Community > Posts By > norslyman

norslyman's photo
Wed 06/03/09 06:47 PM

Obama is placating the muslim world. If this was an inside job, why we it be carried out days before his big address in Cairo blaming us for the ills of the middle east?

Don't know for sure it was and inside job. Just saying it could be a result of P2OG and just the type of thing they want to happen.

A bigger question is why Israel is doing its largest military excersise EVER during Obama's visit.

"We bomb your civilians indiscriminantly, rape your women & children, torture you to death, and Israel is getting ready to wipe you off the face of the earth; but we really ARE going to change this time. Oh, and I'm one of you, so it's all OK."

norslyman's photo
Tue 06/02/09 07:06 PM

The word "terrorism" first became popular during the French Revolution, when the régime de la terreur was initially viewed as a positive political system that used fear to remind citizens of the necessity of virtue, " wrote Raymond Bonner in the New York Times. "The use of violence to "educate" people about ideological issues has continued, but it has taken on decidedly negative connotations - and has become predominantly, though not exclusively, a tactic deployed by those who do not have the powers of state at their disposal."

I would disagree with that completely. WE've come full circle. It has become THE tool of the State.

And yet they try to label the resisters as the terrorists. So yes, we have to be VERY careful how we use their term.

This was nothing compared to the crimes THEY have perpetrated.

And I'll just throw in this. Remember Moses killed the Egyptian who was abusing the slaves. Apparently God didn't consider that to be murder because he still used Moses greatly.

Just food for thought.

norslyman's photo
Tue 06/02/09 06:05 PM

Yes, we shall have to see what we find out about him. Primarily if he was on any kind of Mind-Altering drugs like Prozac, or if he'd been instigated by any under cover FBI.

Could this be the first REAL act of terrorism in our country?

This is just what THEY want in any case. To justify all the Draconian measures.

yah it just could be

except for those guys that opened up on the CIA parking lot with machine guns in the 90's

or the first World Trade Center bombing

or The Murrah building in OK

or the second World Trade Center bombing

Not familiar with the CIA parking lot deal, but your other 3 examples were all inside jobs.

I should clarify that I'm mainly speaking of Mulsim terrorism in the US. Of course KKK and such were terrorist crimes.

Now when you consider P2OG (secret Government document stating that they are trying to goad Muslims into attacking us) you could also say that this case was inspired by our own Shadow Government.

norslyman's photo
Mon 06/01/09 07:15 PM
Yes, we shall have to see what we find out about him. Primarily if he was on any kind of Mind-Altering drugs like Prozac, or if he'd been instigated by any under cover FBI.

Could this be the first REAL act of terrorism in our country?

This is just what THEY want in any case. To justify all the Draconian measures.

norslyman's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:36 PM
Hooray for Edward G Griffin!!

He has a very informative weekly newsletter also.

norslyman's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:32 PM

The person who did the shooting is a domestic terrorist.

He was an extremist who took his beliefs too far.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was an FBI asset just like Tim McVeigh because this is going to play right into the myth of the domestic terrorist - of which there are none - other than Government trained ones.

The fact that he's tied to the Freemen and that he was once pulled over with explosives in his trunk raises red flags for me.

Eric Rudolph was set up for the Olympic bombing. There is just too much of a track record for this stuff.

They are going to use this to further crack down on anybody remotely anti-government. Which is a bad term to use because we are really pro-righteous Government.

You are playing right into their hands. And to call for his death? Doesn't that show YOUR hypocrisy?

You are taking YOUR beliefs too far.

norslyman's photo
Sun 05/31/09 10:03 AM

I would say to ask those families of the beheaded if they were real.

Torture is unacceptable. If these things did happen and I am sure some did...I mean afterall...look at our society here at home. Thing is; they need to keep those pics out of the eyes of the public until the soldiers we have over there are home. Why put the nail in the coffen of the innocent over there doing a job? If those pics get to those in the countries we are now in...our soldiers might as well be thrown to the to speak.

When we are home then bring out those pics and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

The military is sending soldiers back time and is showing in their mind set and the suicidal rate is high. The soldiers coming home are having mental issues at an alarming rate. They in a sense have no family or home, no comfort. They have been plucked out of their respective lives and shipped off to a land where they don't want to be. With limited phone or net reality checks with their families. The divorce rate among these is very high. They come home to no wife, husband, their children don't even know them anymore. Some don't have their jobs anymore. And now we want tp put them in even more danger and worry??

