Bill Maher said on Real TIme
Oh yeah, the attempted Reagan assassination. Who was VP again? This agenda has been going on a long time.
----------------------------------------------------------- Bush Jr. WILL use the MANDATORY Mental Health screening LAWS he's setting up to STRIP U.S. of our GUN RIGHTS! But it's his Daddy's CIA that's creating these 'mental health NUTS in the first place!!! ....programs your tax dollars PAID FOR that involve UNWILLING victims of the CIA to turn them into information couriers, sex slaves and yes ASSASINS! In fact, MK stands for Manmade Killer. And there's MK-Search, MK-Naomi, Project Artichoke, Project Monarch and many more. These involve the use of drugs, TORTURE, RAPE, chips etc. ...........Also Cathy O'Brien documents her victimization and that of her 7 year old daughter by Bush SENIOR and **** Cheney in a book: " Be sure to read the EXCERPT there "A Most Dangerous Game" about Cheney. The CIA was headed by WHOM???? That's right! Head Skull and Bones SATANIST Daddy Bush who was having dinner with John Hinkley Jr.s BROTHER the night BEFORE he was SHOT!! hmm.......... John Hinkley Jr was clearly a mind-controlled Manchurian Candidate, sent to get the Brady Bill passed. There have been many others. |
The conspiracy theorists continue to abound. Yes, and I think its awsome. Many people seem to be waking up. It's not exactly a theory when bills are being passed now is it? These radical environmental groups all have ties to the elite and their various Think Tank groups: Club of Rome, CFR, ect The very same groups that want to de-populate the earth. Go read about the Georgia Guidestones: Commands #1 and #10 especially. ---------------------------------------------------------------- THE MESSAGE OF THE GEORGIA GUIDESTONES 1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. 2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity. 3. Unite humanity with a living new language. 4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason. 5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. 6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. 7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials. 8. Balance personal rights with social duties. 9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite. 10.Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature. |
They really don't care about the plants, they just want the land. It is just an excuse and it sounds good to the public.
The scary thing is, once they herd everyone into the cities (we really are just cattle to them), the depopulation agenda really starts to get into gear. Starvation and famine will be going on, but you wont be allowed to farm and feed yourself. ----------------------------------------------------------------- you can see the map here: Unless otherwise noted, this material is taken from "Special Report: The Wildland Project Unleashes Its WAR ON MANKIND", by Marlin Brannan What no one in leadership is telling you is that these areas designated to be set aside on this map will be swept of all human living and/or development, as part of the 1972 United Nations Biodiversity Protection program. This plan literally conceives of setting aside huge areas of the world where no humans can live -- will be allowed to live -- or work, or play. While this plan is global and is being instituted globally, we will limit our study of it to the United States. [The entire plan is published in a report entitled, "Our Global Neighborhood: The Report of the Commission On Global Governance" This plan in America is called the "Rewilding" of America. This term means to re-wild this continent. In other words, they plan to sweep aside all evidences of human endeavor, i.e., homes, businesses, structures, entire cities, allowing the land to go back to its natural state, before the wicked White Man took the land from the Native Americans (Indians). Using Presidential Directives, normally exercised through various Federal Government agencies, this "rewilding" project will be accomplished by declaring huge tracts of land completely off limits to humans. These tracts of land would be called 'reserves'. Reserves would "include wilderness areas and national parks while inner buffer zones would permit no agriculture, no more than 0.5 miles of road per square mile of land, primitive camping, and only light selection harvesting of forests. The June 25, 1993, issue of Science magazine reports that the plan calls for 23.4% of the land to be put into wilderness (no human use) and 26.2% into corridors and human buffer zones (very limited use by humans)." [Op. Cit., Brannan, p. 2.] This is 50% of America!!! Once you study the map, where these off-limits zones are designated, your mind will be blown by the unbelievability of it all!! You will be able to see if your area is one of those who are to swept clean of human activity, and you will be able to see where you might wind up being relocated. As I am looking at the map, I see that many entire states are seemingly set aside, to prevent any human activity at all. States West of the Mississippi River seem to be designated as nearly "Clean Sweep" states, chief of whom are: |
They've been doing this for a while. This latest bill passed with little fanfare.
