Community > Posts By > LilOlMeFromSD

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Sat 10/23/10 12:06 PM
You're welcome. :)

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Sat 10/23/10 12:06 PM
Rock Star.

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Sat 10/23/10 12:02 PM

I swore that when I became a parent that I'd never make my children eat "tripe" and "liver"....

What'd your parents prepare for meals that you didn't like eating and "swore" you'd never make your children eat that!


Cod-liver Oil. What tortuous form of liquid is this, you ask? Well, parents thought it would help prevent illness. And, it was taken like spoonful each morning. The smell alone would waft up your nostrils and melt your brain. Disgusting!

IF you argued with your step-monster about it, it would be put into a glass of o.j. or a bowl of oatmeal...contaminating the entire thing. Then you would have to choke down multiple mouthfuls of food/drink that tasted like the oil. Vile, I'm telling ya', the things that people force you to eat as a child!

Spinach. At four-years-old I was forced to sit for ten+ hours without any other food or drink. The deal was I had to finish my spinach or I couldn't leave the table.

I couldn't bring myself to eat what looked like the same thing a neighborhood dog and vomited a few days earlier. So, when my Dad (finally) got home from work, he told me to go to bed hungry. I was fine with that and my step-monster never served spinach again.

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Sat 10/23/10 02:43 AM
Ghost Hunter.

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Sat 10/23/10 02:37 AM

When you first fell in love. Was it by there attraction or a at first site? Were you nerves and how did you react? were you both nerves or did you both act goofy? And how did you both no you both were a perfect match? Is it true that opposites always work out?

I first fell into lust and believed it was love.

It was there by attraction, not love at first sight.

A definite case of nerves for both of us. Chalk it up to the thrill of the chase or, being too young to know better or, whatever. The butterflies were there.

I'm not sure what made us think we were a perfect match. The chemistry, I suppose. He claimed his hopes, dreams, and goals were similar to mine. However, once we were married his plans changed dramatically.

If I remember correctly, the 'opposites attract' deal comes from Astrology (i.e. opposing zodiac signs are supposed to be the ideal match for relationships). My first love was a Sagittarius. I'm a Taurus. We are not astrological opposites. So, I really can't tell you if opposites always work out.

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Sat 10/23/10 01:39 AM
"I'm tired of meeting psycho chicks at bars. I’ve had a string of those lately, so I need to change some things up."

There appears to be a correlation between psycho. chicks and bars. It's just a thought but, I'm beginning to wonder if these bars are where their weekly support group meetings are held.

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Sat 10/23/10 01:32 AM
"Some tards call it anal, but they are wrong."

Mmm-hmm, right. And, what are we talking about?

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Sat 10/23/10 01:14 AM
"I guess I like to eat all the time cause I'm a prick if I get hungry. ( that's normal isn't it? )"

No. That is not normal. I'm surprised you had to ask.

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Sat 10/23/10 12:53 AM
"three states and two countries in five years, but who's counting, right?"

Apparently, you are.

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Sat 10/23/10 12:50 AM
"I think kids are great - they're usually funnier than most adults and less likely to be full of crap."


LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Sat 10/23/10 12:48 AM
"I'm easy going, quick witted, and look forward to anything life has to throw my way. So I invite you to throw something my way...."

**pulls pin on grenade** Hey, you should have been more specific.

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Sat 10/23/10 12:44 AM
"As you’re reading this you might say to yourself….. “Self….. Why is this person on this dating site”?"

This is one of those trick questions, right?

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Sat 10/23/10 12:15 AM
"I met 3 people and the pics did not match who they were at all. I put up a couple crappy pictures as a test to see how shallow people are and it worked , its easy to weed out the dummies."

You have just given new meaning to the phrase 'double-blind study'.

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Sat 10/23/10 12:06 AM
"please don't be arrogant or so full of yourself that your a jack *** , I found this site to be full of ding bats that want endless e-mails and never want to meet , which leads me to believe that there probably not who they say they, this is a dating site not a let's e-mail for a year site."

Wow, I'm feeling safe enough to meet you already.

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Sat 10/23/10 12:01 AM
"I have two girls i know one is mine and not so sure about the other but oh well i would like to see them but yeah long story short thier mothers are being dumb."

This might be a little too much information for a dating profile.

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Fri 10/22/10 10:52 PM

Mustache Model


Thanks, Jack!

X-Games Official

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Fri 10/22/10 10:44 PM
Mustache Model

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Fri 10/22/10 08:10 PM

"once I know it's real I comett."

You become a mass of ice and dust with a long, shiny tail? (clapping hands excitedly) Ooooh, goody! I love shiny things!

On the plus side, you don't have to see them again for 86 years or so.

Tngxl65, you are always thinking positive!

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Fri 10/22/10 07:53 PM
"I'm on line looking for that one person to meet and hang out with,who knows what will happen,just wait and see."

Well...(drumming fingers on desk), I'm waiting.

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Fri 10/22/10 07:47 PM
"I enjoy my hot tub especially with my bubbles."


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