Community > Posts By > veronyca

veronyca's photo
Sat 06/25/11 06:07 PM
Okay this topic may make parents heads roll, however I can not resist. Are there people who regret becoming parents? I was on a blog on the subject and parents admit although taboo, that in fact they regret having kids. I all around me I see people (women) having children for the wrong reasons. I have a pregnant niece and her situation is too dire to bring another life. Since she is no longer with the father, I wonder if she herself will live to regret getting pregnant early in a relationship? What are others thoughts...

veronyca's photo
Thu 09/23/10 09:09 AM
I really like the advice, makes things earsier. In my mind everything fits I want to do it but kind of think it might be too good to be true. Our feelings seem to be the same, he is moody but I always kill him with kindness and comfort him while hes down. Something I have never done for any partner. In this relationship I feel like a new woman, like I have to make him happy just because he does it for me without doing much of anything. Yeah we both got it bad & so now I'm sure, its only scary because I have never left the nest. My mother wants me to wait for marriage. But we must live together first, thanks everyone for all your kind words.

veronyca's photo
Thu 09/23/10 04:57 AM
Absolutely! Its taken a long time for me to become the woman I am today for my guy. I am still a work in progress, I think woman & men need to focus on making their lover happy anyway possible because we all know that it won't be easy to find someone else. Sex is easy to come by but love, not everyone finds it & for me I think its once in a lifetime.

veronyca's photo
Thu 09/23/10 04:51 AM
No rules in love all is fair, because its risky. Besides we all break our rules for exceptions. I think deal breakers are a for sure, because in love you have to compromise somewhere or you will end up ALONE!

veronyca's photo
Thu 09/23/10 04:46 AM
I've been seeing someone for a couple months, we get along great & have loads in common. Needless to say we are falling fast for one another, things have never felt so good with a guy for me. I feel like even though we have so much to learn about one another to really be sure, but is anyone ever sure? The point is he wants to move in together & I do too but I have my concerns about how things can turn out. I believe that we are gonna have to work together reguardless, but am I ready for him to fart in front of me, take dumps? maybe, I do like the fact that he can cook, keep a clean home and is a GOD in bed. I want to wait & he doesn't. What would it take for "you" to make that kind of step in such a new relationship?

veronyca's photo
Thu 09/23/10 04:35 AM
Date other people, no woman is gonna really want u unless she has to compete. Women want men that other women want & u can kill 2 birds with one stone if you see whats out there while making her see what she could be missing out on. This could be her just wanting to see her options. Besides relationships take time to build & if she don't have the time for you its better to remain friends until the timing is better.

veronyca's photo
Thu 09/23/10 04:29 AM
We cheat because we are looking for something we will never find. Think about it, everyone has this Ideal person right? We find a person with some of those qualities then settle, later to stray because we can't handle the reality of them. I think that if couples talked more about the reality and not the fantasy, prevention will be better under control.

veronyca's photo
Wed 08/25/10 03:55 AM
If you can't beat em join em, the fact of the matter is there are too many women in this world to compete with and if let yourself fall for the Bull then you will end up pissed off. Online dating is a risk like all dating & even though you thought it would happen sooner and alot easier, sometimes we (women) are looking for something we will never find. If we do find him we always find it was too good to be true.

veronyca's photo
Wed 08/25/10 03:43 AM
I say keep your distance, you only fell in love cause your trying to part of his life. That can be a huge mistake but as an adult, have fun now and suffer the consequences later. At least you know he's probably not the "one" and it will end, the timing is just up to you at this point.

veronyca's photo
Wed 08/25/10 03:38 AM
Depends most women want men that remind us of our dads, cause they teach us how we are to be treated by men. I prefer not to date men with children because I don't have any and sometimes men don't really tell the truth about their past with his childrens mother. If she is worth having you being nice will be a bonus not a turn off.

veronyca's photo
Wed 08/25/10 03:32 AM
We all do it, me personally I have dated enough guys to know that you are not going to get all that good stuff in the package you imagined. All the good looking ones are boring, **** in bed or totally stupid. Sex appeal is what I seek, and thats the case for most women. Yet your confidence is your problem not your looks!

