kippur; "Day of Atonement", A day of fasting and praying which occurs 10 days after the first day of Rosh Hashanah. The holiest day in the year.
3. 15th of Tishri, Sukkot; "Season of our rejoicing; Feast of Tabernacles", The Feast of Booths is an 8 day harvest festival; a time of thanksgiving. This was considered the most important Jewish festival in 1st cent.
4. 25th of Kislev, Hanukkah, Chanukah; "Feast of Dedication", The Feast of Lights is an 8 day Feast of Dedication. It recalls the war fought by the Maccabees in the cause of religious freedom.
5. 14th of Adar, Purim; "Feast of Lots", The Feast of Lots recalls the defeat by Queen Esther of the plan to slaughter all of the Persian Jews, circa 400 BCE.
6. 15th Nissan, Pesach; "Passover" , The 8 day festival recalls the exodus of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt circa 1300 BCE. A holiday meal, the Seder, is held at home.
7. 6th of Sivan; 50 days after Pesach, Shavouth; "Festival of Weeks", Pentacost (a.k.a. Feast of Weeks) recalls God's revelation of the Torah to the Jewish people.

With thanks to the Religious Tolerance Organisation of Ontario for the Information on this page

Boy you're full of surprises 'morningsong'!!!

Way off topic!!! ... and then when one least expects it,


Great piece, and lots to cover with this group.

I just wanted to jump and initiate a response to you 'morningsong', without having time to cover 'Judaïsm' fully.

I just came back from sailing with my grand daughter, and has soon as she's 'fed', I get to 'rock' her to sleep.

I sure don't want to miss that, so I'll just paint a picture of things to come (from me) from the historical perspective, as it pertains to Judaïsm.

So, firstly, it is important to point out that history divides 'Judaïsm' in three rich and comprehensive periods.

First period (Antiquity):
'Religion of Israël: from the origins to the 'fall' of Babylone.'

Second period (-587, end of Judean state)
'Judaïsm' from the 'fall' of Babylone to the revolt of Bar-Kokheba.

Third period, (135, Talmudic period)
'Judaïsm', after the Bar-Kokheba failed rebellion.
End of the 'nation' of Isarël, and the start of the Tora, as the unifying factor for the jewish people.

Sure to be teh source of many interessing conversations to come.

Jeanne's mother is calling me, I must go ...

... put my grandaughter to sleep!!!

I'll be right back where I left off! Promise!

Rapunzel's photo
Tue 07/29/08 11:01 PM
Edited by Rapunzel on Tue 07/29/08 11:04 PM
drinker Hi there Voileazur smokin Alain drinker

flowerforyou Saying hello to Everyone else, too flowerforyou

flowerforyou Morning Song, Quikstepper, Jeannie, James, flowerforyou

happy Tribo, Redy, Belushi, yzrabbit, Funches, Wouldee,happy

drinker Star_ Tin_Gover, MilesoftheUSA, ElJay, Spidercmb, drinker

:heart: & whoever else comes on board :heart:

This conversation is interesting flowerforyou

drinker It sounds like you had lots of fun today Alain drinker

:heart: in sailing drinker with your granddaughter :heart:

yawn & getting to feed her & rock her to sleep yawn

flowerforyou That painted a lovely picture flowerforyou

awww...I love babies & children of all ages blushing

yawn Good Night Everyone :heart: and Sweet Dreams yawn

flowerforyou & if this is your daytime,drinker have a good one flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 07/30/08 06:57 AM

drinker Hi there Voileazur smokin Alain drinker

flowerforyou Saying hello to Everyone else, too flowerforyou

flowerforyou Morning Song, Quikstepper, Jeannie, James, flowerforyou

happy Tribo, Redy, Belushi, yzrabbit, Funches, Wouldee,happy

drinker Star_ Tin_Gover, MilesoftheUSA, ElJay, Spidercmb, drinker

:heart: & whoever else comes on board :heart:

This conversation is interesting flowerforyou

drinker It sounds like you had lots of fun today Alain drinker

:heart: in sailing drinker with your granddaughter :heart:

yawn & getting to feed her & rock her to sleep yawn

flowerforyou That painted a lovely picture flowerforyou

awww...I love babies & children of all ages blushing

yawn Good Night Everyone :heart: and Sweet Dreams yawn

flowerforyou & if this is your daytime,drinker have a good one flowerforyou

That's very sweet Rapunzel!

