Community > Posts By > xcite4ever

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Sat 10/25/08 06:01 PM

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Sat 10/25/08 04:48 PM
The Texas temps have finally broke and the sun has been shining with a hint of coolness in the breeze. Awesome!

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Sat 10/25/08 03:28 PM
You never really appreciate or treasure what you have enough until it's gone. Then it's either too late or you find the moxie to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and pursue that which means the most to you. Whether or not the window of opportunity for that "treasure" opens up for you once again, you're still all the more wiser for the next go round. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Try a different approach.

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Sat 10/25/08 03:23 PM
It's like window shopping. You might want to check out something a few times before you decide whether or not it's really something/someone worth your time and resources to pursue.

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Sat 10/25/08 08:45 AM
mingle2 is goof-off central if you enjoy idle time for a fun stint in escapism to leave the real world behind. Addictive? Assuredly!

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Sat 10/25/08 08:30 AM
I feel a crush in the developmental phase. Possibly this too shall

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Sat 10/25/08 07:33 AM
Ace Stewart

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Sat 10/25/08 07:29 AM
Of course I would! I surely wouldn't give an ex the power in my own mind to forever taint a name they happened to have been given at birth. They don't own it! Self empowerment says love the person, not the name. lol

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Sat 10/25/08 07:25 AM
Waiting on destiny to open the right door. I've entered some doors in the not so distant past that led down hallways with deadends. This time I'll make sure I enter the right door and pursue the right path. I guess I've evolved as a human to the point where I intuitively know which door to enter now. Time will tell.

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Sat 10/25/08 07:18 AM
It's a beautiful, sunny day here with cooler temps. I love autumn days with lots of sun and a hint of a cool breeze in the air. Time for a hike.

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Sat 10/25/08 07:06 AM
No matter how strong your faith in the beyond we all suffer a healthy fear on the unknown.

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Sat 10/25/08 06:22 AM
No, not physically. However, I did make myself emotionally unavailable to a woman I was in a relationship with once cause she chose to be controlling and manipulative. Never had an affair of the physical variety however as I despise that course of action.

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Sat 10/25/08 06:14 AM
Cheating, either the physical or emotional variety. There are such things as emotional affairs. If your partner is vacant and not available for you physically or emotionally it's time to turn out the light and get somewhere with a quickness.

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Sat 10/25/08 06:11 AM
Yeah you seem to project that whole perky, wholesome, vibrant persona that Doris Day was reknown for. The hair is the clincher.

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Sat 10/25/08 06:08 AM
Communication, understanding and intimacy. Not exactly in that order. *smiles*.

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Sat 10/25/08 06:06 AM
I'm an outdoors type of guy so I love Fall when the temps break and there's a cool breeze in the air. Kind of hints at the promise of better things to come and besides holidays are right around the corner. It represents death to the long, arduous, tortorous Texas summers! Amen.

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Thu 10/23/08 01:51 AM
Count your blessings. Imagine if you'd been stuck with the wench ten years down the road and so much more damaged emotionally and mentally. This is your chance for a new start. You're lucky.

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Thu 10/23/08 01:36 AM
Been married to a lady from New Zealand and escaped that dead end fortunately. Engaged once since. Now I'm like Freebird from Lynyrd Skynyrd. Wouldn't mind being caged by the right bird though. Boots! a.k.a Vince

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Thu 10/23/08 01:30 AM
Not to sound rude, but you look too tired and ragged to look Gay. lol. A joke Ace. You look about as straight as half these ol' thangs on here playing the straight card to no avail. You could pass for straight, yes.

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Thu 10/23/08 01:25 AM
Explain the equinox as opposed to the solstice, in metaphysical terms of course and not the mere mundane, boring scientific. Elaborate oh wise one! LOL, not!