Ummm, it's national news. There were never any weapons of mass
destruction, so I hope you were being sarcastic. And I only have one thing that nettled me in your post ShadowEagle. We don't live in a democracy, we live in a constitutional republic. That's the way the founding fathers wanted it; due to the length they went avoid creating such an ineffective and inefficient method of government. |
Man I hate sponsored language. Look at Don Imus. Here's a man who
expressed an unflattering view of a group of people. Nevermind that the words he used are common vernacular within rap-lyrics, "urban" areas, and even amongst members of that group. What's important is that this man lost his livelihood because of pressure on his sponsors. That being said, I hate Rosie O'Donnell with intensity of the thousand suns it takes to equal her mass. She is loud, annoying, ignorant, and I hate her voice. It grates on every single sense of mine, urging me to puncture my ears so that I never, ever have to hear her squealing again. I despise her voice, and the annoying cackle which identifies her to deaf people everywhere. |
To all of you freaking out and whining about "flag mistreatment":
Seriously, it's time to get over it. First of all-symbols and protests, like words, only have the power you give them. You are actually working against "anti-flag burning behavior". Incredibly, you think that people burn flags and expect NO-ONE TO COMMENT. Ummm, do you think maybe they did something so obviously and classically shocking so that they can make a statement? So, when you express such passionate expressions of distaste for flag burning, you are actually giving people a reason to do it. Secondly, my roommate's brother is in Iraq, right now, and the reason he's there is because people's lack of tolerance. They can't tolerate us, and we can't tolerate them, and "patriots" can't tolerate people who express their ideas in a format you don't like. Great, we're on the path to riots and destruction. Thanks. Thirdly, if you don't like flag burning, then you better not own "flag patterned" clothing, thongs, car flags, blankets, etc. Talk about disrespect, you're not burning the flag, instead you use it as @ss floss. Fourth point, and this one's a biggie, the people who have burned flags are generally making a statement. They aren't just burning a flag, they are saying "I disagree with our government about x, and I'm mad enough to burn this symbol to show it." So they are voicing a disagreement with establishment, not being unpatriotic. Actually, they being more patriotic because they are trying (whether it's effective or not) to improve this country by making people aware of issues that may be critical to our survival as a nation. They are taking action; while the rest of us whine about what needs to be changed, they are actively WORKING towards change. So before you start to whine and gripe about "flag burners", do a little self-evaluation. Make sure YOU aren't disrespecting the flag, preaching intolerance, or giving power to an argument first. If a child misbehaves, the behavior is effectively dealt with by ignoring it, and rewarding the positive opposite of that behavior. Punishment breeds rebellion, because intolerance breeds ignorance. |
Is Atheism a religion?
I say it is, which of course begs the question, "What the h311 is up
with a religion that is against religions?" I'm just saying, it seems counter-intuitive. |
losers vs winners
You know, things always get real bad right before they get
Reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaal good. Statistically speaking, if things are bad right now, the longer you stick around, the better your odds are of hitting the lotto, finding true love, and raining vengeance upon your enemies at the same time. Seriously, things ALWAYS get better after the hard times, so take these rough periods as your warning sign that REAL happiness is coming your way. |
A dilemma
Hmmm, what will be interesting, I think, is when it comes down to
details. Why not raise the child with both religions, not saying either is wrong. I think the kid may end up surprising you, pointing out "differences" like, "this one's music is better", or "I don't like all the kneeling, standing and sitting without Simon says in front of it." In my experience, most of the "rules" of religion are the same. What is the difference between a seventh day adventist and a baptist- besides jewelry? |
I've been trying really hard to come up with an original sin. I'm
thinking maybe poking random in line, that's fairly original. |
Emo Parker Makes his DEBUT!