And eventhough I don't get to feed 'Jeanne', since she only draws 'divine' milk from Mommy, I did rock her to sleep. A sensation to 'live' for!!!

Love to you Rapunzel.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 07/30/08 07:00 AM
:smile: The critisism of the religion threads is somewhat undeserved. :smile: Most of us get along great.:smile: We dont really fight, although there is a lot of Boo Hoo whining thats goes on.:smile: Its only a small group of about 10 people that hang out here on a regular basis and most of us are friends.:smile: The political threads are where all the conflict is at. :smile:

tribo's photo
Wed 07/30/08 07:19 AM

:smile: The critisism of the religion threads is somewhat undeserved. :smile: Most of us get along great.:smile: We dont really fight, although there is a lot of Boo Hoo whining thats goes on.:smile: Its only a small group of about 10 people that hang out here on a regular basis and most of us are friends.:smile: The political threads are where all the conflict is at. :smile:

conflict? on the "political threads? why your crazy mirror, everyont there thinks the same as i - george bush should be made emepror and rule america forever, even if it would be only a few more yrs. if he ruled here, cant be simpler than that could it??laugh scared

no photo
Wed 07/30/08 08:09 AM
Edited by voileazur on Wed 07/30/08 08:10 AM

:smile: The critisism of the religion threads is somewhat undeserved. :smile: Most of us get along great.:smile: We dont really fight, although there is a lot of Boo Hoo whining thats goes on.:smile: Its only a small group of about 10 people that hang out here on a regular basis and most of us are friends.:smile: The political threads are where all the conflict is at. :smile:

That's because they're 'BEING way too RELIGIOUS' in their approach to 'politics'!!!

They are 2000 years behind in their religion, and 200+ behind in their politics!!!

They haven't gotten the 'Separation of Church and State' of the first amendment yet!!!

It's all about 'BEING RELIGIOUS'!!! I tell'Ya!!! :smile:

tribo's photo
Wed 07/30/08 08:14 AM

:smile: The critisism of the religion threads is somewhat undeserved. :smile: Most of us get along great.:smile: We dont really fight, although there is a lot of Boo Hoo whining thats goes on.:smile: Its only a small group of about 10 people that hang out here on a regular basis and most of us are friends.:smile: The political threads are where all the conflict is at. :smile:

That's because they're 'BEING way too RELIGIOUS' in their approach to 'politics'!!!

They are 2000 years behind in their religion, and 200+ behind in their politics!!!

They haven't gotten the 'Separation of Church and State' of the first amendment yet!!!

It's all about 'BEING RELIGIOUS'!!! I tell'Ya!!! :smile:

laugh laugh laugh

i still say let bush stay in office for a couple mre yrs and everybody's problems will be solved on the political and religious threads alike, if there is to be an armegeddon, he and his cohort's are the ones that can bring it about for sure - hahaha

no photo
Wed 07/30/08 09:48 AM

:smile: The critisism of the religion threads is somewhat undeserved. :smile: Most of us get along great.:smile: We dont really fight, although there is a lot of Boo Hoo whining thats goes on.:smile: Its only a small group of about 10 people that hang out here on a regular basis and most of us are friends.:smile: The political threads are where all the conflict is at. :smile:

That's because they're 'BEING way too RELIGIOUS' in their approach to 'politics'!!!

They are 2000 years behind in their religion, and 200+ behind in their politics!!!

They haven't gotten the 'Separation of Church and State' of the first amendment yet!!!

It's all about 'BEING RELIGIOUS'!!! I tell'Ya!!! :smile:

laugh laugh laugh

i still say let bush stay in office for a couple mre yrs and everybody's problems will be solved on the political and religious threads alike, if there is to be an armegeddon, he and his cohort's are the ones that can bring it about for sure - hahaha

Let's all jump in the BUSH!!! laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 07/30/08 10:51 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 07/30/08 10:52 AM

:smile: The critisism of the religion threads is somewhat undeserved. :smile: Most of us get along great.:smile: We dont really fight, although there is a lot of Boo Hoo whining thats goes on.:smile: Its only a small group of about 10 people that hang out here on a regular basis and most of us are friends.:smile: The political threads are where all the conflict is at. :smile:

That's because they're 'BEING way too RELIGIOUS' in their approach to 'politics'!!!