![]() The truth behind these UN biosphere zones is that the elite want all this land to themselves, and don't want us contaminating it for them. Sorcha Faal is a somewhat questionable source, but this is a good article: -------------------------------------------------------------------- March 29, 2009 Obama Gets Massive New Law To Force All Americans Into Cities By: Sorcha Faal In what a new Kremlin report is calling one of the most ‘astounding’ capitulations in World history, President Obama and the United States Congress, while using the current Global economic crisis as ‘cover’, have given over control of nearly their entire country to the United Nations by passing in near secrecy the most massive law in United States history this past fortnight called the “Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009”. This stunning information has also been confirmed by Western propaganda news sources, and as we can read from this March 25th report by the Environmental News Service: “Congress today approved a massive public lands bill that protects two million acres of wilderness in nine states and a thousand miles of rivers, a 50 percent increase in the wild and scenic river system. It establishes new national trails, national parks and a new national monument and provides legal status for the National Landscape Conservation System, which will protect some of the country's most spectacular landscapes The package of 164 separate bills bundled together, known as the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009 (H.R.146), has been stalled several times on its way to approval, most recently on March 11, when the measure fell two votes short of the two-thirds majority in the House required at that time. The radical US environmental group known as The Wilderness Society, who have long advocated that all Americans be forced out of their rural homes and into vast urban zones, further states about this chilling new law: “This is a tremendous day for wilderness and for all who cherish our public lands. Congress just passed the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act, the largest addition to the National Wilderness Preservation System in over a decade and one of the biggest public land conservation measures ever.” These Kremlin reports, however, point out that this massive new law authorizes President Obama to ‘evacuate’ all American citizens from what are being called United Nations Biosphere Reserves and Corridors by ‘no later than’ April, 2011, and which in effect will nearly totally depopulate the United States rural areas forcing tens of millions of Americans into vast urban zones where they can be better controlled and watched over by their police authorities. Virtually unknown to the masses of these American people are that the warnings of what is now happening to them now has been forewarned about, including in March, 2006, when the World Net Daily News Service warned in their report titled “The U.N.'s global land grab” that: “The agenda for U.N. Biosphere Reserves is set in UNESCO documents known as the Statutory Framework and the Seville Strategy, both of which were developed with "consultation" from the IUCN. Biosphere Reserves, by definition, include "core wilderness areas" protected from human use, which are surrounded by "buffer zones," which are managed for conservation objectives. Those are surrounded by "zones of cooperation," which are "laboratories for sustainable development.” Demographic statistics from the United States are further showing that these Americans already have the World’s most urbanized society with over 81% of their population residing in cities and suburbs, and which by reason of the current collapse of their economy is forcing millions more of their citizens to flee their small towns and rural areas as they are left homeless and jobless. Even more chilling for these Americans is that their current leader President Obama has inherited from his predecessor all of the powers needed to radically alter their society into a virtual police state, and as we can read as reported by the Prison Planet News Service in their report titled “Top Constitutional Scholar: Secret Bush Memos Reveal Plan For “Massive Military Takeover Of US”, and which says: “A top constitutional scholar has said that recently released Justice Department memos prove that nefarious elements within the Bush Administration were planning a massive military takeover of the country and that the documents should be used to bring charges of treason. In an interview with author Naomi Wolf, legal expert Michael Ratner explains how the move toward total elimination of First, Fourth and Fifth amendment rights, as outlined in the memos, cannot be taken in isolated relation to terrorism related prosecutions and instead represents a smoking gun of a larger intention toward the general population. “The memos revealed how massive the takeover of our democracy was to be — that this wasn’t just going to be a few individuals here or there who suffered the arrows of a police state.” Ratner says. “These memos lay the groundwork for a massive military takeover of the United States in cahoots with the president. And if that’s not a coup d’etat then, nothing is.” To the ultimate goal of these New World Order Globalists in destroying the United States we can read as reported by the Fox News Service “U.N. 