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Topic: Christian Persecution - an aggresive cancer growing rampantl
no photo
Mon 05/12/08 02:00 PM
As you can see the course was not mandatory. She could have chosen from others!

Then this is proof that the O.P. is fanning the flames of hatred and lies and exaggerating and twisting the real facts, if not lying about so-called "persecution" of Christians.

This is a very biased post disguised as news.

I declare this matter ~ as far as I am concerned to be closed, ~and a waste of time and computer space.

I also continue to object to the title of the thread as being gross twisted propaganda for the purpose of getting Christians all riled up and attempting to elicit support for a lost cause.


Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/12/08 02:04 PM

As you can see the course was not mandatory. She could have chosen from others!

Then this is proof that the O.P. is fanning the flames of hatred and lies and exaggerating and twisting the real facts, if not lying about so-called "persecution" of Christians.

This is a very biased post disguised as news.

I declare this matter ~ as far as I am concerned to be closed, ~and a waste of time and computer space.

I also continue to object to the title of the thread as being gross twisted propaganda for the purpose of getting Christians all riled up and attempting to elicit support for a lost cause.


Ok, damnit
I take it all back.........

no photo
Mon 05/12/08 02:06 PM

As you can see the course was not mandatory. She could have chosen from others!

Then this is proof that the O.P. is fanning the flames of hatred and lies and exaggerating and twisting the real facts, if not lying about so-called "persecution" of Christians.

This is a very biased post disguised as news.

I declare this matter ~ as far as I am concerned to be closed, ~and a waste of time and computer space.

I also continue to object to the title of the thread as being gross twisted propaganda for the purpose of getting Christians all riled up and attempting to elicit support for a lost cause.


Ok, damnit
I take it all back.........

I was not talking about your posts... I am talking about hers.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/12/08 02:10 PM
but now everyone wants to close the thread.
I was enjoying it!!grumble grumble

no photo
Mon 05/12/08 02:12 PM

but now everyone wants to close the thread.
I was enjoying it!!grumble grumble

I see. Well, by all means, you can take over where I left off. You are good! Keep up the great work.

Proceed, ... talk amongst yourselves... laugh laugh laugh laugh


Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/12/08 02:17 PM
Thats not the same......noway noway

kidatheart70's photo
Mon 05/12/08 02:19 PM
Edited by kidatheart70 on Mon 05/12/08 02:24 PM
"I'm sorry Spanky, but I gotta live my own life!"


Forgot to add, MYTH BUSTED!drinker laugh

I'm not gone forever.:wink:

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/12/08 02:22 PM
:cry: :cry: :cry:

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Mon 05/12/08 02:53 PM
its in the religion forum fanta..flowerforyou

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/12/08 02:54 PM

its in the religion forum fanta..flowerforyou

I try not to go there...

My Religion is personal, and not open for debate!!noway noway noway

Lindyy's photo
Mon 05/12/08 03:04 PM

All you non-Christians posting on this thread sure are on a super paranoid trip!!laugh laugh

And some of the female(s)and men think they are attorneys whose expertise is in consitutional law, first amendment rights.laugh laugh

Oh, how I would love to see 2 certain females have to face a certain woman Judge in the USDC for the Western Distric of PA.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

But, alas, Gina will have the last laugh! PTL!:heart: :heart:

Have none of you, very seriously, ever heard of the ACLJ and Jay Sekulow? Wow. Heads stuck in sand for acting like you all know so much about the law. Everyone of any importantce in the realm of attorneys and judges know Jay Sekulow and the ACLJ. I say this beause none of you 'opposers' to Gina's case know what you are talking about. ACLJ and Jay Sekulow would have never taken Gina's case if she did not have an enormously STRONG case.laugh

Praise the Lord God Almighty FOREVER!!!:heart:

"On Jesus Christ my Rock I stand, all others are but sinking sand.":heart:

:heart: :heart:

I knew when I posted this thread that all the non-Christians would come flying out of the woodwork. WHY? Because they do not like being exposed for what the truly are!

