American Pride
Where did our American pride go? Even ones against Obama, he IS still our president. He IS still part of America. Regardless of whether you agree or not, how about a little support? He was so right when he said we're so busy opposing sides that we forget to look at the big picture. He's just another politician - face it. He talks with broad strokes without providing any details. He's a good orator, is well-liked as a person; however, his approval rating has been diminishing over time. Time is the true measure - we will see what he can pull off in the next couple of years. I would have enjoyed seeing Perot push his candidacy in '92, to see how a non-politician would run the country [for once]. |
Obama's Goal:....
Edited by
Wed 01/27/10 10:40 AM
Obama's goal: Get agenda moving, people believing (AP)
AP - Facing a divided Congress and a dissatisfied nation, President Barack Obama will unveil a jobs-heavy agenda in his State of the Union address Wednesday, retooling his message more than his mission. Translation: More Bull Sh** !!! It'll be another "hope" speech, no doubt. "22 Jan 2010 - Marshall Nirenberg, a scientist whose groundbreaking work untangling fundamental genetic processes earned him a Nobel Prize, has died." And to think Obama was alloted the same prize as Mr. Nirenberg. |
The question is: Can you live without your Tv,Radio, &Telephone? Or, (Have you-all, ever tried to live without one of these?) TV sucks - it's all mostly "reality" shows ... most of the news expels 30-second sound bites with flashy video. The only reason I have the plasma is to watch movies and hockey :) The radio ... I use it for news and also music. The phone ... not sure if you're referring to cellphones - I assume so, since you see everyone on their's, talking to people. I can live without TV. I could live without radio too, since we still get print news. I lost my cellphone for a period of three days - eventually found it - but life didn't come to a screeching halt without it (I do have a landline). This post is interesting ... anyone familiar with the show, "The Woodwright's Shop" ?? It's on PBS ... Roy (the host) builds wooden furniture/etc without the use of power tools (it's been on forever). |
Do you agree with this
What I don't get is why in the BLUE HELL he would think it's a good idea to pay Mexico to house people who are here ILLEGALLY in the first place.
How about this. Take them out of California's prisons and SEND THEM BACK TO MEXICO. That's not a good idea. Let's regress for a moment. They came over here illegally, they've committed robbery, rape, murder, or whatever, and we should send them back to Mexico so they can run the loop again? If they commit a crime, they need to serve their sentence, not to be free again. |
Michigan weapons company Trijicon takes flak over soldiers' rifle scopes branded with Bible verses Michigan weapons company is under fire for branding thousands of rifle scopes used by U.S. soldiers and Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan with passages from the Bible. U.S. military rules prohibit any service member from proselytizing while serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, which are primarily Muslim nations. [snipped] "Proselytizing" ?!?!?!? Just because the scopes have Biblical inscriptions doesn't mean the soldiers are trying to convert those nations' citizens to Christianity. |
For anyone who has taken an inkling of seriousness
of this "news article", you should know that articles presented at "The Onion" are satirical. |
My profile. If I were to die
would my profile stay active?
![]() Not sure about Mingle, but a Facebook account, for a person who has passed on, can be memorialized by the request of the deceased friends. |
Long way to look down...
From the top of the Burj the tallest building in the world: I wouldn't mind being at the top of that..just not outside. I wonder how much the window-washers will be paid. |
Edited by
Sun 01/24/10 07:15 PM
Is there any religion out there pagan or otherwise, that will accept people for who they are not for who they want them to be? I'd have to say, Buddhism. [...] "The Buddha exhorts his disciples to depend on themselves for their deliverance, for both purity and defilement depend on oneself. Clarifying his relationship with his followers and emphasizing the importance of self-reliance and individual striving, the Buddha plainly states: "You should exert yourselves, the Tathagatas[2] are only teachers." The Buddhas point out the path, and it is left for us to follow that path to obtain our purification. To depend on others for salvation is negative, but to depend on oneself is positive." Dependence on others means a surrender of one's effort. In exhorting his disciples to be self-dependent the Buddha says in the Parinibbana Sutta: "Be ye islands unto yourselves, be ye a refuge unto yourselves, seek not for refuge in others." These significant words are self-elevating. They reveal how vital is self-exertion to accomplish one's object and, how superficial and futile it is to seek redemption through benignant saviors and to crave for illusory happiness in an after life through the propitiation of imaginary Gods or by irresponsive prayers and meaningless sacrifices." [...] |
I do know alot of good religious people which is why I am spiritual still. I believe that there might be something out there and will continue to live as good a life as I can. You literally contradicted yourself in less than 30 minutes. Decide what your *true* opinion is. "... What turned me away from religion ..." ".. which is why I am spiritual still." (which is why I am still spiritual). |
I have two tuxedo female cats. About a month before my live-in girlfriend left me, we're sleeping next to each other in bed, it's about 4 AM, and one of my cats lunges through the air and lands on her face, scratching her, she's never done that before, and she's never done that since. Maybe my cat was trying to tell me something. What? That you should have scratched your girlfriend in the face? :) |
Why is it so many people are willing to give up on a relationship for shallow reasons? Is it not a problem that we can't work out or resolve? Do you not have the patience and the resolve to know there's no no challenge we can't face and overcome? Why do so many relationships end over stupid shallow things? It's quite possible some people give a shallow excuse, because they're afraid to admit the *truth*, i.e. there is some other reason for the breakup and they don't want to say what that is (for whatever reason). |
Am I an addict?