They are 2000 years behind in their religion, and 200+ behind in their politics!!!

They haven't gotten the 'Separation of Church and State' of the first amendment yet!!!

It's all about 'BEING RELIGIOUS'!!! I tell'Ya!!! :smile:

laugh laugh laugh

i still say let bush stay in office for a couple mre yrs and everybody's problems will be solved on the political and religious threads alike, if there is to be an armegeddon, he and his cohort's are the ones that can bring it about for sure - hahaha

I think the current plan afoot is to get out of the sinking ship now, and continue with the plan for world domination behind the scenes while the new puppet master (whoever wins the election) sits clueless in the oval office being distracted by one thing or another.

Then when everything falls apart, they will blame it on the current president. That could be what they have planned for Obama. Place all the blame on the black guy, ~ and business as usual behind the scenes.

Its just a conspiracy theory of my own. Don't get too excited. If it comes to pass, then call me a prophet. LOL


tribo's photo
Wed 07/30/08 11:01 AM

:smile: The critisism of the religion threads is somewhat undeserved. :smile: Most of us get along great.:smile: We dont really fight, although there is a lot of Boo Hoo whining thats goes on.:smile: Its only a small group of about 10 people that hang out here on a regular basis and most of us are friends.:smile: The political threads are where all the conflict is at. :smile:

That's because they're 'BEING way too RELIGIOUS' in their approach to 'politics'!!!

They are 2000 years behind in their religion, and 200+ behind in their politics!!!

They haven't gotten the 'Separation of Church and State' of the first amendment yet!!!

It's all about 'BEING RELIGIOUS'!!! I tell'Ya!!! :smile:

laugh laugh laugh

i still say let bush stay in office for a couple mre yrs and everybody's problems will be solved on the political and religious threads alike, if there is to be an armegeddon, he and his cohort's are the ones that can bring it about for sure - hahaha

I think the current plan afoot is to get out of the sinking ship now, and continue with the plan for world domination behind the scenes while the new puppet master (whoever wins the election) sits clueless in the oval office being distracted by one thing or another.

Then when everything falls apart, they will blame it on the current president. That could be what they have planned for Obama. Place all the blame on the black guy, ~ and business as usual behind the scenes.

Its just a conspiracy theory of my own. Don't get too excited. If it comes to pass, then call me a prophet. LOL


you could very well be right goddess, but i think i'll call you a "profit" so no one of the old testament faith will stone you to death.:tongue:

Rapunzel's photo
Wed 07/30/08 11:51 AM
Edited by Rapunzel on Wed 07/30/08 12:32 PM

drinker Hi there Voileazur smokin Alain drinker

flowerforyou Saying hello to Everyone else, too flowerforyou

flowerforyou Morning Song, Quikstepper, Jeannie, James, flowerforyou

happy Tribo, Redy, Belushi, yzrabbit, Funches, Wouldee,happy

drinker Star_ Tin_Gover, MilesoftheUSA, ElJay, Spidercmb, drinker

:heart: & whoever else comes on board :heart:

This conversation is interesting flowerforyou

drinker It sounds like you had lots of fun today Alain drinker

:heart: in sailing drinker with your granddaughter :heart:

yawn & getting to feed her & rock her to sleep yawn

flowerforyou That painted a lovely picture flowerforyou

awww...I love babies & children of all ages blushing

yawn Good Night Everyone :heart: and Sweet Dreams yawn

flowerforyou & if this is your daytime,drinker have a good one flowerforyou

That's very sweet Rapunzel!

And eventhough I don't get to feed 'Jeanne', since she only draws 'divine' milk from Mommy, I did rock her to sleep. A sensation to 'live' for!!!

Love to you Rapunzel.

