Community > Posts By > greeneyedlady42

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:44 PM
Easy shmeasy-
I been 8 yrs dude -theres NO easy to it. We all have the same desires.
I guess some just have more self control'
By the way-
Might I say WHEW! thats some very descriptive writing.
You're awful hard on us nun type gals-Right Cherub? LOLsad
You do have a way with words there
Lonely walker

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:40 PM
I am your worst nightmare
Tho I can start out really small;
Before you know it I can grow
It takes no time at all.

I just wait for the perfect time
To rear my ugly head.
Takes no effort for me to pop out
Tho you should tell the truth instead

I'm twisted and I'll mangel lives
I tear your concience to pieces
I'll stand by and listen in
Until all the arguing ceases.

At first I am here all alone
But then my friends join in
What started out as one white lie
Has now turned into ten.

I break trust, I stab backs
Its simple and its true-
I'll separate you from every one
Who ever cared about you

So tell the truth if you dare
Its hard but you must try
You dont want to cross my path
Ill only make you cry.

Be real goods, choose your words
You must think carefully
The truth cant hurt near as bad
As getting tangled up with me.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 07/10/07 04:58 AM
Behind the wheel of the biggest rig
I'd ever seen before
Sits a man with a heart of gold
A sea of love, and more.
He hits the road in the morning
Driving most of the day
Sending me his sweet e-mails
And the kindest thoughts my way.

Dodging crazy drivers all day
To get home and write to me
A feeling of fantastic friendship
Is growing wild and free.
His face is kind and gentle
His smile is from his heart.
And he is always close by me
Tho we live far apart-

I wait for him to send his notes
For he is so positive and sweet
And I cant wait to feel his hugs
The first time that we meet.
He says that he is "old school"
And thats just fine by me.
I wish that there were more like him
Im sure you would agree.

He loves his work and does it well,
In each day he finds such joy
I dont know why I am so fortunate
To know this asphalt Cowboy.
But until I am blessed by God
And get to see him one day
I'll wait here for the next e-mail
And the words he sends my way.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 07/09/07 09:17 AM
Across the table there you sit
Gazing into my eyes
Treating me like I've always wanted
Like a rare and valued prize.
Your compliments and gestures
Tell me Im the lucky one
And I could never begin to repay
All the lovely things you've done.

Arm in arm you escort me around
Like I was made of gold
Your soft and sweet gentle and kind
Yet your love is oh so bold.
Donning your white cowboy hat
And boots, jeans and a smile
I have never seen a man like you
Getting use to this might take awhile.

But then I think how easy it is
To think of you as mine
You make me feel like a lady I swear
Dignified and refined.
Your simplicity is only outdone
by the casual way you move
Confident in who you are
Knowing you've nothing to prove.

Yet I hold back I dont know why
Though there are a million reasons-
I should be sure... -you'd never lie
But I change like the seasons.
I warm to you then pull away
Not because of you
But Im still in awe of your essence
Are you to good to be true?

I want to zig instead I zag...
Reaching out to take your hand.
The heat is too much to resist
But more than I can stand-
How long will you wait for me
to make up my foolish mind
I know is this strange sensation
Is a rare and remarkable find.

You cross my mind a million times
Our words flow so easy and sweet
Yet I fret and ask myself
What I will do next time we meet.
Did the keeper of the stars
Have something to do with this?
Will I find the answer in
the sensation when we kiss?

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 07/09/07 09:01 AM
You GO girl with your bad self!!!
Good one...

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 07/09/07 04:37 AM
I- I cant read the future,
But I still want to hold you close,
Right now-
I need that from you...
So give- me the morning
SHaring another day
with you, is all I want to know

And baby I- Ive tried to forget you
But the light in your eyes, still
SHines like and angel
With a spirit that wont let me go

I-I didnt want to tell you
things I didnt want to know-myself
I was afraid to show...
But you- You gave me a reason
A reeason to face the truth
Oh yes you did to face the truth...

And baby I-I've tried to forget you
But the light in your eyes still
SHines, shines, like an angel..
With a spirit that wont let go....
Of my heart.

By Jon Secada.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 07/09/07 04:25 AM
Thanks guys-Kinda been in a slump but coming back full force!! good to see you all.
Ive missed you too..

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 07/07/07 06:36 PM
You said you love me but not that way,
My friend you'll forever be...
This isnt the first time we've been "here"
And this coaster ride hasn't been free.

