Topic: State of humanity...
greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:01 PM
While waiting at the Walmart,
Just near the exit doors;
I happened to see a young man
I'd never seen before-
Tho he was just a "greeter"
He did his very best
To speak to everyone who entered
While waiving to the rest.

His heart was kind as he worked
I stood there quite awhile-
Watched as he attentively greeted
& Wearing his great big smile,
But two young boys who sauntered thru
Mocked him as they passed
For his speech was slightly impaired
they snickered and they laughed.

They didnt care about a thing
Going on about their day;
But the look of hurt he got
Said all he couldnt say.
I felt his pain and was so mad
That to them it was a joke,
But he continued with his job
Smiling as he spoke.

I asked the Lord to forgive the boys
For they were unaware,
And maybe they grew up in homes
Where they weren't taught to care
Before I left out thru those doors
I made sure to stop and say
You have blessed me with your smile
You did a great job today.

He looked at me so sweetly
And said thank you very much ma'am
I may not be like other folks
But I do the best I can
I reached out and shook his hand
as humbly he looked down at his feet
His smile returned and I wished him well
Once again he felt complete.

You see it only takes a second,
To make someone feel small
Judging others at first glance
Takes no skill at all
But Just as quick a kind word
Cant make somebody's day
So How will you use your second
And what words will YOU say?

This is actually a true story....
5-22-07 GEL

no photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:04 PM
WHOA....GEL..gurl whoa...a huge impact has been made with your words

LAMom's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:07 PM
{{{{{{ gel }}}}}}}}}}}
A smile can say a thousand words, and yours
lifted a Heart you are such a beautiful women
What an incredible story,,, I cried and smiled :cry: happy

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:08 PM
greeneyed= thankyou for sharing this, very good!


greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:19 PM
Thank you-
I was inspired by watching this young man work his heart out at what
most would consider a mondane task. He was so diligent and it broke my
heart to see the thoughtless way people can act towards their fellow
However he rose to the occasion and I learned something valuable that
Alot of times if you just watch- you see alot of things.
I made a note of how I never want to be... And that everyone needs
prayer whether they ask for it or not.

Gryphyn's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:29 PM
As I have said before you are a true Lady. Some are quick to judge yet
to some prayer is quicker.

flowerforyou bigsmile


okieangel's photo
Wed 05/23/07 08:13 PM
flowerforyou from a 5 year Wal Mart asso. thank you from the bottum of
my heart.... I wish there were more people like you out there... i work
at the customer sevce and a cashier and deal with this kurl peopel and
there belitteling works every day..... than you again for your kind