Community > Posts By > xcite4ever

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Thu 10/30/08 06:55 PM
I meet alot of people locally. This site offers the awesome tool of forums as an outlet to blow off steam, pass idle time and communicate with others you may never otherwise have come into contact with. Interesting persepctives from a very varied and diverse group.

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Thu 10/30/08 06:29 PM
Edited by xcite4ever on Thu 10/30/08 06:30 PM
Pink Floyd - Time(the melancholy rhythms and words that formulate this song set steadfastly into your root core and soul if you're attuned just right. Those of you who get it know exactly what I mean. It's an eternal song that never fades with "time".)

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Thu 10/30/08 06:21 PM
Butthole Surfers - Alcohol

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Thu 10/30/08 06:10 PM
Syd Barrett - Piper At The Gates Of Dawn(acid tripping music at it's best, pre brain loss for Syd!)

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Thu 10/30/08 06:07 PM
They want to be treated nice and with respect, except in bed of course!

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Thu 10/30/08 06:02 PM
Crack is whack! Buy a new puter!

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Thu 10/30/08 05:46 PM
A purple aardvark on shrooms.

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Thu 10/30/08 05:39 PM
Eats fungons and relishes in her sex change.

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Thu 10/30/08 05:35 PM
When you take a dump, try putting more water with it! lol

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Thu 10/30/08 05:27 PM
Edited by xcite4ever on Thu 10/30/08 05:31 PM
If a dude says he thinks you look gay then he's only jealous. If a chick says it then it means she thinks you're hot and wants down your pants. If you're called gay who gives a f***? Means you must have something going for yourself.

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Thu 10/30/08 05:13 PM
Your prospect joins a cult and wants to "convert" you.

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Thu 10/30/08 04:52 PM
What day is this? Maybe I'm crushing maybe I'm not.

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Thu 10/30/08 04:48 PM

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Thu 10/30/08 04:44 PM
Sure baby! I'll serve you a "hard time" anyday or night for that matter! Boing!!!

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Thu 10/30/08 04:36 PM
1. I was born in the deep south, Alabama and have a very deep voice and thick drawl everybody comments on.

2. I was a very, very bad boy in a far away time long ago and I served hard time.

3. I used to live at the top of the south island, New Zealand.

4. My ex-wife was a psychologist and converted to become a Jehovah's Witness. I'm for real! She was a true nut case.

5. I've seen some people's lives completely torn apart and I've been fortunate enough to help them rebuild them again.

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Thu 10/30/08 04:29 PM
WTF were you thinking?! lol. You should've stuck with your story and never veered off course!

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Wed 10/29/08 10:02 AM
Ahum! What year is this?! Equal rights, equal pay on dates! Stop the double standard.

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Wed 10/29/08 09:58 AM
Lilith, P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Love you babe, or some such, lol.

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Wed 10/29/08 09:54 AM
Lilith401, wonderbar! lol Possibly you need some syrup to go with those pancakes as well. P'nut butter is definitely congruent with all of the above as well. Jesus wept!

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Wed 10/29/08 09:47 AM
I used to live in Vero Beach and get down to Miami often. If I can't make it I'll still take a 3-in-1 Margarita, top shelf. If you are askance as to what that is you should spend more time in Tejas. We do it right here. Forget your troubles and drink one of these. Ease your mind! If this doesn't help you forget your problems nothing will. glasses