Community > Posts By > dmckinnon

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 08:49 AM
I brought my Uzi....

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 08:44 AM
On the other side of the coin I've been in Michigan my whole life (52 years) and I've yet to meet a decent woman.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 08:42 AM

Everyone has a general demeanor that we display as we interact together, and our personality type can be readily identified by the impression we make on each other. So, do you present with a positive or negative outlook, energy? Are you polite with everyone, or are you rude to some? Are you a listener, or, are you a talker?

I can be...

Negative at times (usually if I don't get any sleep)
Positive (when the mood strikes me)
Try to be polite (although my personality does rub some people the wrong way—until you get to know me)
I like conversation, but I'm also a good listener.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 08:39 AM

laugh Hi!!! I don´t purr... yet, but I do talk :wink:

Sorry, I don't go out with women who don't purr.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 08:35 AM

oh please. no woman is going to go out with the guy who has no money. sorry, that's just a fact.

So true.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 08:28 AM
Yep, I did.....

All this time God prevented me from being prosperous in my business, because I thought he just didn't care. The other morning when I was outside talking to God I realized the reason He has kept me from making any money was for me to learn financial responsibility—and the only way to drill that concept into my head was to let me go through a period of financial draught. This way, even when I did get a little money, I had to learn how to handle it wisely, which of course I didn't and when I didn't I had to suffer the consequences.

Now I realize that God does care, because in order to teach me this lesson He had to allow me to go through a season of poverty. Having suffered through this season I not only know the importance of managing money wisely, but also the spiritual value of wisdom. "How much better to get wisdom than gold!" (Proverbs 16:16)

So I am thankful to you, Father, for teaching me about this and allowing me to learn from it. I look forward to a new season of prosperity, and the ability to handle it with wisdom and responsibility.

In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord...amen.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 08:24 AM
Dude, I know exactly how you feel. I've often wondered this same thing myself. I see women putting up with guys who are complete s--t and yet here I am still alone. You begin to wonder....

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 08:20 AM
A woman that talks to you more than once a year.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 08:09 AM
Edited by dmckinnon on Tue 03/19/13 08:10 AM
And nowadays with all the bad past relationships, hurt feelings, heartache and anger it often takes an earthquake to feel the prick of anything. Dating someone and you also have to deal with everyone else who has ever hurt or wronged them, too. It's not even an adventure anymore—it's more like a job (and not a very enjoyable one, either).

And you think the following generation isn't influenced by what they've seen and experienced in this one? We're not giving them a very good example to follow. "The world is a fine place, and worth fighting for". I agree with the second part. Love is worth fighting for, but it seems these days love is a very hard thing to come by.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 07:41 AM
Hey Everyone,

The past year and a half has been the worst time I've ever had. The love of my life broke up with me on Christmas day (2011), my mom had a heart attack and a stroke on New Year's, my brother died on Memorial Day (2012) and my dad just simply stopped living.

I have managed to climb back up out of all this (thank the Lord) and have learned more about myself than I wanted to know (lol). Change may be a good thing, but the process can be horrific. Thankfully, I've finally arrived at a better place.

Some friends suggested that I start trying to find someone again, or at least get out there and socialize with people. I tried a Christian online dating site, but the only thing I learned from that is Christian or not—women are still women.

At my age (52) it feels odd to be dating. Something about the whole concept feels foreign to me, like trying to swim in quicksand. But hey, I thought I'd sign up with this place and give it another go.

I don't hold much hope for the dating thing, but it would be nice to meet people here and create some friendships.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 07:27 AM

Everytime a soldier messages me or is interested in and I start chatting it turns out that they are scammers grrrrr! Are there any REAL SOLDIERS out there who are really interested in meeting someone worthwhile. I want to know what your experiences are with this subject, it really irritates me...

Anywhere there are people you will find scammers.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 07:26 AM

It all has been said in many ways; just comes down to this.

"Some Do. Some Don't. In the Right Situation? WE ALL MIGHT.

He true.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 07:19 AM
[gets up, stretches, walks five feet to work......]

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 07:18 AM
Since I'm here to "mingle" I thought I'd share my work. I'm a freelance illustrator.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 07:16 AM

I have heard of some people changing religions to get married to who they love, is it possible to change other important aspects of ourselves in order to be more suited to the ones we want to connect with?

I would never give up God for some woman. And as for this topic, if a person doesn't love you for who you are, then you should keep looking. Never change who you are just to suit some other person.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 07:10 AM
I can't stand sports of any kind and so I don't usually fit in with guys who do. Maybe this is why I have so few guy friends. I can get into hockey sometimes (Red Wings), but that's only if someone else is into it, too. These days I hate doing anything, because it reminds me that I'm alone.

And yes, a healthy relationship needs conversation from both sides. In this last relationship I had she rarely said anything of any substance, except to say, "Did you know I was feeling that way?" I was like, "" "Well, why not?" Sorry, hon, I have a lot of talents, but ESP isn't one of them."

And women wonder why some men are they way they are, lol.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 07:03 AM
Well, in my own experience, all I've known are cold, indifferent, vain, shallow and self-absorbed women. Maybe the reason marriage doesn't work anymore is because there are so very few moral and ethical mates left.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 06:58 AM

"So how big are ya?"

...It can get awkward quick.

LOL....that was great. I had a reply, but this was better :)

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 06:56 AM
My family came from Isle of Skye. I've always wanted to go see the place. Maybe someday, eh? As for your long distance thing I've found that they can be annoyingly unpredictable. I know, because I've had a few recently and they were all bad. My suggestion would be to not put all of your hope into one long distant basket. Be cool and chill and keep your options open.

dmckinnon's photo
Tue 03/19/13 06:49 AM
Now that I am single again (at 52) I have come to realize that what is sadly lacking in a lot of people's lives is good old conversation. The majority of conversations I do have with the people in my life have about as much substance as an empty paper bag.

Like anything else conversation is an art form, just like basket weaving or playing the violin. But sadly conversation seems to be slowly disappearing from our social structure. It is a personal pandemic and not one that I see an immediate cure for.

So what could be done? I suppose the most likely place to start would be with yourself. How do you communicate with others? Is it simply a brief empty snippet or do you actually try to engage people? I know because of our busy, hectic lives many people don't have the time or even the energy to create a epic flow of dialogue. But what if we make the time?

In my last few relationships there was zero communication, unless I count in the arguments, which interestingly enough is about the only conversation they wanted to engage in. I was seeing a woman recently, but she's about the same; hectic life, too busy, cold and rarely communicates.

It's a sad state of affairs that these days the best conversations I've had are with the walls in my room.

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