Community > Posts By > ShiningArmour
Why is it that some people ONLY seek GOD or PRAY when they are in SERIOUS trouble, and not any other time?
![]() Did it ever occur to anyone that maybe some people would prefer to not be a constant pest to God with trivial problems that they can solve on their own, and so they only turn to God for things that are truly beyond their own abilities to solve? That makes perfect sense to me. Why would anyone want to be constantly pestering God all the time for trivial things that they can solve on their own? Shouldn't a person take some responsibility to try to fix their own problems whenever possible? Why lean on God constantly? Where is there any personal responsibility in that? As amazing as this is Abra hits it right on the head! God is not a genie, he does not grant wishes, he does not give handouts, he solves problems that really need to be solved. If your deathly ill then yes, God gives the solution. "Lay hands on the sick and they shall recover" Now if you need say a new car and you pray to get one. God will sit and do nothing. He may show you a way to get the money, He may lead you to the solution, but there's no way in Hell a new car will appear in your driveway. Not happening. When you pray you should pray, "What can I do for YOU GOD?" NOT "What can you give me" God does not work at mcdonalds. He does not take prayers in the drive through. Just because you don't get the answer in the next five minutes does not mean you did not get the answer. It simply means you have to wait. Sometimes the answer is that you do not get what you want. That can happen to. |
Very interesting points of view. Let me offer another. As Christians, we learn that the best way to have someone be interested in Christianity is to be Christ-like. They have to see Christ in you, and see that you have something they do not. Then, they ask you something like, "What's your secret?" And then you, as a Christian, should ask if they are open to having a conversation about Christ. If they are, then you proceed with talking about Christ. If not, then you, as a Christian, are doing your role. That is, we can't force people to become Christian. Since I started this post, three people have e-mailed me, and we have had some pretty good conversations about Christ. Hope this helps, Shiki Yea except there is nothing Christians have that others do not so if a person sees that, the person actually has low self esteem and is in need of counseling not religion. No "CHRISTIANITY" has nothing to offer outside of what other "beliefs" offer. But Jesus does. Jesus offers eternal life in a paradise built for each and everyone of us. Here's the thing, Christianity and Jesus are pretty much looped together anymore. You can't have one without the other, they are not mutually exclusive in your religion. So in order for one to believe in Jesus, they have to believe Christianity too. There's no room for different thinking. It's either believe or die, and I think God is a bit better than that. isnt the english language grand? christianity: : the religion derived from Jesus Christ, based on the Bible as sacred scripture, and professed by Eastern, Roman Catholic, and Protestant bodies 2: conformity to the Christian religion 3: the practice of Christianity sacred : a : dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deity <a tree sacred to the gods> b : devoted exclusively to one service or use (as of a person or purpose) <a fund sacred to charity> 2a : worthy of religious veneration : holy b : entitled to reverence and respect One can believe in Jesus(believe he existed) from a strictly historical point of view without believing ANYTHING in the bible about what he preached or what happened or what God commanded. One can also believe in Jesus and the sacredness of the bible. to believe the BOOK saves people is to miss the point. Certainly before the BOOK was published, there were people and they werent all doomed for having not read (and therefore not being able to BELIEVE the book) the BOOK Is a resource for those who would use it, to better understand the history of Jesus and God and the things they fashioned to come to pass and our part in it so, christianity is a religion which is studied with a resource called 'The Bible', unless one has some other resource with which to enlighten themself about what Jesus taught christian is a label applied to those who adhere to what Jesus taught, something that is USUALLY expected to be explained in the bible but one can also be christian without ever having read a bible , if their hearts call to them to adhere to what Jesus taught I guess IM saying, all thats required for one to be christian is not a BOOK, its living by the message in the BOOK But it still comes down to just that a BOOK. You end up placing your faith more in a book than in God Himself. How can you ever be sure any book, is God's divine word? Does God strictly tell you that, or does man? I've said it before and I'll say it again, God is not now and never was limited to a book, and His truth cannot be found strictly in one spot. This is man's lie, as they seek to control, divide which they have succeeded quite well at. One could argue that same thing about "The origin of species" Your trusting that a very old theory is correct. Your taking one mans "Muddled" opinion and putting ALL your faith in it. Everybody believe in something. What that is is up to the individual. |
The V Rant
Just got done watching the season finale of V.
