Community > Posts By > LilOlMeFromSD
Home Wreckers Award
I don't mean to ignite a race war here at all, but just to initiate intense discussion. One of my Professors believe that Black girls are better home wreckers than White girls. She is a black woman. She thought Latina women are subservient or more submissive. But again she warned me: Hey Sam, before you gallop down the alley to that White girl's door, be sure you already bought you a burial spot at the nearest cemetry because ever since O.J., they've decided to kill you first and weep at your grave later. OMG! And I was like, Prof., so who do I hook up with after this scare session. She goes: go with the moment. Now I'm in a dilemma-it's called Sam's limbo. What do you all think? Women are women. Color doesn't have anything to do with the behavior of women. We (like men) learn from our cultures, family, friends, and other influences in our lives. We act and react just like men do. Honestly, if your professor is telling you things like this it's time to change schools. I can't stand it when ignorance breeds. |
If two people are truly in love (using 'love' in it's purest sense of the word) then there is no reason for these fantasies of others.
A friend told me the other day, "Everything man(kind) does is either an expression of love or a cry for love." It's as simple as that. If love is being used in its purest form, then emotional infidelity and mental adultery don't exist, right? Of course, if these couples were truly in 'love', there would be no need or desire to fantasize about anyone else. |
females; have you ever put make up on a guy. males; have you ever allowed a female to put make up on you. this is not some weird kinky type of sexual thing. i just know of several occasions when this has happened. just cuz you're bored or something. I have several friends who are in bands and the majority are male. They do wear make-up on a daily basis but it's primarily eye-liner and I've applied it for several of them on multiple occasions. |
trust me! or not?
how do u learn to trust again after havin yur heart broke too many times in the past? Try to put it (and keep it) in perspective. We are here to experience life. I go into a relationship laughing and I am usually laughing when it's done. I might be laughing at how naive I was or, how I allowed myself to be mistreated in some way or other or, I might even be laughing at him trying to justify infidelity to me while I caught him with his pants down (pun intended). Humor is an amazing gift and that's how I use it to mend my heart. Try to remember we are all here to learn the same lessons. We are just learning them at different times. Example: I learned in my 20's that infidelity would crush someone. While other people learn this in their 40's or 60's. Perhaps the guy you are with hasn't learned the same lessons you have already learned, Miss. You can choose to be patient with him and help him get to your level of life education or, you can walk away and find another who has already taken the same classes you have. Maybe this visual will also help: Picture yourself holding a tiny baby. That baby is your inner child. You cradle that little one and nurture it. Nobody in this world can love that child more than you. Nobody. So, even when you are let down by the actions of another person, it has no effect on your inner child. You are the only parent that baby has and you are the only parent that baby will ever need. |
i was adopted at a yung age so never knew my birth parents. i recenty found my birth dad an he is in jail on his 5th charge. he will b there until next july. should i contact him thru a letter wit no return address or jus leave it alone? so confused I did not meet my biological mother until I was forty. I tried from the age of 16-39 to find her and each time I would get close, something seemed to happen that would push me further away from her. Perhaps the timing was just off (shrugging shoulders). Anyways, I did get to meet her and I made sure I took along a camcorder. My mother knew nothing of me. She refused to even believe that I was her daughter when I stood in front of her. She still believed that "her daughter" was six months old (the last time she saw me). So, you may want to keep this in mind if/when you write to your biological parent. He may not know anything about you and more than likely he's still stuck in the past. Try not to have any kind of expectations about his responses (if he will have any). You can always play it out under the guise of seeking information about your genetics (ie Is the family genetically prone to certain illnesses? If so, which ones? etc.) Oh, and remember, you can rent a post office box specifically for your mail to go to without listing your actual physical address. This way, IF your Dad decided to ever come looking for you he will only have the name of the town. Keep yourself safe until you build trust. IF the man wants a relationship, you have extended your hand and it will be his prerogative to pursue it or to walk away from it. Just remember, he's human too and we are all prone to mistakes. I guess what I'm saying is hope for the best and prepare for the worst. That way, no matter what happens, you will be pleasantly surprised. Good luck to you. |
I gave myself a raise in status. Amanuensis (pronounced /əˌmænjuːˈɛnsɪs/) is a Latin word adopted in various languages, including English, for certain persons performing a function by hand, either writing down the words of another or performing manual labour. The term is derived from a Latin expression which may be literally translated as "manual labourer". It just sounds better than manual labourer. ![]() somehow the word "masturbation" came to mind when you mentioned performing a function by hand.... ![]() lol, no that's a-man-and-lube-is ![]() |
Where ARE You From?
South Dakota.
Earlier today I was getting back in my wheelchair, and I hit my tail bone on my tire...hurts like a mutha, still. What's the stupidest thing you have done to yourself? I walked out of the bathroom in a hurry one day. I wasn't wearing any shoes and apparently lost all coordination for a moment. I kinda', sorta', but not really kicked the door and this resulted in a broken foot. I still won second place in a swimsuit contest that night despite my limping. So, I guess it all worked out. |
Yeah, I figured that out after I posted my last response. I'm psychic like that (lol).
Okay, so... Can I take a portrait of my dear ol' grandmum and granddad? |
Edited by
Sun 10/31/10 08:21 PM
Thank you.
Can I take car with me? (Denny, do all of these items have to be able to fit inside the suitcase)? Never mind (lol). Obviously, a man/woman wouldn't be fitting inside a suitcase. Yup, it pays to pay attention (lol). |
Yes, can I (we) have a hint, please?
(lol) Can I bring a hint?
Can I bring my scuba gear?
Edited by
Sun 10/31/10 08:09 PM
Can I bring a table screen (used for archeological digs)?
Who want's to get Leid here?
Oh, wow, that's breathtaking. Thanks for posting it, Andy!
Can I bring an anvil?
Can I take cigarettes with me?
Can I take a pet with me?
unrequited love
Beautifully put, Dallas. It makes me think of how often someone has touched my heart through an email, an IM, or text message even though I may not have ever met them in person.
Victim of Love Eagles Greatest Hits Vol. 2