Community > Posts By > greeneyedlady42

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:19 PM
Thank you-
I was inspired by watching this young man work his heart out at what
most would consider a mondane task. He was so diligent and it broke my
heart to see the thoughtless way people can act towards their fellow
However he rose to the occasion and I learned something valuable that
Alot of times if you just watch- you see alot of things.
I made a note of how I never want to be... And that everyone needs
prayer whether they ask for it or not.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:01 PM
While waiting at the Walmart,
Just near the exit doors;
I happened to see a young man
I'd never seen before-
Tho he was just a "greeter"
He did his very best
To speak to everyone who entered
While waiving to the rest.

His heart was kind as he worked
I stood there quite awhile-
Watched as he attentively greeted
& Wearing his great big smile,
But two young boys who sauntered thru
Mocked him as they passed
For his speech was slightly impaired
they snickered and they laughed.

They didnt care about a thing
Going on about their day;
But the look of hurt he got
Said all he couldnt say.
I felt his pain and was so mad
That to them it was a joke,
But he continued with his job
Smiling as he spoke.

I asked the Lord to forgive the boys
For they were unaware,
And maybe they grew up in homes
Where they weren't taught to care
Before I left out thru those doors
I made sure to stop and say
You have blessed me with your smile
You did a great job today.

He looked at me so sweetly
And said thank you very much ma'am
I may not be like other folks
But I do the best I can
I reached out and shook his hand
as humbly he looked down at his feet
His smile returned and I wished him well
Once again he felt complete.

You see it only takes a second,
To make someone feel small
Judging others at first glance
Takes no skill at all
But Just as quick a kind word
Cant make somebody's day
So How will you use your second
And what words will YOU say?

This is actually a true story....
5-22-07 GEL

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 05/18/07 01:39 PM
Caught in a nasty web-
Of your thoughtless lies,
Realizing what I must do;
is finally cut all ties.
Looking at a tangled heart
That's been sadly rearranged,
Knowing whats true is that
Pain is great motivation for change.

SO Im packing up the bags.
Of refuse left behind-
Taking the trash out "so-to-speak"
ANd sweep out my troubled mind.
Finding some serenity-
Like "Home out on the range."
Its become so very clear
Pain is motivation for change.

So I'll gladly wave good-bye.
As I watch you fade away,
Never to look back again.
Or hear the words you say-
With a smile painted on my lips
I'll travel to where you wont be
I'll always know in my heart
Your the pain that motivated me.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 05/18/07 05:53 AM
My, My, Random, honey- that was awesome.
You have captured in words a true feeling of love.
Great expression and depth.
You rock!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 05/18/07 05:50 AM
Awww- How nice. You are a total "catch" ....
One day someone will wake up 'n catch ya and treat you just like
you deserve to be treated. You are special!flowerforyou

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 05/18/07 05:44 AM
Thanks to you all. Had a couple of glasses of wine and it just kinda
"poured" outta me. LOL
I may have lost some-things but words wont ever be one of them.
Thanks for the encouragement.

(and "I am"- You are still looking good as ever! :wink:

greeneyedlady42's photo
Thu 05/17/07 07:04 PM
You met me when I was fat
You said you loved me for my beauty
Somehow I felt you stayed with me
Because you felt it was you duty,
But now you say you dont feel,
the same way that I do
So let me tell you a few things
that I have seen in you.
You're manipulaitve and shallow
and you're scared that you might "feel"
For once you had someone who loved
on a level that is real.
But its ok-I feel your fear
Ive felt it too many times
But take your fear and walk away
Because the loss you'll feel is mine.
The loss of unconditional love
And how life's supposed to be;
Wont be yours for the taking anymore
because you set me free
No more kisses in the night
because you'll be alone
I wont be your last call of the day
and you'l stare at a quiet phone.
No more footrubs, no more meals
that in love have been prepared
take your quiet shelterd life
and keep on running scared.
And tho I ve lost 45 lbs now
from worry hurt and neglect
I will walk away in tact
cause I have myself respect
No more trying to please someone
Who simply cant be pleased
Now the only consience pleased is mine
Im the one whose hurt is eased.
So take your happy little self
And walk away-your free
It not like you'll be missing much
Except maybe just little ole me.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:52 PM
No words can describe what Im feeling right now
I want to tell you something, but I don’t know just how
You are the air I breathe you’re everything to me
This day just cant happen cuz without you I cannot be
Youre the salt on the margarita glass, my very flavor
You’re the kiss on my lips at night, every moment I savor
The song I hear on the radio, Its you singing every note
You’re the one I long for, the one who keeps me a float
How can I watch you walk away, you’re the beating in my heart
I will surely disintegrate, my friends see me fall apart
You’re my pookie my one desire, without you I will melt
You taught me everything of love, awakened everything I’ve felt.
If you ever loved me, Give me a moment to give up this fight
Let me take you in one more time, before you leave my sight.
Im shaking and Im so afraid, I know your running scared
Turn and walk away from me, pretend you never cared.
I’ve never asked a thing from you, I take you as you are
But I ask myself every day- If I can survive life with this scar.
One day you may decide, you made this huge mistake
I will have to think real hard, If my heart can stand another break.
I may turn away from you, to protect whats left inside
I may have to run next time, it has nothing to do with pride.
It would be protection, as I heal whats left of me now
Knowing I cant survive- another rejection somehow
So don’t be amazed at how I let go, don’t praise me for strength
Because to be free from this pain, I’d go to almost any length.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Wed 05/16/07 04:44 PM
Well Im 43 with two already grown and a 16 yr old. Kids are not out of
the question. I love babies!!
I would like to meet that someone special and see what happens.
Either way I would be fine.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 05/15/07 11:38 AM
I see it as everyones opinion makes this world interesting. You can
investigate and find out for your own, put in your two cents or hang
back and laugh at it all. It's everyones choice.
God made us all like crayons in a box. We are all different colors for a
reason. How boring would a box of all red crayons be...?
Afterall it takes all colors to make a beautiful picture and we all
contribute to that beauty in our own ways.