So in the new Spider-man movie, Parker goes Emo! Yeah, it's the best and
worst Spider-man movie ever made. All at the same time. |
Wow, that was bit if this I missed
Just a note, the flag IS a symbol, ummm, that's a fact. Of course, the crucifix is a symbol, road signs are symbols, and cymbals are cymbals (nyuck nyuck). A symbol is a representation of something, and the Flag is symbolic of America as country founded around a set of ideals. If you hold a symbol in high regard, that is commendable, so long as you don't hold the symbol in higher regard than that which it represents. For example, of all the people whom launch protests against flag burning, many of them will also place this "revered" symbol on their cars in a manner akin to "Baby On Board" signs, allowing it to get tattered, exposed to the elements, and just plain filthy. That's like decrying burning someone at the stake, and then dragging someone behind your car as you go to the mall. Bl8nt: Of anyone, your choice of action gives credibility to your opinion. I agree that essentially we must become the change that we want to create in the world. That being said, it seems a tad irresponsible of you to be so disrespectful to an ideal because of the actions of a group of people. While I agree that expressions of patriotism are as empty as expressions of faith without the actions to back them up, the actual American Ideal is noble, practical, and effective for success. Much of the funding that enables you to "personally inoculate" so many needy people comes from American Coffers. Without out the success of people that spout "patriotic rhetoric", you wouldn't be able to take that action. And you are from the Netherlands, ne? Doubly so, because America funds the Majority of global humanitarian missions. So yes, America has it's flaws (huge gaping flaws), and hopefully as a nation we can begin to learn from these flaws and continue to grow and improve. |
Tell me about your beliefs
Fair enough, although I think you might have misunderstood where I was
coming from. I'm not religious myself, have no faith in any "supreme being", and so would never try to "convert" anyone. I was just trying to point out that if there is a "why" to the bad that happens (even if you don't acknowledge "good" and "evil", judging from your previous posts, you do acknowledge positive and negative situations-based off each individuals perception.) So yes, the opposite of a car is a "not-car", because we need and have that frame work for our perceptions. For example, there is a joke that explains men's sexual development: In the beginning, the wonder what it is, then they wonder when they're going to get it; after that they wonder when they are going to get it again, till finally, they wonder IF they'll ever get it again-all the while remembering when they got it before. Also, think about this, a car is considered |
methinks your right lulu
Wow, for a second I thought was going to play Devil's Advocate and
disagree with you Fanta Let's look at this logically shall we? What are the outcomes of continuing with the war? Total elimination of terrorism? Do you really, honestly, think that this is a war that will EVER end? What metric are you using for this? How will this effect our diplomatic relations with other countries? How will it effect our country's morale and economic standing? Now, what are the outcomes of removing ourselves from Iraq? Yes, obviously there WILL be continued terrorism throughout the world, but that is what programs like Red Cell, government bodies like the CIA, FBI, and of course, Green Beret's and Navy Seals; are designed to take care of. |
Republicans and Democrats
Now THAT'S Funny, twighlight
Hmm, I'm a libretarian myself. I would probably give him instructions to the nearest day-labor location and some McD's! |
LOL, ummm,
Ok, Lulu first: Yeah, but was that really the best use of his time? Do you feel better that he made the appearance, or would you feel better knowing that he was working on the war-issue. Is 70 billion worth even one American Soldier? And Jesse, last but not least: The short answer? Yes, in the Bible, which is theoretically the word of God, he gave us every seed bearing plant to use. Last time I checked a bag of reggie's, they were FULL of seeds |
Hmmm, I was in 99% agreement up to the "Falconist Movement".
Death is not a solution or an answer. There is no such thing as an "acceptable" loss of life. Period. Peaceful solutions are always available if you are vigilant, consistent, and patient; because quick solutions don't have lasting power. That being said, I love the quote from Teddy Rossevelt from the second link. While they have every right to free expression of speech, marching en masse to a public educational facility is a show of force. Unacceptable. Of course illegal immigration should not continue to go unchecked. It's a problem that I think can easily be solved by pressing illegal immigrants into armed service. Why not? They abandoned their country to illegally come to ours, so, when you find them-make them appreciate and earn their citizenship. Obviously deportation isn't working, they just come back. Prison isn't really fair, as a group mexicans (because that is the majority that we are talking about amongst the illegal immigrant population) are a hard working, kind, and compassionate. They deserve a chance, same as anyone else, and its unfortunate that lost the geographic lotto of birth. Americans are Americans not because of language, but because of shared ideas and values. You have every right to not speak the national language, but you WILL suffer because of it. It's your right to not speak, and others right to not speak with you. |
I couldn't agree more. I think the most progress has been made when you
use bio-psychology, that way you are addressing the whole system. You don't go to a tire guy to fix your engine when your gas gauge is empty . But excellent point to bring up---- OH MY GOD. BUSH IS ON AMERICAN IDOL TALKING ABOUT CHARITY! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT THIS FARCE OF A LEADER IS WASTING HIS TIME ON AMERICAN FRIGGIN IDOL WHEN HE SHOULD BE LEADING A WAR HE STARTED! *ahem* sorry about that. I was so shocked that he was wasting what should be his valuable time to make an appearance on an overrated TV show. Anyhoo, yeah, great points. There is a lot to be said for relating how what we think of as purely esoteric functions (emotional, personality, etc.) actually have physical analogues. |
Right, you find the effects more pleasing, so you find it pleasing to
have more. This is different from alcohol dependence, in very fundamental ways. For example, a dramatic change of diet will cause similar symptoms of withdrawal as abruptly stopping marijuana use. However, neither results in death, except possibly in the most extreme of circumstances (arguably situations with other mitigating circumstances). Again, correct me if I'm wrong, but stimulation of the c-AMP cycle ties into the Dopaminergic System, which is tied to psychological rather than physical addiction. (If I'm being innacurate, let me know. Honestly it's been years since I studied this stuff .) |
Not to use jargon to confuse, when you say biophysically addictive, you
are just talking about the physical mechanics of behavior and emotion-which does not correlate with straight physical addiction. Or if I'm mistaken, please explain? |