Those that want those pics to be shown....sign up....join the military and go to the far east and see if you want it out there until you get home. If you don't have a mother, dad, sister, brother or son or daughter there, then let it go. You have no clue what kind of danger this will do. I have family there....DON'T PUT HIS LIFE IN ANY MORE DANGER THAN IT ALREADY IS!


I was speaking specifily of the Nick Berg obviously fake video which came out right as Abu Graib story broke coincidentally enough.

What you need to understand is that THEY couldn't care less about our troops. Original photos were probably intentionally leaked to stir up the resistance and keep the war going strong.

Then you look at how they are treating PTSD - with very dangerous mind altering drugs! That explains the suicide rate.

They are recieving dangerous experimental vaccines and having to breathe Depleted Uranium dust which the Pentagram insists is safe!

They hate them because they ARE patriotic to their country, which there will be no room for in the New Globalist Order. They are teaching all the kids to be good Global Citizens, not Americans.

Look what happened to Michael New when he refused to serve under the UN flag.

I would suggest you get the video Anyone you know in the military can get a free copy.

I am a Christian Patriot myself. I'm not against the troops. I feel the best thing for them to do is DESERT and walk away from this FUBAR situation. Which many are starting to do! We could use them here to fight the real Homegrown terrorists in our traitor Gov. - through the info-war, not guns.

Yahweh Bless,

norslyman's photo
Thu 05/28/09 03:53 PM
Edited by norslyman on Thu 05/28/09 03:54 PM

I don't see how we as country can support any form of torture and still make a claim of moral superiority over those we fight against.

cause we don't chop their heads off after we torture em

Most of those beheading video's were frauds. I'm not disputing the fact that they do practice beheading though.

Notice how they made damn sure everybody saw those fake video's, and they don't want anybody to see these.

The big question here is will anybody ever be held accountable?
I think the big answer is NO.

I think the orders for all this is coming from above.
I think this is now standard operating procedure.
I think this is the new Amerika.......... For good.

norslyman's photo
Wed 05/27/09 04:00 PM
Doesn't matter if Seymours particular story is entirely true or not. There is plenty of other evidence.

See some photos yourself here:

US is guilty of atrocities and war crimes.
And this "most transparent government ever" laugh
is going to continue to cover them up. brokenheart


Abuse, Torture and Rape Reported at Unlisted U.S.-run Prisons in Iraqby Lisa Ashkenaz Croke Beyond Abu Ghraib, witnesses say Americans have committed and may still be carrying out acts of extreme depravity against inmates in US custody at two dozen bases whose names are not household words outside Iraq.

Huntington Woods, Michigan; Sept. 23, 2004 – American legal investigators have discovered evidence of abuse, torture and rape throughout the US-run prison system in Iraq. A Michigan legal team meeting with former detainees in Baghdad during an August fact-finding mission gathered evidence supporting claims of prisoner abuse at some 25 US-run detention centers, most of them so far not publicly mentioned as being embroiled in the Iraq torture scandal.

"That list was something that we came back with -- we only knew of three prisons going there," investigator Mohammed Alomari told The NewStandard, referring to the few detention centers in Iraq where concerns over treatment of prisoners have already been raised publicly.

The list includes some actual prisons, such as Al-Salihiya Prison in Baghdad, the notorious prison in Abu Ghraib, and a prison at Camp Bucca, a Coalition-built POW camp in the southern port city of Um-Qasr. Other detention centers have been established at military bases, such as the US Military compound at Al-Dhiloeia, north of Baghdad; a US base outside Fallujah; and the Hilla military compound, a joint US-Polish base where Alomari said he has recently been informed of allegations against US and Polish personnel.

"Nobody talks about it. All everyone talks about is Abu Ghraib because of the pictures," said Alomari. "But in these other places, there?s tons of acts of torture, abuse, rape."
The majority of detention centers where former inmates allege American soldiers and contractors committed acts of abuse were found in and around Baghdad, most of them buildings that had been converted into prisons. Students living at Mustansiriya University Student Housing were "kicked out," said Alomari, and US troops reportedly turned the dorms into a detention center. Other such facilities were reported on the grounds of the Akai Pharmaceutical Company Compound, the Palace of Conferences located across from the Al-Rasheed hotel, the Scania transportation depot and the Al-Sijood Palace in Baghdad.

norslyman's photo
Tue 05/26/09 09:09 PM
The marine was recently sentenced for the rape and murder of an Iraqi teenager and her entire family.

