Community > Posts By > LilOlMeFromSD
Do you have any types of hobbies? If so, you might want to add them. Your profile looks pretty good but I think more positive details might make it better.
It's only 5 a.m. here. I've slept a few hours but there is a mountain of paperwork in front of me that keeps demanding my attention and I'm doing my best to ignore it (lol).
Hope your class goes well! |
Do you feel old?
I've been told you are only as old as the people you feel. So? Today, that makes me 18 since I gave my little girl a big, gi-normous hug!
Working (lol) or packing up my office. I've been slacking off a bit tonight and that's never a good thing for me.
If I could have one super power...
It would have to be the ability to heal anything I touch. That would be awesome. |
..thinking I need to find something constructive to do.
i hate people. and the world they've made. you have no idea what hard work is. how do you sleep at night. how do you walk with your head held high. Um... Okay. It's your story, tell it like ya' wanna'. |
As I was curling my hair for work one morning, my then three-year-old daughter is sitting on the edge of the bathtub watching me intently.
I become frustrated because I can't get my hair to curl the way I want it to and put the curling iron down as I say, "Dad gummit!" My daughter gasps, "Mama, is that a naughty word?" I chuckled and said, "No, baby, that's not a naughty word." She thought about it and inquired, "Oh, can I say it?" I chuckled and responded, "Well, sure, you can say it." And, in a loud, firm manner she stated, "Gawd dammit!" |
When my daughter was 2 1/2 she literally dismantled the doorknob to the bathroom and broke in. She went to the shower curtain like some sort of silent cat burglar and pulled the curtain back to find her Dad taking a shower. (Thank goodness we were aware of her prowess with a screwdriver and had begun to shower with our swimsuits on...anyways..back to the story). She gasps, and excitedly says, "Papa! It's raining in da' house!" (lol)
Yup, precious. |
Edited by
Mon 11/08/10 05:05 PM
I laid down to go to sleep one night at my friends home. I had stayed there many times in the past and never had an odd experience. This particular night though, as I was almost asleep, something knocked the wind out of me. It literally felt as if I had been punched in the abdomen.
My eyes were open when this happened, the lights were on and I still sat up to look around the room. It was so bizarre. Nobody was in the house but me at that time. I eventually calmed down and forced myself to drift off. My friend wakes me up in the morning and tells me, "Breakfast is ready. Oh, I nearly forgot. Orion said he's sorry for hurting you. He tripped last night when he was watching you." I looked at her as if she had lost her mind. She explained that a ghost stays in the house and his name is, Orion. He tried to apologize to me but when I couldn't hear him, he went to my friend and told her that he was sorry for tripping and running into me. Um, yeah, that wasn't freaky at all. So, I guess ghosts can be 'clumsy'. What did he trip on, an air current? There wasn't anything on that side of the bed to trip on. But then, I don't know what it's like to be a ghost so perhaps there's more to it than the little bit of knowledge I have on the subject. (lol) |
relationship advice
what are some signs that your boyfriend could be cheating ? You find him in another woman He forgets little things like coming home at night And so on... Yeah, those two are definite signs that he could be cheating. (rofl) Thanks for the post, Talldub! |
Combine one part 'Petite' with
one part, 'South Dakota', and sprinkle it generously with a 'Southern Drawl'. Bake at 98.6 degrees for forty-two years and the end result is 'LILOLMEFROMSD' |
None. I've outlived them all. (rofl) Mikey, you crack me up! |
None. I've outlived them all.