Love to you also Voileazur...:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Thank you so much for your good vibes..blushing flowerforyou happy :wink: drinker

I feel such a burden lifted, drinker
by just lightening up happy
and simply loving :heart:
& enjoying life & my family drinker
& other people's lives, & families flowerforyou

it's fun to laugh at ourselves laugh
& lovingly too , :heart: at others
for today may be all we have...
and we need to appreciate each other
for the special contribution & impact flowerforyou
that we all make on this planet , drinker

we each have unique little idiosyncrosies :wink:
that make us attractive love
& part of this beautiful flowerforyou
sparkling multi faceted love
rainbow colored diamond of life drinker

& it is really very exquisite...flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

And that is what i want my focus to be...:heart: drinker :heart:

Not what divides us in our philosophies...frown

i mean, if that is someone's thing,flowerforyou
all the power to them, drinker

if it is really fruitful & satisfying...happy

but it does seem like we go round and round, ohwell

and truthfully,happy
reading some of these endless threads frown

i start to feel :wink:
like I'm in a school playground happy
on one of the those round, thick,
disk ~ shaped heavy metal contraptions, :wink:

i don't remember what they are called ...laugh

with rails that you hang onto ohwell
for dear life...laugh

with absolutely no sides at all frown

and someone runs around on the outside
of that giant heavy metal spinning disk ,
while holding on to the rails... noway

and he or she gets you all going so fast noway
you start falling into one another laugh
and get kinda sick feeling frown
and practically fall off, too laugh

and i get dizzy reading these posts...frown

But, i am here ,flowerforyou
cause i want to love people..:heart:

I know i can be a hot head at times,embarassed

but i am very warm hearted too :heart: :heart: :heart:

and well, :wink:

i do just happen happy

to come from drinker
a very strong stock of Italian Sicilians laugh
with impressive men & women smokin
who weathered the Atlantic Ocean drinker
on rough ~ tough, tossing ~ sick
turning, turbulent seas, drinker
with tiny nursing infants, :heart:
and toddlers barely taller than their kneesblushing

I have many Family Members who were in the various wars drinker

& my Dad was a young Soldier in WWII drinker

and my Uncle Louie, his brother drinker
was in the Merchant Marines drinker
and was bombed with his comrades
in their ship and killed at age 25 sad
along with those on 17 other ships
while in the Adriatic Sea :cry:

in December i think it was of 1943

so it is in my blood to be proud & protective
of my beliefs, my Family, my Freedom, my heritage & honor
my scruples & morals, my Rights that have been fought for so gallantly with My Uncles,
Joseph and Uncle Louis who gave their lives
along with so many thousands & thousands
of others who currently put themselves out there
right in the midst of the firing line and in the center of harm's way ///those we are not out there in the War Zone ..
and for those who have fought in combat in the past , and have lain down their lives for Freedom

and for Those Brave & noble Souls sad
who never made it back home alive :cry:
giving the Ultimate Sacrifice sad
and paying the Ultimate Price :cry:

I tip my Hat & Curtsy deeply for all of You

and if i don't protect the rights & freedoms

you all are and have so sorely worked for it is almost as if your efforts are & were in vain

and i cannot noway
and will not let that happen...frown

being widowed :cry:
& having fended for myself drinker
for many years ,
having to seriously fend off :angry:
really vicious human predators at times, devil
and also for the last 6 years,frown
living in the pretty big city ohwell
has made me quite defensive ,frown

but that is not my basic nature...noway

for i am a flower child at heart ,:heart:

even though i am a Mother flowerforyou
and a GrandMother drinker

i so love protecting & standing up flowerforyou
for me family and friends drinker

and i love being protected blushing
by my good Male friends ...smokin
and my Sisters too...flowerforyou

we should all look out for each other :angel:

and protect each other's honor & right flowerforyou

to believe the way we each want to :heart:

or do what we want to do...drinker

as long as it doesn't injure ourselves

or someone else flowerforyou

Wars are sorely being fought in foreign lands sad
& many closer to home over so many things ,
over freedoms, & money, :cry:
over position & power, oil sad
over respect & rights & religion & territory frown
anything & everything, it seems brokenheart

and we don't have to choose
to be part of that...noway :heart: flowerforyou

we need to seize the moment drinker
cause life is short blushing
and love each other while we can, :heart:
for our freedoms & lives drinker
and our family's :heart:
& friend's lives are precious flowerforyou

