Community > Posts By > durtydduck

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Sat 04/25/09 06:45 PM
my thoughts? finger nails not more then a quarter an inch past the end of the finger, trimmed nicely polished ( taken care of) my yourself not a nail salon. as for the feet. shorter in length of course but taken care of. Painting is an option for that. Hey I even have set down and painted ladies toes before. No biggie to me.
Some ladies need pedicures, some don't.

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Sat 04/25/09 06:33 PM
I don't do grass... cutting..... or flower beds anymore .. all that is planted comes back every year. so that ends those problems.

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Sat 04/25/09 03:22 PM
Blackberry cobbler with french vanilla ice cream and a cup of coffee.

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Sat 04/25/09 01:36 PM

I am partial to the "it's me not you" line. And it's true, I don't like you and it's my issue.flowerforyou
figures a woman would say that! what happened to being honest? and just say no thanks I am not interested in you. so don't bother to contact me again... the "it's me not you" is like telling someone they have a chance still. Maybe he can win you over?... go for the truth here

sorry mschrissyflowerforyou

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Sat 04/25/09 01:30 PM
Where I live we are not supposed to have pets. But everyone does. BUT I do not have any pets. Have no desire to have pets either . To me there are a nusiance. Always trying to find someone to take care of them when you have to go somewhere, like vacations or even for a weekend getaway.

I enjoy the fact that I can just go at any time I want. besides there are the vet bills, food and from what I have seen of some people they are attached at the hip with their pets. I had 5 horses at one time and that as any horse owner will tell you is costly and hard work.

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Sat 04/25/09 09:36 AM
your problem as I see it is this... you have expectations.. and when it doesn't happen you want to know why.. The first woman is probably a habitual dater knowing she can have a night out with any man she so chooses. cut and run I say with her.

the second one? well what can I say you yourself said it your both overweight? so is it possible you have double standards? sounds like it to me. JMO

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Sat 04/25/09 09:28 AM
Oh boy , can't wait to see how this works out for him..... better check back in , ooohhh let's say 20 years and see how he made out with that concept?slaphead :thumbsup:

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Fri 04/24/09 08:57 PM

Buy the mobile home park I live in, get a franchise resturaunt ( olive garden)( Red Lobster) in the town nearest to me. after I paid off all my bills of course , This is so that It will continue to be an income... Give enough to my closest family members to help them. Lots to charities, none to churches. Don't believe in "church doctrines" set up food programs for the poor elderly, and help them. and the list goes and goes..

Nice, Ducky! flowerforyou
tyblushing flowerforyou

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Fri 04/24/09 08:49 PM
Buy the mobile home park I live in, get a franchise resturaunt ( olive garden)( Red Lobster) in the town nearest to me. after I paid off all my bills of course , This is so that It will continue to be an income... Give enough to my closest family members to help them. Lots to charities, none to churches. Don't believe in "church doctrines" set up food programs for the poor elderly, and help them. and the list goes and goes..

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Fri 04/24/09 08:30 PM

wish you could be in love, miss loving someone but in reality know it's not for you?
yes wish I could be in love again... yes I miss loving someone. and no I don't know that love isn't for me. because I know just how much it means to me.:heart:

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Fri 04/24/09 08:16 PM
yeah I have wondered why that happens.. so one day while trying to figure it all out.. I quit my good paying job and retired. said screw all those idiots. Now I am happy because I don't have to deal with any of it. some hated me, admired me loved me.. so what I come first now.

there is that old adage you can please some of the people some of the time and most of the people most of the time but you can never please all the people all the time... so why even try?

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Fri 04/24/09 06:34 PM

on how many times one can get married?

You're killin me here!!
come on I am still waiting to hear your side of this "how many times" their own support group makes me think 5-8 times.flowerforyou

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Fri 04/24/09 06:31 PM
Edited by durtydduck on Fri 04/24/09 06:33 PM

on how many times one can get married?

No. Let people be miserable as many times as they like!

whoop there it is... miseryrofl rofl rofl and for the record. 2 of the three marriages I had were not my fault for ending. adultry/ and one couldn't do anything with out mommy's approval.. the one was my fault I gave up on it.

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Fri 04/24/09 05:50 PM
I am 60 and feel like 35. or somedays like 12:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

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Fri 04/24/09 05:48 PM

Do I brown up the beef and make the pasta jumbalya dish? Do I go downstairs to have pizza or a burger? Or do I walk down the street to have vindaloo and kheema naan?

cook woman...:banana: :banana: :banana: its cheaper

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Fri 04/24/09 05:38 PM

both in lewe of my life. If your willing to be with someone, love them and be willing to die for them and lose them you would be unhappy if you lost them , either one. ..Yet I wouldn't want them to be unhappy either.

tough choice huh?

DD I think we go into relationships and have children knowing that the children come first.. If a child doesn't then what kind of parent are we? As I answered I would know and expect that my spouse would answer the same (were I to have a spouse that is)...

The harder question for me would be saving a parent or child and of course it'd be the child but I'd feel like I betrayed my parents... But they raised me that way and would have chosen their children as well....

Not saying anybodys choice is wrong here.. of course after a divorce I would say my son. With out hesitation. But if I am dedicated to someone and love them as deeply as I know I can?. Someone I would willingly die for. Then it makes it a hard choice.. nothing can ever replace my son And I can never have another.. But I would rather die for the ones I love then to see one of them die.

I understand and agree except.... You married and loved them and were devoted to them now you feel the way you do b/c of divorce... So my point is, there are "others" that we can and will love... I think "love" is something we think we're in until it's over, but the love for our children is undying and unconditional... Not picking on your answer, it's just that your answer brought another perspective or a deeper one to elaborate on.. happy
I tend to over think things I guess. I just know about who I am. And I do understand the love of your child being priority. Others will come and go.. But your child is a part of you always.flowerforyou

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Fri 04/24/09 05:28 PM

both in lewe of my life. If your willing to be with someone, love them and be willing to die for them and lose them you would be unhappy if you lost them , either one. ..Yet I wouldn't want them to be unhappy either.

tough choice huh?

DD I think we go into relationships and have children knowing that the children come first.. If a child doesn't then what kind of parent are we? As I answered I would know and expect that my spouse would answer the same (were I to have a spouse that is)...

The harder question for me would be saving a parent or child and of course it'd be the child but I'd feel like I betrayed my parents... But they raised me that way and would have chosen their children as well....

Not saying anybodys choice is wrong here.. of course after a divorce I would say my son. With out hesitation. But if I am dedicated to someone and love them as deeply as I know I can?. Someone I would willingly die for. Then it makes it a hard choice.. nothing can ever replace my son And I can never have another.. But I would rather die for the ones I love then to see one of them die.

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Fri 04/24/09 05:22 PM
very very little make upor none at all... to many women I see , I have to ask others .."is the circus in town? the clowns are here"

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Fri 04/24/09 05:20 PM
both in lewe of my life. If your willing to be with someone, love them and be willing to die for them and lose them you would be unhappy if you lost them , either one. ..Yet I wouldn't want them to be unhappy either.

tough choice huh?

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Fri 04/24/09 05:15 PM
3 times

first one was 4 years younger had 1 child from that marriage, 12 years

second one was 12-13 years younger , no children, 13 years no children

third, 25 years younger, married 6 years together 8years, no children

would I do it again? sure.smitten