Yesterday I found myself actually declining an invitation to go out with my circle of friends... so I can stay home on my computer... do I need help?? ![]() Addict? Maybe 'recluse' is a better term :) |
Freakiest Music Videos
Haha. That was great. Harry rocks. This is what happens your video budget is "mousse, tin foil, and the instruments you already own". Friggin great song - one of the best during the 80's. I've seen them live twice - once in a typical rock arena (at the peak of their career) and once in a local bar - a place you'd expect to watch local talent. If you want to talk freaky, check this one out: Hasselhoff ... "Hooked On A Feeling" |
Another great question to answer is, "why are there so many variations of "Christianity"? (i.e. - Roman Catholic, Catholic, Baptist, Southern Baptist, Lutheran, and so on). Apparently, "Christians" can't can't agree on a proper interpretation of the original "Bible text". Texts used for the bible are many different texts and most are not in existence anymore. Each chapter is supposed to be a different text. There are texts that were kept out by the King and the rest were altered to fit the King's ideals at the time. That was how the King James version became a bible I'm not talking about "interpretations of the Bible" as written, but interpretations of the text among sub-denominations among the Christian faith. For example, without doing a Google search, now many understand the difference between Anglican and Catholic beliefs? I venture to say, not many. Why are there so many sects and sub-sects of the Christian faith? That's my point, not why are there so many interpretations of the Bible text itself (which in of itself has many questions). |
Edited by
Thu 01/21/10 06:05 PM
Who's to say the "Bible" is the correct text? There are other religious writings that predate the Bible. the bible is the correct text because Yahweh ....oops I meant because God says so @funches Ummmm. The text of the [Christian] "Bible" is structured and mimicked from religious texts that predate it. The text in the Christians Bible started anew with Jesus and the only thing that "all Christians" accept from The Old Testament is "that a Messiah is coming" @funches And don't all Christians "believe" in the New Testament (since Jesus is the Messiah)? Most Jews don't acknowledge the New Testament. (Though, Messianic Jews do believe Jesus is the Messiah). Anyway, the New Testament is the "diary" of Jesus, so I'm a bit confused at your only mention of the Old Testament. Classify the "Christian's Bible" ... are you talking about the Old or New Testament? (I ask because you mention, "the Christians Bible started anew with Jesus"). So which one are you speaking of? But I hold to my original thought ... all Christian scripture is inherited from a common text, which existed before it - you never commented on that. Another great question to answer is, "why are there so many variations of "Christianity"? (i.e. - Roman Catholic, Catholic, Baptist, Southern Baptist, Lutheran, and so on). Apparently, "Christians" can't can't agree on a proper interpretation of the original "Bible text". |
I am thinking for 5x7 prints of charging $10 per print. I might give her a bit of a discount. $10 bucks? I think you're selling yourself short there. I learned a valuable business lesson when I was much younger (20's) when I started up a surfboard and sailboard manufacturing business. I had a mentor who guided me through the business. I told him I was going to initially price my boards at a much lower rate than the competition, then raise the price as I became an "established name" in the business. He saId, "don't do it because no one will pay your higher prices, because you will be know as the low-price leader". So from "day one", my prices were matched to my competition - it proved to be a successful decision. Undercutting the competition in an artistic enterprise means you're going to do the same amount of work for a much lower price, meaning you will "lose money" in the long run. |
Edited by
Thu 01/21/10 04:25 PM
they are all nature pritns. flower with bee's, sunset, some rocks reflected in the water. All 5x7. They are prints I took for the fun of it. I was out and wanted to shoot. It's what I saw. I wish I knew how to post some of the images here. If i knew I would. If you don't have a "photo site", why not sign up for a free Google account and post your photos to your Picasa (Google) site. If you don't want the photos to be public, you can set albums as private and provide a web link (via email, etc), to folks so they can view the prints. There are many other photo-dedicated websites which allow you to present your work, including pricing, and allow folks to order prints from that site. |
Who's to say the "Bible" is the correct text? There are other religious writings that predate the Bible. the bible is the correct text because Yahweh ....oops I meant because God says so @funches Ummmm. The text of the [Christian] "Bible" is structured and mimicked from religious texts that predate it. |