Community > Posts By > nogames39

nogames39's photo
Thu 05/14/09 11:35 AM
Israel is a dog of US. Therefore, whether US says it was forewarned, or US say it wasn't, make no mistake, Israel will make not a single move, without clearing it with Obama first.

With this said, the posted news means to me, that Obama doesn't want to be attached. He is publicly telling his dog: "Don't you even think of biting anyone without writing me a letter".

When Israel attacks, Obama would have plausible deniability by pointing back that he did have a conversation with his pit bull, but the dog didn't listen.

nogames39's photo
Thu 05/14/09 11:20 AM
Yep. A complete propaganda.

nogames39's photo
Thu 05/14/09 11:17 AM
Boo, to require me to read the original copy-paste, is to admit that you personally, have no idea about it. If you do, then you are able to answer my questions easily.

As my questions are not being answered at all, other than by adding more ideological stuff on top of already posted, then it can easily be seen that even the supporters of this, have no slightest idea of how this can possibly work, other than if everyone was reeducated or a martian.

I, and I always say that, will not work. I will spend my day in leisure, and even the things I could do, I would delegate to those who desire to do them. Further, if you decode to have no government, then what I would do is to organize my own little army, and enslave the rest.

I figure it is always great to have a slave that wants to do my dishes anyway.

nogames39's photo
Wed 05/13/09 08:31 PM
The whores will finally be free, doing what they love to do anyway.

nogames39's photo
Wed 05/13/09 08:30 PM
Having no government was a specific flaw I didn't even address. Thanks, Fanta!

I just thought that if I do, the supporters of this will turn and say, that something will serve the organizing, standardizing, and public order functions, so I have skipped it.

nogames39's photo
Wed 05/13/09 08:25 PM

This is not a new idea. It has been around for some time. It sounds quite similar to the Marxist ideas behind communism. Name me one successful collectivist society.

Yep, it used to be called communism. Thanks, Thomas!

nogames39's photo
Wed 05/13/09 08:07 PM

nogames - you are blinded by your pessimism. It has already started, there are thousands of people around the world that are actively spreading these words, these ideas.

Change begins with words and ideas. People have to grow accustom to hearing them in order to be influenced to a new mindset.

I began reading all this 'stuff' specifically to find all the resons this could not possibly work. But arguments could not hold up in the face of all I've learned. I have also studied social psychology which attempts to explain why people behave as they do. With that information and all the information Fresco presents, I can only conclude that the Venus Project is not only possible, but may be the only solution to reunite humanity with common goals, for preservation of the environment and our species.

Your optimism is a great thing to have.

How about simply answering the questions? Surely, not being blinded as myself, the answers must be at the tips of your fingers.

nogames39's photo
Wed 05/13/09 08:04 PM

NoGames - you are thinking like a capitalist. People in collectivist societies don't think like you and I. In fact, among all the world's people, those of us in the U.S. and a couple other countries are in the minority. Collectivist societies prove that the kind of thinking necessary to make the Venus project work, is possible.

Which countries would that be? Where can we see an example of a perfectly functioning society, that functions on collectivist principles?

Do you know what motivates a small, collectivistically organized tribe, to work? Abject poverty, hunger or a military treat of extermination, that's what. This is why prosperity is incompatible with collectivism.

So, bring in an Abject poverty, famine or war, and your idea will work. Remove those, and it will stop working.

nogames39's photo
Wed 05/13/09 07:54 PM

We are ranked 27th in the world in health and health care - close to third world figures, yet we WERE the riches and most powerful nation on earth. Today we are a bunch of sick people unable to seek treatment, buy nutricious food, and restricted by the FDA to the kinds of medical treatment we can even get.

Yes, we were the number one. When we were a lot more capitalist that today.

As we introduced more socialist laws and measures, we slipped to our current 27th place.

nogames39's photo
Wed 05/13/09 07:49 PM

Consider this:
All the bailout money and not a dime of it spend on socializing healthcare in the U.S. Why do middle class jobs continue to be outsourced, why are G.M. and Chrysler wanting to follow suit? One thing and one alone could save the jobs in America - socialized medicine. How, you ask? Imagine the billions every employer would save if they didn't have to include these grandiose insurance benefits in their employment packages. We could actuall COMPLETELY do away with medicare and medicaid because it all fall under the one single healthcare system.

Yeah... brilliant. Small problem: China has a positive money flow, by which to subsidize the healthcare, if China wants to do that. We don't.


nogames39's photo
Wed 05/13/09 07:46 PM

So—this leaves the question…How do we begin to make the changes necessary to lead to such a society? I have many ideas – what are yours?


You won't "begin" until you get hired for doing it. This must be a disturbing thought.

nogames39's photo
Wed 05/13/09 07:44 PM
The brainwashing that Bezmenov talked about, must be complete, then.

nogames39's photo
Wed 05/13/09 07:42 PM
I suppose there will be hobbyists that just love to go clean toilets, haul trash around, separate used tampons from a dog puke bundles, work in a coal mine, or spend their lifetime doing data-entry work.

nogames39's photo
Wed 05/13/09 07:38 PM

It guarantees access to the highest quality and most affordable health care services regardless of employment, ability to pay or pre-existing health conditions.

Sounds great. A worthless fnck, who doesn't know 2+2, doesn't work, and spends his lifetime destroying his health, will have the same access to a highest quality health-care as would some extremely educated chemist making discoveries trough years of hard and sophisticated research, that makes lives of millions much more affordable.

What a concept. Surely, the worthless fnck would love that.

But, aside of fairness and morality, what would serve as a limit of how much resource of this system can anyone in particular consume?

Anyone has a common sense? Can we be that gullible?

nogames39's photo
Wed 05/13/09 07:28 PM
I am sorry to intrude on a perfectly good fairytale, but I hae a question.

In this new suggested world, why the fnck would I wake up and go to work? If there is no money, and all resources are shared, then what would I gain by working versus not working that day?

Anybody thought about this tiny obstacle?

nogames39's photo
Wed 05/13/09 07:22 PM

yep like I figured

they are gonna rush it just to get something in place and screw it all up

It is not like it would work, even if it is not rushed. Pretty much bye-bye American health care, welcome foreign health care trips.

nogames39's photo
Wed 05/13/09 05:33 PM
Boy did she look that) different then she looks now.

nogames39's photo
Wed 05/13/09 05:28 PM

I defend taxing them based upon the fact that they use more of the services taxes pay for!

That is taxing a particular group, based on the characteristic of that group. The characteristic that differentiates the rich is that they are above the level that you define.

The characteristic that defines fat as a group, is their fat percentage above certain level.

The characteristic that defines soda drinkers as a group, is their choice of drink.

This contradicts your statement above, of not supporting taxing any groups.

nogames39's photo
Wed 05/13/09 11:29 AM
Hippies were brainwashed for sure. You can't be naturally that stupid.

nogames39's photo
Wed 05/13/09 11:26 AM
No one gives two sh!ts when they tax me on income. Fnck, I am for banning and taxing everything. Welcome to my world.

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