Community > Posts By > greeneyedlady42

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 07/14/07 12:36 PM
The tide flows just as strong-
lapping against the shores
Washing up bits of the past
but I beat them with my oars.

Pushing them back out to sea-
where the whales and sharks devour
Never wanting memories of old
To steal my newfound power.

Slowly and surely I paddle out
To find the silent place
Where I reflect and quiet my soul
And feel the sun on my face.

My toes buried deep in sand
the warm sun on my skin
The battle inside now long gone
I am my own best friend.

No one can hurt me anymore
Only if I give them the right
I can only be who I am
No one can steal my light.

SO I'll sit here so content
to find a wave to ride
Happy to be where I land
Thanks to the rushing tide.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 07/14/07 12:21 PM
Thats absolutely lovely CCp... I really like that one (even tho you always write good stuff)

Keep it up you mad poet, you!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 07/14/07 12:19 PM
I have over come...

weight/45 lbs lost
the fear of being alone
My past

What I have gained:

The ability to be secure with myself, who I am

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 07/14/07 12:13 PM
I care.....blushing

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 07/14/07 12:07 PM
I agree with of my hardest parenting moments telling my 3 children I had stage 4 melanoma (skin cancer)
But it was a hppy ending. I had surgery and no cancer now for 7 yrs.
One other hard moment was having my youngest arrested for stealing. It had been an ongoing issue and I told him if he stole again I would call the police. And I did.
As hard as it was 3 yrs later he is a totally different young man and he has great respect for me. I always keep my promises.
He knows I'm tough on him But Im the one he can always count on to be there no matter what

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 07/14/07 11:53 AM
Around the penis in 80 days

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 07/14/07 11:53 AM
How to loose a penis in 10 days-

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 07/14/07 11:50 AM
Really good writing I am-Its good to see you Posting. Havent seen you much lately. I have missed you sweetie. Have an awesome weekend.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 07/14/07 11:45 AM
My sons teacher tried to evaluate him as Quote ADD or ADHD. I told her when she got her MD she could tell me that.
I refused to medicate him because he was ACTIVE...
I was dedicated to consistant parenting. It took more effort on my part but I am glad I followed my heart. My sisters child has been medicated for years and is now suffering health problems due to it.
Im sure there are cases that DO need medication I am not discounting that by any means. But sometimes Just plain good old fashioned discipline on the parents part can make a huge difference on a childs discipline as well.
All children should have alot of energy if they didnt I would be concerned. Todays society seems to want to medicate everything.Use to be you went to the Dr and HE told you what was wrong with you, Nowadays you go in and tell him about some problem diagnosed by a tv commercial and they write you a prescription.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 07/14/07 11:38 AM
I was married unhappily for 8 yrs to my ex- we're divorced
and now the guy Im interested has the same first name. It was kinda wierd at first but they are nothing alike. Maybe I just married the wrong Gary.LOL

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 07/14/07 11:22 AM
I love you means
I take you as you are
Imperfections and all..
It means I'll be there
-no matter what
And catch you when you fall.
With attentive arms
It holds you tight
It kisses every hurt
It gives all it has to give
To show you all your worth.

I love you means I wont run
Just because things get rough
It receives the love you have
And never gets enough.
It can be said without a word
Its felt in the warmth of a kiss
Any time away is too much
Alone it cant exsist.
It is kind and sweet
content to serve
Always gives it's all
Its never mean or selfish
And builds each other tall..

It means I'll say Im sorry
If ever I am wrong
It makes a heart want to dance
And then makes its own song.
Love cant be angry long
And never turns its back
It only opens its arms wide
To sheild off all attacks
It flies higher than anything
It grows more each day
Most of all love is forever
and never goes away..

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 07/13/07 04:47 PM
Aw heck your too cute to be bored!!!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 07/13/07 04:45 PM
So you think you got it all
And you want to show it to me?
A coupla beers and your 10 ft tall
And you said you thought you knew me.
Well I have seen your type before
And Im not falling for it
You can go and sit back down
I promise Ill ignore it
I dont need no hero
and I dont need no knight
Ive been just fine all by myself
But are you sure you're alright?

You seem alittle wobbly there
STanding on your own to feet
And I dont want to embarrass you
So Ill try to be descreet.
But I am not here "looking"
So please head on your way
But if you dont speak english
Theres no way Jose!!!
You probably got a wife at home
Wondering where you are
In fact she just might be waiting
For you to leave this bar
SO if I were you Id turn around
While you know what your doing
And leave with what pride you got left
Cause it aint me your screwin'

Hit your space down at the bar
And take another swig
I know you think you're cute n all
But buddy you aint that big
Im shooting down on 1st sight
So please remove your hand
Our ill remove it for you
And kick you when you land
If you dont think Im serious
Go ahead-cuz I dont play
Take your beer and all your gear
Theres no way Jose...

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 07/13/07 04:35 PM
Thanks guys n gals- I truly miss him and he was a writer too. Guess thats where I git it from. He always did give good stuff. (smile)

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 07/13/07 12:16 PM
Hard to believe its been ten years-
Since you left me here alone
Seems like much too long a time.
Hard to believe you're gone

I took care of you for two years
I stayed right by your side
But the sickness finally won the fight
Despite everything we tried.

I'd give everything I owned
to hear your voice again
Because you were more than "dad"
You were also my friend.

But you are in a better place
And - God I miss you so...
There's things I wished you didnt miss
Like watching the children grow.

I cant undo what is done
Life is what it is you see
Somedays are harder than others
SInce you arent here with me.

You taught me the important things
A girl should ever know
And I am so greatful to you dad
Because you loved me so..

greeneyedlady42's photo
Thu 07/12/07 12:19 PM
Thanks guys we have become really great friends and he is super. He sends me flowers and baskets and cards. It has been a great time of growing our friendship.
Never give up hope I say...

greeneyedlady42's photo
Thu 07/12/07 12:18 PM
Fantabulous writing-YOU GO GIRL!!!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Wed 07/11/07 08:41 AM
You guys are awesome-Thanks for your wonderful words of encouragement.
You rock!!!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 07/10/07 06:02 PM
In the room with the curtains drawn
The light remains outside
I dash for the covers -so you
cant see me as I hide.
The slender coolness of your fingers
caress away my cares
I feel the rythm of your breath
dancing in my hair
The gentle way your chin fits
in nape of my inviting neck
drinking in each and every
sensual lick and peck.
We are lost in a maze of love
Our fingers intertwined
As you explore every inch
Enjoying what you find.
The night is long- not long enough
for the sunrise is on its way
As we recooperate ourselves
For the next round of intimate love
You whisper things in my ear
That only exsisted in dreams
A lingering passionate kiss
Sealing all my broken seams-
Im not longer falling apart;
No longer to wonder alone
You are my king and I your queen
To conquer kingdoms unknown.
Wisk me away to the special place
Where only you can take me
Make me the lady I long to become
For ONLY you can make me.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:48 PM
Very inricate writing Tx- Im in awe.