What is this traditional notion that forbids women from boldly popping a love or marriage proposal to guys? Generally it is believed that the European woman seem to be bolder and freer to express their intentions compared to the American woman. Are women truly free in love matters? I think that women here generally think it is the man's responsibility to pop the question - looks like bondage to me. Your thoughts please.....??? I don't know how European women act but this is how one American woman acts. Twenty years ago, I had dated a gentleman for a long time and I felt ready for marriage. He still had some hesitations primarily due to his career/financial path. So, I went and purchased a wedding set and gave the rings to him one night saying, "Okay, if/when you are ready, just ask. If you are never ready, that's okay too." I had no 'set-in-stone' (no pun intended) expectations and I explained that to him. He was very appreciative that I had taken the financial burden off of him. He was also grateful that I didn't pop the question because, as he told me, he would have felt completely emasculated. (Women aren't the only ones who believe it's the man who should be doing the asking). Six months later he asked me to marry him. I realize what I did isn't considered the 'norm' by most people. But, just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I can't or shouldn't propose. Shoot, I probably could have way back then but I was trying to keep in mind what would make his life easier. And, this was the solution. It worked out beautifully. Too bad the marriage didn't work out that way (lol). |
shoot. Is this the final resting place of the unmatchable? (lol) Nah, it's a new beginning for those who are 'special'. |
E-harmony told me I was unmatchable, apparently this puts me in the 20% or 1 in 5 that are unmatchable. E-harmony - Cutting your soul down since August of 2000. (lol) I had the same experience. |
If two people are truly in love (using 'love' in it's purest sense of the word) then there is no reason for these fantasies of others. A friend told me the other day, "Everything man(kind) does is either an expression of love or a cry for love." It's as simple as that. If love is being used in its purest form, then emotional infidelity and mental adultery don't exist, right? Of course, if these couples were truly in 'love', there would be no need or desire to fantasize about anyone else. yep...yours is a perfect submission. I totally agree. However, while "perfect love" is the ideal, reality is that we live in an imperfect world where the true meaning of love is lost in the gamut. What then? The true meaning of love is never lost. You say, "Reality is that we live in an imperfect world." I say, "Reality is that I live in a perfect world." It's all in how you look at it, MLG. Love is Unconditional. It's not Hollywood, it's not abusive, it's not racist, and it's not about possessions. It IS to accept all that is around you (in your reality) just the way it is. You can alter your reality (if you don't like it) but you can't alter Love. You can walk away from Love or attempt to convince the world that something else is love but that doesn't last for long. For example, you can have sex and call it love...but, that's not love. You can love your abusive partner but they are not in love with you because the abuse is present....that person has drifted away from love by believing 'to control or lash out at another' is love. But, surely, you know that's not love, that's an abuse of power. Love is about accepting that there is a place for everyone/everything and that each of these things/people/etc. exist in the perfect place at the perfect moment. So, if YOU think that you live in an imperfect world, when do you think you will fall back into love again? |
Reading aloud....
I have and I enjoy it very much. It offers an opportunity to bring out a playful side of my personality and use my voice to 'paint a picture' of what I'm reading.
Home Wreckers Award
I don't mean to ignite a race war here at all, but just to initiate intense discussion. One of my Professors believe that Black girls are better home wreckers than White girls. She is a black woman. She thought Latina women are subservient or more submissive. But again she warned me: Hey Sam, before you gallop down the alley to that White girl's door, be sure you already bought you a burial spot at the nearest cemetry because ever since O.J., they've decided to kill you first and weep at your grave later. OMG! And I was like, Prof., so who do I hook up with after this scare session. She goes: go with the moment. Now I'm in a dilemma-it's called Sam's limbo. What do you all think? Women are women. Color doesn't have anything to do with the behavior of women. We (like men) learn from our cultures, family, friends, and other influences in our lives. We act and react just like men do. Honestly, if your professor is telling you things like this it's time to change schools. I can't stand it when ignorance breeds. Hmmm....are you sure that racial context plays no role in a person's behavior? I am black, but I think it does - there are idiosyncracies critically peculiar to every given culture - something they are noted disagree? I've been told that Hispanic men are abusive. However, I know several Hispanic men and not one of them abides by this type of thinking or behavior. Ignorance breeds fear. Years ago my ex-husband's new wife told my daughter, "Oh, you can't move to ***** because there are black people there. They will beat you up and steal your shoes!" (sigh) My little girl returned home, crying, "Mom, I don't want to move." Ignorance breeds fear. Sure, people slap titles and tags on everything. I don't think it's a 'race' issue so much as it is an 'ignorance' issue. Honestly, we go through life learning from our experiences. So, in my life I've had the two events (among others) I referenced above happen. Did I believe what I was told? No, I chose to go and learn/experience firsthand. I've learned that people are people no matter the color, life experience, resources, etc. We are all the same. We emote, we bleed, we breathe, we sleep...we exist. Your professor may not have learned this yet. Or, perhaps it's the lesson she's learning now. She has a right to 'be' and I'm acknowledging that but I will not pick up and plant what she's expressing into the garden of my mind. It would pollute it, don't you think? |