This is, what?, its third season? I hated season one, I thought season 2 got better but this latest season is good. A few things I would do differently. When the daughter wanted to shoot her mother she brought out the gun but never shot! She just stood there like some kind of retard! What the Hell!? Don't the writers have an imagination!? Why dint the mother turn and fight her off? Or maybe hide? No that was just a stupid scene in an otherwise decent show. Second, what about the part where anna killed her mom? I thought the anna and the old queen should have had an epic duel. It still could have ended with the death of anna's mother but maybe she could have been tossed onto a bed of spikes, or maybe run through at the end of the fight. But I did like the twists like the black guy getting killed, I did not see that coming! And the fifth column going down. I want to watch season 4 just to see why it got liquidated. And things seem to be heating up with this new queen! She is one bad mother! (No pun intended) |
The Bible?
Anyone read this book? I read it every day and it helps me out a lot. I DO! It's a great book. And I agree it does help one out a lot. |
I watched the entire vid and found it to be very informative. I hope his golf game improves! He obviously knows that practice makes perfect! |
If you accepted Jesus in your heart, And talk with him everyday, in part. Then don't you think its time to start. Spreading his love and opening your heart. Put aside your small indifferences. Many will always have their own preferences. Show your love to friend and foe. It's not always about, what you think you know. Show your Grace with a smile on your face. ![]() I really enjoyed it. You should add a few more lines. Make it longer. Let your Love for God and man, be your everyday living plan. Take away all the strife in your day, Just ask God to Please take it away. Spread your cheer, your charm, To everyone you meet, so they feel your blessed,,,,,calm.. ![]() Very nice. |
If you accepted Jesus in your heart, And talk with him everyday, in part. Then don't you think its time to start. Spreading his love and opening your heart. Put aside your small indifferences. Many will always have their own preferences. Show your love to friend and foe. It's not always about, what you think you know. Show your Grace with a smile on your face. ![]() I really enjoyed it. You should add a few more lines. Make it longer. |
A Sad Day in Wisconsin?
I think that this is really, really cool! Scott Walker's approval ratings are in the toilet and President Obama's approval ratings are nicely on the way up in Wisconsin. "Real liberal politics" Can you truly trust these guys? Here's a fun one! |
Hearing from God
Edited by
Sat 03/12/11 08:09 AM
Hearing from God
Have you ever asked God a question? Anyone will do. You don't have to share what it was.
Did you get the answer? If so how did you know it was in fact GOD? And not just YOU |
how come guys just want one thing. i keep saying no, you can't drive my mini cooper! It's a like an engagment ring. I can show it to you but you will still want to wear it. |
Sex and marriage
The love is in the bank account! Very true. I think that's why women get married! because then they have no more worries. The day can go from working to sitting at home and watching soap operas. As long as they put out and make dinner the free cash keeps coming. To answer the question of this thread. Love I think is only the attraction to get to the sex. No matter what all love is is an attraction. But when your married love is not all that important. Because your spouse is not going anywhere. Now you still want to get laid and if one does not put out you have to find that satisfaction somewhere! |
What turns you off?...
When they talk or text on the phone. First date I want all your attention. Of course if there is an emergency you must talk I went out with a woman once and that's all she did! She would not talk to me at all. Then she would bring other people on our dates. Sometimes crowds! What's the point of a date if you don't get to know the other person? |
Edited by
Sat 03/12/11 05:46 AM
I'm reading my Bible. I'm in the book of Isaiah now. ![]() Excellent choice! I've read a bit of it myself. I've always enjoyed proverbs. Since you can use the wizdom right out of the book |
Coolest Super Power
The ability to copy other people's super powers.
I Love Dragon Ball Z Akira Toriyama is truly a legend. ![]() I tried watching a few times. There is just WAY to much filler! I mean yea the fights are epic and the characters are awesome but move the story a bit faster. Ohh really, but the Manga was really good, I only have the book and I read from right to left. Manga is usually different from anime. If you watch HunterXHunter and then you read the manga the story is different. At least in the beginning. And It's great you read from right to left. That's the original format. Or so I've read |
I'm afraid I don't understand your logic.