And we have this story.

What is wrong with our troops? The skyrocketing suicide rate.

Media Ignores Real Controversy Behind Torture Photos; They Show Prison Guards Raping Children

Former Governor Jesse Ventura: Let Me Judge Torture Photos On Behalf Of The American People

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, May 21, 2009

The real reason behind Obama’s reversal of a decision to release the torture photos has been almost completely ignored by the corporate media - the fact that the photos show both US and Iraqi soldiers raping teenage boys in front of their mothers.

The Obama administration originally intended to release photos depicting torture and abuse of detainees in Afghanistan and Iraq by the end of May, following a court order arising out of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit first filed by the ACLU in 2004.

However, a reversal of Obama’s decision was announced this week, after he “changed his mind after viewing some of the images and hearing warnings from his generals in Iraq and in Afghanistan that such a move would endanger US troops deployed there,” according to a Washington Post report.

In response, the ACLU charged that Obama “has essentially become complicit with the torture that was rampant during the Bush years by being complicit in its coverup.” The Obama administration has also sought to protect intelligence officials involved in torture from prosecution at every turn.

The primary reason why Obama is now blocking the release of the photos is that some of the pictures, as well as video recordings, show prison guards sodomizing young boys in front of their mothers, both with objects as well as physical rape.

This horrific detail has been almost completely ignored by the establishment media in their coverage of the story this week, despite the fact that it’s been in the public domain for nearly five years, after it was first revealed by investigative Seymour Hersh during an ACLU conference in July 2004.

“Some of the worst things that happened you don’t know about, okay?” said Hersh. “Videos, there are women there. Some of you may have read that they were passing letters out, communications out to their men. This is at Abu Ghraib … The women were passing messages out saying ‘Please come and kill me, because of what’s happened’ and basically what happened is that those women who were arrested with young boys, children in cases that have been recorded. The boys were sodomized with the cameras rolling. And the worst above all of that is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking that your government has. They are in total terror. It’s going to come out.”

Hersh’s contention that minors were raped by prison guards while others filmed the vulgar spectacle is backed up by a leaked Abu Ghraib memorandum highlighted in a 2004 London Guardian report, in which detainees Kasim Hilas describes “the rape of an Iraqi boy by a man in uniform”. The testimony was also part of the military’s official Taguba Report into the torture at Abu Ghraib.

“I saw [name blacked out] ****ing a kid, his age would be about 15-18 years. The kid was hurting very bad and they covered all the doors with sheets. Then when I heard the screaming I climbed the door because on top it wasn’t covered and I saw [blacked out], who was wearing the military uniform putting his **** in the little kid’s ass,” Mr Hilas told military investigators. “I couldn’t see the face of the kid because his face wasn’t in front of the door. And the female soldier was taking pictures.”

Another inmate, Thaar Dawod, described more abuse of teenage boys.

“They came with two boys naked and they were cuffed together face to face and Grainer [Corporal Charles Graner, one of the military policemen facing court martial] was beating them and a group of guards were watching and taking pictures from top and bottom and there was three female soldiers laughing at the prisoners,” he said.

norslyman's photo
Wed 05/20/09 08:28 PM
These were probably intentionaly leaked, just like the Abu Graib photos.

It is meant to further inflame the Muslims and continue the Masonic march towards WWIII. After which all fingers will point to religion as the cause, and make way for the new Global Religion.

Funny how Iraq is heating up again just befor our supposed 'withdrawl'. Will we end up having to stay 'just a little longer'?

The Obamanazi's will surely say 'he had to do it'.laugh

norslyman's photo
Thu 05/14/09 06:59 PM
Edited by norslyman on Thu 05/14/09 07:00 PM
"The next 100 days will only take 72 days, and on the 73rd I'll rest"

This is a jab at the Muslims (the 72 virgins thing) and Christians (God resting on the 7th day). It is a very prideful statement, is he comparing himself to God?

I'm sure there is some Masomic occult numerology involved here too. The Great Seal has 72 stones in it. Will their Great Work take another big step forward soon with Obama the Masonic Architect?

9 is the number of judgement in biblical numerics, so we have 8 sets of 9 (8x9), 8 being the number of new beginnings. In the occult, 9 is also an upside down 6.

The 73rd day will be July 11th. There will be a planetary alignment of Jupiter (Roman god) and Saturn (6th planet, Satans planet, lord of the rings) on that day. Another 11? 11 standing for confusion, babylon, Mystery Babylon. We already have 9-11 and 3-11 (Madrid). July was the month of the 7-7 London attacks.

