Community > Posts By > MahanMahan

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 05/31/09 08:34 AM

girls farts

I was hoping you'd see this thread Kirk. Don't you mean pretty girl farts? Isn't it your theory that pretty women have sweeter smelling farts?
yes indeed!
BTW my name no longer is Kirk on here, I want to be called, Mitch.

Awwwww, I'm touched. However, since I do not masturbate with a fork in my mouth I'm probably someone you would not want to be associated with.

I'll be yer friend, Mitch-Kirk...!


MahanMahan's photo
Sun 05/31/09 08:31 AM

I just love the smell of a backwoods methlab.

You should see what Chevylover's got under the hood of his truck....!


MahanMahan's photo
Sun 05/31/09 08:10 AM
Jilly Jill...

Just stoppin' by to say Happy Sunday...!

I can see you guys are still at it. Keep on keepin' on.


MahanMahan's photo
Sun 05/31/09 07:51 AM
Edited by MahanMahan on Sun 05/31/09 08:01 AM

This guy must be the dumbest illegal immigrant with the dumbest fake I.D.*

*Whoever is holding that fake I.D. in that pic (most likely a Mississippi police officer) is in need of a manicure.


MahanMahan's photo
Sun 05/31/09 07:49 AM
Edited by MahanMahan on Sun 05/31/09 08:05 AM

This guy must be the dumbest illegal immigrant with the dumbest fake I.D.*

*Whoever is holding that fake I.D. for that pic (most likely a MS police officer) is in need of a manicure.


MahanMahan's photo
Sun 05/31/09 07:34 AM
Edited by MahanMahan on Sun 05/31/09 07:40 AM
Call immigration on them..!

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 05/31/09 07:30 AM
Has two MySpace profiles,
one for herself (SexyHolly4459)
and one for her pet iguana (SexyMugsy9544)

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 05/31/09 06:57 AM
Nah, I'm too busy workin'...

I gotta move these refrigerators, I gotta moe these color TV's.

Do you have a dream of the blue turtles?

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 05/31/09 05:51 AM
Whatever gets you through the night, lady..!

Do you have a shaved fish?

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 05/31/09 05:47 AM
A Rockettes stand-in...

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 05/31/09 05:16 AM
You mean ghetto birds?
Just about every night...

Do you have rubber bands to shoot at the moon?

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 05/31/09 05:09 AM
Health Inspector

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 05/31/09 04:55 AM

I heard once that if you drive the speed limit you will hit every green light!!

That's correct only if you are going in the right direction.

Well, don't we drive on the "right" side of the road here in the states?

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 05/31/09 04:39 AM

I heard once that if you drive the speed limit you will hit every green light!!

Somebody lied to you...

somebody is rite and mahan is wrong. Speed limit is always the best choice 'cause you'll just end up waisting more gas just to be stoped at the same light as that guy you could'nt wait to get around. I always laugph at the a$$wholes who are in a hurry to stop.

Thank you hunny bunches!

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 05/31/09 04:36 AM
Edited by MahanMahan on Sun 05/31/09 04:46 AM
Thank you QTB for discussing my split personality disorder with my new "sane" friends on this thread. Must I get a restraining order against you, again?

For the last time, QTB, (my favorite mingle slut) Mahan and I share the same physical body, so whatever he feeds his lard ass, he is also feeding ME. Now shut yer trap, get on yer knees and do what you do best, I've missed ya...!

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 05/31/09 04:26 AM
Edited by MahanMahan on Sun 05/31/09 04:28 AM

Well, I don't usually make assumptions based on cultural or ethnic stereotypes. My downfall is that I assume everyone is trustworthy, everyone has a sense of humor and the worst assumption of all, that everyone loves me....! sad
I've unintentionally upset a few people right here on mingle, cuz I've joked around, or gotten too friendly with them... I just can't seem to be able to change my goofy behavior.


I love you mahan :angel: and i assume you love me(my doggie style) too.............but not you mahan, you really pissed me off when youpitchfork made my hair and teeth fall out!explode


You know both Mahans love you.

Now get over here, take out yer dentures and lose that hideous wig, get on your knees and do what you do best.


MahanMahan's photo
Sun 05/31/09 04:24 AM

Try to ask the right questions,even though some may think that's too old fashioned drinker

OK, here goes...

1. Come here often?

2. What's yer sign?

3. Are you bipolar by any chance?

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 05/31/09 04:17 AM
Edited by MahanMahan on Sun 05/31/09 04:19 AM

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 05/31/09 04:17 AM
Good luck with that...!

MahanMahan's photo
Sun 05/31/09 04:12 AM