Community > Posts By > ShiningArmour
The Two Intelligent Atheists
Let's try it: Person #1: Did you hear about the two intelligent Christians who refused to believe that God doesn't exist?
Person #2: No, I never heard of two intelligent Christians. It still brings a smile to my face. I don't take life that seriously. |
The Two Intelligent Atheists
You have to keep in mind that many out there aren't christian. ![]() Something tells me these same people who think this is funny wouldn't find something similar funny about christians. That's true many out there are not christian. But manny are not atheist either. I think buddaist has the majority but that's a simple guess on my part. And that's true to they would not find something similar funny about Christians. These jokes are funny from a certain perspective as I said earlier. Now if this joke were against Christians the shoe would be on the other foot. The non believers would laugh at the joke and the Christians would talk about it. Either way someone cries. ![]() |
The Two Intelligent Atheists
Aren't jokes supposed to be funny? When looked at from the christian perspective this one is. |
The Two Intelligent Atheists
Cut the man a break Jellybean! It's a joke! I think that was her point. It wasn't a very good one. I think you should be willing to recognize that there are jokes and there are jokes. Some are just intended to make people laugh at themselves. Others are intended to insult and demean entire groups of people. Afro-Americans and homosexuals have had to endure these offenses for far too long. Bigotry is offensive, no matter who the intended target is.
And now, here's yet another one! I thought that one was funny. |
A lesson for atheist's
"A Christian, a Jew, and an atheist are standing in line to be executed during the French Revolution.
The christian is first, and he lays down on the guillotine. Before the executioner pulls the lever he shouts, "My god will save me!". The lever is pulled, and the blade swooshes down, stopping just short of his neck. The executioner, believing a miracle of god has occurred, figures he can't kill this man, as so sets him free. The Jew lays down on the guillotine. Like the christian, he shouts, "My god will save me!". The lever is pulled, the blade falls, and once again it stops just short of his neck. The executioner, again, believes god is on this man's side, and lets him go. Finally, the atheist lays down on the guillotine. He examines the guillotine, finds a rock in the gears, and says to the executioner, "Well here's your problem..." The moral? There's a time and a place for skepticism." |
What I don't know could fill a warehouse
Satan v Jesus
Satan and Jesus sat down at the keyboards and typed away. They faxed. They e-mailed. They e-mailed with attachments. They downloaded. They did spreadsheets. They wrote reports. They created labels and cards. They created charts and graphs. They did some genealogy reports. They did every job known to man. Jesus worked with heavenly efficiency and Satan was faster than hell. Then, ten minutes before their time was up, lightning suddenly flashed, and the power went off. Satan stared at his blank screen and screamed every curse word known in the underworld. Jesus just sighed. Finally the electricity came back on, and each of them restarted their computers. Satan started searching frantically, screaming: “It’s gone! It’s all GONE!! I lost everything when the power went out!” Meanwhile, Jesus quietly started printing out all of his files from the past two hours of work. Satan observed this and became irate. “Wait!” he screamed, “that’s not fair! He cheated! How come he has all his work and I don’t have any?” God just shrugged and said, “Jesus saves" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The Two Intelligent Atheists
freakyshiki2009 You aren't too good at telling jokes. Don't quit your day job. Cut the man a break Jellybean! It's a joke! |
Bully gets a beat down
Your vid got pulled!
What is God?
Yes, but it was the one that put him over the top, so to speak. It was because of his brother's murder that caused God to punish him. Huh, who knew I could learn something from the anti christian chat? Oh! sorry the "General religion chat" |
What is God?
And killing his own brother had nothing to do with his punishment? No it did. But that's not the point I was trying to make here. All I'm saying is just because you worship God in your own way does not make it right. Of course murder is wrong. But it was not his only crime. |
What is God?
Jeanniebean writes: "On the one hand, they say that it is not your physical life or death that matters, it is your soul. Then on the other hand they make a big deal about Jesus who 'sacrificed' his life." Yes, so now, we all have the opportunity to enter heaven. No longer are we held back by the sins of our fathers. We now control whether we will spend eternity with God. That is why this is such a big deal. A more relevant question is why you do not feel worthy of Christ's love. ![]() ![]() ![]() You assume way too much. Christ is free to love me all he wants. and I am free to love God any way and in my own way. I'm reminded of caine and abel. Abel brought what God wanted, Sacrifice. Caine brought vegetables. He worshiped God in his own way yes. But he did not do it God's way! He did it wrong and was punished. It's the same way today. |
Faith versus Fear
Abracadabra writes: "People just seem to dislike Christians for some reason. Puting a christian thread on the "General religion chat" Is like releasing a chipmunk in a room full of hungry bob cats." Last time I checked, Christianity is a religion. Of course people do not like us, because we speak the truth, and when you get right down to it, people want to do what they want to do. And so, when a Christian states not to do something, we are disliked. As far as the chipmunk - bobcat analogy goes, if anything, it is the other way around. Only difference is that as lions, we are called not to injure the sheep. I stand corrected. |
John 17:4
Abracadabra writes: "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" But that quote didn't come from Jesus and it actually flies in the face of Jesus' own words that he did not come for the righteous but for the sinners." Romans 3:23 states, "There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Are you saying that St. Paul is contradicting Christ? If he is then he's going against the very God he follows. In which case he would eventually turn from God. As Jesus himself said "A house divided against itself cannot stand" |
What is God?