'Climate Change' Plan Would Likely Shift Trillions to Form New World Economy”, and which warns: “A United Nations document on "climate change" that will be distributed to a major environmental conclave next week envisions a huge reordering of the world economy, likely involving trillions of dollars in wealth transfer, millions of job losses and gains, new taxes, industrial relocations, new tariffs and subsidies, and complicated payments for greenhouse gas abatement schemes and carbon taxes — all under the supervision of the world body. Those and other results are blandly discussed in a discretely worded United Nations "information note" on potential consequences of the measures that industrialized countries will likely have to take to implement the Copenhagen Accord, the successor to the Kyoto Treaty, after it is negotiated and signed by December 2009. The Obama administration has said it supports the treaty process if, in the words of a U.S. State Department spokesman, it can come up with an "effective framework" for dealing with global warming.” But to the real goal of these Global elitists we can, perhaps, gain a greater insight into their agenda by examining one of their top leaders, Henry Kissinger, and of whom it is written: “President Obama’s National Security Advisor, General Jim Jones made a very curious comment at the 45th Munich Conference on Security Policy in Germany. He said: “Thank you for that wonderful tribute to Henry Kissinger yesterday. Congratulations. As the most recent National Security Advisor of the United States, I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger, filtered down through General Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger, who is also here.” Jones’ comment appeared to be an unsuccessful attempt at dry humor – only a few in the audience actually laughed – in acknowledging Dr Henry Kissinger’s enormous influence in U.S. foreign policy which had been acknowledged a day earlier with a prestigious award. Many, however, immediately viewed Jones’ comment as an unguarded admission of who really is in charge of U.S. policy. Jones comment raises two serious questions. How much influence does Kissinger exert over the Obama administration and the policy making process? Furthermore, what influence does Kissinger have over U.S. policy on UFOs and extraterrestrial life? Kissinger’s influential role in setting U.S. foreign policy is generally viewed as starting with his role as President Nixon’s National Security Advisor in 1969 during the Vietnam War. Kissinger’s role in steering U.S. policy, and his failed efforts to bring an end to the Vietnam war have led to many criticisms against him. The most controversial is Kissinger’s role in the failure of President Johnson’s peace efforts during the final months of his administration in 1968. Released Presidential tapes reveal that Johnson concluded that Nixon’s associates were engaging in treason. Kissinger’s covert activities during both the 1968 Presidential campaign and later as National Security Advisor has led to accusations that he unnecessarily prolonged the Vietnam War for political gain. Kissinger’s influence over U.S. foreign policy, however, dates from much earlier than the Vietnam War. His influence dates from experiences in Germany during World War II when he was part of the Army’s Counterintelligence Corps, and helped identify Nazi scientists familiar with advanced technologies of interest to the U.S. Some of the Nazi scientists retrieved in Operation Paperclip were directly involved in advanced technological projects that according to the father of modern rocketry, Hermann Oberth, had been assisted by knowledge of extraterrestrial life and technology. He said: … we cannot take credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields alone. We have been helped." When asked by whom, he replied, “the peoples of other worlds.” To the fullest understanding of all of these events, one need look no further than the Sorcha Faal’s seminal work “Battle Begins For Throne of This World: The Return of the Einherjar Warriors” to which she warned: “On July 4, 1996, the 3,000 anniversary of the establishment of Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel by King David, and the 220th anniversary of the founding of the United States of America, British Prime Minister Ron Major announced that the “Jeremiah Stone”, also known as “The Stone of Scone”, was to be removed from its 700-year-long resting place in Westminster Abbey and returned to Scotland where it had been stolen by King Edward I in 1296. To the greatest significance, however, of this historic event lies not in the year of the Jeremiah Stone being moved, 1996, but that 2008 marks the year that the “12 Cycles of the Zodiac” have been passed since the moving and which, according to the ancient prophecies, shows that this coming year marks the beginning of the Battle for the Throne of this World.” Little do these Americans know the catastrophes soon to befall them as this battle for our Earth, our very existence, hangs in the balance as the ‘days of the ancient gods’ come upon our human race once again. |