So I back away giving you your space
Though its hard on me I must confess.
Your friendship means more to me
But I love you so I'll do whats best

I wont settle for less than I deserve-
Take a deep breath and re-group myself.
Knowing if we are really friends
I wont end up on the shelf.

true friends are hard to come by-
And you've proven yourself everyday.
And tho I respect your honesty-
These feelings just wont go away.

Help me let go and not cross that line
As I look in your eyes and see
The amazing sparkle that glistens there
As you're looking back at me.

Help me not to want to hold you
The way that lovers do-
Its unhealthy for me my dear
To keep on wanting you.

Break these bonds that hold my heart
Beyond that thing called "just friends"
Help me let go of the pains I feel
And not see this as the end...

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 07/07/07 06:20 PM
Maybe you could call kitty "Dusty"

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 06/29/07 02:56 PM
I too was mader to go to church every time the doors were open and for many years I ran in the exact oposite direction of anyone who tried to talk to me about God, church etc.
It has never been my pratice to shove anything down anyones throat or make them see things the way I do. Everyone has to find their own way in their own time.
All I can tell you is my personal belief, and the faith that has grown in my heart in the last few years because of personal experiences.
I do believe in God, I see evidence of His Presence in my life.
I just wanted you to realize that I do understand about the whole being forced to go to church, I think sometimes in well meaning, ppl tend to push too hard and actually can do more damage in the long run. Im sure others will relate too.
Maybe in time, God will reveal Himself to you and your faith will be restored. Thank you for your post and for sharing your views. It is always eye opening to hear what other people think and why.
have a great day.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 06/22/07 04:18 AM
Jesus is part of the Trinity-The Holy 3 in one. Tough I am Tressia,
I am Tressia the mother, Tressia the sister and Tressia the friend.
Though I have different aspects of all those things together I can be
those things seperately-I am still Tressia.
John 14:6 says (Jesus speaking)
I am the way the truth and the life, No man cometh to the Father but by
me- We pray to God in Jesus ( Yeshua's) name
The whole reason Jesus ewas born, came to die was that our sins would be
imputed ( covered, unseen) by God. He cannot look upon sin. Now when We
are covered by the blood, He doesnt see our sins. He sees the sacrifice
that was made for us By Yeshua.
Heb 9:22 Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 06/22/07 04:04 AM
A man is speeding on his way home from work one day and gets pulled over
by a highway Patrolman.
The Patrolman walks up to the drivers side and as the window rolls down
he says, looking at his watch...
"look my shift is about to end, I dont want to be caught up in
paperwork for the next 45 minutes I just want to go home.
If you can give me an excuse that I have never heard. I'll let you go."

The fella looks up at him as serious as can be and says..." My wife ran
off with a State Trooper and I thought he was trying to bring her back."
The patrolman says "your free to go"

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 06/15/07 04:40 AM
Waiting here, to see your face-
Many words and feelings, I can't erase...
Standing there, all I can do-
Is hold on to the moment that Ill see you..

Hear your voice, echoing back-
Its not easy,sometimes Its patience I lack...
I know you, are waiting somewhere-
Its hard to believe, how much you care..

The control is not mine,
Its a matter of time....

SOmewhere in this world of uncertainty-
I replay the words that you say to me-
How do I separate the real from dream
Are you everything that you seem?

You have brought An emotion felt-
When I think about you, my heart melts...
You're my best friend, theres no doubt-
You know exactly what a friend's about...

Whatever this life holds, we'll watch it unfold
WHat ever it brings we'll make it thru, me n you...forever!!

The control is not mine...
It's a matter of time.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 06/11/07 07:31 AM
This lady where I worked at was really horrible to me. She was
constantly picking out everything I did and making something wrong with
it. Trying to get me fired and making stuff up about me. She talked
terrible to me, about me and after a year if this I was livid. She went
to my boss and accused me of stealing money! She had hidden the money in
her desk. So I told the boss when she called me aside this woman has had
it out for me since day one. Why dont you look in her desk. She probably
made the deposit and forgot to account for it or something.
Long story short they found the money in her desk.
The next morning I brought breakfast in with me. I picked up breakfast
burritos (hers contained LOTS of Fiber, compliments of me)
About an hour or two after breakfast she kept excusing herself to the
rest room. I asked her if she was ok? She said NO... I was very nice to
her and brought her water and offered to cover her for the rest of the
day. ( I really felt bad for what I had done)
She came into work the next day and thanked me for being so nice to her
after she had treated me so crappy.
After that there were never any problems.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 06/11/07 07:18 AM
I have learned over the years that we are human, we fall, we can hurt
whether we intend to or not. I never tell anyone I wont hurt them. I am
human and imperfect. All I promise is to be myself, be honest and treat
others like I myself want to be treated. Thats the best we can do. If I
do hurt someone I apologize and learn from that for the future.
Loving someone doesnt mean you'll never hurt or be hurt. It just tests
our ability to truly forgive and move on. Love is never any easy
thing...most people carry some kind of baggage and unfortunately it
seeps into relationships. Sometimes as perfect as a person can be we all
have our flaws. But you must decide whether those flaws are worth
overlooking or focusing on. The decision is ours to choose.
Communication is key and I believe people can jump in too quickly with
the physical part, not truly knowing each other, which can cause
I believe their is someone for everyone. Putting that person on a
pedestal so to speak only sets them up for a long hard fall.
Love is patient, love is kind, love endureth all things, it is not
boastful or proud. It doesnt think only of itself or speak
harshly out of anger.
You had a good question and this is my personal opinion but maybe it
was of some help.
I hope so...
So you know I think everyone has been where they have heard the same
thing told to them repeatedly. Just rememebr actions speak louder than