Shuttle Atlantis just launched on 5-11 to repair the great "mirror" in the sky. Christians are supposed to be "transformed into the image of Christ". The NWO is trying to conform us into their image, or a "mirror" of satan.

We also had the Pope calling for a Palestinian Homeland on 5-11 while in Israel.

America is to become the "New Atlantis", after Albert Pike's 3rd World War between the Christians and Muslims, destroying both and ushering in the new Global Religion.

I'm sure there is a lot more symbolism and witchcraft going on here. These people are consumed by it. It's their Religion.

norslyman's photo
Wed 05/13/09 04:21 PM
Tillman is a true American Hero. First for leaving NFL stardom for a war he thought was real, and then deciding to speak out once he found out it was all a fraud.

His only mistake was talking too much while still there. He should have kept his mouth shut, waited until he was safely back home, and then written a book and started speaking out.

He would have been THE FACE of the anti-war movement and they knew it! He was assassinated - definitely.

norslyman's photo
Wed 05/06/09 04:16 PM
Here's a good article about the "diversity" of diseases you can get from this lifestyle. laugh

Now what is more important. Somebodies feelings, or public health? sick




Dr. Judith Reisman, expert witness before the attorney general’s commission on pornography and veteran researcher has found contrary to the popular view that there is little crossover between homosexuality and pedophilia, she says homosexuals are anxious to recruit young boys--a practice that is becoming easier than to sex education and “diversity programs” in schools that teach children to consider homosexuality as both acceptable and normal.

NO pedophile has the right to seduce or enslave a child for sexual pleasure!

As early as 1997 the International Epidemiological Association concluded that homosexual and bisexual lifestyle expectancy was 8 to 20 years less than all men and if this mortality continues, half of homosexual and bisexual men now age 20 will not reach the age of 65.

According to the highly respected conservative Family Research Council from “sifting of evidence from four separate databases support the conclusion that homosexual activities may shorten the person’s life span by as much as 30%” In addition...”Median age of death for homosexuals was 45, with only 2% surviving past 65 [while the median age of the ‘normal’ population was over 70 with more than 60% living past 65].” Further, “Causes of early death included murder, accidents, and drug abuse, but primarily sexually transmitted diseases [STDs}. Homosexuals were 116 times more apt to be murdered, 24 times more likely to commit suicide, 18 times more likely to die in traffic accidents.”

The Journal of the American Medical Association reported:

50 percent of male AIDS victims reported having sex with an adult male by the age of 16.
20 percent of male AIDS victims had sex with an adult male by age 10.
NO medical professional can ethically avoid warning our youth of these deadly lifestyle dangers. Medical representatives should be in day care centers and grade schools presenting warnings of these lethal lifestyle choices. This should be a lesson discussed with children at annual physical time.

In 1991 the Occupational Safety and Health Administration enacted rules designed to protect health care personnel from the spread of blood-borne pathogens such as HIV and Hepatitis. Employers were forced, by law, subject to jail and/or fines, to educate their employees to prevent transmission and likely premature death.

Homosexuality is a lie, otherwise homosexuals would not be dying!

Where is OSHA in the classroom and day care? Don’t our children count? Are they old enough to know about condom use but not pain, suffering and premature death? Or are pedophiles “feelings” and behavior acceptance more important than the health of our youth to our society?

NO elected or appointed legislative body has the right to enact laws that provide those performing deviant sex practices the status of a special minority class, with special insurance and workplace benefits. What will be the next special class, those who have sex with animals or the dead. Where will it end? It’s the responsibility of your congressmen to keep laws for family protection (such as male/female marriage) and get tougher with new legislation against the threats to child welfare by the homosexual lethal lifestyle.

When the homosexual lifestyle is taught, it must be the whole truth with explanation and pictures of diseases, suffering and premature death of those who go there. Half truths, obfuscation and cover-up are lies as we see in Suffer the Children. [click here for more on the video Suffer the Children]

NO teacher or instructor in day care or grade school, in a position of parental trust, has the right to introduce propaganda or homosexual tolerance or acceptance without the full picture of this lethal lifestyle and obviously not without the parents knowledge.

