Community > Posts By > ablessedlady
![]() ![]() ![]() Seeing Elaine at her office party again just now ![]() |
I learned a few things tonight from this thread. Never heard a possum called opossum though it is correct name I quess. Also didn't know that one would charge at a person,unless it was rabid. I have seen a few in my life like by the garbage,but they moved on,thought they were afraid of confrontation with people unless cornered like any animal. Sorry to ever hear of a killing of any animal as I am an animalatarian,but you put it out of it's misery as others said. Did what you thought was right at the time. It's done,over can't be changed,let it go. You must be out in rural area with all the critters you mentioned.
1. Calling her very often 2.Crying. 3.A lot of PDA 4. Baby talk 5.Very accommodating 6.Being very close with your family and frineds 7.Grooming excessively 8.Professing love early on and often 9.Over dancing? haha! 10.Talking all the time. Do you ladies like men to do any of the above? Do any men acutally do any of these things? I personally find most items on that list to be rather annoying. Like 5. but I would do the same for him. 10. Depends, I mean we all need some quiet time even together,but I am a talker and do like having conversations on many subjects, as long as we both talk and listen. |
I agree with others,be you,be real. Say what you feel and don't say what you don't mean. It is too much like game playing, figuring the right strategy. Communication from the start is key. Best to you.
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let me tell you what's NOT a statement that i'm not into her. if i'm in a really bad mood and i say i'd like to be alone for a while to unwind. just because your in a relationship does not mean you have to be all over each others' business constantly. I agree. I believe couples,okay in my case if/when I am 1/2 of a couple,we need to have some time apart. Whether it's to spend some time with an activity the partner is not into or maybe just a time 1 wants to be alone to think,talk to God,just ponder life. I didn't feel this way when I was young,but by about 37 I was no longer clingy or insecure about what he was doing without me. I feel it is good for the relationship to be apart now and then, but most of the time doing things together ![]() |
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Let me say first I am not nor will I ever be normal(I hope)!Normal is boring. However I am real.I am who I portray myself to be wherever I may be including on dating sites. I know that is not true of all we meet in cyberspace,but there are a few good people out here I have met them. They are not normal either,
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Good morning everyone
Thank you.Hope all have a positive day
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i have the power!!!
I managed to save the original Brbie and Skipper until a fire some yrs. ago. I also had my 60's original gi joes,the big ones then. Now I have my late son's hot wheels from the 70s-80,his hulk pjs from the tv show in the eighties,hungry hungry hippo game which is really sort of stupid for a game,and several star wars action figures. I just can't part with them or his report cards,certificates etc.
1st agrant333,
![]() ![]() Sorry about the sick doggie,it is heartbreaking when they are part of your family. ![]() I have many stories that people have laughed about since I am always around some type of animal and always have been.Right now I have the boys,3 male cats. When the youngest was about 6 months,showed up at my door and never left. He was quite wild,broke 2 lamps in living room,jumped on the dresser and if there was any jewlry there at night,when I got up in the morning it was gone. Anyway that is just to say how mischevous he was. I left the dryer door open when getting ready to put clothes in. Left to get the phone. Came back through clothes in,turned on and heard thump,thump, opened the door and here Scrappie had gotten in there when I went to the phone. He took off out of the utility room in a blur.He was fine,but I felt so bad,I gave the boys a can of real tuna. It is funny only because he wasn't hurt. |
What's worse?
School was less responsibility of course. However we moved several times and each time I got into a click and liked a few teachers,made at least 1 great friend,we would move so it was not easy for me but Life Happens.Because of family life I left school at 16,finished 10th grade. I didn't go back to graduate till I was 22.O nly reason was I wanted to go to college and had to be a high scholl grad,so bieng a mom I took night classes. When I went to college I loved learning,enjoyed most of my classes, even though I had responsibilities elsewhere. I still love to learn, funny but I could have cared less back as a kid about anything other than,vocal lessons,singing,horses and sneaking in the garage to choke on a cig..
Are you hungry for love?
Not hungry in the way I havn't eaten yet today I am hungry. More hungry for love as in,I would like a banana split,but not going to run out and buy one.As in not desparate,but it would be nice to have again.
