Topic: Thoughts of you (I still love you Bridget)
no photo
Thu 05/17/07 11:04 PM
You listened when I cried,
and forgiven me when I lied
For who I was you accepted me,
not knowing what I could be
Though I hoped to have never failed you,
you left because you felt you had to
I desired in such a way,
the possibility that you would stay
Though life has it's way of working out,
we are left with fears and doubt
I pray that God gives you what you truly deserve,
and because I love you, I will be in your reserve
Your shoulder to cry on, a place in my heart
to wipe away your tears, to give a new start
I will never forget you, there will always be love
I am sorry that you felt, I didn't love you enough
But know that our lives are just a short stride,
should we cross paths again, I ask that you not to hide
Life is too short, and I want you in mine
I'll love you Bridget, through the end of my time
And if you never read this, I want the world to know
that the love I have for you, still continues to grow
If I should cross your mind, please hold no regret
For you are the only girl, I will never forget.........

TwilightsTwin's photo
Thu 05/17/07 11:07 PM
That girl must be pretty specialflowerforyou

Thanks for sharinghappy

jp4023's photo
Thu 05/17/07 11:53 PM
sad dang dude try this web site that was beautiful

no photo
Fri 05/18/07 01:38 AM
I do have poems on that, but I don't like it, because it is
like a scam artist site. I am not into poetry, but I need to get my
feelings out there. I dunno the various styles of poetry, so I pulled
that silly rhyming crap. Anyhow, I am just working on music right now.
I guess I am over it. I just like to hold onto moments, no matter how
sad or happy they are, each of them are special.

LAMom's photo
Fri 05/18/07 01:42 AM
Very Beautiful flowerforyou

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 05/18/07 05:53 AM
My, My, Random, honey- that was awesome.
You have captured in words a true feeling of love.
Great expression and depth.
You rock!

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 05/18/07 05:54 AM
Regardless of what you chose to write you have the words just let them
flow. Don't hold back the gift you have been given. Run with it for it
will take flight and soar to the skies.bigsmile