Community > Posts By > creationsfire

creationsfire's photo
Fri 07/04/08 02:24 PM
Edited by creationsfire on Fri 07/04/08 02:25 PM
Plan to sleep on the floor, turn up the tunes and drown out all the morons who think it is ok to shoot 9mm in the air.

oops what is that Im holding in my pic, lmaorofl

creationsfire's photo
Fri 07/04/08 02:06 PM
Im preping to sleep on the floor so I dont get hit by any stray bullets these morons keep shooting off on 4th and New Year.....idiots.slaphead

Other than that, cranking up the music and relaxing to drown out the shooting and noise.rofl shades

Does that make me unAmerican?what

creationsfire's photo
Fri 07/04/08 01:48 PM
Edited by creationsfire on Fri 07/04/08 01:58 PM
1st one I was 16 and 8 mo prego with our 1st child in Vegas. No honeymoon, no white dress, no bridal shower no baby shower and no family except my dad with the shot gun. 2nd and 3rd kids no nothing. Horrible divorce and cruel psycotic megalomaniac......3 years of craplloa in court. Credit to ****, he never paid a dime. mad rant grumble :angry: sick :cry: mad frustrated

2nd, Carson City, had to walk to the courthouse and were the only ones with a tux and white dress and we were last on the list. Our marriage photo was a polaroid.No honeymoon, no bridal shower no nothing. No honeymoon, no bridal shower one hell of a divorce I had to pay for and my credit to ****. He never paid a dime I was that desperate to get away. scared

3rd just vows, no legal marriage and the best move Ive made in a long time. I left and there was no hassle. Except he had ruined my and my sons credit and never paid a dime for the promises to pay for the things we bought as a "family" I had just got my credit back on track until he did that. Sighh, another 10 yrs for things to drop off.frustrated

NOW why would I want to attach myself emotionally and finacially to someone by legal bond if I don't have to? Seems silly and I can't say never, but for the time being, no way.

Vows are just as good as any wedding, and I swear to God, I will have the works this time and I want to go to the Galopagos Islands, I want to swim with whales and hear thier somgs under water, I want to skydive at least once and not strapped to someone's back, I want what every little girl dreams of. But I know that is silly. No one is going to spoil me like that, so I guess I'm ass out.

Alone is good as long as you have someone to spend time with on a regular basis, and if it turns into more then awsome.....but I want the works and refuse to settle on a guy that has the money but not the charm. Someone I can connect with. HA! I'm done, hahaha

creationsfire's photo
Thu 07/03/08 09:38 PM
((TLC)) I am sorry for your loss and know that these kinds of anniversaries are very difficult, but what I do when I think of my Gramma is the good and comforting times. We would have long drives to visit family and when I was young, she would take a small pillow and my head and put it in her lap. Then she would sing to me as I watched the stars go by out the window. I just had to ask why they didn't move.

Some of those memories make me cry, but I always thank God that he made her MY Gramma and put her in my life.

Hope you feel better soon. I know it is hard, but feel free to talk to anyone here that you feel comfortable with. Roy has been through some things I tell ya. He is a wealth of help and information. You two seem to have jobs in common.

Sorry to hear you are having heart trouble and hope they can get it under control.

Take care


creationsfire's photo
Thu 07/03/08 06:39 PM
Ok folks, just a lil anyone who read my rant......all the guys I was speaking of are in my local area and I met them in person.oops Stupid move on my part for doing that.

No one from this site was described during my rant and Im sorry if anyone thought

That's why I'm not allowed to rantohwell :laughing:

creationsfire's photo
Thu 07/03/08 11:29 AM

What? didn't show. How disrespectful. I mean to make up excusses for them is even worst. With any type of backbone they could have called to explain why. Thats your answer.

So many women do it on this site No show is a common as muck here on this site so I am told specially some ladies with a chip on their shoulders from their messed up past.

Unfortunately that is true but I think fear of rejection or them liking you too much and wanting to take things too fast can be a reason.

