Community > Posts By > ShiningArmour

ShiningArmour's photo
Sun 03/31/13 12:10 PM

laugh laugh laugh

ShiningArmour's photo
Sun 03/31/13 12:08 PM
How many atheists does it take to change a light bulb? Two. One to actually change the bulb, and the other to videotape the job so fundamentalists won't claim that God did it.

ShiningArmour's photo
Thu 03/28/13 06:43 AM
I thought the joke was very funny. Thank you for posting it. :)

ShiningArmour's photo
Wed 03/06/13 10:49 AM
Edited by ShiningArmour on Wed 03/06/13 10:50 AM
Sounds pretty neat! Now if only I could dream I had a million dollars...

ShiningArmour's photo
Wed 03/06/13 10:46 AM
To quote Shwartenhagar (The Famous actor)

"Who is your dady and what does he do?"

ShiningArmour's photo
Wed 03/06/13 10:37 AM

I have to disagree. Faith is only required where there is a LACK of evidence.

I cannot agree that any of this is evidence at all, let alone evidence that proves Christianity is any more real than any other religion...or real at ALL for that matter.

Sorry, you have not sold me.

Where is the "Evidence" that the "Big Bang" occurred? Or that all life evolved from rocks?

This is not science because you can't go back in time and show me, you can't test it, you can't experiment on it. As such it is faith based.

ShiningArmour's photo
Wed 03/06/13 10:25 AM
Edited by ShiningArmour on Wed 03/06/13 10:34 AM
I really don't care. I'm not trying to "Sell" anything. I'm talking about faith. Not evidence.

ShiningArmour's photo
Wed 03/06/13 10:17 AM

I'm grateful to all the Christians who practice and preach tolerance for other religions.

I'm also glad there are Christians that accept the truth about the physical world around them, when the evidence is clear.

the "Evidence" takes a great deal of faith to believe

so do the Religious Myths,possibly more so!

Actually the "Religious Myths" take a great deal less to believe than the "Scientific Myths" do!

With science you have to go by all kinds of theories and information, (Most of which is taken on faith)

With my belief all I need is ONE book! I can say "God did it" and have almost no holes.

You have to point to all sorts of "Facts" and study's. Most of which take faith to believe in. There's more study's and theories in atheism than Christianity.

Almost all of which take faith. Christianity does not have that much info

less info=less faith. :)

ShiningArmour's photo
Wed 03/06/13 09:41 AM

I'm grateful to all the Christians who practice and preach tolerance for other religions.

I'm also glad there are Christians that accept the truth about the physical world around them, when the evidence is clear.

the "Evidence" takes a great deal of faith to believe

ShiningArmour's photo
Wed 03/06/13 08:26 AM
Edited by ShiningArmour on Wed 03/06/13 08:27 AM

Summary of the “10 Things Everyone Needs to Know about Islam”: by Dr. Emir Caner

1. Allah and Jehovah are NOT the same God
2. Jihad, or holy war, is prescribed in the Koran and Hadith
3. There are specific protocols in Islam (e.g. women are not to go to Jihad)
4. Islam does not believe in religious freedom
5. Islam has a lower view of woman than Christianity
6. Islam has a low view of Jesus
7. Islam has a low view of the Bible
8. Islam is the most work-based religion in the world
9. Islam is divided among denominations
10. Many Muslims are coming to faith in Christ

Every christian should know this!

ShiningArmour's photo
Tue 03/05/13 08:26 AM
Edited by ShiningArmour on Tue 03/05/13 08:28 AM

ShiningArmour's photo
Mon 03/04/13 12:21 PM

He treat us fairly. God give us ten commandments yet we still disobey. Did we die. NO, NOT YET. There is time for judgement. We still have time to repent. By their disobedience it justs closes the gate of heaven. It reopened when GOD send His son on earth. The death of him gives us the chance to enter heaven again. How many times did you disobey?

Yep that fluffy cloud with a castle floating on it just beneath the "firmament"is now back open for business because a renegade rabbi named jesus died for your sins......riiiiight?

Problem is i don't accept that a renegade rabbi died for my sins cause i don't accept i can sin because i don't accept the abrahamic trilogy faith.I accept it's all bullsh i t.I don't choose to believe i either accept it or i don't.

Its your choice to believe or not. I/We are not forcing you.

That's always what people say. But although you don't force anyone to believe, Christianity as a whole implies to people that if you don't accept our doctrine and our savior, you will die and go to hell.

Then they say...

"But hey, you have the freedom to choose."

rofl rofl

Okeee dokeeee....

Let's go over these choices again.....

Actually that's right!

Nobody takes you to jail if you don't believe like we do, Nothing bad happens if you don't believe like we do!

The part of dying and going to "Hell" is simply a warning. Nobody says you must follow Christ. You still have free will to choose.

ShiningArmour's photo
Fri 03/01/13 09:50 AM
Peter parker is dead. Doctor octopus has taken over his body.

And I think the new spider man is WAY better!

He's smarter, has spider robots that keep watch over the city, and he's not easy on the bad guys! (See superior spider man number 2 & 3)

What are your thoughts?

ShiningArmour's photo
Fri 03/01/13 09:48 AM
I think I would either go with Punisher or Captain America!

ShiningArmour's photo
Thu 02/28/13 04:54 AM

To newbiechick:
God is everywhere, He is with us, with the people around us. It does't mean that because He is with us it turns us to be god. To those you hear maybe you just misunderstood or they are wrong in their teaching or they are the antichrist. Faith doesnt mean you see what you believe. Sometimes what you see is desceptive.

My dear,from what i have seen,heard and witnessed,every preacher interpretes the scriptures in their own way-and of recently,to suit their own motives/agenda/selfish ends!
I didnt mean they say''with us''-they say-''in us''!!
One day,if you visit Uganda,try visiting the different churches,you'll see what am talking about!! They only care about earthly prosperity-wealth,riches.....of the world!! Yet,if we look at the Bible,it talks of heavenly riches,wealth of Spirit.....not Porches,Lamboghinis!!

Like anything else, you have to interpret this for yourself.

You can never go by what someone else says. That's why they say that you should bring your bible to church. So you can look up the scriptures in question and see that they are really there.

I know Christians that disagree with pastors now and again. But most of the time they are right.

ShiningArmour's photo
Fri 02/22/13 10:52 AM
Edited by ShiningArmour on Fri 02/22/13 11:00 AM

ShiningArmour's photo
Fri 02/22/13 10:35 AM
Edited by ShiningArmour on Fri 02/22/13 10:38 AM

ShiningArmour's photo
Fri 02/22/13 07:27 AM
I agree women should not carry guns.

If you don't want to get raped then take my advice,

Don't shower for about three days. You will smell so bad nobody will go near you.

Unless your rapist has a cold you should be safe

ShiningArmour's photo
Sat 02/16/13 02:19 PM
I could always use some friends.

ShiningArmour's photo
Thu 02/14/13 06:18 AM
Take my advice and don't wait. I'm 32 years old and I've had several women and never found "the one"

The way to go is "Settle" find someone you get along with, who you like being around,if you want see if they are good in bed. And marry them. That's my advice.

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