Is Atheism a religion?
Hmmm, seems to me like you follow the label of "new age" which is often
a combination of varying "pagan" and "orthodox" beliefs. Other "rituals" that are a part of this belief system are Reiki, meditation, and a belief in the healing power of energy. Often there is an additional connection to Jungian and Ericsonian disciplines. *Tomo draws a big box* |
Is Atheism a religion?
That is something I have always found refreshing in general about those
of the Mormon faith, as a rule they truly LIVE their belief, they don't just go through the motions. On the other hand, the other thing I have always found interesting is that the Bible has this "ultimate copywrite law". In the book of revalations it states that any book or work which comes after the bible is from the devil. Just like that, bam. of course, the book of mormon appeared some 1500 years after the Bible, so the question I always like to ask is...just how does a Mormon reconcile the two books considering one says the other is "of the devil".? |
Oooh, covering a badger in peanut butter and throwing it into an
ice-cream shoppe, that's pretty original ! |
Is Atheism a religion?
I like that, because, quite frankly, I don't let the beliefs and actions
of others determine my behavior. If someone is a moron, racist, thief, mass-murderer, mime, etc.; it won't effect the way I treat them one iota. |
Looking out your window..
That's crazy talk. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have the media
to do my thinking for me. Invisible, you so crazy |
Is Atheism a religion?
Scttrbrain, I haven't forgotten you, I just noticed my post was growing
kind of long, and I wanted to make sure it didn't get too long. Good points, all of them. As far as Atheistic schools, unfortunately even though this is "the land of the free", we are still limited by tradition and folkways; the majority tend to control our culture, and the majority tends to be rabidly anti-atheistic. Besides with the mis-informed idea that religion can't coexist with science, atheism is introduced in other, subtle ways. Over all though, I think the biggest hindrance to the spread of atheism is the lack of culture it inhabits. Same goes for libertarians (myself included). While we are a political affiliation, we are loosely connected by virtue of the independence that is the hallmark of our beliefs. voileazur, hmmm, I haven't addressed any of your comments yet, and I always want to-truly you have a unique outlook. Let me start off by saying that I mostly agree-labels are unnecessary, however, when I say you look like Locke from Lost, without labels you couldn't tell if that was Good, Bad, or a death threat. Labels, like knives, have their purpose. It's the intention that makes all the difference, at least in my opinion. "For a religion to exist, there first must be an official body of dogma and practices wich establish the rapports of practitioners to their form of divine. It must also comprise a dimension of ritualistic vows or commitmemts, to respect and obey the dogma and rules of an officiating body: usually the church. This church then has power over the proper or improper conduct of its practitioners." -See, I think you are mistaking religion, for institutionalized religion. An agnostic still has religion, even as a Samurai religiously follows his code. There are people who religiously drink coffee at breakfast, and of course there are schizophrenics who have no known religious beliefs. You don't get expelled or excommunicated from the Shinto or Bhuddist religions, and excommunication hasn't been used by even the Catholic Church for quite some time to the best of my knowledge. Like Scatter said, Not believing is the same as belief in a non-existence. |
Is Atheism a religion?
Wow Spider, I hadn't realized that was a biblical quote- interesting
comment bl8ant, although I do wonder what your metric is for determining swine... Wow great discussion going on over all though. For starters, neturselia, no worries, my post was not an accusation towards ANYONE, nor have I taken anything said personally. I don't debate for the sake of debate, but rather to clarify various issues. Abra, man we have fun here don't we? Ok, so about my "assumption of a semantic definition"... The reason why we have specific language is to establish common ground. You can call a shovel a pitchfork, but it's still a shovel, no semantics about it. Therefore, when every accepted definition of religion involves the phrase "set of beliefs" that negates an argument of semantics. We aren't talking about the difference between saying off-white and mother-of-pearl, we are talking about what elements comprise religion. So let's look at your argument closely. "Christianity is a perfect example of a religion. It is firmly based on doctrine and would have absolutely no meaning if that doctrine were dismissed as being completely irrelevant. That would mean that the religion would need to survive without any knowledge of any of the stories in the bible including any mention of the story of Jesus. Clearly Christianity would cease to exist without its doctrine. Christianity is all about believing in its doctrine. And that doctrine requires certain practices and rituals. The simple requirement that a Christian must accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior is the most obvious ritual associated with this religion, but there are many other commandments that are required of the followers of this faith too." "a·the·ism /ˈeɪθiˌɪzəm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ey-thee-iz-uhm] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1. the doctrine or belief that there is no God. 2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings." So, using your argument, the only thing needed to make your belief without meaning, is to dismiss it's doctrine, which you describe throughout your post. As for "rituals", those are merely things that comprise belief. For example, the Universal Life Church has only 2 doctrines, no rituals, and is an established religion. Their doctrines are "Only do what is right." and "You determine what is right." By contrast, you have a number of doctrines in your "religion" (I'll put it in quotes for now). 