Topic: Hearing from God
ShiningArmour's photo
Sat 03/12/11 06:04 AM
Have you ever asked God a question? Anyone will do. You don't have to share what it was.
Did you get the answer? If so how did you know it was in fact GOD? And not just YOU

Teddy4Jesus's photo
Sat 03/12/11 07:04 AM
I have asked God many questions and sometimes he answers and sometimes not. I just get a feeling I need to do this or that and I believe that is God.

no photo
Sat 03/12/11 08:04 AM
Edited by CeriseRose on Sat 03/12/11 08:05 AM

Have you ever asked God a question? Anyone will do. You don't have to share what it was.
Did you get the answer? If so how did you know it was in fact GOD? And not just YOU

The one thing that is vital
in your relationship with Almighty God is trust/faith.

I have prayed many times and He is always faithful to answer.

Nothing special about me He loves all believers.
:angel: :angel: :angel:
waving :angel: :thumbsup:
winking smile2 :angel:

He teaches us and rewards our patience as well.

And He is true to His own word.

The scripture says:

"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;
and lean not unto thine own understanding."
Proverbs 3:5

Our relationship with God
is not about our feelings...
as our feelings are of the flesh
and will mislead us.

ShiningArmour's photo
Sat 03/12/11 08:09 AM
Edited by ShiningArmour on Sat 03/12/11 08:09 AM

no photo
Sat 03/12/11 09:19 AM

Doubting the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
is the worst thing anyone could ever do.

He is the Only Saviour of the World.

"For God so loved the world
that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,
but have everlasting life".

Reading your bible from Genesis to Revelation
is important to your daily walk as a believer.

He has much to show you through History and Prophecy...etc

All the voices in the world are uncertain
of the issues they speak about.

A lot of speculations out there.

God is a sure thing. Try Him.

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/12/11 09:48 AM
Yes. Not always in the time I want and not always the answer I want, but absolutely yes. I have had complete strangers approach me to give me his assurance about situations I had never spoken to them about, thats how I know/have unbreakable faith that its him all the other times in my life when certain 'coincidences' have saved me.

no photo
Wed 03/16/11 08:15 AM

Jesus said:

"If ye abide in me,

and my words abide in you,

ye shall ask what ye will,

and it shall be done unto you."

John 15:7

JesseM18's photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:54 PM
God hears the cry of our hearts, but He answers in His perfect timing and will. He knows what's best for us and we just have to be patient. I remember praying for things when I was younger, and I see now how not having those requests answered were a blessing

no photo
Sat 03/26/11 08:08 PM

God hears the cry of our hearts, but He answers in His perfect timing and will. He knows what's best for us and we just have to be patient. I remember praying for things when I was younger, and I see now how not having those requests answered were a blessing

Amen to that!

Welcome to Mingle2 Chistian Singles Chat/Forum, JesseM18!

+ + +

Jesus Christ is Lord!

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 03/26/11 08:39 PM

God hears the cry of our hearts, but He answers in His perfect timing and will. He knows what's best for us and we just have to be patient. I remember praying for things when I was younger, and I see now how not having those requests answered were a blessing

Amen to that!

Welcome to Mingle2 Chistian Singles Chat/Forum, JesseM18!

+ + +

Jesus Christ is Lord!


msharmony's photo
Sat 03/26/11 08:59 PM

God hears the cry of our hearts, but He answers in His perfect timing and will. He knows what's best for us and we just have to be patient. I remember praying for things when I was younger, and I see now how not having those requests answered were a blessing


ajagirl's photo
Mon 03/28/11 01:48 AM
Yes, I ask God a lot of questions. One of the question I used to ask Him is,..what is the purpose of my existence.
Right now He is trying to reveal all the answers before me, and I know and I am confident that it was Him.:smile:

laurita86's photo
Sun 04/03/11 08:12 PM
God always hears our prayers and questions. We may not see how he answers our prayers right now but God is always working even when we can't see it. Don't doubt that. Many times God simply is teaching us patience. God will reveal his will to us in His timing. He knows what is best for us. He will answer us in a special way just for us and give us peace. Just keep listening for God and put His will above your own.

