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Topic: Christian Persecution - an aggresive cancer growing rampantl
daniel48706's photo
Sat 05/10/08 01:45 AM

That wasn't what was asked of her!

In reality, nothing was asked of her. The assignment, I am ____________ I am not free, because I am determined.

Has no religious implications at all, and was not a required assignment!

By the way, in College the difference between say a 64 and a 100 on any grade is a major difference which could have an impact upon passing or failing for some students.

In my College, you can not proceed on to your next classes with anything less than a C. The only time a D is accepted is if it is in your last semester.drinker

Fanta, for a christian (generally speaking) to claim you are not free is to claim your god lied. or that your religion is wrong. This is because of the fact that Christian belief is just that: God gave us free-will to do as we would (and I am sure he regrets it to this day, lol). So if god gave us free will, then how could we stand up and say that we are not free without violating our belief?
And as far as not being required; no it may not have been required per se, as ina regular assignment, but it WAS required in order to receive these extra points.

I am willing to garuntee you that this proffessor knew exactl whwat he was doing and saying, when he made that requirement, and that he did it in order to try and raise the number of people who "agreed" with his way of thinking, in the publics eye. Why else would he have her do it on the internet? but for the whole world to see.

Barbus's photo
Sat 05/10/08 01:59 AM

(quote) but neither earth science, nor math class is going to have a proffessor stand up and order you to publicly declare your personal faith to be wrong. A philosophy class shouldnt have this either, but it is a sad fact that a lot of philosophy profesors DO try and sue their position to force others to go against their faith (not just christianity).

I agree, but like I said before, sometimes you have to do things you don't necessarily belive in to get ahead in life. That kid could have just said ok, my god is wrong, just to appease the teacher without making a big stink about it, knowing in her heart that her god was right.

ok let me ask you this. And it is based along the same belief you just suggested of going with the flow in order to get ahead...

you are walking down the street whena man approachesd you and offers one million dollars in whatever currency you want, if you will go on the tv news and declare that you cheated onyour college exams, and thus did nto earn your degree.

By what you just said, it would be advantageous for you, and foolish not to, if went ahead and made that decleration. I mean, with a million dolars, you could immediately invest it, and live off hte earnigs for the rest of your life. Would you do it?

This proffessor required his student to go public and denounce her god and her belief system in order to get ahead. he literally asked he to become Judeaus (who if you know the Christian history, was the disciple of Christ who decried Christ in order toprotect himself (most definitely advantageous for himself at the time), and to save his life.

If you were asked to do something just as morally reprehensable (sp?), I highly doubt you would agree to it either.
That kid did not go onto public television, just in front of a class, and I'll bet by now, most of her classmates have forgotten who stood up there, it was all part of a lesson plan, not a conversion.

Hell yes I would take the million, but belive this, I too would make damn sure that the dumba$$ who was handing me the money also put it in writing that I was just Saying that I cheated, which is all that I would be doing, there are ways to prove one cheated, I would take the million, then just to prove I didn't cheat, have the instrutors put a test in front of me, and watch my results. Had I truly been a cheat, I wouldn't score as high as I did.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/10/08 01:59 AM
He didn't have her to do it. It was for extra credit in a Philosophy class. It was not a requirement, and to understand it you would have to understand what a Philosophy classes intended curriculum is about.
It is usually an elective to begin with, unless you are a Philosophy major! It may be different in other colleges and curriculum though I dont know of any. (maybe psychology) I dont have time to search them all. My major is Electronic Engineering and it is an elective. As is World Religions! Boy, Imagine if she had taken that one!!laugh laugh laugh

Barbus's photo
Sat 05/10/08 02:01 AM

He didn't have her to do it. It was for extra credit in a Philosophy class. It was not a requirement, and to understand it you would have to understand what a Philosophy classes intended curriculum is about.
It is usually an elective to begin with, unless you are a Philosophy major! It may be different in other colleges and curriculum though I dont know of any. (maybe psychology) I dont have time to search them all. My major is Electronic Engineering and it is an elective. As is World Religions! Boy, Imagine if she had taken that one!!laugh laugh laugh
I know, for most simpletons out there electricity flows from positive to negative, not the other way around.

daniel48706's photo
Sat 05/10/08 02:04 AM
That kid did not go onto public television, just in front of a class, and I'll bet by now, most of her classmates have forgotten who stood up there, it was all part of a lesson plan, not a conversion.

No she had to go ont hte internet and do this if she wanted the extra points. And inthis day and age it would have been seen by exponentially more people than it would have if it had been on tv.

