the 60's are over, the 70's are over, hell even the 80's are over
and Jerry is dead all the fun has gone out of it and these days I prefer a warm place to sleep You've obviously never been to Burning Man ;) |
--- Swine Flu 1976 ---
It seems there was a government inoculation program back in 1976 for swine flu. Makes me even more leery of getting the vaccination. Yep! ... I've *never* had a flu shot. For a point of reference ... I was at the VA Hospital in Houston recently (semi-annual checkup) and the nurse told me they have had ZERO instances of H1N1 ... only "typical flu". And you can imagine how many folks pass through the Houston VA Hospital on a daily basis. |
Some women .
Me no likey. Pet names from strangers are condescending, IMO.
Really? People you don't know throw terms such as that your way? *Incredible* (I'm thinking the OP was referring to using the term on women he knows rather well - I *assume* that :) |
Some women .
Some women find the word " hun " offensive . Are they justified or are they nuts ?. Your opinions as sincere as you can. To play the technical dweeb, "hun" has other meanings :) But you're obviously referring to the shortened, "honey". Personally, I *always* use the long version of any person's name or pet name for a loved one - it's out of respect. For example, "sweetheart" instead of "sweets" or "sweetie", "Susan" instead of "Suzie" or "Angela" instead of "Angie". |
Whirlwind Romance
one that picks up a lot of speed quite suddenly and intensely. That's it .. and a relationship that continues to be "fast". (and most likely dies almost as quickly, unfortunately). |
Particularly on this web site, and any others for that matter, what would it take to spark enough interest to get a response? Is it a picture IE., physical physical feature?? Or is it what a man has to offer you....Do you think if you do not answer a mans a email with a least a no I'm not interested this is not rude??? What about the other way around?? Interested to see what kind of conversation this will stir up... Have fun I came across a website article (weeks ago) that concluded that women enjoy men with a sense of humor - a man who can get them to laugh. It seems to be true (in some of my experiences) and from what I've read in the article ... I can't find the article at this moment, but this one is pretty close: How you come across "humorous" in a profile is a mystery :) |
New Ink or Old Ink
but why does anyone have to justify ANYTHING they do to their own body...ask me why i got my nose pierced...i will answer now....i dunno
![]() It's an opinion :) So, you were shopping or driving home from work or lying on the couch and said, "I want a nose piercing"? Not to beat a dead horse (maybe I have already), but just want to understand the rationale :) |
I don't know if I like my accent because I can't hear my own accent. And I think how I speak is just fine with me (no need to have a different accent). I agree about this one - I've never considered that I have an accent ... I only know I have an accent is when I travel to some other state and a person mentions it to me. I would not want to have some other accent because it means I'd want to be someone else. |
Only reason to be nervous is if you have something to hide
or are feeling guilty about something you've done. |
Ladder Theory
A really quite droll, if rather bitter, look at the nature of human courtship. I remember reading that about 3 years ago. I'll bet men are more "agreeable" to the concept than women would be. |
New Ink or Old Ink
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Sun 11/01/09 03:49 PM
I like ink as long as it is done well. Homemade tat's look kind of ugly. Doesn't seem fair that people get discriminated against for it. I don't see what is wrong with just getting a tat you like because you like the design. Not everything has to have some deep meaning. I don't think the "tattoo artwork" has to represent something, what I'm saying is there should be some "significance" for the reason for getting it, such as some "life" event. Example: I have piercings to represent my Mom's pain enduring the cancer she dealt with ... because every now and then I experience pain from the piercings, reminding me of the pain she must have endured. For example, some folks get a tattoo because a loved one has passed on, or some significant change has happened in their life. It's an opinion, of course, but to get a tatt for the reason of having a tatt seems the wrong reason. I understand a person might enjoy the "ink" for art's sake, but what I've found is most people get ink to reflect some action in their life - in other words, there's a story behind the ink. Just an opinion :) |
it's true
So far today I've had 3 emails from 3 different people accusing me of not being Irish. Or being a mutt. I even had one that said I have "black lips" Seriously?? WTF is up with that? Yes. I really am Irish. People are just nutty today. Maybe 'cause you're not a redhead? ;) |
New Ink or Old Ink
Amazing work, I humbly bow down to a Master. You are just... Wow!
Thanks ... "master"?? I didn't do any of the work, I just sat there and went through the pain :) And I kid you not. The outline was done while I was "living" in D.C. working on a project there ... the project ended so I came back home to Texas ... I had to fly to D.C. to get the color done on the mermaid, so to maximize my short visit, my artist devoted her whole workday (6 hours worth) to finish "Lana". It was one of the most intense sessions I've had with her, meaning the most "painful". The last 2 hours were the worse - I wanted sooo much to tell her, "stop", but I didn't want to do another round-trip ticket to finish up :) |
New Ink or Old Ink
Ive got one on my neck....And another on one of my arms. Im working on my sleeves currently...Then Im gonna do my chest and back...Then maybe Ill be done for a while.
My artist (her and her hubby work at a shop in the D.C. area) has some work on her chest, but won't get it finished because she says "it hurts too much" :) Sometimes I think my life would be easier if I just dated a tattoo artist
Oddly enough, my artist's hubby hasn't done any of her work. I love the simplicity of "Jinx's" -star- artwork: (scroll down about 1/3) She also just recently got a mermaid tatt on her forearm. |
Who or what were you and what did you look like before your parents were born?
Sperm + egg = physical being, which has consistently worked for Homo sapiens, exactly as it has worked for the rest of the animal kingdom. I was NOT here BEFORE my parents because they did not conceive me before themselves. |
I'd say "more hospitable".
Fat little girlfriends
Edited by
Sat 10/31/09 03:37 PM
it might not be very politically correct but it made me laugh P.C. - I get tired when people have to apologize that something isn't P.C. Anyway, it's been quite unfortunate that, traditionally, we've been beat by Tech for what seems like forever. And we finally flush them and their coach uses that excuse? How lame. Obviously, their team was in a slump and the coaches weren't doing their job. Whoop! Gig 'em, Aggies! And we did it again today - 35 - 10 against Iowa State. Let's see what happens with the Kansas/Tech game (9 min left - tied) if they lose (Tech). |
New Ink or Old Ink
Edited by
Sat 10/31/09 03:08 PM
Show me some fav's or some new stuff and tell me about it... or tell me how you feel about women that sport ink and like to show it off.
I think there should be a story for each tattoo. Many folks get a tattoo (tattoos) because it's the "in thing" to do, without any thought for a meaning behind it. It's easy to tell when it's for "coolness": it's "flash" (tattoo art hangin' on the walls of the studio). My ink is found here (all custom artwork): Edit ... forgot to answer your question: Women who have nice tattoos are HOT: |
Movie of your life
If there were a movie made of your life, who would play you? (other than you that is, ha) AND -would it be a comedy, drama, thriller, or horror movie? Dan Aykroyd - I'll let you guess the genre :) |
questions were too much for a Friday night. Ok... Ford, Chevy or Dodge? For "what" purpose? just the age old Ford or Chevy question with Dodge thrown in. ![]() ![]() I can only answer by what I own: * Trooper (with a Chevy V6 engine :) * Porsche * 2 Z28's (Chevy, of course) * Chevy 4-door * my fav: Canary yellow 1964 Buick LeSabre convertible * 1999 Hayabusa (fastest production motorcycle) I'll have to say, "Chevy" overall, but the Buick is the fav. |