ShiningArmour's photo
Mon 04/04/11 06:17 AM

God always hears our prayers and questions. We may not see how he answers our prayers right now but God is always working even when we can't see it. Don't doubt that. Many times God simply is teaching us patience. God will reveal his will to us in His timing. He knows what is best for us. He will answer us in a special way just for us and give us peace. Just keep listening for God and put His will above your own.

Good advice. Thanks for the info!

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 04/04/11 06:28 AM

Have you ever asked God a question? Anyone will do. You don't have to share what it was.
Did you get the answer? If so how did you know it was in fact GOD? And not just YOU

You are right to be concerned about this. The way I handle it is to test the answers against the Truth of our Faith. If it goes against those, it is just me.

For instance, my mother always tells me that she abandoned my sisters and I as children because God told her that "someone else would raise her children." She truly and wholly believes this. I have no doubt that she believes God told her that.

So, if God is telling you something that would go contrary to His teachings of all time, it's probably you and not Him.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 04/04/11 08:18 AM
God has spoken to me. Also, I have seen angels. I actually was pronounced dead for a few minutes before I was brought back..

As to how I know it was God, this is difficult to explain, but I just know. If anyone has had an experience such as this, you just know. You don't know how you know, you just know it is Him.

For me, he said Hebrews 13:5. At the time, I didn't know that it was God. Heck, I didn't even know that was a verse in the Bible.

But, I do know that God spoke to me. He spoke to me as clear as you would.

You can discount or disbelieve what I say. But, it is the truth.

laurita86's photo
Mon 04/04/11 03:53 PM

God hears the cry of our hearts, but He answers in His perfect timing and will. He knows what's best for us and we just have to be patient. I remember praying for things when I was younger, and I see now how not having those requests answered were a blessing

This is beautiful. I just want to add to this.

I am also very grateful that He does not give us everything we ask for. Many times God has something better for us than we can even imagine.

Here is my real life application:

I babysit and many times I take the kids to different places to play-parks, Chuck E Cheese, etc. They are surprises and the kids always try to guess where we are going. What I have come to realize is that they only guess the places I have taken them. This may sound obvious but bear with me. They are 3 and 5 and know the places they love based on their personal experiences. What the kids don't realize is that I know them so well (from spending so much time with them), that I know they will love a new place even before I have taken them there. I take them to places they cannot even imagine-places more fun than their guesses because they are new and exciting. They are always grateful afterward.

Isn't that how we are? What we ask for is what we know through our personal experiences or what we have observed from others. We can't think outside the box even to think that God has something better for us that we don't know about YET. In God's timing He will reveal them to us. We need to be patient and be grateful when God's surprises come along. He has better things planned for us than we can even imagine. He will be leading us every step of the way. Afterward, we too be will grateful.

OVIS1302's photo
Tue 04/05/11 02:18 AM
sometimes i do ask God why iam passing thru some challenges....but i do find succour in HiS this month of financial fortune is my heritage i wish u all a blessed day

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 04/05/11 08:50 AM
My higher power whom I choose to call God lets me know things through my daily experiences. It is usually along the lines of the golden rule that he lets me know he is with me. He guides me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Some times I don't always pass the tests so he gives me makeup tests till he is sure that I understand where he is coming from. All these things will be added unto you he lets me know if I seek him first. Jesus is always with me while I am going through the tests and I need to remember that for he said he would be with me even until the end of the earth. Even with our programming with him he lets me know that in the promises we will instinctively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us. He is not the author of confusion and his words are clear even if they are in a still small voice. Since I left the alcohol and drugs of the past there is only the one small voice. Like David of old I can pray and get back in touch with him. For it is not him that leaves me but me who leaves him. He is always where I left him for he is the same today, yesterday and forever.