Barbus's photo
Sat 05/10/08 02:08 AM
either way, she went on, said something she didn't mean, and so what if her name was there? You mean to tell me that you have never said anything you didn't mean? Here's an example, The Moon is plaid. We all know it is not, but I posted it here on the internet, now some stupid schmuck is going to come here and see what I said and call me a jackass because I called it the wrong color.

kidatheart70's photo
Sat 05/10/08 02:09 AM

He didn't have her to do it. It was for extra credit in a Philosophy class. It was not a requirement, and to understand it you would have to understand what a Philosophy classes intended curriculum is about.
It is usually an elective to begin with, unless you are a Philosophy major! It may be different in other colleges and curriculum though I dont know of any. (maybe psychology) I dont have time to search them all. My major is Electronic Engineering and it is an elective. As is World Religions! Boy, Imagine if she had taken that one!!laugh laugh laugh
I know, for most simpletons out there electricity flows from positive to negative, not the other way around.

Actually electrons flow from negative to positive.smokin

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/10/08 02:09 AM
My College handbook says,
Philosophy, PHI210;
This course introduces fundamental philosophical issues through an historical perspective. Emphasis is placed on such figures as Plato, Aristotle, Lao-Tzu, Confucius, Augustine, Aquinas, Descartes, Locke, Kant, Wollstonecraft, Nietsche, and Sartre. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and distinguish among the key positions of thePhilosophers studied. This course has been approved to satisfy the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement general education core requirement in humanities/fine arts.

Funny, I dont see the teachings of the bible listed there. Do you?

Barbus's photo
Sat 05/10/08 02:10 AM

He didn't have her to do it. It was for extra credit in a Philosophy class. It was not a requirement, and to understand it you would have to understand what a Philosophy classes intended curriculum is about.
It is usually an elective to begin with, unless you are a Philosophy major! It may be different in other colleges and curriculum though I dont know of any. (maybe psychology) I dont have time to search them all. My major is Electronic Engineering and it is an elective. As is World Religions! Boy, Imagine if she had taken that one!!laugh laugh laugh
I know, for most simpletons out there electricity flows from positive to negative, not the other way around.

Actually electrons flow from negative to positive.smokin
I know that, I was stating the fact that most people think the other way around. I too work with electricity for a living.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/10/08 02:11 AM
Perhaps her poor scores come from bringing a subject into class that is not included in the curriculum at all. Therefore causing a disruption to the classroom.

Barbus's photo
Sat 05/10/08 02:14 AM
Perhaps her poor scores come from bringing a subject into class that is not included in the curriculum at all. Therefore causing a disruption to the classroom.

Very True, I never thought of it that way.drinker

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/10/08 02:15 AM

He didn't have her to do it. It was for extra credit in a Philosophy class. It was not a requirement, and to understand it you would have to understand what a Philosophy classes intended curriculum is about.
It is usually an elective to begin with, unless you are a Philosophy major! It may be different in other colleges and curriculum though I dont know of any. (maybe psychology) I dont have time to search them all. My major is Electronic Engineering and it is an elective. As is World Religions! Boy, Imagine if she had taken that one!!laugh laugh laugh
I know, for most simpletons out there electricity flows from positive to negative, not the other way around.

Actually electrons flow from negative to positive.smokin

I get it kid!laugh laugh

Both conventional flow and electron flow are recognized though by the industry!

It is easier for me to think of conventional flow, but I get it!!!laugh laugh

Barbus's photo
Sat 05/10/08 02:18 AM
Gentlemen, Ladies, its been fun, but it is 0415 here, and I have to be up and moving by 0800, very good talking with all of you, and hope we could do it again sometime.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/10/08 02:25 AM
the following statement on the course’s online message board:

Not the internet as you think. Not as we are typing now.
An online message board is far more restricted to a particular college campus and requires a signing in using your student ID. It is generally part of a moodle or blackboard study program.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/10/08 02:26 AM

Gentlemen, Ladies, its been fun, but it is 0415 here, and I have to be up and moving by 0800, very good talking with all of you, and hope we could do it again sometime.

Peace out Barbus!
laugh laugh laugh
I just noticed that is a play on busbar!!drinker

Barbus's photo
Sat 05/10/08 02:31 AM
finally, someone got it, I have been using that handle for years, not just on here.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/10/08 02:32 AM
Electronics rule!

Good night mandrinker

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/10/08 02:33 AM
My e-mail addy is Elentec.....

kidatheart70's photo
Sat 05/10/08 02:41 AM
Edited by kidatheart70 on Sat 05/10/08 02:42 AM
G'nite guysdrinker

Mine means miscreant by nature :tongue: laugh

Lindyy's photo
Sat 05/10/08 06:43 AM

(quote) but neither earth science, nor math class is going to have a proffessor stand up and order you to publicly declare your personal faith to be wrong. A philosophy class shouldnt have this either, but it is a sad fact that a lot of philosophy profesors DO try and sue their position to force others to go against their faith (not just christianity).

I agree, but like I said before, sometimes you have to do things you don't necessarily belive in to get ahead in life. That kid could have just said ok, my god is wrong, just to appease the teacher without making a big stink about it, knowing in her heart that her god was right.



Matthew 10:33
"But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.

:heart: :heart:

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