veronyca's photo
Wed 08/25/10 03:22 AM
For me it's wrong to make a person believe you'll never lie or cheat. we've all heard that one. but I no longer put that pressure on men to be committed and faithful, why you ask? cause we want what we can't have. If you allow a person their freedom and play your role at best, less time will be wasted and less hearts will be broken. However humans invented cheating, we think it's possible to not lust for others and thats totally contrary. I hope to one day find a man who wants to be "open" with me & who does not want children, cause they suffer the most from break ups.

veronyca's photo
Wed 08/25/10 03:02 AM
My perfect date would be many orgams while stoned, lets face it thats what its leading to anyway. Then after we can go grab a bite to eat and flirt over our meal!

veronyca's photo
Wed 08/25/10 02:56 AM
So my story began about 3 and a half weeks ago... I met this man at the gym, I was so close to rejecting him but his sex appeal was too hard to resist. We started talking & the rest is history, recently learning he is in a relationship. Futhermore I realized that we are all at risk when we meet someone new for the first time, people just are not telling the truth. I wanted to get some feed back, what would you do if you were turned on by a person who could never really be yours? Affairs are all too common but do people really think its wrong, or is it only wrong when your being cheated on?

veronyca's photo
Sat 11/29/08 10:45 AM
Now that I have some further insight to the situation I can say that she might be feeling like she is always rushing into relationships and things never workout. He said she wanted to take things slow before they had sex and he said they were hanging out and had moment and he went for the kiss. Then they were in bed together. According to him they have been friends for a while and kind of want to take things further.

veronyca's photo
Fri 11/28/08 08:16 PM
One of my co-workers and I were talking and says he is seeing a woman that he says "wants to take things slowly". I told him that maybe she meant that she wants to get to know him better before making things official. However, they have already had sex together and he is thinking that it means they should not talk or see eachother as much. At this point I have no idea what to tell him to do. I was just wondering does this mean the same thing to everyone or could it just vary by the situation?

veronyca's photo
Tue 10/21/08 02:21 AM
He had no idea that was 16 when we met, yes I lied to him and my cousin told him before I could cause she wanted him for herself. I guess she figured since she was 18 she would be better for him than I. I should have been honest with him when we met and maybe none of this would have happend but I can't take it back and now I am a woman. I have not spoken with my cousin in years cause she moved away after she couldn't get together with him. I know what I have to do now and appreciate all your thoughts. There are some major details to this story that would make the situation easy to understand but all that is water under the bridge and what I must do is make sure to right my wrongs now that he's back in my life. We stayed friends until he moved away and I moved on, so like I said nothing can get in my way this time, and we have talked about all this and for both of us it doesn't matter. He's a good guy and I didn't know what I had, it was game to me at 16, but looking back I wish I could go back and change things cause any woman would be lucky to have him.

veronyca's photo
Tue 10/21/08 02:02 AM
Funny, something very simular happened to me about 2 months ago, except me and my ex spent 8 years apart and we are both single. he moved away and I looked him up on myspace to see if he was alive and well, he is back in cali now. I asked him out and we have a date tomorrow night. I looked him up out the blue cause I always wondered were he was, I did assume he was married with kids but when we spoke he asked me all those questions before I could ask him. I am not sure if I can call it fate but I am going to get my man back and if you love this woman you have to do the same.

veronyca's photo
Tue 10/21/08 01:49 AM
I am very happy now because I got a second chance with someone I always wanted to be with. However this time last year I was a mess, I was looking for love in all the wrong places. I couldn't figure out why there were no sparks when I went on dates and trust me there are too many to count. Then in the new year I realized why focus on something that I might not be able to control. Once I stopped looking everything started to fall into place. Although it took longer than I wanted to wait, all those lonely days and bad dates were all worth it in the end!

veronyca's photo
Mon 10/20/08 05:19 PM
some say distance makes the heart grow fonder, I say distance makes you go find somebody else! and if he has not done that already he will. I say if you know what's good for you will turn the page on this relationship. After 5 months I think I would be a bit bored and lonely, so it sounds like there is nothing you can do with the distance between the two of you except move on, especially if you never met in person cause it sounds to me like you haven't.

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