I wonder how the poster of this topic would feel about someone moving next door to him and setting up a meth lab.All totally legal as far as he is concerned.I wonder how he would feel if he was run over by someone high on crack,once again totally legal to smoke. Is it any wonder we have recently heard of Mexico pushing drugs and it's gangs into American cities,kidnapping Americans,and killing cops?Anyone wonder why that is happening? Lax drug laws and a laid back attitude towards drug use. It would be interesting to take a major city and legalize drugs and see what happends.I wonder how many thousands of people would quit their jobs to be drug dealers.Even the 7-11's would be selling herion,crack,and cocaine.How many thousands of addicts would move there bringing their addictions,crime,and problems.How many new users would we see? There is a reason no nation on this earth will legalize drugs.They allready know the outcome. Umm.....Holland, they seem to be doing just fine. Lax drug laws? Are you crazy? Our prisons are FULL of petty drug dealers who don't belong there. I was watching a cop show yesterday and they threatened a guy over one SEED! Legalizing would take care of all these problems on the border! The CIA makes too much money right now with pot illegal. Bottom line! Oh, and Bill Mahre brought it up again today and scolded Obama for downplaying the #1 online question. It generated the MOST interest. |
Soldier Recruitment Inside Jails Exposed
(10 News) Andre Rayas committed murder with military precision, and it was caught on camera. Using a high-powered rifle, Rayas gunned down police Sgt. Howard Stevenson, a married father and police veteran. Rayas, who died in the shootout in Northern California, learned his tactics as a Marine at Camp Pendleton, an example of the dangers of gangs in the U.S. military. Hunter Glass is an Army veteran, former detective and gang expert. He said a military gang member is a threat because, “He understands fire power, technology, he understands how to shoot.” The 10News I-Team spent two years investigating military gang members, revealing their growing numbers among sailors, Marines and soldiers. The I-Team captured illustrations of gang activity, including Bloods and Crips on the dance floor at Fort Bragg, who first flashed gang signs and then turned on each other. The I-Team’s investigation showed the brutality of gang initiation with dramatic video of a young man being beaten harshly by six or seven gangsters. There are actually 19 separate gangs with members in the military, according to the National Gang Intelligence Center. They include gangs from all races such as Mongols, MS 13, Vice Lords, Asian Boyz and the Mexican Mafia. The Center’s threat assessment for 2009 said military gang members pose a “unique threat” because of their “distinctive military skills” and “willingness to teach … fellow gang members.” Peggy Daly-Masternak of Ohio is a longtime educator who is also part of a group that monitors military recruitment. “When you take a convicted felon, a street criminal, and train them to be a marksman, I think they’re a deadly danger once they get back,” she said. She saw the I-Team’s first investigation of military gangs last October, which received national attention. Her group’s research echoes what others have told the I-Team — that the war in Iraq put a strain on military recruitment. TJ Leydon, a reformed white supremacist who served as a Marine for 3 years, said, “After the war in Iraq was going on for two-and-a-half years, all of a sudden the cream of the crop wasn’t coming in anymore.” Daly-Masternak said some recruiters took drastic steps to fill their quotas. The I-Team leaned of one who went behind bars, literally walking into a jail to see if any of those locked up would consider joining the ranks. It seemed outrageous, but the I-Team found proof. It’s a press release dated July 14, 2008. It announced, “A New Program at Your Lincoln County Jail.” The jail is in Oregon, and the new program involves an Army recruiter visiting the jail “to convey information to incarcerated individuals about serving in our armed forces.” I-Team reporter Lauren Reynolds posed the question to Lt. Colonel Miguel Howe. “Do you go into jails to recruit?” Reynolds asked. His response was, “Absolutely not, absolutely not.” In fact, it is misconduct, said Lt. Col. Howe, commander of the Army Southern California Recruiting Battalion. He spoke to the I-Team on behalf of the Department of Defense. “It is a direct violation of Army and Department of Defense policy and regulations to recruit out of prisons, out of jails, anyone on probation or on parole,” said Howe. He described the Lincoln County program as a mistake and said it was shut down. Last October, the Department of Defense told the I-Team it does not have a problem with criminal gangs among its ranks, despite the estimate of 14,000 military gang members. That same month, the Department standardized for all services the way they grant conduct waivers. Those waivers allow some applicants with criminal histories to enlist. “There are actually 11 people who review that application,” said Howe. He said to keep unsavory characters out of the armed forces, the vetting process has been strengthened. “There are over 140 questions that we ask that young person,” said Howe. The U.S. military grants roughly 30,000 conduct waivers each year. Gang members were never supposed to be eligible. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Deputy who invited the recruiter to jail defended the program last summer. He is a veteran himself, and said it’s better to have petty criminals and first-time non-violent offenders in the military than locked up at a cost of $100 each per day. |
Phropesy Being Fullfilled?