The Family Policy Network produced a list of diseases contacted and spread through the lethal lifestyle of homosexuality. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

1.Pubic lice
2.Scabies (mites)
3.Fungal infections
4.Oral gonorrhea
5.Oral lesions from herpes, HPV (warts), chancroid, lymhogranuloma venereum, or granuloma inguinale.
6.Nongonolococcal pharyngitis from chlamydia, other STD’s
8.Enteric (intestinal) infections
9.Traumatic proctitis
10.Rectal gonorrhea
11.Anal warts
13.Nonspecific procitis (from chlamydia and other STDs)
14.Anorectal herpes
15.Anorectal syphilis
16.Rectal trichomoniasis
17.Lymphogranuloma venereum
18.Anorectal granuloma inguinale
19.Anorectal chancroid
21.Anorectal candidiasis
22.Physical abrasions
25.Urethritis from various STDs
26.Nongonococcal urethritis
27.Genital herpes
28.Molluscum contagiosum
29.Genital warts
31.Epididymitis and/or proctitis
32.Granuloma inguinale
35.Campylobacter fetus (bacteria)
36.Enterogenic E. coli bacteria
37.Hepatitis (A, B, and others)
41.Enterobius vemicularis (parasite)
42.Oral warts

As these diseases become resistant to medication, mutations and permutations occur. To keep the human body fighting to resist the spread of further illness the immune system breaks down and premature death results.

*15,000 new cases of HIV/AIDS alone are reported daily in the world. Will one be a son, daughter, grandson or granddaughter?

The Boy Scouts of America were victorious in the Supreme Court of the United States against the frontal assault by the homosexuals. This was a grand outcome for morality and the right of a private association to select its leaders. Now the struggle for the minds and bodies of our youth is on fast track in the school systems as professionally developed videos target school students, teachers bring homosexuals to classes to promote their agenda and the truth is twisted to favor the homosexual agenda.

norslyman's photo
Mon 05/04/09 08:04 PM
Careful now. Don't judge people. That may be considered hate. grumble

norslyman's photo
Mon 05/04/09 07:53 PM
Funny how the gay literature has been in the public fools system for some time now, preparing the kids for this new golden age of molestation.

Here is a perfect example of how they said they would use AIDS awareness to normalize bizarre gay sex.

Pump your fists in the air in celebration all you perverts.laugh
Er, or uh pump your fist in a boys rump?


Public employees teach kids 'gay' sex
Workshops reportedly instruct youths in how to perform homosexual acts

By Frank York
© 2000 | May 9th, 2000

Three HIV instructors in Massachusetts are at the center of a growing controversy after reportedly conducting sexually explicit workshops for teenagers and holding sessions to train teachers in the art of injecting positive homosexual themes into public school materials -- down to the elementary school level.

Two state employees in the HIV division of the Department of Education and an HIV consultant with the Department of Public Health led a March 25 "Teach Out" held at Tufts University. The event was sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, or GLSEN.

Teachers who attended the conference received state development credits for their participation. The Massachusetts Department of Education provides funding to GLSEN through its "Safe Schools Program."

Scott Whiteman, with the Massachusetts-based Parents Rights Coalition, attended several of these workshops and secretly recorded them. GLSEN has since threatened him with legal action for doing so, claiming that all participants at the "Teach Out" had to agree to a policy of confidentiality.

According to Brian Camenker, president of the Parents Rights Coalition, the idea of any confidentiality requirement is a fabrication.

"There was nothing told either verbally or in print in any of the literature surrounding the event about not tape recording it. There was absolutely nothing about this -- and believe me, we've been through absolutely everything," Camenker stated.

To document the event, Whitehead and Camenker wrote a detailed and explicit article, "Kids Get Graphic Instruction In Homosexual Sex," in The Massachusetts News.

The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network claims the conference was only for "registered" participants. Camenker says it was a public event, open to anyone who wanted to attend. Whiteman registered under his own name and paid his fee.

Whiteman says he was shocked to learn what state employees were teaching children. Two of the instructors, Margot Abels and Julie Netherland, are listed as HIV counselors, while Michael Gaucher is listed as an HIV consultant. These instructors travel to schools throughout Massachusetts conducting HIV workshops for teens.

According to Whiteman, in one "Teach Out" workshop entitled, "What They Didn't Tell You About Queer Sex & Sexuality in Health Class: A Workshop For Youth Only, Ages 14-21," the three instructors encouraged teens to openly discuss various homosexual sex acts in the most explicit manner.

