Community > Posts By > ablessedlady
Uh, oh!!!
I love pigs.My 2nd favorite creature.My friend had a pot belly pig and she was trained and so cute.Sorry to get serious folks,but if I had a basement I would welcome a pig.Where would he have come from though?
In a relationship
No touching without asking.I learned cause I am a huggy person.Think we all need lots of them.Anyway I had 2 people who sort of moved when I went to hug them. 1 told me she didn't like people getting in her space,she said that she had always been that way.So I ask 1st now.Can I give anyone a hug??? Peace Out.
Anybody remember.....
I remember when Calvin Kline jeans came out,first designer jeans I think.I was about 24 and remember my neighbor got a pair and back then it was alot to spend $40 on jeans.Oh,and Candies went well with desinger jeans for ladies.
Heck I remember pedal pushers that now are back in style as capris. Penny loafers and you had to have a penny in them.Tie dyed shirts,oh the good old days :) |
Hope you are all well.I have not been in this forum before so nice to meet you all. Today I was watching TBN and Pastor Rod Parsly was on.He was talking and praying for whatever your situation that you replace fear with faith. I have recently had many trials and problems to deal with.It's not like me,but I have been feeling down,trying to hide it from others.Without boring details,let me say I have been filled with fear over a few problems.I prayed with Pastor Parsly and listened to his sermon.I was able to give my fear of a few situations to GOD in faith he will guide me.I have been a Christian for awhile and thought I had put all confidence in GOD,but I slipped up. So as I am blessed daily,I tonight am feeling no anxiety or nervousness about the situations I had before for weeks now. Wanted to share with you all. Hope you all have a positive weekend. Anyone else go through similar situation? THEN he SHOWED me his POWER and I am in the MOST amazing speachless self that I have ever been in but I was TAKEN by the holy spirit this week and will never look back at my life and only look forward to my GOD, and all that he asks of me .... YES,,,,I AM VERY HAPPY And now though I do feel alot of sorrow for those who have not yet found him. I hope YOU have a BLESSED weekend also,wink,, So happy for you that you have received THE LORD as your SAVIOR!!!!!It isn't always easy when following JESUS but it is so rewarding.Wish you well and appreciate the good news. BIG HUG to you. |
Come on In - part 32
Just jumped in to say hello to everyone.Hope y'all have a great weekend and a positive one also.
How do you
Generally I ignore what I can and if I have something I really feel needs said,I do.I have told a few people when they have an attitude adjustment then we can talk.I also pray for them to open their minds and lose the ignorance.
Give Him Praise!!!
I am always grateful for all GOD provides for me.I am blessed no matter what stumbling block is put before me.With JESUS I can move the block out of my path.Thank you JESUS for all the blessings including the daily ones I have taken for granted.
Hope you are all well.I have not been in this forum before so nice to meet you all.
Today I was watching TBN and Pastor Rod Parsly was on.He was talking and praying for whatever your situation that you replace fear with faith. I have recently had many trials and problems to deal with.It's not like me,but I have been feeling down,trying to hide it from others.Without boring details,let me say I have been filled with fear over a few problems.I prayed with Pastor Parsly and listened to his sermon.I was able to give my fear of a few situations to GOD in faith he will guide me.I have been a Christian for awhile and thought I had put all confidence in GOD,but I slipped up. So as I am blessed daily,I tonight am feeling no anxiety or nervousness about the situations I had before for weeks now. Wanted to share with you all. Hope you all have a positive weekend. Anyone else go through similar situation? |
Do you smile?
I usually stay to myself if I am ever feeling down or physically hurting.As much as I am open to listening to others unload,I very seldom do the same. most of the time thank God.
Have you ever dumped anyone?
In my younger days yes.I can remember 4 off hand.We were young and it wasn't like a 2 yr. relationship.I just told them it was over for whatever reason it was.Only if it would hurt feelings or ego,then I would lie.Ex: I met someone yesterday and he has a Chevelle with a 396,he's also out of school a year already. Told you I was young.
Nothing In Paticular
I like cheese. Cheese is good. Especailly Grilled Cheese. Man! This conversation is really starting to hot up now. Dan 99 I hope you arn't going to post a picture of when your fingers come out! |
Since we don't know each other,hmmm. Well if she accepted then I'd give a hug. We all need them.
1st I would be concerned if something tragic had happened and hence he couldn't call.So if it turns out he just didn't for a good reason,no big deal.If he promised too and then he was playing around or whatever,being we were already a couple I wouldn't break it off (unless cheating on me).We would have a disscusion about how I felt and hope that would be it.
I don't believe you can set an amount of time as to when it is time to commit.Depends on each couples circumstances and wants.To rush in to quickly is almost always a mistake.Let your head lead you and your heart follow close behind.Never let another pressure you into something your not sure of. not an easy ? to be honest answered.Good luck to you.
Good evening all
Evening all,6:30 pm here.hope everyone had a positive weekend.I am really getting to know the site now and I like it very much.Came from other sites to here.Only thing I miss here is no blogging.Life Happens.Just wanted to jump in and say hi.Guess from what it says been here since July???Time passed quick.
im a new here
Coco56,may I ask where you got it from,the name.
im a new here
I am a newbie I beleive.Been here about hmmmm,2 weeks or 3.I thought it was interesting to see my name as user name,Coco.Is it your real name or user name only?IfI havn't met anyone before, good to meet you. Sorry see in or under my photo been here since July???!!Time flys,sorry about that. |
im a new here
I am a newbie I beleive.Been here about hmmmm,2 weeks or 3.I thought it was interesting to see my name as user name,Coco.Is it your real name or user name only?IfI havn't met anyone before, good to meet you.
I like Moondark have three cats.1 got in the dryer 1 time as a kitten,took an hour to figure out where mews were coming from!My oldest at about 2 gotin closet,I came home 9 hours later.Felt so bad gave him tuna fish.
Hi all,I am a newbie,about ,oh forgot it shows under photo.Latley working on book and filling in for others on vacation on crisis line.Not bad after 8pm it's from my home.