1. Belief in God (you have a disagreement as to the nature of this entity/being/etc. but it does involve belief.) 2. Keep in mind lack of association does not equal denunciation- however you not only denounce religion, but also disassociate yourself from it, categorically. The only apparent reason is that the word "religion" to you has a negative connotation, seeing as you don't agree with the definitions that lump your beliefs in with that of Christians. 3. Your assumption that atheists believe in God is slightly flawed because atheists, by definition, believe there is no God. Those that believe in God but do not associate with religion are generally considered non-secular or Agnostic. 4. Claiming you can experience you God via direct experience is similar to Christian statements of "experiencing the divine", and about as verifiable as near-death experiences. 5. I had mentioned this before, but cave-man is a nice segue way, but cave-men would likely be Shinto, a religion you might find appealing if you can rationalize the idea of Kami. 6. A semantic point, but a point none-the-less, people don't worship doctrine. They worship a deity. The doctrine is just how they choose to worship. Whether that be by enjoying life or eating an unsalted cracker, doctrine is doctrine and a deity is a deity. "It’s totally unimportant to god what a person believes. But what is taught about god may very well be important to the future of humanity." - I just like this quote of yours, because I feel the same way. |
prenupital agreements
Hmmm, as far as prenups go, I think if you feel you have to sign one,
then you aren't ready to tie the not. Marriage has become devalued because "divorce" has become as banal as "breaking up". What sort of value can you have on something that isn't permanent. The bottom line is this: Fellas, my brothers, if you can't look your woman in the eye and say, "Statistically speaking, there is a good chance that we may end up divorced. If that were to happen, how much do you want?" Look gents, unless you are willing to lose it all on a woman, then you aren't ready to get married. Love is about being able to risk it all no matter what the cost. Not only that, but love is willing to take the plunge again after you've already had your heart-broken. Ladies, you wonderful and sometimes confusing people, ignore everything I just said. Marry, and marry often. As a woman you are entitled to 50% percent from each and every man that you marry and subsequently divorce. Now that means that those monies stack, making divorce one of the greatest financial windfalls next to the lottery |
Now, just to clarify, we are talking nice person who is caring special,
not olympics special, right? (nyuck nyuck-I love corny jokes) |
Looking out your window..
But then who tells you what to think and when?
Is Atheism a religion?
That was exactly my point trade
However, there is one extra caveat to that, they underestimate faith, and denounce religions when religions are nothing more than a system of beliefs. Really, everyone has religion, its whether its institutionalized or not that seems to be the real issue. In my business, language is important, and I often find that disagreements can arise because people are too lazy to pick up a dictionary and use a word correctly. When people denounce "religions" as a group, they are not only "attacking themselves", but they are offending and insulting people accidentally. |
sexiest pic. of jsh
Yeah, I'll admit, that's a sexy sexy midriff.
Hmmm, I'm special, I'm someone...ah crap, I've got to get to work >_<
Looking out your window..
Yeah, it seems journalism has lost the integrity it once had, changing
new into "reality tv" with brain damage. |
Yeah, I couldn't agree more. It seems like I'm preaching to the choir,
but why wouldn't you want to "hook-up" with your best friend. I have one friend who I always say, "Dude, if you weren't a dude, we'd totally be doing it right now." Then he runs out of beer and I leave. And that's what marriage is all about |
sexiest pic. of jsh
Nah, my self-portrait is easily the sexiest
cmon, you know you love me in red. |
Looking out your window..
Yeah, to be honest I thought Australia had a Prime Minister, so shows
how much I know. BTW, love your people, love your country,love the accent. Although, is their a language for Australia, or just a national accent (BTW love the accent, even if its stolen ) Ah vis, the wonderful thing is that NPR is radio, no looking required! |
Is Atheism a religion?
Hehe, mmmm tasty labels.
Well, labels are just ways we define things. Sure we don't NEED to call someone blonde, but it sure helps if you want to describe somebody. Religion is defined as a belief, especially in regards to existence and creation of the universe. Atheism is a belief that there is no God/Supreme being. So in that sense, they are a religion, but not in the way I initially posted. Apologies. I guess my real question/issue has to deal with the folks who say, "I have no religion. I'm an Atheist." To me, that's like saying, "I'm not stupid, I'm just not smart." |
Looking out your window..
Check out NPR and BBC, that's the only news that's actual news.