Community > Posts By > synergized

synergized's photo
Sat 10/31/09 11:19 AM

Greeneyes< what is your problem with men.You lastly wished upon jr what seems to bug you most ...being a widower.Now that's just rude..
Being a widow is something that defines who you are and should not be taken lightly.When you find someone who can be open enough to listen or share thoughts on this subject, then more power to the two of you. Till then , be kind to the rest of us.We have done nothing to you. .

ah, we do it too mike. threads abound with men blaming women for their lack of success in finding a relationship that works. we all get hung up on such things as our misfortunes being the cause of our plight in life. instead of changing things that we have control over, we often attempt to "wish" a change of things we cannot control like men/women with whom we are having little success. that's my point here. if you're having trouble in the dating game, look within. you can only change your behavior or demeanor. you cannot change the behavior of others.

i just have to wonder why people describe themselves as widowed or divorced. why not just say that you're single? does your past really matter? sure, what happened to your spouse will eventually come up but by then a relationship might already have happened. just a short conversation before such details are mentioned can often make a positive impression. but making a big deal of being a widow or a divorcee is just a form of baggage when it affects your view of the oposite sex and anybody with any intelligence at all will pick up on that baggage. we all say that we carry no baggage but in fact we all do whether it be from our previous relationship or, as is the case here, we carry it from a few unfortunate dates or online chats. as you suggest, generalizing about men/women is the very definition of baggage and nobody is interested in somebody with baggage.

Nobody is interested in baggage??? Wait, what if it is a matching set and unscratched? laugh
If we have any age on us at all, then yes we have baggage. I will repeat here what I said when I first came onto Mingles. We need to change and compress until our baggage is only a carryon, and easily left behing if the trip destination is well worth it!
I am just waiting to book the ticket!pitchfork

synergized's photo
Sat 10/31/09 11:09 AM

I live in a small town and a young friend of mine, more like a daughter, said she wanted me to get out and she would take me to a couple of bars last weekend. Well, I said OK and, so, off we went. I felt as though I was in a foreign country when we walked into that first saloon. We visited only two that night, but both were the same, either very young or just plain scrungy ... So - we went to an italian joint and ate and I felt better and played on the game site here until 4AM. Had fun then..

I hear you. My oldest daughter tells me she thinks I have the sickness which means you are afraid to leave the houselaugh
I try to tell her, bars are not for me. And ummm, I really haven't found the man of my dreams at Walmartlaugh noway

synergized's photo
Sat 10/31/09 11:08 AM

were there EVER any good guys pitchfork

Yes, actually happy

Hahahaha..and there STILL are. I just haven't bumped into the right good guy yet:smile: :wink:

well then just surrender to one of us bad boys. you know you want to don'tcha?pitchfork

laugh I am too old to surrender..although I will negotiate terms of ownership and seizure :banana: pitchfork

synergized's photo
Sat 10/31/09 11:03 AM

Tell me, is there someone real out there? I keep getting mail from these guys who aren't who they say they are. They don't have a cam, now I know why, because they aren't who they say they are. They tell me they love me after 2 or 3 mails and I reply back saying that is impossible, but they insist, then all of a sudden they have to travel far away and next thing you know, they have had an accident or have been robbed and need money to go back home. What is the matter with people, it makes us very discouraged thinking there really isn't anyone out there that is real.

Those are all the rough parts we encounter before we get to the cream fillings per say.

laugh True..the dry crusty 3 day old parts aint what I am signing on for! It's for the yummy insides :banana: :banana: :banana:

synergized's photo
Fri 10/30/09 09:20 AM
Talk about slow! It took me a minute to realize the joke!
Ummm could be cuz I don't know any dragons?:angel: laugh

synergized's photo
Fri 10/30/09 09:17 AM
Thanks ladies:smile:
I would rather be alone than with someone who made me feel lonely.
It is tough sometimes, though isn't it?grumble

synergized's photo
Thu 10/29/09 08:35 AM

were there EVER any good guys pitchfork

Yes, actually happy

Hahahaha..and there STILL are. I just haven't bumped into the right good guy yet:smile: :wink:

synergized's photo
Thu 10/29/09 08:31 AM
Edited by synergized on Thu 10/29/09 08:32 AM

I'M JUST ME.I DON'T PRETEND TO BE SOMEONE ELSE,[maybe that is the reason,I'm still alone] Some guys say they want the real thing but to find out they don't. They want a beauty queen or close to it. I don't think they would know what to do with a real lady or Ladies,Do you know what to do with a real man?? I'm not talking about sex,I'm talking about the person..

