Topic: Republicans say NO !! | |
woohoooooooo !!!...
![]() Barack Obama's pork-stuffed $825 billion stimulus bill passed the House this evening, but it didn't gain a single vote of support from the GOP. Not a one. The Republicans complete unwillingness to vote for the bill is a blow to the new President, who spent a considerable amount of time on Capitol Hill this week lobbying for votes. Obama failed miserably. The controversial spending package passed entirely with Democratic votes. 11 Democrats crossed party lines to oppose the bill with Republicans, which has prompted the the GOP to tell media, "the only bipartisanship was in opposition to this bill," as Rep. Mike Pence (R.-Ind.) in a statement. It should be noted that the new House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R.-Va.), who is in charge of corralling and as his title dictates, whipping votes, surely played lead role in this feat. Now the bill will be sent to the Senate, where Obama said he'd like to see 80 senators vote for the bill. That may be difficult. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell seems to be following the House GOP's lead. He issued a statement after the House vote titled "Bipartisan rejection of a partisan plan." |
so this is bipartisan change, eh?
The really funny thing's just a bull$hit political statement.
Mostly with an eye towards midterm elections I am sure. Because here's the thing. Bail-outs? Born of a republican administration...the bill...some stuff they definitely tax cuts...oh wait...not tax cuts for the ultra rich but for middle and lower income people....guess we know where the republican party stands eh? I remember that baying many did here about how Obama would increase your taxes. Now that that isn't happening....oh well.. |
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Wed 01/28/09 09:03 PM
Good for the Republicans....HOORAA
Now when this fails utterly and miserably it is ALL on the heads of Democrats and YES your right it is an eye towards mid terms :D were we will take back the Senate and stop ANYTHING from comeing out of this admin for the following 2 years God help us all the NEXT 2 PALIN in 2012 Baby |
The Republican Party is full of Un-Americans.
They want to tell Americans what they want despite the results of the Elections. They are trying to control the will of the people in favor of Large Corporations. They have to go. Vote them out one by one if necessary. Two years gives us another chance to be rid of a few more. Give your vote to a third Party rather than the Republicans.... The Republican Party is full of Un-Americans. |
I absolutely, positively LOVE it!!! Liberals can't be fiscally responsible, and it's just sooo funny that this is happening. It proves that none of their whining and complaining about Republicans solves problems! Whining and complaining never brings solutions! It's pointless and that's all their party has left, whining and complaining... lol!!!
woohoooooooo !!!... ![]() Barack Obama's pork-stuffed $825 billion stimulus bill passed the House this evening, but it didn't gain a single vote of support from the GOP. Not a one. The Republicans complete unwillingness to vote for the bill is a blow to the new President, who spent a considerable amount of time on Capitol Hill this week lobbying for votes. Obama failed miserably. The controversial spending package passed entirely with Democratic votes. 11 Democrats crossed party lines to oppose the bill with Republicans, which has prompted the the GOP to tell media, "the only bipartisanship was in opposition to this bill," as Rep. Mike Pence (R.-Ind.) in a statement. It should be noted that the new House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R.-Va.), who is in charge of corralling and as his title dictates, whipping votes, surely played lead role in this feat. Now the bill will be sent to the Senate, where Obama said he'd like to see 80 senators vote for the bill. That may be difficult. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell seems to be following the House GOP's lead. He issued a statement after the House vote titled "Bipartisan rejection of a partisan plan." Don't get too happy, the experts say that if they do not flood the economy with money we will fall into depression. Those who have studied the last depression say that is the mistake Hoover made, not flooding the system with money. You have Bush to thank for this, he helped it with the war and his agenda. |
Don't get too happy, the experts say that if they do not flood the economy with money we will fall into depression. Those who have studied the last depression say that is the mistake Hoover made, not flooding the system with money. You have Bush to thank for this, he helped it with the war and his agenda. Not really. The war would have been an expense we could have taken if not for the liberal housing market and over-inflated tech stocks' decline during the Bush presidency. And the war is far more important that giving a house to a person who can't make the house notes.. We do still have a strong 'rent' system in place.. ;p None of that matters if we let terrorists kill off the population, but maybe that's what liberals want.. Americans to die. hmmm. |
