Community > Posts By > durtydduck

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Mon 05/04/09 04:32 PM

I do agree that a college course for it is silly. But at the same time colleges are trying to get kids into school, if they only take 1 course thats about video games playing, I see no harm in it, esp as I haven't taken the course so I don't know what they actually teach in the classroom.

want more students in colleges and universities? lower the tutition. $300 or more per credit? I have 137 credits so I know what it cost that was 3-4 years ago. My son was paying over 500 a credit. luckily his company paid him to go as long as he got "a's"

He couldn't get a B?
it was rated if you got an a they paid in full a b was less a c even less. some companies have it set up this way for their employees. as for does the college give credit for "playing a video game" apparently they are .. that's why I was so surprised. getting credit ? sheesh

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Mon 05/04/09 02:58 PM
if your not "up to it" why allow him to come over in the first place?flowerforyou

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Mon 05/04/09 02:56 PM

I do agree that a college course for it is silly. But at the same time colleges are trying to get kids into school, if they only take 1 course thats about video games playing, I see no harm in it, esp as I haven't taken the course so I don't know what they actually teach in the classroom.

want more students in colleges and universities? lower the tutition. $300 or more per credit? I have 137 credits so I know what it cost that was 3-4 years ago. My son was paying over 500 a credit. luckily his company paid him to go as long as he got "a's"

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Mon 05/04/09 02:53 PM
The local university states.. It is only for "game playing" not design or any other reason Yet to be better in a competitive field of "PLAY"..... not design , not computer sciences. just to be better game players.

as for the comment about our educational systems.. get real do some checking. todays degrees are no where near what they should be in a competitive world. And our status as the best isn't there anymore. don't bury your head in the sand. We do lack..... If you can't handle the truth oh well.

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Mon 05/04/09 02:23 PM
Edited by durtydduck on Mon 05/04/09 02:24 PM
what. Seems a local university now has and does offer a college course in video game playing...And what's even funnier more colleges and universities. yes even Ohio State.... are asking how they set the program up so they to can offer it.

No wonder America is lacking in education versus other countries.. we offer crap like that for education and expect to be competitive in a global market?......frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

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Mon 05/04/09 12:43 PM
There are a few that I would like to meet in both genders. just to see them face to face and see if I am right about them. (imo) I have not added but 1 or 2 as friends... not a big deal with me. IF they want to talk with me that's all and good , if not? oh well. but a lolipop is required!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

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Mon 05/04/09 08:04 AM
oh I have to tell you all about the lolipop? seems someone really wants to know!

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Mon 05/04/09 07:56 AM
you woke him twice the first time he said give me 3 more minutes.. the second time he said ten.. after that he didn't answer. It seems to me you full filled your obligation to wake him. He knew he needed the extra wake up and he answered you. he was awake you can not make him get up however. .... go on about your day feeling as if you did what was asked of you . JMO

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Sun 05/03/09 06:31 PM

Nope, sorry, I don't buy it. Some cutie will come along and y'all will be all snuggled up and she'll ask you to tell her and she'll bat her eyes at you and you'll melt and tell her.laugh
been tried it doesn't work that easy. sorry. it will be on my tombstone MAYBE but before then? no one will know and the ones that do are either deceased or forgotten who I am. I don't fall for the "puppy dog eyes" routine .

oooohhhh puppy dog ... quick lets find a korean resturaunt!

no photo
Sun 05/03/09 06:28 PM

Nope, sorry, I don't buy it. Some cutie will come along and y'all will be all snuggled up and she'll ask you to tell her and she'll bat her eyes at you and you'll melt and tell her.laugh
been tried it doesn't work that easy. sorry. it will be on my tombstone MAYBE but before then? no one will know and the ones that do are either deceased or forgotten who I am. I don't fall for the "puppy dog eyes" routine .

no photo
Sun 05/03/09 06:20 PM

durty duck and its a deep and very dark secret. no one will ever know why or how never never never

Ya know DD, when people say never never EVER, that usually means until the right person asks!

ya think? bet you would be wrong its a state secret. and I do mean never never never under any circumstances. never

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Sun 05/03/09 06:18 PM
neither I dress to be comfortable and relaxed. and if they don't like who I am or my way of life and how I live...then they can hit the bricks I don't care or need them around.

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Sun 05/03/09 06:04 PM
durty duck and its a deep and very dark secret. no one will ever know why or how never never never

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Sun 05/03/09 02:54 PM
current would'nt have it any other way.

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Sun 05/03/09 02:19 PM
never on stealth. I feel if I am interested enough through a picture to view the whole profile ..Let them know. If I read something I don't like I let it go .No further contact. Other wise I might send a nudge or even an email IF I think there is a chance of getting to know them. you hide you won't let someone find you that may be out of your normal search patterns. never know what possibilities are out there.

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Sun 05/03/09 02:14 PM
just finished dinner of... shrimp scampi with spaghetti lots of parmesean cheese , garlic bread toasted with a salad of onions , tomatoes, 4 different lettuces, croutons, fresh mushrooms, olives and a raspberry light vinergrette dressing... had left overs anyone else I can mail it to you?

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Sun 05/03/09 02:09 PM
I would have to say go for it. Only once did I ever get asked "is that your daughter" My ex was 25 years younger then me.

And for those inquireing minds that want to know why she is an ex?.. It was not due to our relationship or the love we had or even money. It the divorce was due to her meddling parents. Who thought that to break us up they used their own grandchild against me. Teaching every bad manner, disrespectful thing known to man. Subsequently she (the ex) could not stand up against her Mom or her stepfather. (he is a minister, liar, cheat, thief and uses the church and religion to support himself).a fraud.... who broke my jaw one day. carries a butcher knife and jack handle at all times for protection .. BTW he is 6' 7" a good 295 lbs....

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Sun 05/03/09 12:33 PM
In some cases I believe that the eyes can reveal a lot of things. But windows to their soul? nope. Just like little quirks , facial expressions body language tells a lot to. But nothing beats truth serum.

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Sun 05/03/09 09:33 AM
serious relationships? last serious lasted 7 months. after that I had 2 relationships of not so serious that each lasted 6 months. 1 which I remained friends with.

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Sun 05/03/09 09:29 AM
I try to spend everyday being happy and content with who I am and what I have in life. sure there are days that just grate on you. But for me. I am very thank full for where I am at in life right now. Having been rich and very poor with material things and with out anything. with love and with out love of another person. So here I am finally at the place I should be.flowerforyou flowerforyou

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