Stop getting Flu shots!!!!! They are very dangerous. I heard an interesting interpretation on the moon being turned to blood - flesh and blood man has been to the moon. Also, during an eclipse it looks blood red. Anybody heard this yet? I wouldn't say 2nd coming, but something significant. Maybe appearance of the false messiah? -------------------------------------------------------------- ........ Thus, Biltz began focusing on the precise times of both solar and lunar eclipses, sometimes called “blood moons” since the moon often takes on a bloody color. He logged onto NASA’s eclipse website which provides precision tracking of the celestial events. He noted a rare phenomenon of four consecutive total lunar eclipses, known as a tetrad. He says during this century, tetrads occur at least six times, but what’s interesting is that the only string of four consecutive blood moons that coincide with God’s holy days of Passover in the spring and the autumn’s Feast of Tabernacles (also called Succoth) occurs between 2014 and 2015 on today’s Gregorian calendar. “The fact that it doesn’t happen again in this century I think is very significant,” Biltz explains. “So then I looked at last century, and, believe it or not, the last time that four blood red moons occurred together was in 1967 and 1968 tied to Jerusalem recaptured by Israel.” He then started to notice a pattern of the tetrads. “What’s significant to me is that even before 1967, the next time that you had four blood red moons again was right after Israel became a nation in ‘48, it happened again in 1949 and 1950 … on Passover and Succoth. You didn’t have any astronomical tetrads in the 1800s, the 1700s, the 1600s. In the 1500s, there were six, but none of those fell on Passover and Succoth.” When checking the schedule for solar eclipses, Biltz found two – one on the first day of the Hebrew year and the next on the high holy day of Rosh Hashanah, the first day of the seventh Hebrew month. Both of these take place in the 2014-2015 year. Biltz says, “You have the religious year beginning with the total solar eclipse, two weeks later a total lunar eclipse on Passover, and then the civil year beginning with the solar eclipse followed two weeks later by another total blood red moon on the Feast of Succoth all in 2015.” “If you think that this is a coincidence, I want you to know that it’s time!” exclaimed Prophecy in the News host J.R. Church. “There are no more of these for the rest of the century.” The prospect of eclipses pinpointing the time of Jesus’ return is getting mixed reaction in Christian circles… “When He (Jesus) says you won’t know the day or the hour, He’s telling you it’s the Feast of Trumpets because that was known as the feast where no one knew the day or the hour that it would begin,” said Biltz… Church stressed despite the information suggesting 2015 could be a pivotal time, “We don’t know that that will be the concluding year of the tribulation period … so we’re not setting a date and saying this is a warning. We’re introducing the possibility of a watch.” (Blood moon eclipses: 2nd Coming in 2015? Minister uses NASA forecasting to study signals of Jesus’ return WorldNetDaily - April 30, 2008. |
The Obama youth = Hitler youth?
Wonder if they will undergo any indoctrination classes? The environmental clean energy stuff worries me, since I believe Global Warming is an excuse for Gobal Government. Will we have gangs of youth roaming neighborhoods handing out fines for every little infraction? I know there are plans for the toll roads and taxing you for every mile you drive. Just wait for all the new taxes we'll be seeing to "save" the environment. |
It was pretty good. I will agree with one thing the "against" team said. Our perception of the devil IS outdated. It is a hollywood creation - the horns and pitchfork. Of course THAT GUY does not exist. We need to update it to fit what the bible actually says about him.
I was very impressed with the former hooker. She just told her story. She was on the verge of suicide and had voices telling her to kill herself. Yes, evil spirits are real. You open doors to them through sin. She has a ministry now trying to reform hookers - if you're pro or con - you'd have to agree that is a good thing, right? ---------------------------------------------------------- Tempers Flare at Debate on the Devil Does Satan Exist? Sides Square Off During 'Nightline Face-Off' By DAN HARRIS and ELY BROWN March 26, 2009 The concept of Satan provokes strong emotions, and sparks a series of fundamental questions about good and evil, about human nature, and about the nature of God. Dan Harris moderated a debate on the existence of the devil in the third Nightline Face-Off: Does... Dan Harris moderated a debate on the existence of the devil in the third Nightline Face-Off: Does Satan Exist? Participating in the debate were Pastor Mark Driscoll of the Mars Hill Church, Annie Lobert of the ministry Hookers for Jesus, spiritual leader and physician Deepak Chopra and Bishop Carlton Pearson. The question of whether Satan exists is one of the most contentious theological debates possible, and last week four fascinating, polarizing people from around the country convened in Seattle to tackle that topic in the third "Nightline" Face-Off. According to one poll, 70 percent of Americans believe Satan is real. Some believe he -- and almost all believers say Satan is a "he" -- is a fallen