Community > Posts By > LilOlMeFromSD
"im looking for a serious fun loving gal who will make me feel like im flying and never have to come down"
So, you're looking for a pilot? Or, are you looking for one of them special uh, 'street chemists'? |
"personality well i consider myself the strong silent type and that can differ depending on who i am around and hanging out with i dont party unless there is a holiday party or a special birthday or wedding party going on i dont go to clubs over did that scene when i was in my 20's you ask how does little z use his free time i like "to travel when i can in the past year i have traveled most of texas west of the i 45 corridor from port aransas to dallas to el paso and into most of new mexico east of i 25 i enjoy photography when the mood strikes me to snap some photos from wildflowers to scenic vistas in my travels i am looking for that special woman who can enjoy my intrests along with bringing me some new interests of her own i am looking for a woman who is open to new things and adventure i am not looking for a controlling or possesive person or someone that needs 24hr attn i dont use drugs,dont smoke and drink on the rare occasion im looking for the same in a woman if you chain smoke or drink a case of beer every week your not for me in closing the way most people see me is that im honest,trustworthy,hard working,hard headed at times and sweet at least thats what i have been told by various people that have crossed my path ."
**Consulting with Guinness** "Um-hm. So this IS the longest run-on sentence in the history of the English language? Marvelous. Now, if you wouldn't mind telling me what the price of a bullet is so I can put myself out of my misery..." |
"It’s OK if we are not compatible, that is why we are here."
Backward logic. How's that working for ya'? |
"...yet is comfortable with that uncomfortable silence,"
Oh sure, that makes perfect sense.... |
"I write left handed, throw a football/softball left handed, play golf right handed, shoot a basket ball right handed, bowl right handed, hit a baseball left handed, play tennis left handed and I am right footed?
Figure that one out" Ambidextrous. Now, the foot thing you will have to figure out on your own. |
"Janet, where did you go?"
How am I supposed to know? |
"Someone wise enough to have sex for marriage."
An ancient technique associated with the barter system. Success rate drops substantially when one or both parties involved are over the age of twenty-five. |
You haven't been here very long, have you? |
Yes, but do you have to retrieve your teeth from the coffee table when company suddenly knocks on front door? |
"Women often ask, 'What do men 'really' want, deep in their souls?' The best answer, based on in-depth analysis of the complex and subtle interplay of thought, instinct, and emotion that constitutes the male psyche, is that, deep in their souls, men want to watch stuff go 'bang"."
**laughing, wiping tears from eyes** Thank you. |
"Find my soul and I'm yours forever!"
Are you looking for a preacher? |
"Two left feet, all thumbs but a big heart."
Were you in one of those Pixar movies? |
"My ideal girlfreind- someone who isn't a pain in the ***, respectable, and loyal."
When you learn how to spell 'girlfriend' properly, I won't be near as much of a pain in the *** to deal with. |
I don't think I should answer this until I know what 'snog' means (lol). kiss lol Oh, I would give ya' a snog! (lol) |
"If there is a thunderstorm nearby, I love to relax and sit out watching the lightning."
I call dibbs on the plastic chair this time. You take the metal one. |
I don't think I should answer this until I know what 'snog' means (lol).
Illegal Smuggling
![]() Thank you for making me smile and laugh today! |
(Seeking) "..solemate."
I hope you find your other shoe soon. |
"i hve a short attntion span..."
Life is like a box of....SQUIRREL! Uh, where was I? |
If You Offer Your Hand
To a person, and they chop off your arm. Do you offer your other Hand? No. I would forgive (eventually) and use discernment in all future involvement with this person. |