& we may not have tomorrow.:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Okay laugh ....
after that chapter in a day in the life...flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

I'll get off the podium now...:wink: laugh smokin

Much Love to you all! flowerforyou drinker flowerforyou

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

And have a great day happy happy happy

drinker flowerforyou drinker flowerforyou drinker flowerforyou drinker flowerforyou drinker flowerforyou drinker flowerforyou drinker



tribo's photo
Wed 07/30/08 01:53 PM

drinker Hi there Voileazur smokin Alain drinker

flowerforyou Saying hello to Everyone else, too flowerforyou

flowerforyou Morning Song, Quikstepper, Jeannie, James, flowerforyou

happy Tribo, Redy, Belushi, yzrabbit, Funches, Wouldee,happy

drinker Star_ Tin_Gover, MilesoftheUSA, ElJay, Spidercmb, drinker

:heart: & whoever else comes on board :heart:

This conversation is interesting flowerforyou

drinker It sounds like you had lots of fun today Alain drinker

:heart: in sailing drinker with your granddaughter :heart:

yawn & getting to feed her & rock her to sleep yawn

flowerforyou That painted a lovely picture flowerforyou

awww...I love babies & children of all ages blushing

yawn Good Night Everyone :heart: and Sweet Dreams yawn

flowerforyou & if this is your daytime,drinker have a good one flowerforyou

hi R, hows the hair today - laugh flowerforyou

Rapunzel's photo
Wed 07/30/08 02:02 PM
Edited by Rapunzel on Wed 07/30/08 02:09 PM
hey there tribo, drinker

my hair is up in a french twist, happy
with a pretty crystal barrette :wink:

on this gorgeous sunny day flowerforyou
with bright blue skies drinker
& fluffy white cumulous clouds...flowerforyou

I am getting ready to go out again flowerforyou
and ride the bike drinker
in this beautiful warm , 89 degree :heart:
breezy , oh so pleasant weather drinker

how about you ? smokin happy smokin

tribo's photo
Wed 07/30/08 02:08 PM
i'm god to - thnx for asking, have fun, dont skin your knees.laugh

no photo
Wed 07/30/08 02:10 PM


Loved that whole post of yours.

But I must admit, the little passage below, nails it perfectly for me.

but it does seem like we go round and round, ohwell

and truthfully,happy
reading some of these endless threads frown

i start to feel :wink:
like I'm in a school playground happy
on one of the those round, thick,
disk ~ shaped heavy metal contraptions, :wink:

i don't remember what they are called ...laugh

with rails that you hang onto ohwell
for dear life...laugh

with absolutely no sides at all frown

and someone runs around on the outside
of that giant heavy metal spinning disk ,
while holding on to the rails... noway

and he or she gets you all going so fast noway
you start falling into one another laugh
and get kinda sick feeling frown
and practically fall off, too laugh

and i get dizzy reading these posts...frown

But, i am here ,flowerforyou
cause i want to love people..:heart:

bigsmile :heart:

What an accurate picture of our collective threads and forums.

This kind of merry-go-round, where we all collapse on top of one another, having lost total control of 'the thing' that seems to spin us every which way.

FULL CHAOS!!! ... but somehow in that chaos, we still all need to hang-on to each other, and make sure no one falls off,
... cause we are all clear that the next 'someone' could be us!!!

bigsmile :heart:

tribo's photo
Wed 07/30/08 02:17 PM
Edited by tribo on Wed 07/30/08 02:18 PM
good post V, you were a wonderful moderator, and host, good job not interfering or going off the edge - hahaha

what is your next topic not going to be about??laugh flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 07/30/08 02:43 PM
Edited by voileazur on Wed 07/30/08 02:46 PM

good post V, you were a wonderful moderator, and host, good job not interfering or going off the edge - hahaha

what is your next topic not going to be about??laugh flowerforyou

Well, this one is far from over. It will kick into hyperdrive very shortly. I feel it!!!

As for my next one, as I inferred earlier, IT will be about...


... 'being religious about NOT BEING RELIGIOUS' !!!



... such that we will end-up totally 'OFF-TOPIC', talking about...


no photo
Wed 07/30/08 02:51 PM
I still didn't learn anything since this thread startedlaugh laugh