angel. Others believe Satan is a shapeless, malevolent force; the enemy of God. But there are also many people who believe that Satan is a myth, and a dangerous one, because his name is often invoked to justify unspeakable acts of violence. The Face-Off was hosted at Mars Hill Church, and the church's pastor, Mark Driscoll, argued that Satan does exist. Driscoll is a hip yet hard-line preacher with a young, often tattooed following to whom he preaches a strict doctrine, in which the devil figures prominently. "It could get intense," Driscoll said of the debate. "It could get passionate. But as long as it doesn't become personal then I think it's OK." "I don't have a theologian background, but I have 16 years of experience of walking with the Devil so I know he's real for sure," she said. Lobert is a former prostitute who says she used to see the Devil in the eyes of her johns. Her organization, Hookers for Jesus, ministers to sex workers. "When people don't believe the devil is real, I feel, my opinion is, they are deceived," she said. Lobert felt she could "definitely" change minds by "talking from the heart, from experience." On the other side of the debate was Bishop Carlton Pearson, a former fundamentalist preacher who says he used to cast demons out of his followers. "What's interesting about this thing tonight is that I've been on both sides," he said. "I was a staunch 'believe it my way or go to hell' kind of preacher for the first half of my life. And I never liked it." After watching a video of the Rwandan genocide, Pearson said he realized all those people would not be going to hell just because they weren't saved. He declared he no longer believed in the devil or hell, and was called a heretic and lost his church. He said his views are seen in the evangelical community as "treasonous is some ways. It breaks people's hearts." Arguing alongside bishop was Dr. Deepak Chopra, a physician and best-selling author of dozens of books and videos on health and spirituality. "My position is that we have a huge problem with what people call evil in the world and they need a good rational explanation and not an irrational mythical explanation," he said. "I am not going to do anything to offend [the other side]," he said. But I still have to speak my own truth." |
OK, here is the scary thing to me. As we enter the Police State, we are going to have Cops like this who just love to boss people around and have Power Trips. Alex Jones has stories ALL THE TIME about behavior like this.
We will be harassed to the nth degree for the smallest little infraction - and if you're on some kind of watch list? Lookout. ------------------------------------------------------------ March 26, 2009- 'My mother-in-law is dying' - NFL player pleads with cop while rushing to hospital Story Updated: Mar 26, 2009 at 5:52 PM PDT By Associated Press Watch the story DALLAS (AP) - A police officer was placed on administrative leave Thursday over a traffic stop involving an NFL player whom he kept in a hospital parking lot and threatened to arrest while his mother-in-law died inside the building. Officer Robert Powell also drew his gun during the March 18 incident involving Houston Texans running back Ryan Moats in the Dallas suburb of Plano, police said. "I can screw you over," he said at one point in the videotaped incident. When another officer came with word that Moats' mother-in-law was indeed dying, Powell's response was: "All right. I'm almost done." Dallas Police Chief David Kunkle apologized to the family and announced that Powell would be on paid leave pending an internal investigation. "When we at the command staff reviewed the tape, we were embarrassed, disappointed," Kunkle said. "It's hard to find the right word and still be professional in my role as the police chief. But the behavior was not appropriate." Powell, 25, a three-year member of the force, stopped Moats' SUV outside Baylor Regional Medical Center at Plano after Moats rolled through a red light. Police officials said Powell told his commanders he believed he was doing his job, and that he drew his gun but did not point it. Kunkle said Powell was not necessarily acting improperly when he pulled his weapon out, but that once he realized what was happening should have put the gun back, apologized and offered to help the family in any way. "His behavior, in my opinion, did not exhibit the common sense, the discretion, the compassion that we expect our officers to exhibit," Kunkle said. Moats' wife, who was in the car along with other relatives, said Powell pointed his weapon at her. "He was pointing a gun at me as soon as I got out of the car," Tamishia Moats told The Dallas Morning News. Ryan Moats told KRLD-FM in Dallas in a phone interview Thursday that after the officer pointed the gun at his wife, he pointed it at him. "I just tried to stay as still as possible to not scare him or do anything to make him react," he said. He earlier told the newspaper he thought Powell should be fired but backed off that in his radio interview. "All I know is what he did was wrong," Moats said. "He stole a moment away from me that I can never get back. I'm really not the judge on what should happen to him." The Moats family did not immediately return messages left by The Associated Press. Powell did not respond to requests for comment through the Dallas police union. Video from a dashboard camera inside the officer's