I know what you mean. I meet a guy from another free singles site, and when we met at the coffee shop he said, well I see you are over weight (my picture and profile reflect the true me), but you are still pretty. After 2 meetings he said I am not sure I can handle your weight. Are you going to go on a diet soon? I said, well I am positive I cannot handle the weight of your judging. 2 months later he contacted me again and told me that he could not find any other nice women out there and he would like to get to know me better.laugh I of course replied that I knew him as well as I wanted to.

synergized's photo
Thu 10/29/09 08:23 AM
I see
you are still ticking yourself!waving
Hi ya mano:smile:

synergized's photo
Thu 10/29/09 08:06 AM

Well, first of all, the bread has to have some character. I make a coconut pecan bread that has a lot of flavor and texture that soaks the egg up but add a lot of body, texture, and flavor to the toast. The four ways I usually eat it are:

right out of the pan cause I am hungry and I don't want to add anything.

powdered sugar. looks nice for company. I never use it for me.

maple syrup with or w/o sliced strawberries

pepper jam (my favorite) I am currently working on a jar of Hot Pepper Raspberry
that is interesting hot pepper jams. do stores currently sell it?

OMG my son in law's gramma makes the bestest hot pepper jam! Put a dab of cream cheese and a dab of the jam on a cracker and you are in heaven!
And yes, I know a few small stores around here that do sell it, so you should be able to find it in a large chain that carries specialty items.

synergized's photo
Thu 10/29/09 08:02 AM
turkey with pepperjack chs is my fav..mmmm
grilled turkey and pepperjack with just a squirt of mustard for added spice is delish

synergized's photo
Mon 10/26/09 12:13 PM

I won't be the one paying.
Trying to figure out YOUR terms.


synergized's photo
Mon 10/26/09 11:10 AM

Define "short term" & "long-term"??

Parking?? Doubt if I will be setting still.

laugh If it needs defining, it means ya don't have the rent money.laugh pitchfork

synergized's photo
Mon 10/26/09 10:54 AM

Hi everyone!waving

Just an update...I'm in Beeville. And it's raining!!
All summer, I've griped about it not raining....and now I can't unload my stuff!!laugh

Also, where I'm staying until it stops raining, doesn't have the internet, and my air card only works outside here! So I'll be offline for a couple of days, unless I come sit in my truck!!

But, I'm here and hopefully will be back to normal in a day or two.

Cya when I can!

Take care and enjoy everything since it will only happen once!flowerforyou

synergized's photo
Mon 10/26/09 10:53 AM

I can't be bought, but MIGHT be RENT-able.
pitchfork pitchfork drool :laughing: :laughing: :thumbsup: waving

laugh Will that be the short term lease or the longterm parking?

synergized's photo
Mon 10/26/09 10:36 AM

OK - I am back - where are they?

<<<<Yells into the kitchen 'One nice single guy to go, hold the crap!'

That'll be $14.95 please, plus shipping and handling.
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

synergized's photo
Mon 10/26/09 10:30 AM

I am no arm candy but I am make a good antiacidlaugh laugh laugh
I think bnoth sexes have their dating problems,has nothing to do with anything else except meeting the wrong people!

Betty this is why I love you!
You are soooo smart! Ahem, I will slip ya a $20 if you introduce me to the right onelaugh flowerforyou

synergized's photo
Mon 10/26/09 10:25 AM

Seems that they are all taken. The ones left appear to be jerks. Where does one find a good guy when your 57 years old?

Your point is well taken. There aren't even many jerks left. That's why at the end of the month Mingle should have it's First Annual Jerk-Off to divey them up amongst us ol' gals. slaphead flowerforyou

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
Katz I always enjoy reading what you say, you keep me laughing.

I am thinking that there are quite a few guys out there who are saying the same about all the women left. Wouldn't it be great if we could somehow tag all the 'good single' men and women, throw the names in a hat and men could pick out of the womens, and women pick out of the mens. Like a huge good person party and we all go home with (ahem) party favors.

synergized's photo
Thu 10/22/09 02:26 PM

hello everyoneflowerforyou

Hi there Betty:smile:
That picture of you makes you look like you are innocently waiting for something!

synergized's photo
Thu 10/22/09 02:18 PM
gonna have to try these!

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