Abels and Gaucher, according to Whiteman, both discussed the practice of "fisting" -- putting one's hand inside the anus or vagina of a sexual partner. Gaucher taught the children how to make a fist. He also discussed the pros and cons of ingesting male body fluid during oral sex.

Abels told the teens that "fisting" often gets a bad rap. She said that it was "an experience of letting somebody into your body that you want to be that close and intimate with."

According to Whiteman, the entire session ran 55 minutes before there was any mention of condoms or "safer sex." When condoms were discussed, the teachers pointed out that teens could make an "informed decision" not to use condoms.

Outside in the hallways, various organizations had set up tables to distribute male and female condoms and other sexual paraphernalia. The Sidney Borum Community Health Center, for example, was handing out "Pocket Sex" kits, which included two condoms, two antiseptic moist towelettes and six bandages. According to the teen who was handing out the sex kits, the bandages were for "when the sex got really rough."

In the workshop for teachers, Margot Abels reportedly told the audience that "sex is central to every single one of us,

norslyman's photo
Mon 05/04/09 07:36 PM
A lot of you naive people seem to think this bill is going to protect poor little innocent gays like Mathew Shepherd. :cry:

Not so.

It is going to protect the RADICAL groups like NAMBLA who clearly state what their goals are.pitchfork

This agenda has been ongoing for a long time.

Isaiah 5:20
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"


Pedophiles And Homosexual Activists Push For Total Sexual Liberation

In August, 2003, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit against the state of Kansas over the state's criminal sodomy law involving children. The ACLU is defending Matthew Limon, a homosexual who committed sodomy against a 14-year-old boy in 2000. At the time of his crime, Simon was 18 years old. The ACLU is claiming that Limon's conviction is unconstitutionally discriminatory because the penalties for sodomy with a minor are different than for heterosexual sex with a minor.

Kansas Attorney General Phill KIine says the fairness of Limon's sentence should be a state legislative issue, not a constitutional one. According to Kline, "If the ACLU wins in the thrust of their arguments, it means the state has no right to say that it is illegal for an adult to have sex with a 13-year-old child." Kline also fears that an ACLU victory will make it difficult for the state to enforce laws against polygamy, incest, bestiality, and other sexual perversions.

The effort to abolish "age of consent" laws has been a long-time goal of homosexual activists. The 1972 Gay Rights Platform, for example, called for the abolition of all laws prohibiting sex with children. The platform demands: "Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent."

In September, 1995, three homosexual activists published an essay entitled, "The State Of Gay Liberation" in Guide, a homosexual publication. The essay was authored by North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) co-founder David Thorstad, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Professor Richard D. Mohr, and San Francisco journalist Bruce Mirken.

Thorstad, of course, is a life-long pederast and homosexual activist who clearly describes the important linkage between homosexuality and pedophilia. In a speech given before a homosexual group in Mexico in 1998, Thorstad said: "Pederasty is the main form that male homosexuality has acquired throughout Western civilization-and not only in the West! Pederasty is inseparable from the high points of Western culture-ancient Greece and the Renaissance." (David Thorstad, "Pederasty And Homosexuality," NAMBLA web site)

Fellow author Professor Richard Mohr, is a homosexual activist who is an advocate for same-sex marriage and has said he hopes that homosexual marriage will help define "monogamy" out of marriage altogether. (Stanley Kurtz, "Beyond Gay Marriage," The Weekly Standard, Aug. 4-11, 2003)

Bruce Mirken is a homosexual and San Francisco journalist who was arrested in 1998 for attempting to have sex with a 13-year-old boy he had contacted through the Internet. When he entered a Sacramento park to sodomize the boy, he was met by police who had been tracking his activities on the Internet. The charges were eventually dropped against him on a technicality.

Sexual Liberation For Children
Thorstad and Professor Mohr want sexual liberation for children and Mirken believes that AIDS activism is what will help perpetuate and strengthen the homosexual movement.

According to David Thorstad, in "The State Of Gay Liberation," homosexuals must get back to a "radical vision of sexual freedom for all. We need to reaffirm our place in the great variety of same-sex behaviors that exist-have always existed-in human societies. We dare not allow our homosexual gift to be alienated from us by the limited vision, stifling political correctness, and erotophobic provincialism." In short, homosexuals should openly support the promotion of adult/child sex!

Professor Mohr argues that the use of "gay youth" is a key to gaining political and cultural victories in the U.S. He writes: "...these brave youth are key to culture's change on gay issues. Thanks to them, increasingly people know someone for whom being gay is an issue. Thanks to them the gay movement is achieving critical mass." Bruce Mirken claims that radical AIDS activism is what will save the homosexual movement from decline.