I understand abra's. And I respect his vewpoint. He can believe what he wants! Abra speaks to you from your level of understanding. Why would I cease to exist? If I pour God out? In the this instance the water simply leaves the glass.
I don't find your analogy of the water and the glass to be applicable in this case. But consider that both the glass and the water are made up of atoms. Take the atoms out of both and they will both cease to exist. If I leave my body then I am either dead or having and out of body expierience. I never cease to exist.
This would depend on how you define yourself. What are you? What is God? How are you and God separate? How do I define myself and how am I and the creator seperate? God is one being and I am another. Just as you are not part of me and I am not one with you. Same with God. I am a spirit who lives in a body. That is how I define me. |
One cannot both be separate from God and also have God in him. You can't? Here's an experiment you can try. Take a glass. Fill it with water. Is the water separate from the glass? If so you should be able to pour the water out. If I don't want God in me I can ask him to leave. We see this all the time with demonic exorcism. The demon enters in and the preist or pastor or whoever tells it to leave. It does. Because those two are seperate. If God was in the possesed person there would be no room for the demon because demons hate God and cannot stand his presence. This alone proves otherwise Well, a person would need to believe that they can be possessed by evil demons who hate God first. ![]() Where do these evil demons who hate God get their POWER from? ![]() The only way for this idea to work is if there exists two "Gods" of equal power. A demonic God and a supposedly righteous God. Then we also need to believe in the existence of all these utterly stupid entities that supposedly hate righteousness. That very concept right there makes no sense to me. Besides, the Christians are out to have their God condemn righteous people like Jeanniebean who merely don't believe in their views. What kind of a supposedly "righteous" God would be going around condemning perfectly righteous people for no good reason? That would be a demonic God right there! ![]() Well you see abra (This is how I see it) You have the devil he wants things his way NOT God's way. So that's what he does. He hates what God does and God is riteous so he must hate it. It's been said the devil has no choice but to hate it. It's in his DNA. Now when he left heaven the angels that agreed with him followed him. They follow what he believes. And therefor do his bidding. They also hate what he hates. That's the way I see it. Now do I expect YOU to bow down to me and believe what I say? That's up to you. I just think people should understand as much as they can. I don't believe in santa but I like understand the story. |
One cannot both be separate from God and also have God in him. You can't? Here's an experiment you can try. Take a glass. Fill it with water. Is the water separate from the glass? If so you should be able to pour the water out. If I don't want God in me I can ask him to leave. We see this all the time with demonic exorcism. The demon enters in and the preist or pastor or whoever tells it to leave. It does. Because those two are seperate. If God was in the possesed person there would be no room for the demon because demons hate God and cannot stand his presence. This alone proves otherwise According to my personal concept of "GOD" if that leaves you, then you would cease to exist. So it is obvious that your concept of God is not the same as mine, therefore it would be pointless to have a discussion of this type. Why would I cease to exist? If I pour God out? In the this instance the water simply leaves the glass. If I leave my body then I am either dead or having and out of body expierience. I never cease to exist. I'm afraid I don't understand your logic. I understand abra's. And I respect his vewpoint. He can believe what he wants! |
Logically speaking, I cannot believe in a separate entity existing that sprang out of nothing and created the universe. Even my own existence is illogical. BUT the fact remains that I do exist. Therefore, I accept that. I do not need to have any faith in order to accept that I exist. I do not need any proof in order to accept that I exist. Therefore, logically, if I claim to believe in "GOD" then it follows that I must be GOD. If I believe that you (others) exist they MUST either also be God or else a figment of my imagination. Because of such independent interactions with other living beings I prefer to believe that they exist, hence logically they must also be God. Pantheism. YOU think you're God? Then I must be God to...That raises a question... If I don't believe in myself, is that blasphemy? Blasphemy is nothing more that disrespect. If you don't believe in yourself then yes, you are disrespecting yourself, and so that would be blaspheme. Um abra...Don't tell anyone this but, that was joke. I never wanted anyone to take it seriously. Well that's truly a shame. Why is that shame? Jokes make people feel good for a short time. |