Don't get too happy, the experts say that if they do not flood the economy with money we will fall into depression. Those who have studied the last depression say that is the mistake Hoover made, not flooding the system with money. You have Bush to thank for this, he helped it with the war and his agenda. Not really. The war would have been an expense we could have taken if not for the liberal housing market and over-inflated tech stocks' decline during the Bush presidency. And the war is far more important that giving a house to a person who can't make the house notes.. We do still have a strong 'rent' system in place.. ;p None of that matters if we let terrorists kill off the population, but maybe that's what liberals want.. Americans to die. hmmm. Not true at all. The war with Iraq was completely unnecessary and unjust. Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 so therefore Millions died and Billions wasted. Bush's agenda was to make the rich like him richer and he did so, the only thing he did for the average citizen was a welfare hand out called a Stimilus check. Too bad the brainwashing worked so well on some of America ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Don't get too happy, the experts say that if they do not flood the economy with money we will fall into depression. Those who have studied the last depression say that is the mistake Hoover made, not flooding the system with money. You have Bush to thank for this, he helped it with the war and his agenda. Not really. The war would have been an expense we could have taken if not for the liberal housing market and over-inflated tech stocks' decline during the Bush presidency. And the war is far more important that giving a house to a person who can't make the house notes.. We do still have a strong 'rent' system in place.. ;p None of that matters if we let terrorists kill off the population, but maybe that's what liberals want.. Americans to die. hmmm. rediculous. You don't even know WHY people are getting foreclosed on do you? People have been losing their jobs! NO job= no money! That does not include everyone, but a damn lot of people. I will never believe people have your kind of mentality. It makes me wonder who got their hands on your brain! ![]() |
rediculous. You don't even know WHY people are getting foreclosed on do you? People have been losing their jobs! NO job= no money! That does not include everyone, but a damn lot of people. I will never believe people have your kind of mentality. It makes me wonder who got their hands on your brain! ![]() Statistics show otherwise, with all due respect.. They show that Fannie and Freddie gave loans to people who would not qualify with regular banking industries because of the amt. of income they already had. AND!! not only that..but these two liberally based housing companies took houses that were worth 50K and signed loans for 100K to poor people, just so that they could pay off the representatives voting for them (not all were democrats, btw, but the majority were) |
July!!! These Idiots still think its a mental recession. LMAO McCain Adviser Refers to ‘Nation of Whiners’ By MICHAEL COOPER Published: July 11, 2008 BELLEVILLE, Mich. — Senator John McCain has spent the week trying to tell people that he feels their economic pain. So it was more than a little unhelpful when one of his top economic advisers was quoted Thursday as saying that the United States was only in a “mental recession” and that it had become a “nation of whiners.” The adviser, former Senator Phil Gramm, Republican of Texas, sought to clarify his remarks Thursday by saying he had been referring only to some of the nation’s leaders. But it was too late to keep from complicating things for Mr. McCain, who has been trying to strike a more empathetic tone after sometimes struggling to maintain a balance between displays of optimism about the nation’s future and demonstrating an understanding of Americans’ economic hardships. Senator Barack Obama, noting that Mr. McCain had previously said an expansion of offshore oil drilling might have a “psychological” benefit for the country, seized on Mr. Gramm’s remarks, made in an interview with The Washington Times. “You know, America already has one Dr. Phil,” Mr. Obama said at a campaign stop in Fairfax, Va. “When it comes to the economy, we don’t need another.” Mr. McCain himself repudiated Mr. Gramm’s comments. “The person here in Michigan that just lost his job isn’t suffering a mental recession,” he told reporters after a town-hall-style meeting at a factory in this city west of Detroit. And when he was asked whether Mr. Gramm — McCain campaign co-chairman, UBS Investment Bank vice chairman and former economics professor — might serve as treasury secretary in a McCain administration, the candidate replied with a flash of his sometimes tart humor. “I think Senator Gramm would be in serious consideration for ambassador to Belarus,” he said, “although I’m not sure the citizens of Minsk would welcome that.” Mr. McCain has been spending the week in Rust Belt states like Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan pushing his economic proposals and trying to show a grasp of workers’ financial struggles. During the gathering here Thursday, held at Bayloff Stamped Products, which provides metal components to car manufacturers, he tried to fend off the skepticism of some Michigan workers about his support for free trade and said more than half a dozen times that people were “hurting.” “America is hurting today,” he said. “Michigan is hurting today. The automotive industry is hurting. And we’ve got big problems, and we’ve got big challenges.” Questioned