vehicle, obtained by Dallas-Fort Worth station WFAA-TV, revealed an intense exchange in which the officer threatened to jail Moats. He ordered Tamishia Moats, 27, to get back in the SUV, but after pausing for a few seconds, she and another woman rushed into the hospital. She was by the side of her mother, 45-year-old Jonetta Collinsworth, when she died a short time later from breast cancer. "Get in there," said Powell, yelling at Tamishia Moats as she exited the vehicle. "Let me see your hands!" "Excuse me, my mom is dying," Tamishia Moats said. "Do you understand?" Ryan Moats explained that he waited until there was no traffic before proceeding through the red light. When Powell asked for proof of insurance, Moats grew more agitated and told the officer to go find it. "My mother-in-law is dying! Right now! You're wasting my time!" Moats yelled. "I don't understand why you can't understand that." As they argued, the officer got irritated. "Shut your mouth," the officer said. "You can either settle down and cooperate or I can just take you to jail for running a red light." By the time the 26-year-old NFL player received a ticket and a lecture from Powell, about 13 minutes had passed. When he and Collinsworth's father entered the hospital, they learned Collinsworth was dead. Kunkle said the video showed that Moats and his wife "exercised extraordinary patience, restraint in dealing with the behavior of our officer." "At no time did Mr. Moats identify himself as an NFL football player or expect any kind of special consideration," Kunkle said. "He handled himself very, very well." The Moats family, who are black, said they can't help but think that race might have played a part in the white officer's behavior. "I think he should lose his job," Ryan Moats said. When the exchange was at its most contentious, Powell said he could tow Moats' SUV if he didn't have insurance and that he could arrest him for fleeing because he didn't immediately stop when Powell turned on his sirens. The pursuit lasted a little more than a minute. "I can screw you over," Powell said. "I'd rather not do that. Your attitude will dictate everything that happens." The ticket issued to Moats was dismissed, Dallas police spokesman Lt. Andy Harvey said. Texans spokesman Kevin Cooper said the team had no comment. Moats, a third-round draft choice of the Philadelphia Eagles in 2005 out of Louisiana Tech, was cut by the Eagles in August and later signed with the Texans. In three seasons as a backup, he's rushed for 441 yards and scored four touchdowns. He was a standout at Bishop Lynch High School, a private school in Dallas, rushing for more than 2,600 yards and 33 touchdowns as a senior. |
Give Him Praise!!!
Interesting Rapunzel. Sounds like the Holy Spirit working through "intuition" and the "still small voice". I think it takes practice and getting quiet to hear him. Great testimony.
![]() Just want to share with everybody: free worship album available at - goto forerunner music - find free album I need to practice more on "singing and making melody in your heart" throughout the day. |
Wonder why they don't have to sign a waiver before getting vaccines that turn them autistic? Oh, maybe that would be admitting vaccines are deadly...hmmmm
There IS a waiver that parents can sign omitting their kids from the vaccines at school that are becoming mandatory. But they really don't like to tell parents it is available. |
Edited by
Tue 03/24/09 04:41 PM
McVeigh was simply a stooge, there are very few actual terrorists except for the ones on Government payroll. The Unabomber was part of CIA mind control program. Ruby Ridge was a set up...ect
Most Christian Identity groups get mis-labeled as white supremist. Even the true ones have very little actual violence. There are very few acts of violence by Abortion protesters. They just get TONS of publicity. Animal rights groups and environmentalists are much worse. It is the media that puts all these thoughts in your head. The war on terror is really a war on the rights of all Americans and our soveriegnty. |
The word rapture is not even found in the bible. The theory comes from:
Paul wrote: For the Lord him self shall descend from heaven with a shout, with a voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we be forever with the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 Clearly it doesn't happen until Christ's return. He's coming back here, so why would we go anywhere? We will be wherever he is, right here on earth. "Meet in the clouds" is a figure of speech. Like if you saw a bunch of locusts you might say "Wow, look at that cloud of locusts". It means there will be many saints present. "Meet the Lord in the air" means we will be transferring to our spiritual body. Spirit = air. Our "incorruptable" body. |
Just remember, the overall agenda is de-population, so this makes sense. Aids is a bio-weapon designed for this purpose. Big pharma is making money off the new drugs. Why so little attention towards "alternative" and "natural" forms of treatment - which cost much less. That should be the real story here. Big Pharma profiting off of peoples misery once again.
Am I a "Domestic Terrorist"?
Even Glenn Beck is starting to cover some of this news. I see him as "loyal opposition" however, gathering upset people to his show, but offering no real solutions and staying within the overall gameplan. Guess his show is really getting popular lately.