As Nicolas cage said in city of angels...
"Some things are ture whether you believe them or not"
a very wise statement in my opinion.

Everyone be blessed and may the Lord make His face to shine upon you and
give you His peace...

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 05/15/07 07:46 AM
Mark 7:15 says Its it not what goes into a man that defiles him, but
what comes from inside man which defiles him. (to paraphrase) Talking
about mans wickedness of heart.

Romans 14 Teaches that nothing of itself is unclean. Verse 2 says- "For
one that believeth, he may eat all things."
It states if it is an offense or a stumbling block to your brother than
you should not judge him but keep peace by abstaining while in their
presence. Out of respect for what he believes. I dont drink wine in
front of my recovering alcoholic friends. I dont want to be the reason
they may fall back into
destructive behavior.

The reason that God sent the Quails was to teach the Isrealites a
They were complaining about His provision. They had eaten manna
every day and were tired of it. SO when they complained God sent Quail.
The ones who were greedy did not follow Gods instructions and got more
than they needed and it got worms and rotted because they were
I see nothing wrong with being a vegitarian.
I myself dont eat alot of meat because of all the hormones put in and I
just feel too much of anything isnt good.
No matter what we eat, tho we should always give thanks
to the Lord and always be willing to share what we have with others.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 05/15/07 06:59 AM
Wonderman is right! God knew you from the beginning...
You were not a mistake but destined to be a part of His great plan.
There are no mistakes in His plan.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 05/13/07 02:16 PM
Thanks greyhound for the "continuous kleen-ex" LOL

Thanks guys- Its good to be writing agin

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 05/12/07 10:05 AM
Drifting in what seems a sea of emotion;
I float aimlessly as the waves encompass
me...Tossing me to and fro.
Nothing to hold onto- No one to save me-
Just bobbing with my head barely above the torrent.
The bitter salty water tries to force itself
upon me and I sputter trying to catch my breath.
Unknown objects swirl round about me grazing
against my flailing limbs.
I try to think of my rescue, but it only seems to make
the situation darker.
Adrift with no landing in sight. Waterlogged, exhausted
and frustrated I just lay back. The current sweeps me
away. Over the coral reef I drift, bound my nothing
limited by everything. My mind wonders back to a better
place and time. A time that sucked
but sure was better than this. How did I get here?
Where am I goint to land. ?
What will become of me?

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 05/12/07 09:54 AM
Twin I really liked reading your story...I was sad when I got to the end
of the post.You have got an awesome talent girl!
Post more......PLEEEAASE!!!

Good writing.
You should be proud.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 05/12/07 09:49 AM
I know I should be celebrating
Its another day God's given
A day to look at life brand new
Another day closer to heaven.

But since you left my heart aches
And deep in my veins I am sad
Tho I try to put on a smile
I cant forget what we had

The house is quiet and hollow
My bed is lonely and cold
The tears on my pillow translate
The saddest story ever told.

A home that once was smiling
Seems but a distant memory
Warm embers that burned brightly
Now lay chilled inside of me.

You say one day we might be-
Words you say out of quilt
Something I thought was in full bloom
Now sadly I watch as it wilts.

I stare in shock and dispair
Dead and withered, lifeless it lays
It seems like an eternity
But its only been a day.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 05/12/07 09:40 AM
CCP Once again you have captured such an emotional thing that I think we
have all felt at one time or another.
You truly have a way of relaying the human heart. Where in joy or
anguish you can certainly make others feel.
Really great writing....

You never cease to amaze me girlfriend!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 05/12/07 09:37 AM
Wonderful words "T" It shows even more what a sweet heart you truly are.


Enjoy the fruits of your labor. (pardon the pun) LOL

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 05/12/07 09:34 AM
Your soul is beautiful
It talks to mine
In a secret language
Only love understands.

Your heart is amazing
It listens to mine
with an intensity
Thats inspiring...

The eyes that gaze
Into mine-deep & moving
Tell me there is more
I long to discover.

Days full of laughter
The night is filled
with wonder at the thought
of what tomorrow brings

Taking one day at a time
enjoying each new moment-
The gift of your smile
that makes me happy to know you.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Thu 05/10/07 08:56 AM
Im mostly happy
But Im sad too
I can yell or
speak softly to you
Mostly smiles but
Sometimes tears
I like solice
but long for you near
Im independant
But need love so
I like to go straight
yet in circles I go
Im peaceful and calm
but full of energy
Im so uncertain
walking confidently
Im an oxymoron
in the making
I feel alseep
tho my soul is awakened
I feel insignificant
But 10 ft tall
sometimes I wonder
If I know me at all.