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 06/09/07 10:18 AM
Met my cowboy one day on line by chance
Just happened to be the right circumstance
I wondered and pondered could this be true?
But we kept writing and I telephoned you...
A FLorida man with a big heart made of gold
Wasnt looking to find you but now I am "sold"
Patient and loving and sweet as can be..
Could it be possible God made you for me?
You sent me flowers and baskets of gifts
Always there with a kind word when I need a lift.
Cant help but be skeptical though I feel your heart
Can we have a chance being so far apart?
I have to admit that I think of you lotz
Its more than a crush or a case of the hots
Its been fascinating as this relationship unfolds
I cant help but wonder what the future holds.
I hear your voice on the phone telling me your day
Feeling you close tho your so far away
Exchanging pictures, letters and cards
I want to meet you though I know it'll be hard.
Youre on the road so we talk on the phone
Seems we've both spent too much time alone
I want to see where this thing will go
Finding a new friend means more than you know.
But could this be more I ask myself
Dont think I ve felt this close to anyone else.
Just need more time so I can be sure
You are what you tell me & your motives are pure
But I feel really good about what we've found
My truck driving cowboy Am I florida bound?

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 06/04/07 10:05 AM
Love you more than the fish
Love the ocean
I sure don't need no #9
Love you more than the birds
love flight
I love you all day -love you
all night.
Love you more than a trucker
loves the road
My heart hold more love than
His biggest load
I can go further straight
down the line
Long as I know I got your hand
in mine.

Love you more than Johnny loved
Under the sun or by light of
the moon
Love you like fried chicken on
Maybe you'll just know how much
when you wake up monday.
I could do nothing with you
and be glad
I could have nothing and never
be sad
Your like the air I breathe
Your everything and all I need.

My love knows no measure It
knows no bounds
You're the greatest thing I've
ever found
You make me laugh when I want
to cry
You sing me love songs when I dont
know why
Just because you dont say it
Doesnt mean I dont know that
you feel that way.
You show me a million times
Just by your touch
Oh you know it's true-I love you
so much!!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 06/02/07 11:22 PM
Someone left a shoppin cart on my property today. Have baggage but not
quite that much..LOL
My bagge=age is neatly packed and filled full of the crap my ex tried to
put on me.
Threw it out on HIS lawn on the way to my CRUISE>>>LOL
He owns it now!!!
Im free
Yeah baby!!!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 06/02/07 11:14 PM
You tell me you love me
But not quite that way
You give me the signals
Then run away.
Say you cant handle
What Im ready for
But fall all to pieces
When I head for the door.
Make up your mind
Its not fair to me.
To live in such a world of
Your not meant for me
please pick a side
It breaks my poor heart
We are together
Then we're apart.
I'll be ok if I just know
Where it is I stand
and where Im to go..
Just dont leave me hanging
Thats all I ask
I long for a future
Not strung on the past.
Just make a choice
Its all I can bare'
Cant continue on this way'
You know its not fair.
I love you now
til the end of time
But just let me know
If you're gone
Ill be fine
Just dont keep yanking me
From here to there
I cant go on baby
With uncertainty there
In my heart, I live alone
SO dont bother calling
me on the phone
You say its over
then I agree
But then you keep on
calling to me.
Just make up your mind
What more can I say
If you dont want me
Please just walk away.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 05/26/07 05:48 AM
Aww that is so sweet.. WHat a great poem.
Two amazingly lucky girls and one Blessed Daddy!
Good writing.