Lindyy's photo
Mon 05/12/08 03:19 PM
Edited by Lindyy on Mon 05/12/08 03:23 PM

He's still ignoring me!sad

it could be wise to ignore this whole thread and the op who started it.....

all our words are twisted out of their meaning and we have been set up to sabotage ourselves by responding to such a ridiculous waste of time....

So dear JUST WHY did you continue to post? NO ONE forced you to. Perhaps it is because so that you could 'slide in the back door' and persecute Chritians like you have done from the get-go, because in legalise terminology, you have no justification to be able to "walk through the front door." You had to sneak and slide in the back door.laugh laugh

The answer is soooooooooooooooooooooo simple if you cannot tolerate this thread - IGNORE IT AND GO TO ANOTHER THREAD. laugh

My goodness is that such a hard thing to do?huh

"Set up"???????????????????????????? If that were (meaning something contrary to fact) the case why, again, why do you continue to comeback to this thread and post?


Lindyy's photo
Mon 05/12/08 03:29 PM

Differences in religion would be covered by a course of study in Theology.
Again philosophy teaches to think, to look at ideas and concepts.

So, tell me, then why did this professor do what he did?


No, that is not allowed, we cannot be OPEN MINDED towards Gina's case and Christianity. OH, what a horrid thought to have to contemplate!


WolfSoul's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:12 PM
Edited by WolfSoul on Mon 05/12/08 04:13 PM

Differences in religion would be covered by a course of study in Theology.
Again philosophy teaches to think, to look at ideas and concepts.

So, tell me, then why did this professor do what he did?


No, that is not allowed, we cannot be OPEN MINDED towards Gina's case and Christianity. OH, what a horrid thought to have to contemplate!


I have opened my mind to her situation.
..She chose to take a course.
..The course teaches to think.
..She was asked to look at a concept, that there is no god.
..She was not asked to embrace this concept, adopt this concept, preach this concept. Simply to examine it.
..A question was posed, for extra credit, to examine thoughts on this concept.
..She, of her own free will and thinking of her own mind, refused to respond to the question.
..No attempt at conversion, no prejudice. A teacher trying to get get students to think. Doing his job.

I look at this and see not a student who has been wronged but a student upset at not getting extra credit and who has found a way to get said extra credit by claiming prejudice.

no photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:49 PM
what else would you expect to happen in a godless liberal/commie colledge?

Lindyy's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:50 PM
Wolf, you non-Christians who have been posting on this thread that I started never cease to amaze me.

Gina was given the choice of denying God or standing on her solid ground and NOT deny him.

You OBVIOUSLY did NOT read the 2 original posts from the ACLJ that I posted.

But then again, that is the norm for non-Christians and people who refuse to OPEN THEIR MIND to try to understand Ginna's beliefs.

You people have stayed in this thread and complained to no unGodly end about ME supposed to be open to your minds, yet when I posted to all of you "non supporters" of Gina-to OPEN YOUR MINDS TO GINA'S BELIEFS, you non-supporters took such a belligerent spin and attempted to turn my thread into something entirely out of context.

My, oh my.


no photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:52 PM

what else would you expect to happen in a godless liberal/commie colledge?

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:54 PM
we had to deprogram the brainwash job that my sisters kid came home with from a very prestegious college. she was completely irrational in all her beliefs about the way business really works, ect. it was scary to say the least. This is what is bound to happen anywhere that anything goes.... except God.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:55 PM

what else would you expect to happen in a godless liberal/commie colledge?

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Sheeple Peoplebigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:56 PM

we had to deprogram the brainwash job that my sisters kid came home with from a very prestegious college. she was completely irrational in all her beliefs about the way business really works, ect. it was scary to say the least. This is what is bound to happen anywhere that anything goes.... except God.

So you uneducated her aye???laugh laugh laugh

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