about manufacturers’ moving their plants elsewhere because of free trade, he replied, “I have to tell you — and I know that it’s not popular — I do believe in the overall benefits of free trade.” In recent months Mr. McCain has recalibrated the way he talks about the economy, often noting that it does not matter whether the technical definition of a recession has been met, given that so many people feel as if they are in one. The tone is in contrast with the one he struck during the primaries, when he sometimes placed more emphasis on optimism. His struggle to find a balance was on vivid display at a Republican debate in January, when he was asked whether the country was better off now than it was eight years ago. “I think you could argue that Americans over all are better off,” he replied, “because we have had a pretty good, prosperous time with low unemployment and low inflation, and a lot of good things have happened, a lot of jobs have been created.” Then he added: “But let’s have some straight talk. Things are tough right now.” At the factory gathering Thursday, Mr. McCain repeated a statement that was used against him to great effect in the Michigan primary, which he lost to Mitt Romney. “I’ll look at you in the eye again and I’ll tell you that there are some jobs that won’t come back,” he said. But, the optimism hardly out of reach, he added that the lost jobs would be replaced with new ones to create more environmentally friendly technologies and other innovations. “I have to tell you that the innovation and the technology and the entrepreneurship of the world still lies in the United States of America,” he said. “Every technological advance we’ve made in the 21st century and throughout the 20th has come from the United States of America.” |
“I think you could argue that Americans over all are better off,” he replied, “because we have had a pretty good, prosperous time with low unemployment and low inflation, and a lot of good things have happened, a lot of jobs have been created.” Then he added: “But let’s have some straight talk. Things are tough right now.”
“I think you could argue that Americans over all are better off,” he replied, “because we have had a pretty good, prosperous time with low unemployment and low inflation, and a lot of good things have happened, a lot of jobs have been created.” Then he added: “But let’s have some straight talk. Things are tough right now.” Hey Bush and all his herd believed if they told the American people the lie long enough it made it true so they are still at it. |
lol.. blogger quote. gotta love it)
get some real news... |
The Republican Party is full of Un-Americans. They want to tell Americans what they want despite the results of the Elections. They are trying to control the will of the people in favor of Large Corporations. They have to go. Vote them out one by one if necessary. Two years gives us another chance to be rid of a few more. Give your vote to a third Party rather than the Republicans.... The Republican Party is full of Un-Americans. LOL there were more Dems Against it than Repubs who supported it Un-American HA HA HA HA For not supporting a Stim...I mean Porkulus bill most of this bill will not even take effect for 4-8 years Keep Drinking that Kool-aid Fanta...Conservatism in 2010-2012 |
The United States was only in a “mental recession” and that it had become a “nation of whiners.”
Phil Gramm. His wife was a lobbyist for Enron and helped him add provisions to a bill that deregulated the home loan industry. Making it easier for people who couldn't afford a home to get one. |
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Wed 01/28/09 09:41 PM
lol.. blogger quote. gotta love it) get some real news... ![]() ![]() ![]() Think again Skad! |
The United States was only in a “mental recession” and that it had become a “nation of whiners.” Phil Gramm. His wife was a lobbyist for Enron and helped him add provisions to a bill that deregulated the home loan industry. Making it easier for people who couldn't afford a home to get one. Hmm.. I don't see her name making the list here.. this is a list of ppl who received money from Freddie and Fannie, with amts.. In the First place: Democrat Christopher Dodd with $165,400 Second: Presidential Candidate Barack Obama with $126,349 Third: Democrat John Kerry with $111,000 11th: Democrat Harry Reed with $77,000 12th Hillary Clinton 18th Nancy Pelosi with $56,250 62th... Republican John McCain with $21,550. 217th is Joe Biden with $3,300 |
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Wed 01/28/09 09:45 PM
The Republican Party is full of Un-Americans. They want to tell Americans what they want despite the results of the Elections. They are trying to control the will of the people in favor of Large Corporations. They have to go. Vote them out one by one if necessary. Two years gives us another chance to be rid of a few more. Give your vote to a third Party rather than the Republicans.... The Republican Party is full of Un-Americans. LOL there were more Dems Against it than Repubs who supported it Un-American HA HA HA HA For not supporting a Stim...I mean Porkulus bill most of this bill will not even take effect for 4-8 years Keep Drinking that Kool-aid Fanta...Conservatism in 2010-2012 ![]() ![]() ![]() So there are a few (11) Democrats who need to go too. Im an unaffiliated Independent!! ![]() The Republican Party must go for America to move forward. |