That was friggin funny. |
Prank gone awry.
| K, this was funnier a blind vegetarian at Burger-King. |
politically correct
I'll probably get yelled at for this one:
She hasn't been divorced, she's certified pre-f@&!ed. |
Pirates Of The Carribean
Not to offend anyone that liked it, but the film was so bad I think it gave me Cancer. Seriously, who "gets married" in the middle of a battle. |
What defines you?
WOOT for the Batman! All the answers can be found in the movies.
Hey, this isn't a forum...this is SPARTAAAAA! Seriously though, great quote. |
i like him but...
People move so quickly in relationships now-a-days. What's the rush?
Honestly, how long have you known him? Ultimately, isn't the "mate" that you keep for life not just a lover, but a best friend as well? Be friends, get to know each other. It takes a lifetime to truly know someone - and its an impossibility to completely know anyone. Enjoy the friendship, if it's worth having, you'll maintain the friendship and maybe even find that you ARE compatible. If not, worst case is that you know, which puts you ahead. The other alternative is that you don't work as a couple, but as a couple of friends, you work fine. |
Hmmm, I would have thought it was the amount of shoes in our
closets... |
Who is Really Looking???
Hehe, wookin po nub (nyuck nyuck).
But to answer the question at hand, it all comes down to intent, really. Seeking love is a normal and wonderful thing, but it can be used as a mask for someone just trying to 'dip their wick' so to speak. While they tend to dilute the purity and presence of honest folk, they also help to "sweeten the pot". For love to be the best thing there is, you really have to appreciate it. Isn't the whole mess worth it when you find that someone special? |
What defines you?
Hmmmm, I think my actions define me. More so than any thoughts, material
expressions, or nomenclature used to define - it is my actions that truly express who I am. Actions don't lie, and if you pay close attention to them, they even express intent. |
How do you?
More evidence that nobody really knows what they want.
Hmmm, I say go with the sheep-thing... Barring that, keep in mind that if they are lying to you about why they are "hanging" with you, then they aren't really your friend. It's odd how many ladies I have to explain this to, but if a guy says he's your friend, but doesn't say he wants more, and you find out later he was being your friend to hook up with you (even for just emotional involvement, not just for the mattress mambo), then he was actually lying about being your friend. Granted, I have had female friends that I developed feeling for, but we either hashed it out, or I dealt with it (cause it was my problem, not theirs). Bottom line is that you should take him at face value. If he says he's your friend, regardless if you "sense" he wants more, give him the chance to be honest. If he's got feelings for you he'll either figure it out himself, or he'll do something about it. If he's uncomfortable talking with you about things that friends talk about, he ALWAYS has the option of saying, "Err, this is making me feel uncomfortable, I'm sorry." After all, if he's a friend, then you'll understand . |
goodnight thread
Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.
*aw heck, just one more post... * |
This is a country built upon common ideals and values, not culture.
Ideals like liberty, freedom, and justice. Let countries like Germany that value culture over ideals require fluency in a language, I will stand behind the Stars and Stripes knowing that it is what is in my heart that is important, not what is on my tounge. |
Hmmm, does the term "Freedom of Religion" ring a bell? This is why there
is a separation of Church and State. The constitution and the bill of rights protect our Rights, so as long as our religions do not violate the rights of's all gravy baby. Of course, there HAS been an eroding of individual rights... |
"#1 this has NOTHING to do with race but with citizenship and I take
exceptional offense to being called a racist. Something I think the black, asian AND latino ladies I've dated and been involved with over the years would think hilarious. [You are absolutely right. It's not racist, it's prejudice. Sorry about using the wrong word.] #2 How do they take money out of citizens hands? Let's see, nontaxpaying, overloading the medical and other support systems put in place to help CITIZENS. Especially the medical system which when someone doesn't pay it backs up on those who do in higher insurance premiums. [And where do you have these stats? My mother worked for hospitals for years, and specialized with Hispanics because she was bilingual (evidently something you frown upon). Yeah, she could actually afford to help out the other staff with the non-Hispanics because they didn't take up her whole day. By the way, not all the Hispanics were illegals. As for the other "support systems" you mention, can you name them? And pray tell how they do this without a social (besides hospitals which cannot refuse service).] Overtaxing school systems with overcrowded classrooms so that YOUR kids can't get a decent education because the school can't afford enough teachers to keep a decent teacher/student ratio..... shall I go on? [Yes, do go on by citing the percentage of children in public schools that do not have a social security number. I mean, you have to have an up to date medical record, you will often need valid forms of State issued ID cards to get anything done, so pardon me if your "evidence" seems more like speculation.] Sure there are dirtbag citizens and there are shining examples ofillegals who I'd love to see become citizens but that's not the issue or the point here. They're coming here illegally and it's destroying our infrastructure. If you're so all fired happy to have the burglers come in and take over then give us your addy and I'm sure you'll get a house full of guests. Let em eat all your food and not buy groceries, and as in the article, put em on your insurance so they have health care. [ Ok. So your point is what exactly? You must not have read my posts, because I agree that illegal immigration is a problem due to lost tax revenue and law enforcement in general, but that is about where the issues factually end. Speculation aside, illegal immigrants make up about 3.1% of the adult population (as of 2003.), hardly what you would call overwhelming. England has a much higher illegal population by comparison, and they're a friggin island. Again if you read my posts, you would see the "fixes" I suggested, because brother - you cannot stop someone from coming if they want, you can only help them not want to come in the first place. The problem I have with what you're saying is really your reasoning behind it. You call them burglers when they are closer to refugees. Yes, they crossed the border illegally. Technically, that's trespassing. If they then work and don't get paid, that's community service. If they work and DO get paid, that's better than the "generation y" that is currently getting paid to NOT work. Besides, they can't take most of our jobs because MOST of our jobs require a SOCIAL SECURITY CARD. Otherwise known as a tax id. Mark my words, if we were to implement the fair tax you'd be smuggling illegals over the border yourself.] |
Curiosity : JFK
Hmmm, I would cite that evidence us unverifiable. While some of it may
have contextual relevance, the main focus of the warren commission was to uphold that the investigated circumstances held water. The fact is, the "magic bullet theory" is solid science. My father IS a gun expert, so I had taken the opportunity to question him on that part. As for evidence of a conspiracy... The evidence supporting such theories are typically wildly speculative, having connections that are emotionally compelling but circumstantially suspect. Most of this "evidence" falls under "begging the question". Still, that doesn't mean it CAN'T be true... |
Hey now Hotchikita, I wasn't ignoring you, and I mostly agree with your
statement. Philosophically anyways. |
Pardon my ignorance, but what do you mean about "OP leaves so opaque"?
Not to mention you would go Super Saiyain on em...did you cut off the
tail? Meh, I don't really care either way. Racism is ignorance, and ignorance is nigh impossible to remove once its "set" in its ways. Still, I won't say that illegal immigration isn't a problem, but only because of the way the current system works. I say fair tax is an excellent start, coupled with forced service into the armed forces for repeat offenders. We are country candy, I know why people want to immigrate hear - I'm darn lucky to have been born here. |
Curiosity : JFK
I read the Warren Commission...
so yes. |