Community > Posts By > greeneyedlady42

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 09/18/07 03:56 AM
Thanks "different"- Great minds think alike. I was thinking of putting it on a nice sattionary and framin git for her room too.

Thanks guys..Im so excited....

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 09/18/07 03:27 AM
A bundle of joy just arrived
Shes been here a couple of days-
She pink and cute and all thats sweet
Her names' Naomi Grace.

Shes really small with lots of spunk
Just like grandma -they say.
Im just cant wait to hold her, now
Before time quickly passes away.

I saw her at first here online.
With her mommas cute round face.
Im so excited she has our eyes
That sweet Naomi Grace.

Its really neat to think my son
Has now become a "daddy"
His face just shines with great pride
You can see that he is so happy.

Momma she is glowing too
As she holds her newborn child
Brand new pictures of them all
Capture their big smiles.

Now all I have to do is wait a bit
Until its time to see "my baby"
Hoping the years dont pass to quickly
As she grows from a child into a lady.

Blessings over you my little one,
How truly blessed we are.
To have you in our family
Our newest, brightest star.

For Naomi Grace
Love Grandma 9-18-07

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 09/16/07 02:54 PM
Yes it is my first-and while I woulda been happy either way I was praying for a girl...

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 09/16/07 02:26 PM
I am officially a grandma!!! Yaaayyy!!

Naomi Grace was born Sat 9-15 @ 8:13 pm and weighed in at 6lbs 5 oz's.
Cant wait to get my hands on that little bundle of joy....

Just wanted to share that with all my friends here...

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 09/14/07 01:07 PM
I like that Rapunzel-
Thanks for sharing...

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 09/14/07 10:37 AM
I cant say as I really like being single- I have been single now by choice for quite sometime...However."for me" it has been very beneficial being single for this time. It has taught me alot about myself and why I was choosing in the pattern I did. Basicly the same person in a different body..
Now I feel I am more secure and can stand up for what I really deserve...Express myself and not always agree with everyone just to be liked.
But being single is tough, You all have my agreement on that but like "IAM" said its better to be single than with the wrong person.
At least you know where you stand.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 09/14/07 03:36 AM
Oh congrats UK

How I do miss those German pubs..Ahhh those were the days..

greeneyedlady42's photo
Thu 09/13/07 11:38 AM
CCP- Are you really leaving?
Well as much as I will miss your words of beauty, grace, life in reality, and the encouragement you give...
All I want for you is to be happy in whatever you do..You are an awesome lady and I have grown to love seeing you around.
Knowing you are happy tho gives me great joy ...
Be blessed my friend and take care...

greeneyedlady42's photo
Wed 09/12/07 07:25 PM
Im engaged to me right now...Im the only one who can stand me- Apparently ***giggling..
Hey and Im a cheap date..LOL

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 09/08/07 07:33 AM
You are totally right!!!
How very on target this is.And so funny to not be a fun experience at all...

Bravo, Chelle...Great writing from a not so great experience.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Thu 09/06/07 08:22 PM
Right now "T" I have resolved myself to just stop-
Looking does no good and I am happy with my kids., my life and
what I have now...I am good just as I am and no one can make me or break me unless I let em

10-4 good buddy?

greeneyedlady42's photo
Thu 09/06/07 08:05 AM
Alot of faces-alot of names
So many alike
But no two the same...

Searching to find the one
Feeling exhausted
But still finding none...

Wading thru profiles and then
seeing one special-
Start out as friends..

Talk alittle, e-mail some more
chat on line
See whats in store...

Only to find something else
this person, they
Really arent "themselves"

Fake picture here, then some lies
A married man
Just in disguise

Flowery paragraph luring you in
before you know
The beginning of the end

Kinda sorta, not really (again)
when will you ever
Meet a real stand-up man?

May be I'll just write/submit
and give up
this searching s*#@

Just live my life each day
maybe something true
Will come my way.....

greeneyedlady42's photo
Thu 09/06/07 07:50 AM
WOW!! Brian you really have a great style...Aparently you have a great inspiration also...That was awesome..
Hope to see more soon!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 09/04/07 08:18 AM
I am very sorry to hear of Sheryl's passing. Though I didnt know her very well, she was a special part of this community and she will be missed by many.
My prayers are with all of her family and friends here who will be grieving her loss.
May she walk with angels til we can all be together again.
God bless all her friends here with pleasant memories of her.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 09/03/07 08:06 AM
It is so refreshing to see men who can write and arent afraid to share their thoughts and feelings...
Excellent poem!!!

Keep em coming

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 09/03/07 08:04 AM
I like this one alot "T"
YOu always have such a wonderful way of putting things...
Great job!!!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 09/01/07 05:00 PM
Speaking from personal experience in my own life- this is excellent advice...
The hardest thing to do is the most important.
I cut ALL ties with this person...
Everytime I tried to talk to them they would persuade me to come back...
So my final exit was my last... I moved 2 counties away. Got a new job made new friends and my family didnt know where I was for a year even tho I saw them and called them regularly.
It was tough and sacrifices that I souldnt have had to make -I made...I got away from him..
Only to find out 2 years later he shot his current girlfriend in the parking lot on her way to work then turned the gun on himself...That was almost children were almost motherless....But thatnks to God and some awesome friends I ams till here...

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 08/31/07 08:26 PM
Their love was and undying love
Together every moment they had
Taking vows to love and cherish
Through all of the good and the bad

Most of their time spent in a truck
For they loved it on the road
They slept and ate and lived in love
as a team they did each load...

But life got hard and she got sick
The cancer came on strong
But he kept every promise he made
Loving her, her whole life long.

Caring for her, he held her hand
She fought hard for she was tough
He did all he know to do
But love just wasnt enough.

The ANgels came and took Terri home
She went to heaven to live
And tho the cowboy missed her so
He knew he gave all he could give.

But the hole inside his heart
Was to big to be healed
And tho he never got made at God
He questioned as he kneeled.

Why did she have to go?
WHy couldnt you take me?
While he tried to accept this fate
He wondered how it could be?

He never loved another
the way he loved his wife
She was all he longed for
and married her for life.

What would become of him
Where would he go now
He knew he must go on with life
He just didnt know quite how...

The years went by he stayed alone
But then by chance one day
He sent an e-mail to a gal
On a dating site to say

he thought she was wonderful
And wished her happiness
She wrote him back and love soon bloomed
He never would have guessed...

As time passed he felt his love
With this new lady was God given
That some how Terri had blessed it all
As she smiled down from heaven.

She walks with Angels and even now
Its very plain to see
That she made every effort to
Send his love to me...

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 08/31/07 02:43 PM
Thanks guys--she was my birthday present 8 yrs ago...
Dr's said she wouldnt live to be 2.. Guess she showed them LOL

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 08/31/07 08:45 AM
A little girl I once knew-
She could'nt speak a word...
But she could sigh and she would make
The sweetest songs you ever heard.
She lay in bed and unlike me
She couldnt move around...
But she was free like an angel
With a peace that was so sound.
Her eyes would look deep into mine
her face would shine with light
And when I sat next to her bed
This angel was a sight...
As I would talk she'd listen
But would not say a thing
But I loved to visit her everyday
what smiles she'd always bring...
She always knew I was there
My face she recognized
I could see she loved me so
By the look that filled her eyes.
People stare in pity at her
but they dont have a clue-
Tho she's not like the rest of us
She does what we cant do
Her contenment lies in her heart
for a song of freedom she sings
For shes not tied down like all of us
She floats on Angels wings...

For my niece Tiffany..

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