Too many chips on too many shoulders, men and women. Sorry that happened to you. Have you contacted them and asked why?

creationsfire's photo
Wed 07/02/08 04:27 PM
Hey Roy, sorry you had to go thought that. I had terrible beatings and even worse, psych games and generally just making my life miserable from the time I was 2 to the time I was 11 yrs old.

You are singing to the chior Bro.

I need no man to make me happy. I need to be happy WITH him. I gave up looking a long time ago.

My step Dad was a monster but I could never tell anyone ( he said he would kill me) and didnt want to talk smack about my lil Bro's dad.

Independace is something I am just learning and the only person who can teach me how to use it properly, is my Gramma and she is dying.

Wish my other Gramma was still alive. I lost out on so much after we moved here. I got depressed and tried to kill myself repeatedly over the years.

Seems God has something He needs or wants from me, and until that is done, He will not let me die.

Oh Crap.......I wish school would start again. I hate sitting here alone. just becasue you are lonely doesnt mean you have to or will be dependant on anyone else. All I have too much time on my hands.

creationsfire's photo
Wed 07/02/08 12:02 PM
To Hell in an handbasket if I don't change my wayswaving

creationsfire's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:00 AM
Edited by creationsfire on Wed 07/02/08 08:01 AM
Hi and welcome bluesunflower

Hi JAX, sorry the crap is piling up. My son was a handful too. Especilly after he quit taking his meds and I got divorced. Hang in there.

Sorry you are having such a hard time Amber with all of this sh!t....I had to go through a terrible custody battle so bad my kids and I had to go through reunification therapy. I know how bad it can hurt.

My step dad was the creature from hell. More than just beatings. Those I could take but the verbal and mental abuse was extreme. I'm not trying to compare my problems with you, just letting you know you are not alone and Ive had to live with my parents unmedicated for a few years before.

There is so much more I wish I could just spew out but this is a public forum and I've found that someone has been stalking me here. He hates this place cuz they banned him and me for not going to see him in colorado. Even if he is not a member, he can still get in and read or may have made another profile.

I ain't scared, but I don't want people like him to come out of the wood work, yah know? This thread used to be a kind of refuge for me, now lately nothing is a refuge. Everything is up in the air. I like order, no drama, but seems no matter how much I do it ain't enough or is too much.

Guys! Ugh! When it rains it pours but this is one of those weird ones where fish and frogs drop from the sky. ahaha

One is great, but doesn't want commitment sure as hell wants sex. The other thinks he owns me, but lives with a girlfriend who I highly expect is his wife. The other is a 62 yr old guy but he is looking for marriage and when I was slow on my feet in meeting him he bugged me every damned day. The next is a british guy who has been living here in the states cuz he married his American wife. He divorced here,and shs left him destute and alone. He is needy needy needy. Isn't there a guy out there that isn't needy but isn't aloof or pulls back at the slightest problem? Another one here just recently was all hands when we met.......of course I had drama after that with him, but a sharp reply that everything he says in messenger nd on my voicemail is dated and time stanped and I wouldn't hesitate to call the cops. He stopped.

Is this what dating is all about? This is the most Ive written for ages. I rarely post here or in the other forums. I have been trying to at least read them so I have some sembelance of whats going on a bit, but I just dont feel like posting. I feel like Im losing touch with this place and my own life here at home.

I know it may seem silly since all I have to take care of is me and the animals, but I feel like the apes in the zoo. Nothing to do all day, can't leave, all I can do is just sit here and try to find things to do without infecting my puter with a virus. Norton found 2 keyloggers on puter last week. Who the hell wants to know what Im doing? I dont keep my passwrords available and I dont typer them in......sighhhhhh ugh.