The effort to push adult/child sex isn't limited to these three homosexual activists. It is part of the overall homosexual movement. As author Mary Eberstadt wrote in "Pedophilia Chic: Reconsidered" in The Weekly Standard, (Jan. 1, 2001): "The reason why the public is being urged to reconsider boy pedophilia is that this 'question,' settled though it may be in the opinions and laws of the rest of the country, is demonstrably not yet settled within certain parts of the gay rights movement."

Eberstadt notes that as the homosexual movement becomes more mainstream, this "question" about adult/child sex will become more prominent. Homosexuals who desire sex with children will do exactly what the ACLU is doing in Kansas:


norslyman's photo
Fri 05/01/09 07:12 PM
I would question the accuracy of this poll, and it does say that a small # of people were questioned. But then again, the Religious Right has been thoroughly brainwashed by Fox News, Bill O' Reilly, and Jack Bauer of 24.

Christians should be the #1 group who oppose torture!blushing

Guess it is another good example showing we ARE in the midst of the Great Falling Away.

But what's worse. A deceived Christian, or an Obamanation flaming liberal?

Nobody will be prosecuted.laugh

Of course not, he works for the same NWO crowd as Bush.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

norslyman's photo
Thu 04/16/09 06:44 PM
I just saw the movie "Alive" again recently. Great movie! I think it's in my top 5. Was interesting how they went from "no way" to eventual acceptance that it was the only solution.

Religion of course played a part and one argument was "If our soul goes to heaven after death, then your body is simply a hunk of flesh." Correct. I'd have done it too. It would have helped that the bodies were frozen.

Other interesting parts are how they all got serious about praying every night (even though they were saying the rosary, I think God honored their faith). All except one guy who said he was agnostic. Every night they asked him to pray with them and every time he said no. Except one night when they heard an avalanche - then he prayed. No atheists in foxholes?

It was a very spiritual movie overall. One guy started crying a lot they others asked him what was wrong "I just feel so close to God". He said.

One guy had a dream of a green valley the night before the party left to hike out for help. He knew they were going to be succesful, against incredible odds.

I have no doubt that it was their faith in God that got them through. How many of you think you'd be able to survive a situation like that without faith?

norslyman's photo
Wed 04/08/09 01:02 PM
How many have ever heard of this guy - Lindsey Williams and his book "The Non-Energy Crisis"? He had a front row seat to the inner workings of the Oil Elite in Alaska.

This is from a Jan 09' interview:
Note. I didn't add the notes, they are those of this articles author.
Full article:

1. The reason why the "elite" dropped the world price of oil down below $50.00 a barrel was to wage economic warfare against the Arab/ OPEC countries. "They" seek to bankrupt OPEC countries., especially the Iranians by cutting their revenues more than 75%. (Do you think that is why Mr. Chavez is so belligerent towards the USA?) Why would they do that? Because Iran and the other OPEC states are getting too strong and too wealthy.

The Iranians are running an oil bourse, that effectively sidesteps the oil markets of New York and London. (My note. Even worse they are trading oil not for dollars but for other currencies such as the Euro. This is a direct threat to the western banking system.) According to Williams, this will not be allowed to continue. This is about control!! "What is happening today has been planned for years and there are other more nefarious motives, which will be outlined below.

2. The world reserve currency is the dollar and dollar denominated assets such as U.S. Treasury Debt. The Arabs have been recycling their petro dollars into U.S. Treasury debt for thirty five years. (My comment. The Arabs/OPEC have been financing our national debt. This is per agreement with the New York Banking establishment, and the U.S. Treasury. This arrangement has been part of the world order since the collapse of the Bretton Wood Agreement in 1971. This is now coming to an end.)

Now that they are being bankrupted (intentionally) the OPEC/Arab states are no longer willing or able to buy Treasury Debt. Hence, the interest on the National Debt (which now exceeds 15 Trillion dollars?) is not being financed by foreign creditors. China, India and other Asian states are doing the same thing. "They are running from dollar denominated assets." Therefore, the Federal Reserve is now buying up all the Treasury Debt issued by the U.S. Treasury to cover the debt maintenance on the national debt.
(My Comment: this is called monetization and it is highly inflationary.)