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![]() Hope all have a positive eve.,and a good day tommorow. |
I agree with most of your rules. They make sense and some may learn from them. However I am not a flirty person. I mean if I know someone I will be silly with them or send a friend a hug. I do like to have fun,so I am the real me.Maybe that's the problem
![]() Thanks to the OP for sharing something we can use. ![]() |
![]() I am on a few dating sites. Have been for a few years. I do have a life outside of cyberspace also,but this seemed like a good way to meet a gentleman who I would want to connect with,visa versa. I have met a few real men,we have met in person and I didn't feel it would go anywhere. So I know there are real,honest males on sites who are genuine. Lately I get alot of nudges on this site,like 3 or 4 from a man,so I write,he just nudges again! Or some write seemed very interested in me,but as soon as I show that I would like to meet,they disappear. Just wondered if anyone else has gone through this? Oh and the match with someone,I have had many match up and never write. I am honest sincere and want to make friends to last and would like to meet my future partner ![]() |
With all the posts I am sure it was already said,I didn't read them all. To me the physical is like the crust of the pie,what's in that crust is what will make you decide if you like,love,or dislike it.I look at what the person has done for themselves to be a good person and what they have done for others.Kindness,manners,humorous,courtious,admiting faults,have good communication skills etc.. Anyway I feel this way really. However suprised so many others feel that way in this thread.Only because any site I am on where the subject of looks comes up many people don't believe me when I say what I just did. Many say there has to be a physical attraction 1st. Not to me and good to see others feel that way.
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Pre-Natal Pre-Nup...?
While a an unexpected baby is another good reason for people not to have casual sex,there are many. I myself do not belief in it ,but to each thier own. That said I must say that the man should have rights as far as whether he chooses to become a father.If tricked into by a woman who signed a paper 1st saying okay no babies and then has 1 it is just wrong. It is also unfair to the baby who as he/she grows finds out (and they do ) about the conception and the agreememnt etc.. Not great for the esteem. It should always be a joint decision,unless a couple love one another and plan a till death do we part union. Then they know unless 1 or both use protection it can happen and then they accept the responsibility. However the whole subject of a man having any say is still not quite considered equal in our courts and that is wrong.Men get the sh*t end of the stick so often and always have.How about the woman who has a mans baby but decides he can't be part of the childs life. He has to pay huge amounts of $ to attorney's to get his rights. So both sides of the coin are wrong in my opinion. Then there are the "deadbeat dad's",that's another disscussion. A child is sooooooooooooooo much responsibility for more then 18 yrs.,emotionally at least. A good reason for partners to protect themselves not to mention lifetime disease,another discussion.Also another reason to not sleep around. If the hormones are keeping you up at night,you got a hand. Hello again stranger, Think I have seen you before..LOL What if a guy donates sperm to a sperm bank, then an unknown woman gets injected with his donation, Then it can be proven that he is the father of a baby of a woman he has never met, might this be a case where the court could make him pay support?? strange. That is another discussion again,but that is a whole different ball of wax imo. The man donates anonymously(or use to be the rule). So no woman or couple who have a child conceived from the donor know going in that the donor is not going to be the father in the childs life and most couples or single woman arn't looking to find him later to play daddy.Like a surrogate who carries a baby for a couple and at the end may want to keep it. I have my theories and beliefs for myself and would if asked by another for my advise would say what I think and why. There are many opinions on all of the mentioned situations. Good for some people to think about though. May save making a heartbreaking mistake somewhere down the line. Hey I have been up for almost 2 days(working 3rd shift from home tonight) so just ignore me if I am not making sense. My husband always did ![]() TO Moblodite ![]() |
about honesty...
![]() No wonder people don't trust 1 another. ![]() I have learned to become a "show me" person. Words are just that. I agree that some who deceive others also in time deceive themselves into believing what untruth they say or dishonest act they do is justified. I also know there are honest people,on the level,who do what they say they will,people who have self-respect and respect others. It does seem they are in the minority though. ![]() |
Pre-Natal Pre-Nup...?
While a an unexpected baby is another good reason for people not to have casual sex,there are many. I myself do not belief in it ,but to each thier own. That said I must say that the man should have rights as far as whether he chooses to become a father.If tricked into by a woman who signed a paper 1st saying okay no babies and then has 1 it is just wrong. It is also unfair to the baby who as he/she grows finds out (and they do ) about the conception and the agreememnt etc.. Not great for the esteem. It should always be a joint decision,unless a couple love one another and plan a till death do we part union. Then they know unless 1 or both use protection it can happen and then they accept the responsibility.
However the whole subject of a man having any say is still not quite considered equal in our courts and that is wrong.Men get the sh*t end of the stick so often and always have.How about the woman who has a mans baby but decides he can't be part of the childs life. He has to pay huge amounts of $ to attorney's to get his rights. So both sides of the coin are wrong in my opinion. Then there are the "deadbeat dad's",that's another disscussion. A child is sooooooooooooooo much responsibility for more then 18 yrs.,emotionally at least. A good reason for partners to protect themselves not to mention lifetime disease,another discussion.Also another reason to not sleep around. If the hormones are keeping you up at night,you got a hand. |
collection of Mowtown Hits-be4 this Yanni and be4 that Rascal Flatts