creationsfire's photo
Sun 06/22/08 07:00 PM

Well, 51 days & counting......I think things are coming along well, and it gets easier every dayflowerforyou
love your new picture blushing flowerforyou

flirt.blushing too bad we are so far apart. Long drive.flowerforyou

creationsfire's photo
Sun 06/22/08 10:00 AM
it isnt working? I just tried it and it worked fine.......bummer

creationsfire's photo
Sun 06/22/08 09:49 AM
GM peeps......found this by accident, a funny as hell midget vid. Enjoy. Mom's here so have to go.flowerforyou

creationsfire's photo
Sat 06/21/08 08:31 PM

Anything legal which does not go against my moral fiber...but if they love me they would never ask that of me. flowerforyou

.......and or my life

creationsfire's photo
Sat 06/21/08 08:23 PM
laugh laugh laugh

creationsfire's photo
Sat 06/21/08 08:20 PM

Well, 51 days & counting......I think things are coming along well, and it gets easier every dayflowerforyou
you said you gained some weight
It is easy to loose but I love you with the extra weight no worries there eitherblushing laugh laugh laugh now keep it up you hearflowerforyou

flirt:tongue: blushing flowerforyou

And good work to those who are doing it !!!!!!!!!! And to those who are working on it! You can do it!

What is lasar therapy? Never heard of it before....

creationsfire's photo
Sat 06/21/08 10:32 AM

GGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRmad :angry: but modems do! Fugger dropped me again. They are supposed to be sending me another, but it isnt here yet. Fuggers!

My puppy is chiweenie, so I have no idea if he has hair or fur. Didn't know there was a difference. I know my other dog is a chorkie adn long haird I have no idea

You think if it was him that I woud be broke out all the time? Wouldn't I?
Check online to see if they are hair or fur.....most people are allergic to the dander anyways......
but I would check other things as well, like anything new like makeup or shampoo etc.

Well, his hair is very very short. Smooth to the touch. I have Pennie shaved for he summer, but then again I did that after the frist attack. Sighhhhhh. No new anything. Has to be a bug. anyway, this is getting old. Thanks for the advise.....continue with your regular programing

creationsfire's photo
Sat 06/21/08 10:28 AM

hey I'm back for my loverlove

Dear diary.......I smell cat sh*t!!!noway sick laugh laugh laugh

creationsfire's photo
Sat 06/21/08 10:27 AM
GGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRmad :angry: but modems do! Fugger dropped me again. They are supposed to be sending me another, but it isnt here yet. Fuggers!

My puppy is chiweenie, so I have no idea if he has hair or fur. Didn't know there was a difference. I know my other dog is a chorkie adn long haird I have no idea

You think if it was him that I woud be broke out all the time? Wouldn't I?

creationsfire's photo
Sat 06/21/08 10:09 AM
can you be allergic to one type of dog and not another? I hope not.sad :cry:

creationsfire's photo
Sat 06/21/08 10:08 AM

CRIPES!!!!!mad This itching is driving me batsh!t!!!!! Had this a couple of weeks ago and they didnt know why. Put me on predizone and visteril but my face peeled like I had a chemical burn. Is just starting to heal, and I have an aloe plant so was using that on the burn....I know. Go to the Dr. but Ive been there so much in the last 2 mo, they have a bed with my name on it. NO WAY! UH UH! I wont go and you can't make me. Benedryl doesn't help at all! I think I have a rogue spider in my house. I bought bug bombs. That aught to do it, I hope i hope.

Bites or a rash???? Try chlorotrypylon......bigsmile

Nope, this is a rash that burns and itches like a chemical burn. It was worst on my face and if it goes there again I will have to go to the Dr. Right now it is on my arms and torso. The hives only come up when I scratch and cold showers seem to help. I cant find any bite marks
Chemical burn??? Like redness??? Im thinking contact dermatitis....I had that from doing too many perms and colours when I was a stylist. It sounds like an allergy......change your laundry soap lately?? New soap? fabric softener? anything different including foods?huh

Only thing I been doing different is eating peanut butter since that is all I could afford, but I wasnt eating that the last time this happened...I have been racking my brain, but can't think of anything different except my new puppy......I dont want to be allergic to my new puppy!sad sad sad

Im no allergic to me other dog

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