Community > Posts By > durtydduck

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Fri 04/24/09 11:45 AM

Do you think its poor taste if I wear my wedding dress on a dating site???laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Saves me the time and effort of asking you in the first place. And let's me jknow what you really want.. should I set the date? Or just head for the J. of P
Im ready!!!!pitchfork laugh laugh laugh
Thats great, ummm but your to young for me....wahsad sad sad well not in my mind your not.blushing

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Fri 04/24/09 11:37 AM

Do you think its poor taste if I wear my wedding dress on a dating site???laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Saves me the time and effort of asking you in the first place. And let's me jknow what you really want.. should I set the date? Or just head for the J. of P

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Fri 04/24/09 11:33 AM
KIDS WILL BE KIDS? I used to have a Norwegian Elkhound, very loving dog and tame as mellow as you can ever hope for. When I would leave for work I would chain him outside. . Well the kids bus stop was at my corner so they teased and tortured that dog till he became mean even to me. The thing is kids had to come into my yard through hedges and I would find sticks huge stones etc that they threw at or poked him with.. The thing is KIds will be kids? well I tried talking to the kids the parents and got no where. .. so one night I went out and lengthened the dogs chain to the point it would reach to the very edge of my property. . The next day those kids got the surprise of their lives when they came through those hedges to terrorize my dog. He had an additional 6 feet .. They never came back after that, And yeah I heard it from the parents. But I showed them just where his chain ended. They walked away too.

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Fri 04/24/09 10:34 AM
Maybe in some light hearted way they thought .. "this would be Chuck" he would want it to read this way.. . Remember we are to rejoice ( supposedly) when someone dies. who knows I sure don't . But I wasn't offended by it. I actually thought "that a boy Chuck"


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Fri 04/24/09 10:30 AM
First of all I am going to assume you left the military sooner then you wanted ?

( needing knee surgery? you should of had it done before you left the service. Last I heard they can not release you from active duty if you require medical treatment, unless you waive it)

As for the girlfriend well what did you expect you gave her this your not the same or I don't feel the same as when I left? that was what 4 years ago? you have to rebuild what you had not just pick uop and go from where you left off. I know. I did 20 years and each and every time I came back it was different . But the trust was always there. So you need to step it up not her.. JMO

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Fri 04/24/09 08:24 AM
Drink in excess, did some excessive amounts of weed, traveled saw places I never thought I would ever see in my life , got sober, got married had a kid...broke my heart seriously for the first time ( my son and what I didn't do) and it haunts me to this day. But you know what I am a better person for it all now.:banana: :banana: :banana:

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Thu 04/23/09 03:06 PM
Being the considerate and understanding person , finding out what "touches' them the most.

Some people its "quality time together" or it can be, doing the little and big chores "acts of service" .. then there is "gifts" some people expect those.. "words of affirmation" you know the I love you's the hey you look and smell nice, please , thank you the list goes on and on.. And then there is my favorite. "physical touching" the hugs the kisses the touching for no reason except to show you are thinking of them like holding hands in the store. a little squeeze here and there.....:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Thu 04/23/09 11:33 AM
Never run from my feelings... they are always with me can't lose tthem that easy... Break what ice.. By the time I set down I have already asked a question.

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Thu 04/23/09 11:31 AM
of course I would..... ummm which date are you actually referring to here.. well it doesn't make a difference I guess.

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Thu 04/23/09 08:38 AM
I hope that I won't break 5,000.... maybe by that time who knows what will happen and all my time will be used by someone else?bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

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Thu 04/23/09 08:34 AM


all medical practitioners are required by law to release any chart notes, files, medical history, etc to the parent if the child is under 18. when you're under age, you have no RIGHT to privacy.
law suit? my azz. I would make sure that Dr fell down some witnesses and then offer to help himup But before I do help him up I would kick the living crap out of him and all the while do you wish for medical assitance? hows this for assitance? What I didn't hear you you say you want medical assitance.. well so did I.. and then leave hm there...... okay so I am in one of those moods

But I would definetly be outside his office with signs and the news....boycotting his office and letting people know why. and yeah getting a lawyer. I feel as a parent that is something you need to know. Some things like suspected child abuse where the parent is aware his kid reported him , could endanger the sometimes there are fine lines. Hippa is a pain in the butt.

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Wed 04/22/09 03:21 PM
I say that she should ask you face to face and not have a friend text you. Apparently she is going behind her mothers back.( no phone) yet she has access to her friends. That"s why I say face to face. you need to be just as strong as your ex. Especially when it comes to teens. Been there done that. and trust me if I could of I would of run my ex over for her lack of proper guidance. you both need to be on the same page here. JMO

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Wed 04/22/09 01:40 PM
run forest run... get out of the way..

going to my corner and scooching down to avoid being part of this thread.. geesh another "nice guy"

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Wed 04/22/09 12:02 PM
I get tested every year at my physical. And if any lady/ woman asks me to get tested you betcha!. I have the blood work results handy and I do get tested before and after someone I dated. Yes I wait an appropriate amount of time as recommmended by my Dr... with the rise of syphlyiss and other std's I sure as hell don't want any surprises. ..

My opinion is if they won't get a test... I won't won't have any contact at all.. none nada no way not even a kiss.

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Wed 04/22/09 11:37 AM
OKay so I will tell you this then. My living costs total, mortgage, lot rent ( mobile home) insurance, home and car, credit cards ..utilities phone, cable medical, food all come to just under 850 dollars a month. I guess I can count my blessings then. as for living with in my means? I have medical coverage and dental coverage. My income is a meager 1250 a month. that leaves me with 100 doallrs a week to spend as I see fit. This is why I asked what is living with in your means. I was wondering if I can do it for this amount what do other people do? Yes I know every state or area is different.

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Wed 04/22/09 11:18 AM
I have a saying... wants, needs, must haves.

If I want something I ask myself do I need it or is it just a want? and if I need it ? is it a must have? must haves are your basics of housing, food on the table, paying your bills, the esstentials of life/ survival?. I am retired ( military) and I find that to many times people say that you need an income of over 50,000 dollars . I know where I stand with this and I say its bunk. But then again I have only myself to support. I know that in another year an half I will be taking my social security early at 62. And I was talking with a friend ( a nurse ) who said after that happens I would be making more then her ( after taxes)...

I can pay all my bills etc and still have money left over every week to basically waste if I so desire. Yet I am considered to be in the poverty level? so the question is what amount of actual money is considered necessary today just to live with in your means?

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Wed 04/22/09 10:45 AM

here's my take on what men are looking for:

sex on demand
food on demand
their clothes washed and folded
the house kept clean
you to support them financially
a wife who is a lady in public and a whore in the bedroom
bring them cold beers
to be left alone when the game is on tv
to go out with his buds, hunting, fishing, boozing, chasing other women
I'm sure there are a few things I left out but these are the basics

what have I been missing here? this doesn't describe me...sad sad sad sad

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Wed 04/22/09 10:44 AM

nope. I have always maintained that "love" is the most important thing to me . Not money.

Now what if you were hopelessly in debt? Or a loved one needed surgery u couldn't affort without the $
I will find a way to pay the bills. always have before so my answer remains NO.

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Wed 04/22/09 10:39 AM
Living with in your means, to you?

I see a lot of articles that we should learn to live with in our means. And get off this kick of living the high life.

I know some of you are unemployed right now , but I think it would be good to hear from everyone. Just what is it to you? What does it take? money wise?

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Wed 04/22/09 10:30 AM

:heart: What is your #1 concern when deciding on entering a relationship with someone?:heart:
will they stick it out in the long haul and be open to communication. You know talking out the problems that arise.