3. Gold and Oil generally move in tandem i.e., when oil goes up, so does gold. This has not been the case since the oil market collapsed. Gold has shown huge relative strength to the price of oil. Because of intense world wide demand and speculation the relationship between gold and oil will no longer continue. Gold will now move independently of oil.

4. This year, 2009, the USA will face total financial collapse. The dollar will also collapse in value, and it will take years for the U.S.A. to recover.

5. OPEC has been cutting production steadily but they cannot influence the supply of oil enough to affect the world price.

9. Because of the tremendous cut in revenue to the Arab states (75%.) Dubai will become a "wasteland." Already they have suspended all construction on major buildings in Dubai. "There will be no change in the future. "

10. All of the Arab states are sliding into a depression. Their budget planning is based upon $80.00 oil, so they are cutting their expenditures dramatically----especially infrastructure and public works.

11. In addition to no longer buying our treasury debt, the Arab/OPEC states are now actively selling what treasury debt they hold. This is also occurring throughout Asia, especially China. This of course amounts to Trillions of dollars of Treasury debt etc. (My Note: if the Fed is now monitizing these debt instruments, which they must surely do since they are the buyer of last resort, this will also be highly inflationary.) The Arabs/OPEC/Asia are converting their dollars and dollar denominated assets to gold and other hard assets.

12. The long term goal of "these people" is to control and own everything. "They intend to break us." (My comment: Geeeez. I am confused. Here, all along, I have been told by the media that our enemies are in the Middle East.)

13. Gasoline will remain at approximately $1.50 per gallon for the next year to a year and half. This is killing the State government gas tax revenues. Total, state tax revenues are collapsing. Expect many states to go bankrupt----especially California.

14. "They" intend to control the world price of oil by dumping massive amounts of oil on the market to keep the price down. They intend to use, among other sources, an oil field in Indonesia that "they" just brought "on line." This field has reserves of more than 300 billion barrels. He also mentioned another field in northern Russia.

15. The ultimate objective is to "destroy the USA." At the same time "they" seek to consolidate control over all assets of any significance. "They" already own and control, the banks, and the media. (My note: Williams did not say, but obviously, they also control the oil industry.)

"They" intend to gain control of the entire auto industry. According to Williams "why not buy the auto industry? All they need to do is create the credit in a computer entry." The takeover of the auto industry will happen when the time is right. They also seek control of all the real estate that is worth owning. According to pastor Williams, everyone is going to be paying rent by the time this thing is over. Again he emphasized that "After years of collapse they intend to own everything."

16. Russia is a major world power. Tensions will increase between the west and Russia. Look for a return of the cold war. (My note: he did not say it but I got the feeling that the Russians are not anxious to become part of the New World Order. Of course this oil price suppression is really hurting the Russians. They have had to devalue the Ruble seven times.)

17. "There will be no attack on Iran. There will no war with Iran." "The American people will not stand for it." They intend to accomplish their goal of destroying Iran by economic means. "They will accomplish their goal of destroying Iran without the need of another 911 false flag operation."

18. "Within six to nine months we will be into full blown hyper inflation." "Buy everything you need right NOW!!!!" "Prepare your dinner table NOW! It is going to be 1933 all over again."

19. "The nations of the world, especially China, are dumping U.S. currency and buying gold.

20. "The reason why it is getting so hard for people to buy gold is that "they" do not want people to be able to protect themselves." "They don't want people to have something that is REAL." (My note: it's hard to find any significant quantities of gold anywhere. Silver too!)

21. "They fear people buying gold because it is something "they" can NOT control. They feel that only they, the elite, should own gold.""They regard it as real money."

22. Their greatest fear is that the people will "wake up" from their slumber. "In fact they are terrified." They do not intend to impose martial law. They believe this would cause an armed revolution and that they do not want. Hmmmm. (I guess that is why the founders included the Second Amendment in the Constitution.) "A revolution means they could lose control."

23. "The American people are terrified of Obama." "The day after the election the gun shops in the USA were emptied by alarmed and frightened citizens." "Wal Mart reported that the day after the election their sales of ammunition went up by 400%. It was a record for ammunition sales in a twenty four hour period. (My note: this continued for several weeks after the election.) Evidently this behavior caused a great deal of alarm.

24. "They" have given up on implementing the North American Union and are "going all the way." The goal is total global control of everything. Global Government. Global bank. Global Currency. Etc. (My note: this NWO globalism business has always included a global army, and a global religion. I am sure we will be hearing more about global religion from "Americas pastor," Rick Warren)

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