In the Tommy Lee Jones movie "Valley of Elam" about an Iraq war veterens death and his guilt over killing an inoccent child, at the end the father takes his sons flag from the funeral and flies it upside down. Great ending, I hope a lot of people caught the significance of that action. It was a good movie. ![]() |
Confess Your Faults...
One of my faults has been to spend way too much time on the forums. I've been telling myself I'm going to spend more time reading. Arguing is a waste of time.
I thought about how God's word is his great Forum in the sky - always there. It is the most exciting and informative Forum, but many pass it by. He desires to fellowship with us, but we are often pre-occupied. At least this is a form of fellowshipping with fellow believers, so it has some redeeming qualities. ![]() |
History Channel has this new series on "Ancient Battles" which I enjoy very much. Although it's obvious they were probably inspired by the success of the movie "300" and throw in a lot of extra blood and gore - a little over the top.
Anyways, they described David as more of a "mafia Don" and portrayed him as this power hungry, coniving tryant who used every circumstance to his advantage. He consorted with "criminals" during his period of hiding out from Saul. He strategically made war on neighboring countries to increase the wealth of Israel. ![]() Wow. King David was "chosen" by Yahweh to be King. He was a man "after God's own heart". The best king Israel ever had. He took Israel to the height of it's glory. Many of these power hungry attributes WERE true of Saul, but not David. He repented deeply of his greatest double sin of adultry and murder. I imagine many here would have quite enjoyed the way he was portrayed however. ![]() |
human experimentation
Very good post. Most of this stuff is easily verified. Here's some more on the chemtrails. How many have seen them?
------------------------------------------------------ from Here is a generic list of ingredients I strongly believe are present in chemtrails: 1) immune suppressing chemicals, such as ethylene dibromide (EDB) 2) radar and microwave reflective metallic substance, like barium or aluminum 3) dielectric hollow polymer fibers *(Morgellons Disease)* 4) viral and bacterial vectors remnants of genetic engineering and replication procedures used to construct the pathogenic vectors With the preceding information in mind, here is an educated guess as to the purpose of metal particles in chemtrails: The purpose of the chemtrail project is indeed to suppress human evolution on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. Its primary goal is to perform aerosol 'gene therapy' upon targeted populations by spraying them with viral vectors capable of shutting down the DNA activation process in those infected. But because viruses themselves are quite weak, several enhancements are needed: 1) the encasing of viral vectors in a hollow polymer fiber to protect them from destructive effects of UV radiation from the sun and to help the agent spread out via electrostatic repulsion of the charged fibers 2) the accompaniment of chemical immune suppressants to weaken and prep the body for reception of the virus 3) the use of microwave reflective substances to help amplify beamed mind programming and disease-signature signals upon the population in order to disarm their metaphysical immunity mechanisms. 4) Secondary objectives are to mind program the masses and modify their collective behavior in conformity with some agenda. Using HAARP in conjunction with electromagnetic 'ducts' consisting of conductive channels formed in the atmosphere by metal chemtrail particles, focused beaming of mind programming microwave signals upon the population below is possible. As suggested by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, the resonant cavity formed between a conductive chemtrail sheet and the ionosphere can support induced oscillations in the ELF range. Televisions and microwave cell phone towers, two other control methods, are not capable of generating ELF waves as easily as chemtrails in conjunction with HAARP would. So to recap, because viruses are often disallowed by the metaphysical protection mechanism, an electromagnetic method of disarming that defense is required, hence the microwave amplification. This is not the only reason for manipulative EM signals - such signals can also muddle the mind, implant thoughts, agitate emotions, and induce docility. Thorough and all-encompassing as these control methods are, they still fail to achieve their aim of suppression and control in cases of individuals with healthy states of being consisting of high levels of awareness, emotional well-being, and reasonably fit physical immune systems. SARS is a good example to illustrate how diseases function in a political, biological, psychological, commercial, and metaphysical contexts. Both SARS and chemtrails are simply part of a hostile agenda implemented by the world's political and military elite to keep earth's population locked down and under control. Fortunately, their methods are imperfect and with each passing day more individuals awaken and empower themselves. It was the intent of this article to help contribute toward this end. |
Nobody ever thought the city of Troy was real either until one determined archealogist found it. I saw a really good documentary on the History Channel. E Raymond Capt is a scholar and and archealogist! A real life Indiana Jones. Very reputable.
I couldn't even find my original article, this one is good though. Contains some history of early battles fought against Rome. |