Cowboy wrote:
It is all purely about love. Is it love for one to give their life for another? Of course it is, people from the military are honored all the time and many individual people are honored in memory for giving their life up to save another all the time as well. Is it love to give the last piece of bread to another even though you are starving? Is it love to give the last drink of water to another even though you are dehydrated? That is definitely a sign of love. Same goes with sacrificing animals to God. Food, especially meat wasn't as abundant then as it is now. It was a sacrifice to give their best bull to God. Jesus felt the pain of death for you, he didn't "have" to. He could have lived his life how ever he wished to live it. But he sacrificed his life for you giving us the new covenant between man and God. That is love right there, willing to give up everything and feel incredible pain so that another would not have to. I'm sorry Cowboy but I don't accept anything you have to say here. You're attempting to belittle God and reduce God to the helplessness of a mere mortal person. You say, It is all purely about love. Is it love for one to give their life for another? Of course it is, people from the military are honored all the time and many individual people are honored in memory for giving their life up to save another all the time as well. Humans go to war because they feel they have no other way to solve the problem. Let's hope they aren't going to war because it's their preferred method of solving a problem! With God all things are possible. So you can't have a God "sacrificing his son" to save mankind. That would imply that God was either too inept to figure out a better way to solve the problem, thus being less than "all-wise", or that he had no choice, which would imply that's he's not all-powerful and not all things are possible for him. So your lame analogy of comparing God with the desperate acts of humans who can't do any better only suggests that you believe that God is just as helpless and inept as mortal men. You can't have an all-powerful, all-wise God doing "desperate things" because he has no choice to do better. That would be an inept God who can't do any better than mere mortal men. So your analogy breaks down in a deeply serious way. I don't buy it. You're asking me to believe that God is just as helpless and powerless as mere mortal men. With God all things are possible. So you can't have a God "sacrificing his son" to save mankind. That would imply that God was either too inept to figure out a better way to solve the problem, thus being less than "all-wise", or that he had no choice, which would imply that's he's not all-powerful and not all things are possible for him. God didn't sacrifice Jesus. Jesus sacrificed himself. And God is all powerful and all knowing. That is the reason it's such a beautiful loving thing Jesus did. Jesus knew the outcome of his coming and giving us the new covenant, but was willing to do it regardless of the outcome of the crucifixion. Jesus was willing to go through the pain and agony of the crucifixion for you because he loves you. Anyone who incarnates on the earth knows the outcome. We live here and we will die here. Christians say that Jesus died, yet they say that he still lives. They say that he rose from the dead. Therefor he did not sacrifice anything. He merely did what every human on earth eventually does. Die in the flesh. Jesus's life is eternal and guaranteed by God. He has nothing to fear. Humans on the other hand, fear hell and damnation. They don't know if their personality will survive physical death. So there was no real sacrifice except that Jesus had to spend 33 years or so in human form. ![]() And I'm not patient enough to take the hours and hours to make you understand it. |
I think the Bible is kept out of public school because people want nothing at all to do with "Jesus"
We don't talk about him, we dislike nativity scenes, we want him taken out of our pledge of alegance, and off our money. Keeping him out of school is just another attempt to remove God from America |
Faith versus Fear
Wow. All of this came from Faith v. Fear? lol, its a touchy subject you might as well have posted patriotism vs craziness its just the implication that they are seperate things and the belief others hold that they are a part of each other,,,,,, ![]() Puting a christian thread on the "General religion chat" Is like releasing a chipmunk in a room full of hungry bob cats. |
I think everyone has a belief. We see it every day.
Politics! The republicans believe one thing and the democrats believe another. Both sides think they are right. And the other is wrong. It's the same way with Christians and atheists (Or other religions) The Christians say that they are right and the only way to heaven is to follow the rules put forth by the owner of heaven (God) The other guys think something else entirely. Just like in politics when one side says the other is wrong, it creates one of two things, Whining about how the accusing side is a meanie and a bully (Which is really just a cop out) OR Arguing about how they are right and the accuser is wrong. In the end as far as message boards go, it's best to stay on topic and keep opinions to yourself! (No offense) If the thread is about satanic worship and you are say a christian then you have no place in that thread. And your argument will start only problems. Just like the satanic worshiper should stay out of the christian thread. And Both of them should stay out of the Buddhist thread. When you get down to it. All arguing does is re inforce the idea that You are right and the other guy is wrong. Example: Guy one: God is fake! Guy 2: No he is not! Now guy 2 has just told himself and the other guy God is real. He has reinforced in his own mind that God is real and that he is right. By this logic this argument will never end. Unless we introduce undeniable proof that yes God is real or NO he is not. We have to proof for either. So this argument will never stop. Which is why its better to keep out of threads that you will argue against ![]() |
The Bible?
It's amazing how a simple thread asking a simple question can explode into a full blown argument.
Ignorance + Bible = Argument! |
What is God?
I would answer the question "Who is God" but I want to avoid the attacks. Okay WHO IS GOD? NO ATTACKS ALLOWED. ![]() ![]() You just don't know who God is. No I do. I simply choose not to cast my pearls before swine |