Community > Posts By > durtydduck

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Wed 04/29/09 10:45 AM
no. and those that say they can? are heartless, unloving and uncaring people...............IMO

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Wed 04/29/09 10:41 AM
YES. its my heart and soul. I breath it sleep it , desire it, give it , can't live with out it. I want to share it. to me its the essence of life. more then the blood in my veins.:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Wed 04/29/09 10:37 AM
yes, and she turned out to be a real nut job.. on again off again moody bitc*y, mean person.

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Wed 04/29/09 07:27 AM
300,000 pigs in Eygpt? a mere drop in the bucket..and thats the way they wish to handle it , thats okay with me..

why is everyone in panic mode? my god your just making it worse spreading speculation and fear. rumors.. you know what you have to do to keep yourself healthy. quit your belly aching and do it.... and if you do get sick then go to the doctors office. and no I don't have my head in the sand about this. I am just more aware of what I NEED TO DO. not the whole world.

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Wed 04/29/09 07:14 AM
In El paso they say 10,000 people cross the border everyday. Yet its so lax for screening possible sick persons. According to the reports. Yet I saw an report on tv ( same one actually) that some countries have thermal scanners at borders to detect people with fevers. and they are screened .Other countries do so much more then we do here inour own .. what gives? do we think we are invinciable here.?

I know simple precautions like washing your hands not coughing and sneezing out right etc etc. will help not spread it. But there are to many who continue to go to places like Mexico and take that chance.. me? I won't be swapping spit with no pigs in the near future... j/k

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Tue 04/28/09 03:41 PM
sex.. especially with one paticular person... revenge sex..yeah!!!

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Tue 04/28/09 03:36 PM

You will live. The wound isn't fatal.
having had a gun put to my head and scared to death I was going to die... My answer is... niether..

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Tue 04/28/09 03:34 PM

:heart: Are you the kind of person who needs a lot of love? :heart:

bigsmile Are you getting it?bigsmile
I get ...what I give. and the more that I get ...the more I will give.. and right now.. no one is gettig got.

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Tue 04/28/09 01:54 PM
I think when I see that extremely overweight women who while they are shopping at wal mart ( or grocery stores , eat snacks, chips and the like while they shop. That's when it irratates me the most. I do realize there are some cases, where there are "medical conditions" that warrant being overweight.

All my life I have taken care of my self, making sure I stay as fit as possible nad healthy . Healthy life style etc. I guess I always quetion it this way... "If I can do it .. why can't they"

But our society has become lazy I think. My sister is obese, my niece is and her 8 year old who I see every weekend is overweight / obese. All he does is eat whatever he likes. My parents, his parents, all let him. and they say we can't do anything about it. Family has a history of High blood pressure , heart disease, diabetes, and yet .. so this is a close to home thing for me... when I say I don't like overweight people/ women who say "average". It comes from years of seeing this first hand. And I make no apologizes for it. It is, what it is!

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Tue 04/28/09 08:28 AM

I just don't know for you... But for me? I would stay. why ? she needs the help ! this is the woman I had fallen in love with had a child with, said in those vows.. through sickness and health. richer or poorer. Maybe I would be miserable but then maybe yeah I know you tried for 19 years. But your not supposed to give up trying.... she needs you now more then ever. and you promised to be there .. I know I would even if I was miserable. . you have to take the good with the bad..

the point is if you would put as much effort as you do in just accepting its over maybe there could be a difference. JMO>...

but again... if it was me.. I stay. because its the right thing and I promised to be there.

Yup, she does need the help.
Nope, she refuses the help.
EVERYONE is "out to get her".
" I'm this way because of mean girls in elementary school, middle school, high school, college...neighbors, friends,.... hurt me.
I'm this way because my Mom didnt show me how to be a girl when I was growing up.
I'm this way because my friends hurt me at some point in my past.
I'm this way because I can't trust my co-workers.
I'm this way becuse my co-workers hurt me.
I'm this way because my brothers hurt me.
I'm this way because my sister hurt me.
I'm this way because my kid hurt me.
I'm this way becuse my Husband hurt me."

Don't be alarmed.
None of this hurt was physical.
All of these are quotes from her over the years.

All it takes is for you to talk about her behind her back and you have now hurt her. You are now on her "hurt list" and cannot be a friend or trusted. She is holding grudges from Elementary school and she refuses to see that she needs help.
I cannot FORCE her to see someone.

I will stick with what I said. and the fact maybe you should get some help also. seems to me you like to hold grudges too. your just making your own list of excuses here.... sorry. JMO.

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Tue 04/28/09 08:23 AM
passionate about "love", family, being healthy, acceptance of who I am, and others.flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

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Tue 04/28/09 08:08 AM
Edited by durtydduck on Tue 04/28/09 08:12 AM
I just don't know for you... But for me? I would stay. why ? she needs the help ! this is the woman I had fallen in love with had a child with, said in those vows.. through sickness and health. richer or poorer. Maybe I would be miserable but then maybe yeah I know you tried for 19 years. But your not supposed to give up trying.... she needs you now more then ever. and you promised to be there .. I know I would even if I was miserable. . you have to take the good with the bad.. and quit dwelling ion your misery and think about hers?

the point is if you would put as much effort as you do in just accepting its over maybe there could be a difference. JMO>...

but again... if it was me.. I stay. because its the right thing and I promised to be there.

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Tue 04/28/09 07:58 AM
Man you people have it bad today. I woke up to the sun and wind blowing open the blinds and curtains. What a beautiful morning!.. Then I get a call from my mortgage company. I had accidently sent in a double payment this last month. The lady that was handling it wanted to just say Hi! And that they were glad they could help. The payment actually went to Home depot and they cashed the check with out looking. I wouldn't of found it till later this month. But Home Depot said I will be refunded the money right away.. and I am only on my second cup of coffee..... love to all. good karma.:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

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Mon 04/27/09 08:10 PM
Wish I had someone to say it too. shout it out over the friggin p/a system at wal mart too.

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Mon 04/27/09 03:12 PM

You and someone meet/And you have sex...Does that ruin the chance for a real relationship?
depends on if both people are looking for more out of it or not. I have met plenty of women who do want sex on the first meet. Been told.. "let's get the sex issue out of the way" and see if we like each other. strange world nowadays

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Mon 04/27/09 03:04 PM
having to re marry my first wife.. now that's terrible.sad sad sad sad sad sad

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Mon 04/27/09 03:01 PM

women, but they won't sat so. till they are sure you love them.. now i will go to my corner with a steel pot on my head....,.....incoming!

I agree with you.flowerforyou

And take that pot off your head, you look ridiculous.laugh
omg a woman who agreed with me.. be still my heart you might , maybe, just have? found the woman of your dreams.flowerforyou

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Mon 04/27/09 02:58 PM
Edited by durtydduck on Mon 04/27/09 03:00 PM
women, but they won't say so. till they are sure you love them.. now i will go to my corner with a steel pot on my head....,.....incoming!

how do I know? well women know men are afraid of commitment to begin with.... isn't that what they always say? with that in mind the logical answer would then be women fall in love faster.rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

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Mon 04/27/09 10:34 AM
when a prisoner I was to "escort" was allowed ( by my partner at the time) to go into his personal belongings and pulled out a .38 pistol and put it to my head. not a good feeling as I thought this azz whole will shoot me for no friggin reason....

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Mon 04/27/09 10:22 AM
hey reading all of this is better then cutting the grass... been laughing at it all. yep 8th grade physics..... or " did I do that" in my best Erkle voice