Community > Posts By > MahanMahan

MahanMahan's photo
Sat 05/30/09 07:30 PM
Edited by MahanMahan on Sat 05/30/09 07:34 PM
Well, I don't usually make assumptions based on cultural or ethnic stereotypes. My downfall is that I assume everyone is trustworthy, everyone has a sense of humor and the worst assumption of all, that everyone loves me....! sad
I've unintentionally upset a few people right here on mingle, cuz I've joked around, or gotten too friendly with them... I just can't seem to be able to change my goofy behavior.


MahanMahan's photo
Sat 05/30/09 07:12 PM

For those who mostly make assumptions, do you find that your assumptions are usually correct?

Don't we all make assumptions to a degree?

Call it intuition, first impression, or a pre-conceived notion... half the time we could be wrong.

I know I've been wrong so often, I got a foot-in-mouth desease...!

MahanMahan's photo
Sat 05/30/09 07:09 PM
Joy to the World...

(((Prcs))) has arrived.

MahanMahan's photo
Sat 05/30/09 07:06 PM

MahanMahan's photo
Sat 05/30/09 07:01 PM
Making assumptions is fun...!

...until someone gets butt hurt, then it becomes hilarious!


MahanMahan's photo
Sat 05/30/09 06:33 PM
I do actually... a BMX with onlyone training wheel, but that's strictly for doing special tricks, not that I need it to ride the bike...

Do you have something shimmering under the moonlight tonight?

MahanMahan's photo
Sat 05/30/09 06:27 PM
Edited by MahanMahan on Sat 05/30/09 06:48 PM

MahanMahan's photo
Sat 05/30/09 05:50 PM
And that's what I'm talkin' about...

If you're into somebody, you'd put up with a little smell or a stench every now and then...

I mean, if onion or garlic breath were to be an issue in some parts of the world where foods prepared with garlic and onions are a regular staple, then there would be no Italians, Greeks, Turks, Arabs or Persians left today... They'd be extinct...!

MahanMahan's photo
Sat 05/30/09 05:09 PM
Hello MsMyka...!

I have an atrocious garlic and onion breath right now...

But you know what?

I'm ok with that.

I think I might just have to start a thread to see how many happy mingling ladies are willing to kiss a guy with GARLION (garlic/onion) breath.



MahanMahan's photo
Sat 05/30/09 05:00 PM
I got garlic & onion breath.

I'm awesome...!


MahanMahan's photo
Sat 05/30/09 03:20 PM

MahanMahan's photo
Sat 05/30/09 03:08 PM
I spell potatoe, you spell potato,
I spell tomatoe, you spell tomato,
Let's write the whole thing off...

Btw, since no one's claimed Gypsy's potatoe booty yet, I gor dibs, I got dibs, I got dibs...!

MahanMahan's photo
Sat 05/30/09 03:08 PM
I spell potatoe, you spell potato,
I spell tomatoe, you spell tomato,
Let's write the whole thing off...

Btw, since no one's claimed Gypsy's potatoe booty yet, I gor dibs, I got dibs, I got dibs...!

MahanMahan's photo
Sat 05/30/09 02:53 PM
Thank you MorningSong!

MahanMahan's photo
Sat 05/30/09 09:19 AM

MahanMahan's photo
Sat 05/30/09 09:11 AM
Your baby girl is so cute...!

Here's my baby Beta. She's the one on the right!

MahanMahan's photo
Sat 05/30/09 09:00 AM

MahanMahan's photo
Sat 05/30/09 08:51 AM


Damn skippy...!

MahanMahan's photo
Sat 05/30/09 08:49 AM


MahanMahan's photo
Sat 05/30/09 08:18 AM

it's crap

Awwww, got a scooby snack for me or should I just skoosh?!